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Question #4854: My polyamorous boyfriend


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
My boyfriend claims he loves me,but also says he wants to have sex with other women .This is hurting me as I believe in loyalty and monogamous and commitment till death .Is there any ritual or magical spell that can change his mind so that he sticks only with me and becomes loyal only to me
He's not going to change his mind. He is low quality, get rid of him.
He's not going to change his mind. He is low quality, get rid of him.
People are different. Not everyone is monogamous.

Father Satan isn't monogamous. Is he low quality too? No.
In my opinion, if he really would love you, he wouldn't seek sex with other women. A boyfriend who openly tells you that they want to have sex with women is not a good quality partner. You will only suffer with him. You need to think more about yourself and your worth. Would you like to have children in the future with a person who does not care about your honour and value? Find a new man who will treat you with more dignity and respect. You will definitely find a better man with whom you can build a future.
Polygamy is not for 99.999% of Humans. But as I know many Gods are Polygamous and it has to do with higher consciousness. It's not for our low consciousness.

This is what was widely accepted not long ago, I don't know what is the new version.
Out of respect for you, knowing you're monogamous, he could have at least kept it to himself.

You could just say that you are only satisfied with a monogamous relationship.

You should always find the right partner, not tolerate and suffer if it is extremely important to you
I cannot understand all these attacks against polygamy.

Do not forget that it was the boyfriend who opened up and admitted to his girlfriend that he needs to have sex with other women to fully express his sexuality. Not everyone is monogamous and as in this case, there are people who need to have several sexual relationships with several people, not because they are “low quality” or because “they don't care about honor and value.” As long as all parties involved are consensual, I don't see where the problem is. That is exactly why your boyfriend opened up and told you this. If you agree that he has other sexual relationships, fine, otherwise you should break up, since you have two different concepts about this and the prolongation of the relationship is not healthy for either of you.

That is why in Spiritual Satanism homosexuality for example is not forbidden or prohibited. Precisely because expressing one's sexuality, within the limits of common sense (if you are attracted to children of course it is a problem to be taken care of), is important for Spiritual advancement.
If he told you that and you are not okay with it, then leave him. He is not going to change. I believe he can do whatever he wants as long as the partner is okay with it. I don't know if it's morally okay but as long as people are honest with each others I don't see any problems..
Our past lives affect who we are today. There are people who can't stay monogamous because they were forced to be xian priests or nuns in past lives. Women from poor families with no marriage prospects (men dying in wars etc) would be sent to live in a convent for the rest of their lives. Some men worked too hard with no time for intimacy or to even find a wife. This often continued for lifetimes, causing severe sexual repression.

With the above considered, it is completely understandable that there are people who need to "get it out of their system". I'm not saying this is healthy, I'm just saying it is what it is. Only life experience and/or spiritual advancement will fix this.

Anyone who is monogamous probably will not be happy in a relationship with a partner who has other partners. This can lead to anxiety, mental turmoil, emotional issues.

To the OP, you will need to decide if being with him is worth it, or if you need to break it off and find a partner who is also monogamous.
Gay people who couldn't live normal relationships in past lives. This is why in general they seem like they want more sex and more open relationships. Bisexuals who is in their nature to like both genders, I wonder how this manifest because they can't have both if they are monogamous.
Gay people who couldn't live normal relationships in past lives. This is why in general they seem like they want more sex and more open relationships. Bisexuals who is in their nature to like both genders, I wonder how this manifest because they can't have both if they are monogamous.
Bisexual people can have different partners during different parts of their lives, even if they are monogamous.
Question for you, Lydia. What about people who can't find anyone? I'm 30+, I've tried it many times, out of 10, I'm sure every relationship falls apart. Is this due to previous lives? Because after so many attempts, I decided to focus on peace of mind and my own development.
Our past lives affect who we are today. There are people who can't stay monogamous because they were forced to be xian priests or nuns in past lives. Women from poor families with no marriage prospects (men dying in wars etc) would be sent to live in a convent for the rest of their lives. Some men worked too hard with no time for intimacy or to even find a wife. This often continued for lifetimes, causing severe sexual repression.

With the above considered, it is completely understandable that there are people who need to "get it out of their system". I'm not saying this is healthy, I'm just saying it is what it is. Only life experience and/or spiritual advancement will fix this.

