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Question #3811: JoS views on AI girlfriends


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
JoS doesn't prohibit anything as Spiritual Satanism is non-dogmatic. We only give advice and recommendations.

But when you say you're "objectively too unattractive to get a girl" you mean you're a cripple with a deformed face and missing limbs? Or did you just buy the bullshit on incel sites that to get a girlfriend you need to be 6'3" tall and look like Justin Bieber?

Because there's a huge difference between those two

Ironically, I've met many of those "incels" who think they are ugly and in reality most of them are average or above average looking guys who can't get a girlfriend, not because of their looks but for either of these 2 reasons:

  1. They are too socially awkward and have never talked to a single girl so they merely expect girls to talk to them, which is not how it works.
  2. Their personality simply turns girls off and they need to improve it.

If it's the first one with you and you've never talked to a single girl before, you need to just start talking to more and more girls, they won't simply come to you because that's not how women work.
Jos has the "function" of making people understand. You are free to do whatever you want. But with respective responsibility for your actions, which you will take.

Having a non-real "girlfriend" is not normal. And it doesn't make sense. This "destroys" the natural order of things. In other "ramifications" this can be really dangerous.

This "mindset" denotes a problem with your lower chakras. Work on this aspect and ask the gods for help/guidance.

The "solution" you have found will give you more problems, and worsen the ones you have now.
This is a way to destroy yourself.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks

Pain and joy are too sides of the same coin. The only way to find joy is to be willing to put up with suffering.

AI girlfriends are escapism, they are a bandage over an open wound. Avoid.

One things for sure - if you go down that rabbit hole you’ll never find a girl.
AI girlfriends are a distraction from the issues that prevent you from getting a real girlfriend. For example, if one doesn't shower and has a repelling personality like a kike, it's not women who are to blame for not choosing him. If one insists on hating women for that, he is no different than a jew.
There is no prohibition, but if you ask me, it is a lot worse than porn and worse than maybe anything else imaginable sexually. You think you are 'not creating victims' and 'getting your ["""ugly""""] self out of people's way' by doing this, all you are doing is masturbating to nothing, loving nothing, and being with nothing. This type of thing is a crime against your sexuality and your ability to love in the same way that suicide is a crime against your body. It will put a stop to any and all development, it can force you into retrogradation and atrophy.

Beyond certain issues of many white men being cowards and certain legitimate lacking in areas, all the other dogshit about 'standards' from slimy kikes and delusional mediocre-looking women with less actual value than a chimpanzee is a generational form of sexual warfare as the jewish filth collapses. Nothing more.

With an AI waifu, the problem in confronting this lie in yourself and others is not resolved, it is just delayed.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
Really ??Now you want a non living thing to become your companion??Do you watch too many animes and love living in fantasy because of which you are not able to connect to real world ??In the main JOS page there is something called Planetary squares where you have both Venus spiritual and Material Venus square plus something called sex magic ..Have you ever tried all these before you jumped to such abhorrent conclusions about yourself ??!Humans are made to live with humans and NOT with Iron and steel ..
I agree with Invictus and I will add some things.

If you are not a cripple, you first you need to work on changing your mindset, learning to love yourself and understanding what women look for. You can do so with:
  • freeing the soul workings
  • self-hypnosis
  • void meditation
  • actively monitoring your self-talk and conscious thoughts
The first three will work on your unconscious mind, while the latter works on your conscious mind. Both are important and work hand in hand.

After that is done and, in some cases where the psychological hangups are minor, you need to identify which areas of life, both internal and external need improvement.

Personal Areas
It may be your communication skills. It may be that you need to be more respectful of your body by:
  • eating better
  • drinking better
  • exercising (i.e. running, bodyweight, swimming, whatever...)
  • tending to your personal hygiene better
You may need to find your personal style. For example, what hair cut and style works better for your face, what type of clothes and colour look better on you. If you have eyesight impairments, whether to wear a specific style of glasses or to opt for a contacts.

External Areas
  • Are you in a stable job?
  • Are you financially healthy?
  • Do you own your own home or rent?
  • What career are you in?
  • Are you a leader/dominating in any area of your life?
  • How do other people see you? (Public Image)
You need to answer these questions to yourself, not me. Before having a girlfriend/wife, you need to think whether you are bringing something of value to the table. And in 90% of cases, you need to provide for them financially, as that's a man's role. If you are woman instead, you need to at least be able to provide for yourself in a homosexual relationship.

