AskSatanOperator said:
1) I have a very bad natal chart it because of my own negative karma ,family karma ,ancestor karma or is it because of jewish curses??
2)Does jewish curses amplify the worstness of malefic planets more in natal chart ??
I recommend that you focus on the present.
If everything is good in your life now, then you know how to overcome difficulties, or you successfully take actions with the help of your will so that everything is good in your life.
A lot depends on yourself and your actions, and not on bad or good karma.
Always remember that no matter how bad your natal chart, or karma, or any external circumstances are, you can always change your life for the better, like most unpleasant situations that arise in your life.
I knew people who predicted to me that I would never be successful in my career, that I would earn little and the like, as a result, these people are now in what they predicted for me, and I actually achieved success both in my career and in money, successfully overcoming all critical and difficult situations, which have arisen in my life.
If you work every day on programming your aura, or perform any other magical work for your own success in anything, if you do everything correctly (according to the instructions), then I believe that you will change your fate and those negative moments that are written in your natal chart will not have sufficient force, because you will be stronger!