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Question #915: Nuking my porn folder


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
The night I got a nightmare after i made the middle finger at my porn stash made me wonder how porn affects people but I think i should just go ahead and delete my porn stash anyways but the problem is i have no other alternative to porn to get horny but you think I should do it anyways?
You should read yourbrainonporn.com
You need to delete it and go vanilla, and not think about porn, think about normal sexual things and concentrate on the good feelings that touching youreelf produces.

There will be a moment which can be quite long depending on your addiction where you will not feel horny, that's all normal and your brain adjusting to the natural situation. Remember porn addiction is like heroin addiction, it won't go away without your good will.
AskSatanOperator said:
The night I got a nightmare after i made the middle finger at my porn stash made me wonder how porn affects people but I think i should just go ahead and delete my porn stash anyways but the problem is i have no other alternative to porn to get horny but you think I should do it anyways?

Use your imagination. You can also read the Kamasutra.
Read this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=427826#p427826
Try fantasising about an ideal partner, or find a partner.
Porn influences on many levels, I recently started a job to get rid of all porn programming and I am already feeling improvements.

I recommend it, maybe you are still in time with the atrological dates.
Vibrate munka 74 or 100 times and then make your affirmation 9 times.
AskSatanOperator said:
The night I got a nightmare after i made the middle finger at my porn stash made me wonder how porn affects people but I think i should just go ahead and delete my porn stash anyways but the problem is i have no other alternative to porn to get horny but you think I should do it anyways?

Yes, throw or delete all porn stuff, it will only cause holes in your soul (porn addiction also changes your brain, it doesn't give holes in it obviously, but it changes it completely)
Since porn addiction is a very common thing, here on the forum there are several tips and magic works you can do to recover.
Porn is Jewish brain rot.
Porn establishes a psychological link to the Jewtrix.
Porn pokes holes in the Aura, jeopardizing ones' Aura of Protection.
Porn is a direct attack on the 2nd Sacral Chakra.
Porn destroys Gentile sexuality.

Your subconcious mind is telling you: Enough is enough! Quit it!
Porn subverts any and all Spiritual Advancement.
The Eight-Fold Path necessitates Self Mastery.
To reinstate the Soul (Higher Self) as Rightful Ruler over the Mind and Body (Lower Self).
The Lower Self must be wrangled, tamed and nurtured. Friend, not foe.
This relates to the Spiritual Allegory of "Mithra and the Bull".

Azazel: Hieratic Information
The slaying of the Bull is symbolic of many things. The slaying of the bull, in an everyday perspective, is symbolic of the control over one's creative drives. On the inscription of the left, we also see the Sun and Moon Gods, symbolizing Union [unified by Mithra and the Bull]
How To Control Addictions, Passions, Animal Drives - HP. Hoodedcobra666
The way our soul behaves - Plato - Maya

Addictions are the worst kind of slavery. Slavery to ones' self.
Your Brain On Porn
You should nuke it but take into consideration what it needs to be replaced with.

Pornography can lead to a lot of problems, but the biggest problem is that via porn people are not having sex, men are completely wasting their orgasm by not programming its energy to empower themselves or attract others, the mechanism of sexual attraction to porn and to a human body are quite distinctive (put loosely, some Mercury/Neptune thing like pornography compared with a Mars/Venus thing like actual sex), and many other problems.

In the end, what this interferes with in regards to Spiritual Advancement is more about creating hangups that relate to sex, distractions and issues caused by the porn just acting as some inert shock absorber, when one's sexuality is something someone has to be comfortable with for the serpent to rise.

Sex is of the life force. Men in particular are meant to use their sexual drive as a source of power, and not by 'inhibiting orgasm to do other things', but to be brutally honest, chasing up women and using the prospect of sexuality to empower themselves. This is how any male animal works.

Please read this over and over again.

That is EXACTLY what HP Cobra pointed out. Porn use these days is bad, but there is a healthy spectrum of behavior this phenomena is replacing... which is sex. This healthy spectrum is what you need to focus on at least getting towards.


HPS Maxine said:
To incite love or lust, sexual orgasm is used and is directed into the soul of the desired one. This ideally should be done often and when he or she is asleep. Stimulate yourself to climax by fantasizing over the desired one. At the moment of climax, visualize the energy lighting up his/her entire body and aura and command it with an affirmation. The affirmation should be short, in the present tense and to the point. For example: "[name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually."

To further empower the spell, go into a trance and when he/she preferably is sleeping, visualize his/her and pull out his/her light body and gently but firmly command it. For example: "[name of desired one], you love me and desire me greatly, every day. You find me totally irresistible."