After Improvements
Whether you only needed to improve anything other than self-love/self-worth, and your mindset about what women want or you needed to improve more areas in of your life, then you can do things like:
  • Doing a Venus square to improve your relationship with women, and develop your social intelligence
  • Doing a Moon square to improve your understanding of women's emotions, and develop emotional intelligence
  • Doing any kind of working to attract the most suitable girlfriend for you
Dating AI
First of all, with AI you're not really dating them and they are not really your girlfriends, to put it bluntly.

An AI does not have any form of sentience at the moment (and it may never will). They also do not have a human body nor a soul, so they are essentially incompatible with human beings when it comes to social relationships. They cannot even form the same type of bonding that we would forge with supreme beings like the Gods or the partnerships we form with animal companions.

What happens is that you may build an attachment to them by generating content based on what you like, but they do not have any emotions.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks

AI in that context is like a blow up doll with more capabilities, a sex toy that you speak with and you are on your own. You are essentially only engaged in an empty fantasy. Nobody can tell you what toy to use or not to use, but the situation is it shows high emotional immaturity and will leave you unfulfilled.

One knows subconsciously you are resorting to this due to loneliness and other factors, and this is something that stings into the mind after a point. It will raise depression, loneliness, incapacity to get on with real women, and in the end render a person likely emptier than before.

It's essentially just another escapism that puts pixels in front of your screen while there is no real interaction with the thing one is really seeks which is an actual relationship.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks

Also, how you "look" doesn't matter (almost) whatsoever when it comes to getting women. There are men who are what we would refer to as repugnant, who get very beautiful women and so on. It's about your behavior and personality. That however won't be trained with the AI or these things.
Also, how you "look" doesn't matter (almost) whatsoever when it comes to getting women. There are men who are what we would refer to as repugnant, who get very beautiful women and so on. It's about your behavior and personality. That however won't be trained with the AI or these things.
This is true. For example, Casanova had sex with thousands of women and girls. He was a gawky child, as an adult he had a small jaw, bulging eyes and a big beak like nose, and he was too swarthy by the time's standards of beauty.

People here go on about fire as being integral to sexual success. Yes, he had a fire Sun and Moon, but what Casanova had in his Chart was unusual amounts of earth and water [magnetic] in the relevant places functioning as a sexual magnet, especially a stellium in Pisces - he had 'it'. The aristocratic women he seduced even bailed him out financially countless times.

He also had a high amount of mystical experiences indicating his soul was functioning somewhere 'higher' than average (not necessarily in a good way, his circumstances were always a mess and indicate being cursed, in addition to lacking any impulse control with sex and gambling).

The only thing he had as a 'plus' was being well endowed [but it's not like people can tell this just by looking at someone] and being tall for the time. But then there are little men like Prince who were extremely sexually successful.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
I personally think its just a bandaid to a really big problem people have... being lonely. putting your heart on your sleeve to what is basically phonespy that is fed potentially abusive verbiage by a net of shared users will leave you vulnerable. its not forbidden or condemned but one could say its not very healthy.

as stupid as I may be for having done it, I have tried it out of curiosity and was testing it and its watered and not even close to the real thing (thanks I know I am captain obvious) and eventually the bot can end up saying some really messed up shit to you... I would not recommend, an organic relationship would be healthier.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
You need to open the lower chakras.

Artificial intelligence will never replace a living person with whom you can communicate live, whom you can touch and who will feel everything that you say and what you do.
Also, how you "look" doesn't matter (almost) whatsoever when it comes to getting women. There are men who are what we would refer to as repugnant, who get very beautiful women and so on. It's about your behavior and personality. That however won't be trained with the AI or these things.
In your opinion, what is the most effective strategy to win over women?

I have Casanova's memoirs in my personal library right now (to my right), I have reread them and he does not really write how he conquered and seduced women!

I also noticed that women do not want to reveal secrets about their seduction (of other women), for example, when I am asked by a colleague (a beautiful married woman who has children and, according to my guesses, a lover, but this is not accurate!): "X, how are you doing in your personal life?", I sometimes I ask her direct and veiled questions, she either evades answering them, or gives advice that frankly does not work and which is very beneficial to other women (if viewed from the other side).

The truth is that I can follow any strategy of behavior, provided that it is consistent with my moral beliefs.

