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Questions regarding Weight Training and Hatha Yoga


Active member
Oct 2, 2017
Hiya :D
My older brother is really into Weight Training, he goes almost everyday to the gym.
He has been going for many years and has a very impressive physique.
I on the other hand have been doing Hatha Yoga, I have never been very interested in cars or vehicles, so I also have spent most of my life skateboarding or walking to anywhere I wanted to go.
He is going to train me and we will be going 3-4 times a week.

My question is primarily this.
When is the optimal time to do Hatha Yoga if I am also doing Weight Training?
How do I ensure I dont negatively impact my Yoga?
How hard should I push myself? I noticed already, If I breath into my chakras, that I can push myself to complete more reps and sets. My 7th chakra seems to fill with energy in the middle of my workouts.

I am not in any rush to achieve a specific goal within a timelimit, but I definitely want to achieve maximum efficiency.
I have not begun Kundalini Yoga, as im still working to build a daily habit of completing my Hatha Yoga.
I also would like to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at some point in the near future.
As well, I never want to quit skateboarding.

Thanks for your time and assistance <3
Consider this, you're not gonna be an athlete just as you start, and going everyday will make you burnout.
Be persistent but don't take too many things at once.
Bravera said:
Hiya :D
My older brother is really into Weight Training, he goes almost everyday to the gym.
He has been going for many years and has a very impressive physique.
I on the other hand have been doing Hatha Yoga, I have never been very interested in cars or vehicles, so I also have spent most of my life skateboarding or walking to anywhere I wanted to go.
He is going to train me and we will be going 3-4 times a week.

My question is primarily this.
When is the optimal time to do Hatha Yoga if I am also doing Weight Training?
How do I ensure I dont negatively impact my Yoga?
How hard should I push myself? I noticed already, If I breath into my chakras, that I can push myself to complete more reps and sets. My 7th chakra seems to fill with energy in the middle of my workouts.

I am not in any rush to achieve a specific goal within a timelimit, but I definitely want to achieve maximum efficiency.
I have not begun Kundalini Yoga, as im still working to build a daily habit of completing my Hatha Yoga.
I also would like to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at some point in the near future.
As well, I never want to quit skateboarding.

Thanks for your time and assistance <3
You should train according to your neurotype. Brother Stormblood mentioned about neurotypes a while a go, and it seems that they make the most sense in regards to what kind of physical training fits you. This will explain the amount of exertion, reps and sets included.

Look for yourself:



As for the optimal timing for the yoga... Ideally you would do a session before and after. Poses that give you flexibility and increased bloodflow before training to the areas you train, and after training a more generic session to raise energy, and to recover faster, plus the flexibility aspect.

As long as you do hatha yoga daily you are good to go. If you decide to do yoga after gym then you should put more effort into warming up before weights.
Aquarius said:
Consider this, you're not gonna be an athlete just as you start, and going everyday will make you burnout.
Be persistent but don't take too many things at once.

So much negativity sheeshhhh!
I understand what your saying, but honestly you have just encouraged me to prove you wrong, I have everything that I need inside of me. I have waited a long time to get to a point where I felt comfortable to begin Training. And now(or ever) is not the time for me to be putting limitations or negativity in my mind.

I accept reality, but I refuse any form of negativity or potential incapability.
Gym is good for the body as it alleviates feelings of insecurity, brings a great sense of confidence. If your bro is great at this then you should be alright. I can recommend a yoga session in the evening as it alleviates muscle pain. Good luck Satanist and don't forget your meditations and the Final Rtr.
Henu the Great said:
Bravera said:
Hiya :D
My older brother is really into Weight Training, he goes almost everyday to the gym.
He has been going for many years and has a very impressive physique.
I on the other hand have been doing Hatha Yoga, I have never been very interested in cars or vehicles, so I also have spent most of my life skateboarding or walking to anywhere I wanted to go.
He is going to train me and we will be going 3-4 times a week.

My question is primarily this.
When is the optimal time to do Hatha Yoga if I am also doing Weight Training?
How do I ensure I dont negatively impact my Yoga?
How hard should I push myself? I noticed already, If I breath into my chakras, that I can push myself to complete more reps and sets. My 7th chakra seems to fill with energy in the middle of my workouts.

