So in the former standard ritual, it says to start east. Im curious to know what would actually happen if someone started in a different direction? Would it change the energies of the working or be completely useless?
Also im interested in concentrating a circle for meditational space. On the joyofsatan page ive found that it says to direct blue energy from the earth and to turn counter clockwise and then when done erasing it all turning clockwise. Is there a specific direction we should start for this? Also what would happen if we went clockwise first and then counter clockwise to erase it?
Just curious to increase my knowledge for studies of magick.
Also im interested in concentrating a circle for meditational space. On the joyofsatan page ive found that it says to direct blue energy from the earth and to turn counter clockwise and then when done erasing it all turning clockwise. Is there a specific direction we should start for this? Also what would happen if we went clockwise first and then counter clockwise to erase it?
Just curious to increase my knowledge for studies of magick.