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R.T.R. is a Sacred Deed

Alexandros Iowno [TG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
To me personally, doing R.T.R.S is the ultimate Satanic experience. I open my mouth with a strong feeling of resolving a problem, and words, vibrations filled with intent, will, and emotion, produce something extraordinary not only within my being but on our whole universe on this Earth. I love to feel the numbness and little needles in my arms and feet, my chest area suddenly filled with heavy but soft energy, a fullness from within, and stimulation beyond the material. When my own voice trembles in face of my own soul energy, and then the act of judgment and resolution, the affirmation. Glory and authority no one in this world will ever feel besides doing RTRs.

Sometimes during the curses, I feel my soul open and my throat explodes with pleasure, with memories of past lives, with a fountain of vitality and melancholy. Emotions from my dreams, everything my feminine side and subconscious knows, in an edge of energy. After the fact, the calmness and satisfaction are beyond words. I felt complete and powerful. I feel authority, I feel important. I also feel how much I could advance and how the future may stream down in golden victories if I sustain this.

Doing it repeatedly, my soul opens. My belly rises energy, my crown, and 3rd eye pours down energy. I feel and judge my own soul and chakras. I feel my electric body being created as time passes, to the point it feels complete and strong. Vibrations from the bottom up to the finest in the upper. I also discover other types of feelings, which are beyond sentiments and between reality and dreams. Everything is so absolute and powerful.

I had dreams when I was around 7 years old, and my family had them too. I dreamed of chanting words with a lot of "k , h , sh ,s ". I never understood until I did my first RTR, and it was like a revelation. My soul yearned for this, and there's no true way around it. In order to really advance you have to invest your time in the RTRS.

My most notable advancements were from rtrs, not any other meditation, but only coupled with rtrs. Without this, time to accomplish something of importance would be delayed with more than a couple of lifetimes. There's no bigger joy in spiritual tasks other than stimulating your soul with the RTRS.

When I was a kid and did my first rtrs, I discovered also my Satanic family. I understood and felt this sacred connection between us and people who feel and see life like me. Eating the finest fruits this world has and being casual about it.
I feel this is mainly due to you being 'ridiculously'/extremely advanced in past lives, and the enemy curses are what binds the most advanced people to low levels here on Earth due to this disgusting, all-encompassing EM field they created with that, sinking the Earth to lower levels of consciousness.

Doing the RTRs frees you, everyone and everything from this curses, unlocking portions of advancement accomplished in past lives, and gives you a glimpse of awareness of who you are and the power that is actually dormant in your soul.
Reading your experience was pretty cool. That's pretty amazing.
I am so grateful we have this information to do our RTRs.
I feel like it is what I was meant to do. We will have peace and power in times many others will not.
I do personally feel myself chanting in amongst a chorus sometimes, not only of the living but the many wronged of the dead.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