I am not in any rush to achieve a specific goal within a timelimit, but I definitely want to achieve maximum efficiency.
I have not begun Kundalini Yoga, as im still working to build a daily habit of completing my Hatha Yoga.
I also would like to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at some point in the near future.
As well, I never want to quit skateboarding.

Thanks for your time and assistance <3
You should train according to your neurotype. Brother Stormblood mentioned about neurotypes a while a go, and it seems that they make the most sense in regards to what kind of physical training fits you. This will explain the amount of exertion, reps and sets included.

Look for yourself:



As for the optimal timing for the yoga... Ideally you would do a session before and after. Poses that give you flexibility and increased bloodflow before training to the areas you train, and after training a more generic session to raise energy, and to recover faster, plus the flexibility aspect.

As long as you do hatha yoga daily you are good to go. If you decide to do yoga after gym then you should put more effort into warming up before weights.

The first link honestly, maybe im just a newbie, but it sounds like fake astrology.

If I can get in the gym and increase the reps and sets from my previous workout, then I will be happy, even if I am not increasing, I know that there is so much more going on within my body, mind and soul. Bones, Blood, Veins, Tendons, Aura, Chakras, Nadis, Muscles, Organs, the Brain, Neural pathways, Chemical Balancing, Protein Transference, Cellular Health. This highly likely positively affects things on a molecular level, things we probably have no idea about.
The light body, the Astral Body, our thoughts and mental being.. Energy and Vibrations.

There is so much more to working out than just Gainz.
Bravera said:
Aquarius said:
Consider this, you're not gonna be an athlete just as you start, and going everyday will make you burnout.
Be persistent but don't take too many things at once.

So much negativity sheeshhhh!
I understand what your saying, but honestly you have just encouraged me to prove you wrong, I have everything that I need inside of me. I have waited a long time to get to a point where I felt comfortable to begin Training. And now(or ever) is not the time for me to be putting limitations or negativity in my mind.

I accept reality, but I refuse any form of negativity or potential incapability.
Not in any way am I being negative. You do you.
Aquarius said:
Bravera said:
Aquarius said:
Consider this, you're not gonna be an athlete just as you start, and going everyday will make you burnout.
Be persistent but don't take too many things at once.

So much negativity sheeshhhh!
I understand what your saying, but honestly you have just encouraged me to prove you wrong, I have everything that I need inside of me. I have waited a long time to get to a point where I felt comfortable to begin Training. And now(or ever) is not the time for me to be putting limitations or negativity in my mind.

I accept reality, but I refuse any form of negativity or potential incapability.
Not in any way am I being negative. You do you.

Your not gonna be an athlete.. Will make you burnout... Dont take too much...
Yes you put conditional statements in each of these sentences, but you link them with negative potential outcomes.

You are recommending and insinuating that I should not attempt to go Above and Beyond, PLUS ULTRA. But this is what inspires me to spend every waking second to constantly focus on mine and others advancement towards Satans goal for Humanity.

I would rather you say,

It will take a great amount of time to reach the level other Athletes have acquired. Be wary of what your body is telling you so that you do not injure yourself. Be persistent and test your limitations.

Some quotes from my the JoyofSatan Website regarding limitations.

"Being ones personal best and exceeding limitations are the essence of Spiritual Satnism and this begins with using ones Brain to their maximum potential"
"We place no limitations on Knowledge or Personal Power..."
[Satan] "He rebels against limitations placed upon freedom"
"There are many different ways of empowering and overcoming limitations"
[Synesthesia] "Dont put any limitations on yourself"
"One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing ones self past physical psychological and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries."
Bravera said:
The first link honestly, maybe im just a newbie, but it sounds like fake astrology.

If I can get in the gym and increase the reps and sets from my previous workout, then I will be happy, even if I am not increasing, I know that there is so much more going on within my body, mind and soul. Bones, Blood, Veins, Tendons, Aura, Chakras, Nadis, Muscles, Organs, the Brain, Neural pathways, Chemical Balancing, Protein Transference, Cellular Health. This highly likely positively affects things on a molecular level, things we probably have no idea about.
The light body, the Astral Body, our thoughts and mental being.. Energy and Vibrations.

