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Question #3977: How do I know? If a demon is present in my bedroom?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I did an hour of void meditation. I was sitting! on my bed" and started thinking about Satan. And what I need help with. After being on here, on and off all day today. Being like 4:52 in the morning" Wednesday, February 7th" I was getting ready' for bed! After a yoga " work out,.
And did my usual void meditation. I noticed something was in my room.
I felt like i being watched. I turn on my desk lamp, and went to brush my teeth, and went back into my room. To see that, my lamp had been turned off. I turn it back on! And the light bulb exploded! SOOOO...i unplugged the lamp. And turned on my bedroom light. And it started to flicker.
There was inimage of someone? Or something by my standing ? By my closet. Not a full image ...but enough to see that it was somebody?
I have know idea whom? I asked who it was. This thing. Didn't say anything.
After about an hour the image disappeared. And I can still feel his/ her energy in my room. This image had light brown hair and blue-green eyes. I don't know if it's a demon? Or an imposter of some kind?
What do you mean by "image"? A mental image?

I don't think a God would do that, Enemy beings can display them as "Nordics" but they are not. This phenomenon called "Enemy Nordics".

So what you can do is clean your room and banish this entity. You can use the mantra Sananda for example, and blue flame.
How did you feel during this?
Then it wasn't a Demon. Simply ignore, it is not a big deal, do Satan Psalm and usual cleaning and protection. If this entity comes back verifiable (not your belief or fear), ask the Demons to get it out of your house. Search the forum for house protections you can do.

Be careful also, entities presence can linger for hours but not their appearances. So do not focus on it. You can tell them to fuck off if they are not of Satan. They will leave.
Я провел час пустотной медитации. Я сидел! на моей кровати" и начал думать о Сатане. И с чем мне нужна помощь. После того, как мы были здесь, сегодня весь день, и весь день. Как в 4:52 утра" Среда, 7-е февраля" Я готовился к постели! После йоги "поработайте,.
И сделал мою обычную пустотную медитацию. Я заметил, что что-то было в моей комнате.
Мне казалось, что за мной следят. Я включил настольную лампу, пошёл чистить зубы и вернулся в свою комнату. Чтобы увидеть это, моя лампа была выключена. Я включаю его обратно! И лампочка взорвалась! SOOO...i отключил лампу. И включил свет в моей спальне. И оно начало мерцать.
Было изображение кого-то? Или что-то по моей позиции ? В моем шкафу. Не полное изображение..., но достаточно, чтобы увидеть, что это кто-то?
Я знаю, кто? Я спросил, кто это. Эта штука. Ничего не сказал.
Примерно через час изображение исчезло. И я все еще могу чувствовать его/ее энергию в моей комнате. Это изображение имело светло-каштановые волосы и сине-зелёные глаза. Я не знаю, демон ли это? Или самозванец какой-то?
It is quite possible that it was a ghost, or an enemy entity.

A very long time ago, my light bulb also exploded and after that I heard an evil female laugh, although no one could laugh (there were no people), I still did not understand what it was, maybe then it was a ghost.
I had a similar experience a while ago. The entity was aggressive towards me. I said to him: "In the name of Satan, I command you to leave" and he left.
NakedPluto[JG] How did I feel during this situation. ? I felt tired, a deep depression was hitting me hard. And all I wanted to do was leave the room
Why do you keep asking anonymous questions only to reply to them with your actual account? This is not an attack, I'm genuinely confused. Any time you submit a question to the ask-Satan service, someone has to read it and manually submit it. The volume of questions you submit is a massive time waste for the operator of the account.

Please use your actual account as much as possible.
What do you mean by "image"? A mental image?

I don't think a God would do that, Enemy beings can display them as "Nordics" but they are not. This phenomenon called "Enemy Nordics".