Anyone who is monogamous probably will not be happy in a relationship with a partner who has other partners. This can lead to anxiety, mental turmoil, emotional issues.

To the OP, you will need to decide if being with him is worth it, or if you need to break it off and find a partner who is also monogamous.
Greeting HPS, since you're here, could you extinguish the doubts about the discussion here about whether or not the "5 wives of Satan" is a literal thing or metaphorical? I too do not know.
Question for you, Lydia. What about people who can't find anyone? I'm 30+, I've tried it many times, out of 10, I'm sure every relationship falls apart. Is this due to previous lives? Because after so many attempts, I decided to focus on peace of mind and my own development.
Have you done the working on the JoS for a hampered love life? Removing past-life bonds. But if you have a soulmate that you want to be reunited with, you'll need to do workings to meet her/him again, or wait, if they are not incarnated yet. If they are not incarnated yet, you might have to move on and meet a new partner in this life, so you will need to do a working for that, to be free to meet someone new.

There's no easy answer here, because it all depends on varying factors. You'll have to decide what is more important to you. If you want children, then you'll have to decide soon as you are already in your 30's.
Greeting HPS, since you're here, could you extinguish the doubts about the discussion here about whether or not the "5 wives of Satan" is a literal thing or metaphorical? I too do not know.
HP Hooded Cobra said it's allegorical. I never looked into this for myself as it's not something I felt I needed to know.
Look, he does love you, he just doesn't want to sleep with you exclusively. This isn't contradictory and he is not lying.

Women get emotionally bound to the men they have sex with and in those who have had many sexual partners their ability to bond has been ruined.

This doesn't happen with men, they can still commit to a single woman even if they have sex with many women because their hormones function differently.

There are many studies which confirm this.

But if you don't like it, you can find another boyfriend. It's hard to change someone, even with a spell.
The thing about the 5 wives is not literal, it's an allegory for the 5 elements.
By saying that Lilith is his favorite wife, is Maxine saying that the element closest to Satan is ether?
Look, he does love you, he just doesn't want to sleep with you exclusively. This isn't contradictory and he is not lying.

Women get emotionally bound to the men they have sex with and in those who have had many sexual partners their ability to bond has been ruined.

This doesn't happen with men, they can still commit to a single woman even if they have sex with many women because their hormones function differently.

There are many studies which confirm this.

But if you don't like it, you can find another boyfriend. It's hard to change someone, even with a spell.
Wrong. If he loved her, he would be committed to her and would not care about anybody else. Even while noticing that other women are attractive, if he loved her he would not do anything with them because he is committed to her. Doing something that is harmful to the other person just because "I just wanted to." is the absolute opposite of what love is.

Everything you are saying sounds like the usual jewish nonsense that is intended to erase all of civilization. Just like promotion of race mixing, using drugs, "trans", communism, and all of the other jewish poisons against humanity. I'm not calling you a jew, and I'm not saying you are intending to say anything bad. But this promotion of a bad behavior that is harmful to civilization is something that jews spend billions of dollars per year in all kinds of advertising and messaging to try to promote.

Being a whore is not a good thing, it is not healthy, and it should not be celebrated. I am talking about both men and women equally. This is most of the time a sign of a damaged person, emotionally and spiritually. It is also not more common for a man to be a whore. Cheating and promiscuity are in equal amounts between men and women, and wanting to be monogamous is in equal amounts between men and women. This is not related to hormones or to what sex you are. It's related to personal past life history and astrological influences.
My boyfriend claims he loves me,but also says he wants to have sex with other women .This is hurting me as I believe in loyalty and monogamous and commitment till death .Is there any ritual or magical spell that can change his mind so that he sticks only with me and becomes loyal only to me
If he doesn't respect your opinion, then he doesn't love you.

I don't think your boyfriend is polyamorous, I think he doesn't want a serious relationship with you, or any other girl.