There is so much more to working out than just Gainz.
It's basic list of what suits certain neurotypes. One person can be a mix of two neurotypes.

What I linked does not in any way diminish your extensive list. Gains apply to other areas, as you stated, and by training optimally helps with these other areas as well.

But you can of course train like an ignorant ape, go ahead, it's your call.
Bravera said:
Aquarius said:
Bravera said:
So much negativity sheeshhhh!
I understand what your saying, but honestly you have just encouraged me to prove you wrong, I have everything that I need inside of me. I have waited a long time to get to a point where I felt comfortable to begin Training. And now(or ever) is not the time for me to be putting limitations or negativity in my mind.

I accept reality, but I refuse any form of negativity or potential incapability.
Not in any way am I being negative. You do you.

Your not gonna be an athlete.. Will make you burnout... Dont take too much...
Yes you put conditional statements in each of these sentences, but you link them with negative potential outcomes.

You are recommending and insinuating that I should not attempt to go Above and Beyond, PLUS ULTRA. But this is what inspires me to spend every waking second to constantly focus on mine and others advancement towards Satans goal for Humanity.

I would rather you say,

It will take a great amount of time to reach the level other Athletes have acquired. Be wary of what your body is telling you so that you do not injure yourself. Be persistent and test your limitations.

Some quotes from my the JoyofSatan Website regarding limitations.

"Being ones personal best and exceeding limitations are the essence of Spiritual Satnism and this begins with using ones Brain to their maximum potential"
"We place no limitations on Knowledge or Personal Power..."
[Satan] "He rebels against limitations placed upon freedom"
"There are many different ways of empowering and overcoming limitations"
[Synesthesia] "Dont put any limitations on yourself"
"One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing ones self past physical psychological and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries."
Give me a break.
BlakMan said:
Gym is good for the body as it alleviates feelings of insecurity, brings a great sense of confidence. If your bro is great at this then you should be alright. I can recommend a yoga session in the evening as it alleviates muscle pain. Good luck Satanist and don't forget your meditations and the Final Rtr.

Yessir ^_^ I agree Im already feeling much more confident, and have been using Fridays/Saturdays to further clean my mind and soul from all negativity. I decided to purchase Just Dance 2020, and will use it to "Counter" my Weight training.

I decided that I will work on making it a habit to do my Yoga in the mornings, before I go to work/gym. I liked doing it later in the days, after my body is warmed up, but we will see how my body reacts, It might be extremely beneficial to actually improving just how flexible I am. As well I will be more relaxed and will not have my mind full of all of the days events.
Bravera said:
BlakMan said:
Gym is good for the body as it alleviates feelings of insecurity, brings a great sense of confidence. If your bro is great at this then you should be alright. I can recommend a yoga session in the evening as it alleviates muscle pain. Good luck Satanist and don't forget your meditations and the Final Rtr.

Yessir ^_^ I agree Im already feeling much more confident, and have been using Fridays/Saturdays to further clean my mind and soul from all negativity. I decided to purchase Just Dance 2020, and will use it to "Counter" my Weight training.

I decided that I will work on making it a habit to do my Yoga in the mornings, before I go to work/gym. I liked doing it later in the days, after my body is warmed up, but we will see how my body reacts, It might be extremely beneficial to actually improving just how flexible I am. As well I will be more relaxed and will not have my mind full of all of the days events.
Maybe it would be a good idea to try light stretching before your workout and then after, perhaps in the evening, before bed, you’d do some hatha yoga, as this will help with recovery because you’re getting an increase of blood and energy flow throughout the body before bed when you need it to recover. See how that works for you. Also keep a healthy diet, with plenty of protein. In my experience it makes a huge difference. Night and day. When you’re a newbie, your body will make gains anyway and prioritize muscle growth, but if you’re low protein then that means other body parts and organs will suffer. So have a decent protein intake each day.

Also, flexibility is strength. You’ll probably make quality gains if you’re keeping up a consistent hatha yoga routine. Good luck!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
