AskSatanOperator said:
It can be anything, but in spiritual Satanism case it is most effective to offer your energies, because in spirituality energy is like currency, because it can be programmed to any outcome that is needed.
When I was new, often I did formal basic rituals, where I was offering my energies to Gods, I remember using imagination like giving energy up out of my being(pushing it out of me trough top of my body), but now I think I did it right and it was not my imagination because I actually felt how it was coming out.(or maybe it was happening with help of the Gods.)
I did it same how one does power meditation but in reverse, it was very rewarding… Just do your best how you feel you can and that’s it.
Other times I was just sitting there in ritual while just with emotion willing everything of myself give to Gods, just like someone holds out handful of candies and offers it to someone, but in this situation a handful was floor, and candy was me
and at some point I felt energy being pulled out of my same way from bottom trough the top, at the same time music was playing and in song I heard lovely sweet words “I came to take energy from you” or something like this…
What I can say by this, even if you don’t know how to do it, just be willing, put yourself in that emotion of offering something to Gods, let it be flower and just do it, put somewhere in nice place, and just feel out into it sweet emotion of giving without hope to get something back, you can get response emediately, or in giving energy case, just keep that emotion of offering, until you will tune into that, you will see it is very pleasurable.
I also think when they takes energy they fills one with response, or compensates it emediately, because feeling is litteraly drunkenness and ecstasy…
I hope this will help you.
I also remember someone was writing that one can just smell flower deeply and breathe out it with warm emotion sending sweetness of the flower to the God or Daemon which you want. This one is very effective, response is emediately, and very wonderful. And also this pleases Gods. This works also.