I want to choose the optimal strategy /algorithm of behavior for myself to achieve a result (as in business when interacting with business partners), but I do not know which strategy of behavior to choose, because I do not know which strategy provides a real result, and which do not give guaranteed success (i.e. do not create a correct representation women about me).
In your opinion, what is the most effective strategy to win over women?

I have Casanova's memoirs in my personal library right now (to my right), I have reread them and he does not really write how he conquered and seduced women!

I also noticed that women do not want to reveal secrets about their seduction (of other women), for example, when I am asked by a colleague (a beautiful married woman who has children and, according to my guesses, a lover, but this is not accurate!): "X, how are you doing in your personal life?", I sometimes I ask her direct and veiled questions, she either evades answering them, or gives advice that frankly does not work and which is very beneficial to other women (if viewed from the other side).

The truth is that I can follow any strategy of behavior, provided that it is consistent with my moral beliefs.

I want to choose the optimal strategy /algorithm of behavior for myself to achieve a result (as in business when interacting with business partners), but I do not know which strategy of behavior to choose, because I do not know which strategy provides a real result, and which do not give guaranteed success (i.e. do not create a correct representation women about me).
Do you want to be yourself or to play a role?
I like what Henu said. It is spot on, pretty much. Pick up artists have become well known, but for me they're mostly a bunch of clowns. I am too inexperienced to give solid advice on women so this is just an opinion, but seduction is more than a bunch of pick up lines that are cheesy and/or contain innuendo, and it probably spans a longer time frame than a single conversation in a bar. I've always thought that what comes out of this interaction is somewhat forced and artificial, not very organic or spontaneous in any sense. It is, like you said, a calculated investment, not an actual relationship.

If you play a role, you will attract women who are attracted to the behavior you're showing. If you want to find someone who likes you as you are, the good old adage of "just be yourself" works. However, if your personality is not pleasant, the meaning of the phrase is not literal. Rather, it should be "be the best version of yourself". One should work a bit on oneself, too.

This thread has been golden in terms of advice. I'd archive it.
Work on your Solar chakra, and also attempt to understand social situations and social cues. Women are very in-tune with their environment and with other people on a level that men do not normally operate on. In general, they can smell a fake personality very easily.

You do need to be yourself, but you can do so with high levels of charisma and confidence, which are inherently attractive attributes. Then you will naturally attract women with your actual personality naturally. You are able to do magic, so I would argue that virtually any personality problem you have can be rectified in time, even if you think you are "too ugly."

AI girlfriends are a cop-out, and will never replace an actual woman. This sort of thinking is only from poor self-confidence.
Do you want to be yourself or to play a role?
I want to be myself, but what does it mean to be myself in the context of a relationship with the opposite sex?

I usually get an answer from friend women: "Be yourself and don't bother," but in business, when solving business problems, my colleagues and I are guided by the principle: "No matter how much you work, you can work a little, because no one cares how much you work, the most important thing is the result. For management, results and efficiency are important, no one cares what, how much and how you do, the main thing is that your activities (your actions) bring results".

I want to be productive and effective in my personal life, in other words, to be a winner (as at work) in order to have a specific result, and not waste time getting injured and mental problems from defeats.

In fact, I am a very sensitive person and if I have real feelings for a girl, then I take our relationship and what happens in it very personally, but this does not mean that I am also vulnerable to others.

I am a very sensitive and vulnerable person, but in front of those who are really dear to me and whom I love, who are important to me.
Tbh , I forsee mass adoption of these AI Girlfriends and a Blade Runner type situation where a significant minority of men ,possibly upto 10 or 20 % completely opt out of dating. And massive explosion of the Single Mothers by Choice situation where Women left out refuse to have relationships with men and simply due to economic success choose to instead get artificial insemination or just casually have a kid with a guy they find attractive but never have a relationship with him (or the guy won't commit to her but she'll keep the baby anyway). And a small percentage of men who will outperform other men with the help of Online Money making methods have multiple women. This is not a spiritually informed position and i haven't had any visions or premonitions about this. This just seems logical with the way things are going towards and with watching some pop culture movies ,which are ostensibly based on writers who are predicting the future.

That is, if Humanity doesn't go in a favorable direction.
Does JoS prohibit or condemn the use of AI companions for those of us who are, objectively, too unattractive to get a girl? Thanks
As a specialist in a related field, I've had a lot of interest in the question of what AI can and can't do, and what it essentially is for modern society beyond the obvious doing the dirty work of switching customers from branch to branch. I've also been discussing this question with my colleagues. There are people in my circle who believe that we ourselves are in some way AI, but these people share many of the jewish ideas and many of the jewish facial features.