The more often you do this, the better. This may also have to be reinforced every so often.


HPS Maxine said:
Sexual orgasm is equivalent in power to the life force. Using sexual orgasm in ritual and in your magickal workings can give much added power to your outcome. Sex Magick is ancient, extremely powerful and is the creative principle.

At the moment of orgasm, one automatically enters a brief trance state. The powerful orgasmic energy can then be directed. The energy is visualized as a brilliant bright light like the sun and can be directed into thoughtforms, the one of one's desires, talismans and so forth.


At the moment of orgasm, it is important to direct your entire concentration and desire to your goal, willing it. Visualize the orgasmic energy in the form of a beam, ball or vortex, penetrating the object/person, lighting it up with a brilliant aura of energy that is programmed. This is basic simple sex magick.

Sex magick can be done alone, or with a partner or Demon/ess or in a group. When working with others, it is very important as in all magickal practices that everyone work together with some sort of organized effort. Merging orgasmic energies with a Demon/ess is extremely powerful.

If you're attracted to someone IRL - program your orgasm into them to attract them to you.

Look at their Chart and see if you're compatible with any person you like. I say this because a relationship doesn't guarantee breaking free of this either. I have known of horrendous pornography addicts (actually the worst ones I've ever known of) who were in relationships with people they were, bottom line, may have loved, but were not sexually attracted to.

Kids came into the picture and things fell apart even further. Synastry of one I remember - no Mars/Venus (this is the main thing you need for good sex, though Moon/Mars and Pluto/Venus when healthy and not one-sided can suffice), one's Uranus squaring Mars, the other's Uranus squaring Venus, Saturn squaring Venus, it was totally disastrous. The relationship literally just fell apart. They should have split up and gone with other people. No forum full of kids will tell you this because their idea of life is 'getting the gf = fulfilled and happy forever, will never need porn again'. NO... NOT NECESSARILY.

As much as you may probably find certain advice comforting right now, please ignore those telling you these Sex Magick techniques don't work and are hopeless unless you have the right 'gonial angle' or 'fate', or you don't have to go out and have sex and can just sit in a basement 'empowering yourself' until you become Chad enough to cough near a woman decades down the line, as this poisonous outlook is just going to lead you straight back to pornography.
Do it and try to find a real pussy to vent out your sexual desires, it is also good for your health, fitness and spirituality.
If you don't feel attractive, there are many magical workings here to improve/boost your self-confidence and beauty/attractiveness and better your relations with the opposite gender.
Try to better yourself and go for it, whatever you want, instead of falling back to easy exits that keep you at the same place.
There is a solution for everything here, use the search function.
So I did it, I nuked all of it in one day but it took all day but its all gone now but I still have all the fetishes that it gave me.

and sometimes when I try to return to porn, some thing bad happens (but I dont download it)

What do I do now?

the nightmare i got before was about monsters saying "I know where you live" from a twitter scare-a-thon

and then after I had my porn deleted I felt kinda bad about it like how will i get horny again.

and then I had a dream that I was in a dirt race to win some idol (i dont know what it was) back for the gods, i was driving a sports car while my teammate was on a quad bike and then I lost my towel in the race and in the middle of that race I said that I lost my towel (it was flat on the mud) and then the guy in the quad teased me about it saying that he has a new towel to give me

what do those dreams mean and how do i get horny from more natural things again?
AskSatanOperator said:
So I did it, I nuked all of it in one day but it took all day but its all gone now but I still have all the fetishes that it gave me.

and sometimes when I try to return to porn, some thing bad happens (but I dont download it)

What do I do now?

the nightmare i got before was about monsters saying "I know where you live" from a twitter scare-a-thon

and then after I had my porn deleted I felt kinda bad about it like how will i get horny again.

and then I had a dream that I was in a dirt race to win some idol (i dont know what it was) back for the gods, i was driving a sports car while my teammate was on a quad bike and then I lost my towel in the race and in the middle of that race I said that I lost my towel (it was flat on the mud) and then the guy in the quad teased me about it saying that he has a new towel to give me

what do those dreams mean and how do i get horny from more natural things again?

You are starting a new point in your life when you are not depending on Jewish pornography anymore, which is more than perfect. I congratulate you on that :D

As for your dreams, don't worry, they are the attacks from the Enemy which will deter through time and by doing a lot of Chakra cleaning, especially the sacral Chakra one, and also quitting negative influences, detaching your aura from all the Jewish pornographic energies that phub or any other website may have sent to you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