On the other hand, a couple can realize a relationship when a man has a second wife, provided that it suits his first wife, but this is a completely type of relationship, I do not think it is suitable in your case, besides, you may have legal problems.
HP Hooded Cobra said it's allegorical. I never looked into this for myself as it's not something I felt I needed to know.
That's definitely weird as I remember reading that "Lilith is Satan's favorite wife" somewhere around here, and if memory doesn't fail me, it was from a trusted source, but even then, our notions change and improve with time as we grow closer to the Gods, so not too weird after all.
That's definitely weird as I remember reading that "Lilith is Satan's favorite wife" somewhere around here, and if memory doesn't fail me, it was from a trusted source, but even then, our notions change and improve with time as we grow closer to the Gods, so not too weird after all.
Yes that was on the JoS, from about 20 years ago. It doesn't mean HPS Maxine inquired fully into the situation because we tend to mind our own business when it comes to the love lives of the Gods.

Maybe Satan does have 5, maybe not, it's not our business. For all we know, Lilith could be his only true wife in that sense. I'm not going to inquire about it because it makes no difference here to us.
The Gods are also not to be used for comparison with human relationship. The Gods feel more, think more, and more aware etc, deeper, higher, broader. You cannot compare a God/Goddess loving someone to a shallow 21st century NPC who can't tell the difference between an acquaintance and a friend, a crush and love itself, etc

The Gods' private lives are also their private lives. It's not our place to be nosy and be gossiping around.

The reality is that polyamory is not for the majority of humans. There are hangups, negative karmic seeds and other psychological problems that affect the majority of those claiming to be polyamorous.

When you met someone who claims polyamorous, statistically you can make the assumption that they are self-deluded and you'd be right in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Now, whether it's your job to fix that in a potential lover or not, that's something for you to decide. And, often, no matter how hard you try to fix something, you just can't if the person is not ready and open.
By saying that Lilith is his favorite wife, is Maxine saying that the element closest to Satan is ether?
If this is symbolic, this is a true interpretation. Most of these symbols have multiple different layers of meanings which reinforce and further explain each other. So this might not be the only meaning, but it is one of the true meanings.

Akasha is the highest and most important element. This is the source that all other elements are created from. And this is the source for all things that exist. Time, Entropy, and Creation are all describing the same thing which is energies from the ether progressively coming down into lower dimensions. This is progressively building more physical creation, as these forces are coming down and becoming physical things. Like High Priestess Maxine said, all inventions and all things that are created first start as an energy in the Ether, which becomes a thought, which becomes an idea, which becomes a plan, and which eventually is built and becomes a physical machine. This is a direct example of the flow of energies of the Akasha collapsing to lower dimensions.

This is also what entropy is. As this Akashic energy of creation is progressively flowing to all things, leading to all things becoming increasingly specialized and complex, as the natural evolution of all things to always grow in different directions. Growing in different directions to become stronger or better in a new area that did not exist before, building new things that did not exist before, and improving existing things to become perfect.

This flow of the energy of creation, and flow of increasing entropy, is also what is the flow of time.

All of this is coming from Akasha. And all of this is represented also by Lilith. As the highest of all gods, of course this fundamental force and action of all creation and all existence is what Satan is closest with.
The Gods are also not to be used for comparison with human relationship. The Gods feel more, think more, and more aware etc, deeper, higher, broader. You cannot compare a God/Goddess loving someone to a shallow 21st century NPC who can't tell the difference between an acquaintance and a friend, a crush and love itself, etc

The Gods' private lives are also their private lives. It's not our place to be nosy and be gossiping around.

The reality is that polyamory is not for the majority of humans. There are hangups, negative karmic seeds and other psychological problems that affect the majority of those claiming to be polyamorous.

When you met someone who claims polyamorous, statistically you can make the assumption that they are self-deluded and you'd be right in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Now, whether it's your job to fix that in a potential lover or not, that's something for you to decide. And, often, no matter how hard you try to fix something, you just can't if the person is not ready and open.

Like an addiction or anything else, or why drug or alcohol rehab usually doesn't work. There is no way for anybody to fix an internal problem within anybody else. If the person with the problem does not want to change and does not care. The only way to fix it is for the person to decide to want to change and fix himself or herself.

And the idea of "this is how I am," or "this is how I express myself" are the exact opposite of anybody who wants to change or fix anything. These are statements from people who are determined to hold onto their problems and improve nothing.
Why is it always worded on the JoS as if it is literal? Is this deliberate?

If your goal is to educate the largest number of people as possible, it has to be written in a simple way that everbody can understand. Almost nobody has already the spiritual advancement, education, experience, large and open consciousness, or the knowledge to be able to actually understand all of the layers of meanings and all of the true meanings of symbolism.

