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Question #4708: Fear


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality.

Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told myself that I had to do it, I was so scared that my brain seemed to stop. The surroundings seemed to become transparent and I could see the energies around as if I was doing 3rd Eye meditation. I started to get scared again. I was listening to meditation music with headphones, my ear hurt from a sudden noise and I opened my eyes.

I said to myself, I think I'm not going to do this again, because I was so scared. This is something that prevents me from doing my meditations, I'm afraid of becoming very advanced and going astral. What do you think I should do?
Fear comes from the unknown and inexperience. As you gain experience and knowledge, fear goes away, or is at least manageable.

Spend some time reading the JoS and other posts in these forums. You'll start to see that there is nothing to fear regarding advancement, and that it is actually fun, something to look forward to :)
I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality.

Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told myself that I had to do it, I was so scared that my brain seemed to stop. The surroundings seemed to become transparent and I could see the energies around as if I was doing 3rd Eye meditation. I started to get scared again. I was listening to meditation music with headphones, my ear hurt from a sudden noise and I opened my eyes.

I said to myself, I think I'm not going to do this again, because I was so scared. This is something that prevents me from doing my meditations, I'm afraid of becoming very advanced and going astral. What do you think I should do?

I agree with Lydia, I would add that fear is a healthy emotion. Fear of change and worry are healthy human emotions - but overcoming them is how you gain real and true strength.

Fear can also be a sign of inner insecurity - be aware of yourself, know that you are entitled to all kinds of power. From nothing there will nothing - break down the walls in your mind to build bridges in your life.

Sieg Heil!
I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality.

Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told myself that I had to do it, I was so scared that my brain seemed to stop. The surroundings seemed to become transparent and I could see the energies around as if I was doing 3rd Eye meditation. I started to get scared again. I was listening to meditation music with headphones, my ear hurt from a sudden noise and I opened my eyes.

I said to myself, I think I'm not going to do this again, because I was so scared. This is something that prevents me from doing my meditations, I'm afraid of becoming very advanced and going astral. What do you think I should do?
Even the most advanced among us will recall the fears and reluctance many of us experienced in our earlier days as Spiritual Satanists. Through meditation, increasing knowledge and confidence in one's self, these fears will gradually be eroded and replaced with curiosity and fascination, as High Priestess Lydia mentions.

And do not forget to communicate and forge positive relations with the Gods wherever, and whenever possible as you advance. Learning about them, speaking to them astrally, praying to them, and performing the Demon Rituals (https://josrituals.org/), will assist greatly in this endeavor. There is no finer way to conquer fear of the unknown spiritually than with the knowledge that the Gods are guiding you and protecting you in your spiritual advancement and exploration.
I think you have had a very beautiful and fascinating experience, and if you think about what percentage of humanity is worthy of such a phenomenon, you should let the fear disappear and allow the excitement and gratitude to come. You can stay in your own “safe” space, but all the beautiful things are waiting to be discovered.

I think it's time for you to do some "grounding", you seem to be very emotional and impressionable, you need to strike a balance between your openness and your strong foundation.

By "grounding" I mean material activities, you know, like exercise or going to a gym, or building a career, think about something human and mundane like family, maybe you like travelling or art. Direct your attention to such things, too, as part of self-development and practice. There is real evolution in the balance.

There are people who, having discovered meditation, do only that and refuse to recognise the physical world, they forget at once that they are born in the physical body for a reason. That their physical body needs nutrition of the physical plane, that their physical body needs physical activity, that their physical brain needs quite an objective load on the physical senses.

Don't be that kind of "astral flyer", they go crazy because of the severe imbalance.

As for astral projection, just put it off until you have confidently mastered the beginning level of meditation, then your consciousness will be ready for the change.
I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality.

Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told myself that I had to do it, I was so scared that my brain seemed to stop. The surroundings seemed to become transparent and I could see the energies around as if I was doing 3rd Eye meditation. I started to get scared again. I was listening to meditation music with headphones, my ear hurt from a sudden noise and I opened my eyes.

I said to myself, I think I'm not going to do this again, because I was so scared. This is something that prevents me from doing my meditations, I'm afraid of becoming very advanced and going astral. What do you think I should do?
I recommend that you get rid of your fears and continue practicing.
In any case, this is a good sign that you are making progress.
Well done, keep up the good work (y)
I am afraid of being both powerful and powerless in spirituality.

Recently I had an astral projection experience, it was not planned. I was meditating and suddenly I tried to get out of my body, voluntarily. The moment I started to disconnect from my body, a fear gripped me, even though I told myself that I had to do it, I was so scared that my brain seemed to stop. The surroundings seemed to become transparent and I could see the energies around as if I was doing 3rd Eye meditation. I started to get scared again. I was listening to meditation music with headphones, my ear hurt from a sudden noise and I opened my eyes.

I said to myself, I think I'm not going to do this again, because I was so scared. This is something that prevents me from doing my meditations, I'm afraid of becoming very advanced and going astral. What do you think I should do?

As we advance, we grow in confidence, rather than the other way around. What you were doing is actually good, as HPS Lydia described, as you gained experience and competency. This is how we resolve our fears by conquering them. Instead of stopping, keep trying until the experience doesn't bother you anymore.

However, if you need more motivation, then certainly look at ways to develop your fire element. For example, anything Martian will directly stimulate bravery.
Fear hinders advancement - thus why Christianity is full of fear mongering shit like burning hellfire etc.

Check yourself from having any such influence in thinking about spirituality.
Those programs affect people subconsciously, even those not being inside them.

Nothing to fear about advancement if done correctly.
It's the Lack there of which should be feared - because then you are an easier target for all sort of badness.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