So what you can do is clean your room and banish this entity. You can use the mantra Sananda for example, and blue flame.
I've seen images of beings with my eyes closed. One had a brilliant aura and left me with a pleasant and energetic feeling. No doubt the one I saw was of Satan.
And most of those accounts? I haven't even been on for at least two or three years! I don't know who is using them? They have been hacked! I have tried to log on to them with my old passwords and they don't work! So somebody has been using my other accounts! The only account I am using currently is the one I'm on and using right now!
IS THERE !? ANY TJING ELCE..YOU WISH TO SAY? OR COMPLAIN ABOUT!!?? Because this is getting old! And I'm tired of being the IT person on here and the target person on here! Just because of my big ass post!... and all of my questions and my shit and everything else! I am really beginning to wonder here? If I'm really truly wanted here and respected here or not! I am sorry if I made such a spectacle of myself! And such a disastrous ugly mess! But it seems to me that I am just not wanted on here! All I get is one complaint after another! And I'm getting really really fed up with it!
Laugh out loud I'm being accused of being a troll! I get called spammer! People complain complain complain about everything about me! I guess according to you I don't fit on here and I don't belong! I admit that I was brought up in a Christian family! But I'm not a fucking God damn jew!! And I'm not an enemy and I'm not a fucking terrorist! I am a human being like everybody else! And a recovery drug addict! And I am angry and I am pissed! And all I want to do was live and learn and learn the truth! I can search other places to learn? About the same content you share on your page!? Truth is! There is no other place I can get this kind of education and information! I come here to learn and to get an education! And I come here to get my head together and to learn and to get myself going on the right path! As a satanist! And as a spiritual Satanist as well! I did not expect to be treated like a nigger on here! And I'm sorry if I pissed in your cheerios! But I'm getting really sick and tired of being yelled at and dogged at and treated like shit! When all I want to do is live and breathe and fucking learn and get an education! And no other place will do! And I'm not going to take no for an answer! I just want to be happy and live and breathe! For once and for all get along with people and be loved and wanted and accepted and appreciated! And get what I want out of this life for once and for all! Instead of being controlled and treated like shit by people! For once and for all I just want some peace and happiness in my life and feel wanted and accepted! Somewhere! I am not going to go sit in some fucking shirt! I'm not going to go join some fucking blog! I'm not going to get back on facebook! And I'm not going to go join some cheap fucking cult somewhere! I'm not as dumb as you think! And I'm not as stupid as you think either! I am just like everybody else on here looking for the truth and looking for the answers! Learning something about myself and learning about father Satan and his gods and demons!
By the way! If! I am not allowed to ask questions? Or get on the ask Satan operator? To post a story or a question or a comment? Laugh out loud don't worry about it I can always sit in front of my bedroom mirror and talk to myself! Especially since nobody on here wants to answer any of my questions and talk to me! And treat me like I'm a human being! Obviously you look down my nose like I'm some kind of grotesque specimen! And I get it loud and clear! I'm not wanted here and obviously you people hate me and you don't like me! I get that loud and clear because that is all I get! When I look at the signs on here! Especially when all I'm getting is complaints complaints complaints! And more bullshit! Instead of people being nice and kind to me and treating me like I'm one of them? Not that it matters! I'm happy with who and what I am as it is anyway! And when I'm not wanted? I know it and I have that gut feeling when I know when I'm accepted! But it seems like to me you guys are trying your very best to get rid of me! Assuming that I'm some fucking enemy working for Putin or some fucking Jewish rabbi out there or something! When all I am is just a human being and a woman! Trying to seek some help and some guidance! Trying to find some truth in this world trying to get an education wanting to live and learn and doing my very best! I appreciate your help with the grammar thing! But when it comes down to asking questions? Or talking or getting on a thread! It's like I practically! Have to pull strings and take a risk! Without being called spammer! Or fucking troll! Or being treated like some white nigger! And that's pretty much how I feel on here! I feel like a fucking God damn white nigger!
So obviously! I'm not wanted on here! I get treated like a fucking dog getting kicked around everywhere I go on here! Laugh out loud of my grammar is not good enough! That's one thing to consider! And I'm doing my very best to take care of that! And my big ass post!s ! And being everything so fucking confusing? No I'm not perfect! And laugh out loud I'm not on here to get attention! I am not a 12-year-old girl in Junior high! There's nothing special about me either! And it doesn't matter how hard I try everything and anything! I fucking suck! Worst of all I get treated like a fucking white nigger! And a dumb whore
