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Question #5628: Eve as the first satanist.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
The arch-angel Lucifer went to Eve, the first mother, and gave her a gift, the one thing that Yahweh had forbidden her, self-awareness. His first act of rebellion complete, Lucifer renounced Yahweh, created a refuge for souls willing to defy conformity, and became Satan.

As an instrument of the Oppressor, she knew nothing of love, pain, understanding, empathy, longing, anticipation or satisfaction. Our Lord Satan gave her the apple of self-knowledge, and with it the most profound gift, the opportunity to decide her own fate, her own destiny.

Does this make Eve the first Satanist?
Архангел Люцифер отправился к Еве, первой матери, и дал ей дар, единственное, что Яхве запретил ей, самосознание. Его первый акт бунта был завершен, Люцифер отрекся от Яхве, создал убежище для душ, готовых бросить вызов конформизму, и стал Сатаной.

Как инструмент Угнетателя, она не знала ничего о любви, боли, понимании, сочувствии, тоске, ожидании или удовлетворении. Наш Господь Сатана дал ей яблоко самопознания, а вместе с ним и самый глубокий дар, возможность решать свою собственную судьбу, свою собственную судьбу.

Делает ли это Еву первой сатанисткой?
Адам и Ева это концепция человеческой души. Мужская и женская ее часть.
The arch-angel Lucifer went to Eve, the first mother, and gave her a gift, the one thing that Yahweh had forbidden her, self-awareness. His first act of rebellion complete, Lucifer renounced Yahweh, created a refuge for souls willing to defy conformity, and became Satan.

As an instrument of the Oppressor, she knew nothing of love, pain, understanding, empathy, longing, anticipation or satisfaction. Our Lord Satan gave her the apple of self-knowledge, and with it the most profound gift, the opportunity to decide her own fate, her own destiny.

Does this make Eve the first Satanist?
I agree with Henu the Great but it must be specified that in the Bible everything is false, even defining Lucifer as an archangel.
No, because that story is just jewish bullshit. You need to read our sites more. Satan is an ancient, pre-jewish Pagan God that was known by many names like Enki, Odin and Shiva. He was never an angel. The jewish god Jewhova doesn't exist, nor did "Eve" ever exist.

Even the name Satan comes from the Sanskrit Satya which means truth. There's also the mantra Satanama which is used in Kundalini Yoga.

We don't take our perception of Satan from the jewish buybull, that stolen book full of contradictions and copypasta of stories from Gentile cultures.
I agree with Henu the Great but it must be specified that in the Bible everything is false, even defining Lucifer as an archangel.
Not completely correct. The bible, as much of it stolen and twisted, is based on truth in a sense because no one would believe the lie if there is not even a small amount of truth in it.
It's an allegory. The story of Adam and Eve symbolizes Satan giving will power to humanity.
Eve and Adam are the first Jews.
And it can't be an allegory because it's Jewish, it's just a different point of view that's often used in Gnostic circles.

Lucifer as an envoy of the Sun God and Sophia X demiurge (jehova)
This is also justified in the Bible's First and Second Testaments.
The Demiurge is the Jehova and the "Father" would be another being fathered by Jesus Christ.
In general, it's easy to see the difference from the first to the second and that's why some idiots say that jehova was actually Shaitan and that the "father" of the second testament is the true God.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