So it starts with saying things simply that everybody understands. Then as each person grows and improves and advances, you will become capable of understanding deeper layers of meanings and you will understand more of what the symbolism is actually talking about.
Yes that was on the JoS, from about 20 years ago. It doesn't mean HPS Maxine inquired fully into the situation because we tend to mind our own business when it comes to the love lives of the Gods.

Maybe Satan does have 5, maybe not, it's not our business. For all we know, Lilith could be his only true wife in that sense. I'm not going to inquire about it because it makes no difference here to us.
I see. Understandable.

The Gods are also not to be used for comparison with human relationship. The Gods feel more, think more, and more aware etc, deeper, higher, broader. You cannot compare a God/Goddess loving someone to a shallow 21st century NPC who can't tell the difference between an acquaintance and a friend, a crush and love itself, etc
It's what I always assumed. One simple factual argument to support this, is that They are of course able of telepathically communicate with potentially billions of other beings at the same time.
Their Consciousness is something we can't even begin to understand as of now. So it's completely possible that at Their level you can truly be polyamorous, and I've always doubted that humans at this level could.
Greeting HPS, since you're here, could you extinguish the doubts about the discussion here about whether or not the "5 wives of Satan" is a literal thing or metaphorical? I too do not know.
It says in the JoS site that it was stated by Satan, directly. So it is probably literal.
It says in the JoS site that it was stated by Satan, directly. So it is probably literal.
In this very thread HPS Lydia says that HPHC said it's metaphorical, but anyway, both options make sense for several reasons.
Give a read to the previous posts in this thread to get the general feeling.
It's nothing certain, it seems.
I cannot understand all these attacks against polygamy.

Do not forget that it was the boyfriend who opened up and admitted to his girlfriend that he needs to have sex with other women to fully express his sexuality. Not everyone is monogamous and as in this case, there are people who need to have several sexual relationships with several people, not because they are “low quality” or because “they don't care about honor and value.” As long as all parties involved are consensual, I don't see where the problem is. That is exactly why your boyfriend opened up and told you this. If you agree that he has other sexual relationships, fine, otherwise you should break up, since you have two different concepts about this and the prolongation of the relationship is not healthy for either of you.

That is why in Spiritual Satanism homosexuality for example is not forbidden or prohibited. Precisely because expressing one's sexuality, within the limits of common sense (if you are attracted to children of course it is a problem to be taken care of), is important for Spiritual advancement.
I can understand 'low quality' sentiment. I lived with someone who never had a discussion about wanting or needing an 'open' relationship. It wasn't until he got caught, that this was a discussion. There was no agreement on my part to that.

It wasn't because I wanted to 'limit' him per se. I just didn't want to get STDs or AIDS, etc. I knew that he would never have been careful, especially to essential details to really effectively limit the spread of disease.

Anyways, by the time this came to light, I had already been committed to an apartment together. So, it was difficult to just leave, as we both were on the contract. It was a very, VERY long six months.

He had perhaps even greater faults, lying, emotionally unstable, usually fits of rage, heavy drinking, and drug use. Very irresponsible financially. And of course, he typically blamed everyone else for all of this.

I have to laugh now, but I remember being shocked. After we finally parted ways, someone told me he took some drug with someone and that they both spoke to at least one demon during that time. I found it scary, but also a sense of 'are you serious'. This person was a laveyan satanist. I told him it was just the drugs.
I cannot understand all these attacks against polygamy.

Do not forget that it was the boyfriend who opened up and admitted to his girlfriend that he needs to have sex with other women to fully express his sexuality. Not everyone is monogamous and as in this case, there are people who need to have several sexual relationships with several people, not because they are “low quality” or because “they don't care about honor and value.” As long as all parties involved are consensual, I don't see where the problem is.
Just because someone has sexual and commitment hangups generated by past lives, it doesn't mean it is healthy for the to associate themselves with a polyamorous/polygamous identity. An hangup/trauma is still an hangup/trauma that needs to be resolved and healed from, not justified and defended.

They do not have a 'need' for that. They have a 'want' generated from psychic damage. The real need is to heal from that damage, which they are not self-aware enough to feel.

This is different from sexual orientation, which is a fixed characteristic of your soul like your sex and your race.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