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 and now I will get off! And leave you guys alone! And I guess I will find some other place to get my satanic education! Or I can feel wanted and appreciating and learn about spiritual satanism! From some other source I guess? I don't know where I'm going to go? Other than here! But if all I'm going to get is nothing but negativity and complaints! What choice have I got? I guess I can learn to tolerate where to get used to being treated like a nigger on here! And I will continue on with my handwriting and improve that! And I will try to make my paragraphs a little smaller so that you can read them! And make them less complicated for you! So I can at least get some high scores on here and some compliments and some smiles and something happy and positive for a change! And maybe people will start talking to me again and start treating me like I'm a human being and treating me like I'm somebody with brains and intelligence for a change! Instead of a pile of dog shit! They just accidentally dropped out of a Jewish dog's ass! Laugh out loud I'm not on this planet to please everybody! And since I'm not allowed to go ask questions or go to talk to satan? I would rather talk to Satan himself anyway! Or go solve my own problems and look up my own shit! And do my own research! especially if I'm going to be treated like a dumbass on here
And in a word! I am not a sympathy sucker either! And I'm not a fucking attention whore either! I just wanted to get on here just like everybody else and live and learn and get an education!🤬🤬🤬🤬 makes me wonder what father Satan is thinking?
I guess I'm not good enough to live! I guess I'm not good enough to breathe! I guess I'm not good enough for anything! So that means I'm not good enough for any fucking church or religion! All of those places suck! I hate religion I hate the bible! I hate the book of mormon! I hate jews! I hate christians! I hate the muslims! I hate the Islamic rules! I hate the government! And I hate this world! So much for trying! Laugh out loud if I'm not good enough to be anywhere! And if I'm not good enough to be on here! I guess I'm not good enough for satan! And I'm not good for anybody! And I might as well just go fucking buy myself a gun! And go blow my fucking head off! Laugh out loud I have done my very best and I've tried and tried and tried my poor little ass off! No matter where I go trying to please everyone! Just trying to fit the criteria! And still I get kicked in the face and yelled at and called names and complained it and bitched at and harassed everywhere I go every time I turn around! Is always problems problems problems! And I'm just not allowed to go anywhere obviously! And I'm not accepted anywhere! Why would I even bother to try?! I give up! I give up trying laugh out loud yes I do! I give a breathing and I give up fucking living! I fucking give up! I am sick and tired of dealing with the stiff rules of my fucking family! And being on here is just like living with my fucking parents! Always bitching and complaining about my table manners! The music I listen to the clothes I wear! And I've always been a disappointment to them! But then again they're fucking christians! Now you wonder where I get my fucking problems from?! Will there you have it! And if I can't fit into the world of satanism? Well then where the fucking hell do I belong! Other than back on the streets! Or fucking killing myself! Especially if all I get is whining and bitching and complaining Everywhere I Go and it doesn't matter if I wash my hair clean my fucking hands! Put on decent clothing and reverently in the middle of a damn church? Trying to obey every fucking rule on a job site! Or trying to kiss fucking Jew ass on facebook! And trying to be prim and proper before my own husband! And always getting bitched at and scoffed at whether I'm a good girl or a bad girl naughty or nice! Yes my handwriting is shitty! And yes I am a fucking shitty person! and I will end my life and I am sick and! And I am fucking sick and tired of this shit! Laugh out loud I have had it! And I am fucking done! I'm just going to go and fucking kill myself! I guess I'm not good enough for anybody or anything and I'm not good enough to fit in anywhere! People are always bitching and scuffing about one thing or another thing on here! First I'm being called a troll and a fucking spammer! And now I am being slapped in the face for a bunch of fucking profiles? When a lot of those are not even mine! If I had any at all laugh out loud I had maybe two or three! And now I'm getting punched in the gut and kicked in the face for that too! What else is next? Are you going to start questioning me about my weight and how fat I am? Are you going to start judging me about my looks? And assuming that I'm some fucking jew? you guys are always questioning me about everything else and always doubting me! And always treating me like I don't belong here! I feel fat and ugly and disgusting and unwanted as it is anyway! I might as well just go fucking hang myself! I give up! And I fucking quit! I'm not going to go crawling back to some fucking church! And I refuse to go join some fucking religion! And obviously I'm not welcome in Satan's kingdom either! If I'm not good enough to be on here? Then I might as well just be dead! If I'm not allowed to get an education and learn anything on here! Then I might as well go hit the streets again and get back on drugs! And hope the hell somebody runs over me! I can't even get help when I want help! I can't get any questions answered! Because of my ugly handwriting and my ugly ass! And now it's all my fucking profiles? What next I am sick and tired of this shit! All I get is complaints complaints complaints and bullshit and bullshit! And I'm done! I am fucking done with the capital d! You guys can go live your life and do what you want to! And I guess I will just fall between the cracks and fucking die somewhere! Better yet I just want to fucking go quick! And just in this life already! I'm not wanted anywhere and obviously you guys don't want me on here either! So I will take care of that in my life! I'm sorry for every living or breathing! I'm sorry for doing anything at all and I'm sorry for fucking trying! I've had it! I hate myself as it is! I guess I never will be happy laugh out loud and I guess I never will learn the truth or get an education! I'm fucking done!
