Sometimes, an abnormal shaped spine can cause some issues with spiritual advancement, like with the serpent flowing up the spine. So this question made sense. Yoga can fix this over time.
Continue with your yoga and take your time. Your body will adjust. It is hard to say if your spine will completely adjust but it is not impossible.
Scoliosis and related are a bit connected to poor nutrition and abnormal development that can begin in the womb and can also be brought on by bad posture, lack of movement and accidents.
You can alleviate the development of your spine overtime with said yoga and give your body the minerals it needs to develop. Stretching and working out your spine over time can do wonders.
You can try supplementing with collagen (for the connective tissue and it will help to loosen and make your bones and joints more elastic), vitamin D for bone health and magnesium for calcium and bone structure. Boron is also a good mineral for bones. You can also supplement with pure azomite powder, which is a good mineral supplement.
The bones are held in place by fascia or connective tissue and spine curvature is not just about the bones but fascial strength and durability. Stretch your body daily and try to "elongate" your spine while doing this.
The yoga will alleviate and align your body.
All and all, you can still spiritually advance your self. Just know that overtime as your soul starts to gain power, your body will be affected for the better. Your soul is the main factor here.