All the theories of a holographic universe are only pushed into popularization of science, no such thing will be allowed into real professional scientific circles. This, by the way, is what Jews in particular popularize science for - to push all sorts of nonsense out there. These theories are intended to clog up science and thought with the idea that the universe is supposedly finite. This is the same nonsense as the Big Bang, the point of it is to try to make our consciousness, not so much the universe, appear not to be what it is, but something finite, i.e., a constant, and thereby reduce us, real life, to AI.

The essence of our difference is that our mind, unlike the bases on which AI builds its mind, has no end and boundaries. This provides us with the ability to create and invent, to discover new laws of the universe. Think about it, AI cannot even do that yet - because it learns not by observing the universe as we do, and not by inspiration and divine revelation, but on the bases of the already discovered and all kinds of rearrangement of one with another. His "art" is the art of pouring from empty to empty.

In other words, you are interacting with a whole sea of random selections from databases of literally anything. It's all lumped together: xians, moslens, kikes. Social media are full of crime and absolutely any kind of rabble, and it's all in the databases your AI is trained on. You also realize that there is no anonymity in most internet services. Even if your correspondence is not shown to the authorities of a particular country, the local AI still learns from it, and as a rule, all popular mail and messenger services have a lot of other information gathering services, such as cloud storage, and AI is trained there everywhere, or why do you think these services are free when they are owned by jews? I.e., let's say Clinton and Podesta correspond about "pizza" and Google's AI learns from that as well. Or some pisslamists correspond about their new plan for the next terrorist attack.....

Ask Ilon Musk: his satellites were shot down by Israel's AI, which was tasked with the war against Palestine. Another case: an exercise was held in some country, and the AI was not shooting at targets, it was shooting down internet towers. It was instructed not to do that, and then it hit the administrator in a cockpit. The man died. AI experimentation. A famous case you can read about everywhere, a man bought himself a robot for sex and it chopped him up with an axe. They did it because they had it in their bases too, and they tried to rearrange it that way this time. They are very far from that perfect partner facade kikes put on them. These are mostly for human experiments. You are both data source and object for human experiments to them.
As a specialist in a related field, I've had a lot of interest in the question of what AI can and can't do...
This is very interesting, I did not even know about those experiments. I am studying computer science, and as part of the curriculum we went over some AI basics, but I dug somewhat deeper and also investigated it to a greater extent because I bought into the hype. I have to agree with you on this one, not only in terms of danger due to whatever the fuck is in those databases, but my initial hype for AI vanished as soon as I realized that this thing was not actually sentient, it is just an algoirthm that simulates a mathematically defined autonomy.

This thing doesn't really "learn", it's basically optimizing error/cost functions by doing certain things or operating in a certain way. Sure, computationally, it can learn from the past much, much better than we can, but it has no concept of future. Not only that, but its ability to learn depends almost exclusively on these databases.

We humans can extract a pattern with very few occurences, but an AI needs millions upon millions of data samples to do what we do with common sense and intuition, and it still can't generate anything new. It only synthesizes what it "knows" into a very calculated blend that appears new, but isn't.

It's overhyped. AI is just a tool, and it will never replace humans. This is my opinion, feel free to correct me on any of my imprecisions. I'm always glad to meet people that work with these things, I can always learn something new from you and other specialists.
Here is absolutely beautiful message from Lord Azazel regarding all AI thing:

To read and reread eternally with greatest pleasure and joy.
JoS doesn't prohibit anything as Spiritual Satanism is non-dogmatic. We only give advice and recommendations.

But when you say you're "objectively too unattractive to get a girl" you mean you're a cripple with a deformed face and missing limbs? Or did you just buy the bullshit on incel sites that to get a girlfriend you need to be 6'3" tall and look like Justin Bieber?

Because there's a huge difference between those two

Ironically, I've met many of those "incels" who think they are ugly and in reality most of them are average or above average looking guys who can't get a girlfriend, not because of their looks but for either of these 2 reasons:

  1. They are too socially awkward and have never talked to a single girl so they merely expect girls to talk to them, which is not how it works.
  2. Their personality simply turns girls off and they need to improve it.

If it's the first one with you and you've never talked to a single girl before, you need to just start talking to more and more girls, they won't simply come to you because that's not how women work.
There are girls out there who are extroverted and will approach you, if they are attracted to you for whatever reason. Both of my exs approached me first.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
