Greetings, I am new to this forum. My question: Does Spiritual Satanism include the observation of Natural / Universal Lore ? I.e. The Rules to the Game of Life.
Pfff-... [/IMG]Reciprocal exchange of energy.
[/B]When something is killed before its time, its spirit/soul has the right to enter the body of that person responsible for cutting short its life. If you are responsible for the death of an animal or a human or some other life form, then as you have destroyed its vehicle/body, under LORE it has a right to co-exist with your vehicle/body.
Hahahhaha no... It feels a bit of new-age-y bullshit. As I said in the beginning the titles seemed normal. Yes, every human being has a free will. Yes, the soul can remember all past memory (from past lives etc; these things remain in the soul).But in general, it does feel kind of new-age-y bullshit. I'd suggest you to read the Sermons of the HPs in the group and just study even more. You'll find more than enough information about these "rules" they've written in that new-age-y site.
Yegads, if a spirit had a right to occupy the body of the one who killed it... wouldn't people at slaughterhouses be absolutely crazy with all the souls that could pack into them?? We'd be seeing way more cases of schizophrenia in jail, too...
Just gotta love how new age white-lighters love trying to scare you into with their "do bad things and be punished by karma" finger-wagging. Not.