I guess I'm not good enough to live! I guess I'm not good enough to breathe! I guess I'm not good enough for anything! So that means I'm not good enough for any fucking church or religion! All of those places suck! I hate religion I hate the bible! I hate the book of mormon! I hate jews! I hate christians! I hate the muslims! I hate the Islamic rules! I hate the government! And I hate this world! So much for trying! Laugh out loud if I'm not good enough to be anywhere! And if I'm not good enough to be on here! I guess I'm not good enough for satan! And I'm not good for anybody! And I might as well just go fucking buy myself a gun! And go blow my fucking head off! Laugh out loud I have done my very best and I've tried and tried and tried my poor little ass off! No matter where I go trying to please everyone! Just trying to fit the criteria! And still I get kicked in the face and yelled at and called names and complained it and bitched at and harassed everywhere I go every time I turn around! Is always problems problems problems! And I'm just not allowed to go anywhere obviously! And I'm not accepted anywhere! Why would I even bother to try?! I give up! I give up trying laugh out loud yes I do! I give a breathing and I give up fucking living! I fucking give up! I am sick and tired of dealing with the stiff rules of my fucking family! And being on here is just like living with my fucking parents! Always bitching and complaining about my table manners! The music I listen to the clothes I wear! And I've always been a disappointment to them! But then again they're fucking christians! Now you wonder where I get my fucking problems from?! Will there you have it! And if I can't fit into the world of satanism? Well then where the fucking hell do I belong! Other than back on the streets! Or fucking killing myself! Especially if all I get is whining and bitching and complaining Everywhere I Go and it doesn't matter if I wash my hair clean my fucking hands! Put on decent clothing and reverently in the middle of a damn church? Trying to obey every fucking rule on a job site! Or trying to kiss fucking Jew ass on facebook! And trying to be prim and proper before my own husband! And always getting bitched at and scoffed at whether I'm a good girl or a bad girl naughty or nice! Yes my handwriting is shitty! And yes I am a fucking shitty person! and I will end my life and I am sick and! And I am fucking sick and tired of this shit! Laugh out loud I have had it! And I am fucking done! I'm just going to go and fucking kill myself! I guess I'm not good enough for anybody or anything and I'm not good enough to fit in anywhere! People are always bitching and scuffing about one thing or another thing on here! First I'm being called a troll and a fucking spammer! And now I am being slapped in the face for a bunch of fucking profiles? When a lot of those are not even mine! If I had any at all laugh out loud I had maybe two or three! And now I'm getting punched in the gut and kicked in the face for that too! What else is next? Are you going to start questioning me about my weight and how fat I am? Are you going to start judging me about my looks? And assuming that I'm some fucking jew? you guys are always questioning me about everything else and always doubting me! And always treating me like I don't belong here! I feel fat and ugly and disgusting and unwanted as it is anyway! I might as well just go fucking hang myself! I give up! And I fucking quit! I'm not going to go crawling back to some fucking church! And I refuse to go join some fucking religion! And obviously I'm not welcome in Satan's kingdom either! If I'm not good enough to be on here? Then I might as well just be dead! If I'm not allowed to get an education and learn anything on here! Then I might as well go hit the streets again and get back on drugs! And hope the hell somebody runs over me! I can't even get help when I want help! I can't get any questions answered! Because of my ugly handwriting and my ugly ass! And now it's all my fucking profiles? What next I am sick and tired of this shit! All I get is complaints complaints complaints and bullshit and bullshit! And I'm done! I am fucking done with the capital d! You guys can go live your life and do what you want to! And I guess I will just fall between the cracks and fucking die somewhere! Better yet I just want to fucking go quick! And just in this life already! I'm not wanted anywhere and obviously you guys don't want me on here either! So I will take care of that in my life! I'm sorry for every living or breathing! I'm sorry for doing anything at all and I'm sorry for fucking trying! I've had it! I hate myself as it is! I guess I never will be happy laugh out loud and I guess I never will learn the truth or get an education! I'm fucking done!

