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New member
Oct 25, 2020
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
I joined the forum after a couple months reading posts here and wanted to ask some questions.

Am I jewish?
I'm really concerned about it, mostly because of my nose. It is relatively big, with a kind of bump in its upper part.
Here is a quick drawing of it: https://ibb.co/Q8355TN
My skin is pale, almost white. I also have brown hair and grey eyes.
I know my ancestors 5 generations back, there are mostly Germanic and Slavic surnames, a few Celtic ones, none of which are looking jewish.
My stepfather is transparently jewish though, he hates me, maybe it is a good sign.
I'm doing RTR's regularly, at least once a day and I don't feel any discomfort.

Am I doing too little?
For now, my daily norm is about 0.5/1 hour of meditation + one or two RTR's a day, before school went online I did only RTR's for some time. During holidays and periods that were labeled important, I did 6 RTR's and given meditations a day. Is it enough? Do I need to spend more time on it? I'm not doing standard rituals too often, nor practicing yoga. I try to talk to Father Satan every evening, before going to sleep and am keeping a box with everything I want to thank him for.
I always feel like I don't do enough and am just wasting time. I also don't know if I'm showing Father enough gratitude and engagement. He did an amazing thing for me recently and helped me a lot.

Can it mean something? Can it be some kind of disease or maybe it is related to the spiritual side of life?
I almost constantly feel heat. I can walk in 0C in just a T-shirt and am still sweating when others wear coats. It is also mood-related. Better the mood, more warmth I feel. When I'm low on energy and sad, I usually need more clothing to stay warm at the same temperature.

Sorry for any mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.
Thank you in advance for answering,
Hail Satan!
A bump like this is not jewish. No need to worry.

Others can answer your other concerns as I am short on time.

Admani88 said:
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
I joined the forum after a couple months reading posts here and wanted to ask some questions.

Am I jewish?
I'm really concerned about it, mostly because of my nose. It is relatively big, with a kind of bump in its upper part.
Here is a quick drawing of it: https://ibb.co/Q8355TN
My skin is pale, almost white. I also have brown hair and grey eyes.
I know my ancestors 5 generations back, there are mostly Germanic and Slavic surnames, a few Celtic ones, none of which are looking jewish.
My stepfather is transparently jewish though, he hates me, maybe it is a good sign.
I'm doing RTR's regularly, at least once a day and I don't feel any discomfort.

Am I doing too little?
For now, my daily norm is about 0.5/1 hour of meditation + one or two RTR's a day, before school went online I did only RTR's for some time. During holidays and periods that were labeled important, I did 6 RTR's and given meditations a day. Is it enough? Do I need to spend more time on it? I'm not doing standard rituals too often, nor practicing yoga. I try to talk to Father Satan every evening, before going to sleep and am keeping a box with everything I want to thank him for.
I always feel like I don't do enough and am just wasting time. I also don't know if I'm showing Father enough gratitude and engagement. He did an amazing thing for me recently and helped me a lot.

Can it mean something? Can it be some kind of disease or maybe it is related to the spiritual side of life?
I almost constantly feel heat. I can walk in 0C in just a T-shirt and am still sweating when others wear coats. It is also mood-related. Better the mood, more warmth I feel. When I'm low on energy and sad, I usually need more clothing to stay warm at the same temperature.

Sorry for any mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.
Thank you in advance for answering,
Hail Satan!


You are not a jew. My nose is like yours and I know for a fact that I am a gentile.

Lol you received signs from Satan and the gods that they care for you, and you still fear to be a jew? Lmao

You need yoga, for your serpent to rise. Check out my signature. There is a yoga session.

I also feel heat when I meditate or do RTR. I thinks that’s a good sign?
Admani88 said:

That's an irish nose, celtic in origin from the british isles. Nothing wrong with being fair skinned either.

You're doing fine, Satan doesn't need slavish worship or to be lavished in love all the time, don't stress yourself so much, the efforts you make in your advancement and this cause as you can I'm sure he appreciates.

White-gold/sun energy as with the foundation meditation and cleanings can raise body temperature from the fiery solar and sacral chakras and works with the fire element of the Sun. Having a strong Mars in your natal chart can also contribute to this high natural body temperature. The fact that your temperature reacts with your mood hints that it's just a spiritual thing. Having your elements become balanced can help stabilize all of this. Don't worry too much about it, you're fine.
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
I also feel heat when I meditate or do RTR. I thinks that’s a good sign?
Depends. If you feel heat after invoking water I would say it's a bad sign. :lol:

This was actually funny lmao

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