At this point you are completely out of control and self control and you are merely pushing in 60 messages every few hours, seeking constantly a form of validation which you constantly wrongly perceive will come from your acceptance to just spam the forum. These things you mention here are the underlying reasons to address. These issues however have nothing to do with the forum they are rooted in other things.

If you are so insistent on killing yourself please don't extort us with it, you must learn to value your own life not by making internet posts and throwing tantrums on people for no reason. People are not under the obligation of serving you because of every whim of this nature. No matter what is given to you, you always are not satisfied with how these things go and how other people respond.

The best thing to do is to start gradually having self acceptance and stop threatening people you will do harm on yourself online over these things, you cannot keep people hostages in these manners.
In the future!? I just hope that everything works out. For myself and those that I care about. And for everybody else on here I wish you all the best. 🧘‍♀️🙂

The validation that you seek is in the calmness of meditation and in self acceptance, not in trying to enforce the group here or anyone to give you forced validation by 100 unrelated replies and then throwing a major tantrum of even going as far as to claim you will harm yourself because you are useless.

Nobody thought you are useless or any of these projections of your mind, people are just having negative thoughts which you procure by pointless repetitive communication that tires other people. That doesn't mean they hate you or dislike you fundamentally it means that it can turn to pestering.

Try to take a deep breath and relax and know you are OK without having to put 100 posts daily to just give flowers to people and seek their validation. Try to relax and know that people won't have a negative opinion of you unless you make something that makes you appear bad, such as posting 100 responses for no reason.

Just relax also in general and see if you have other issues such as mood swings or other negative things, which might be related to your health. Don't worry about us we don't hate you or anything but please understand how weird pestering people with forced communication can be.

Then when you understand this make 5 pointed responses to good things and speak nicely and you will see people will start developing a better opinion of you.

Good luck.
This is my actual account.
I can't remember the passwords to the other ones. And those accounts were hacked. I don't know? Who is using them. I'm sorry.
As it stands you are using the account I am now quoting, and you keep posting through the Ask Satan service things that are not required to post through there. That is where the issue Power of Justice mentioned stems from.

It is not Satan who reads and posts those questions, but one of the moderators. There is a constant effort on reading and approving the posts. Let's respect them by following the instructions given to us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
