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Question #2954: Query on Licit and Illicit Substances?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Maxine: To each of their own; alcohol and or drugs. Responsible to the Responsible.

I'm aware the War on Drugs is bad, it's caused untold suffering to people and seems to be a financial blackhole for nefarious actors. Ex: CIA delivering crack to inner cities meme.

1. Is JoS against the War on Drugs?


2. Where does JoS get the idea that drugs cause issues to the aura and or soul? Ex: Pokes holes in the aura.

I've read of Yogis in the India/S.E.A.N. and other places stating drugs damage the soul or parts of it. Some have gone even so far as to state some consumption of such substances can lead to damaging the soul for lifetimes requiring various reincarnations to fix.

I'm not asking for beyond reasonable proof. I'm simply asking for reasonable proof. There seems to be no scientific properties on power meditation or properties of afflicting the soul. Science and the Occult go hand-in-hand but not in our current reality. It seems many people just want to relax for a few hours after a weary day at the Job. It seems substances or drugs are a method by which someone can get a vacation from themselves and their lives.


3. Isn't it fair to state some people would benefit from their usage? I'd like to understand why JoS looks so down on substances especially those people who such as myself do extensive researching, reading trip reports, contemplating i.e. pre-emptive intellectual understanding!

It's been stated the drug not the user through meditation is in control. But it seems to be on more than one occasion members or should I say posters have stated meditation is really difficult or certain meditations work and others falter.

I'm just curious why the JoS has this memetic understanding of the Hippies and Yuppies who consumed a shitload of drugs due to lack of information. Basically a young person takes the amounts of the past and wakes up humping a tree or something. And then these people have the hypocritical advice not to consume substances which they failed at the information war in consuming them at moderated levels.

Basically, very few people had an intuitive go low and slow approach.


[Unfortunately, I kinda get the feeling most people looking at meditation see it as a fun, trip out, and then return to normal. I'm reminded of people who studied Lucid Dreaming and Astral projection and view it as something to do in their time. There seems to be horizontal expansion but no vertical i.e. progress AND evolution. It seems like meditation is supposed to do "something".


Unfortunately, I feel like JoS is a Saturn Prison 'Meditation and meditation only' or else, to a degree of are people masochist and or sadist. Some and questionably due to the internet and anonymity seem like they could make it up. State meditation is wonderful etc.etc. but as a very Saturnian person even discipline to meditation it's fraught with a dark cloud.

I even kinda get the feeling as a dedicated member that if I so much as step out of line I get punished by the Gods for trying to enjoy my life using such substances. Hence another reason why I'm concerned with using them. Sheer fact is I certainly live a very Saturnesque life.]

FYI:I don't plan on using, I study. I'm not into risking my life getting in trouble with law enforcement due to such products nor questionable people who may or may not lace your substance.
Gear88, you will not be punished by Gods for doing stupid stuff. One is already effectively causing harm to oneself by doing drugs, why would they spend their time spanking them after the fact? It's a waste of time. Gods don't interfere in these matters. It's everyone's own decision, and in the case of drugs, to one's detriment. If someone is stupid enough to engage in these substances they will simply reap what they sow.

Yeah, sorry, but not sorry for not giving you details. It's common sense that drugs are harmful to one's body, mind, and soul (as these are all connected). If you can't get this, then you can't get this.
Gear88 said:
Look I'm sick and fucking tired of meditation and lying to myself that it works or is working or whatever. I prefer thinking, processing, and contemplating and just imagining. Sheer fact is meditation has never worked for me and I'm not into meditation. I don't know why I bother to continue on this. Even my friend just dedicated for the sake of dedication and he posses a Grand Yod Triangle in his chart, my friend is far superior than me even if his life is same shit; different day.
You must have copy-pasted this part. I swear you have written the exact same paragraph multiple times before. And if not, you have memorized this and keep repeating the same line. No wonder you get anywhere when you are actively programming your mind to failure!

I never knew having fun or delving into spirituality in an alternative way was considered frowned upon.
The alternative way is the way the enemy pushes. So, yes, it is frowned upon as it leads to decay. By being here for two decades you should know that Spiritual Satanism in essence is the opposite of decay.

Common sense drugs are bad. How is it common sense if people don't know how to use them and don't research. Look at all the stupid Hippies taking 200-300mcg hits of LSD and waking up a deranged person. Your supposed to start off with the mythical 150mcg transcendental beginners dose.
You have no idea as you go by some narrow view that you read about. For starters, everyone responds differently, and the doses you listed can be overwhelming to a certain amount of populace.

Common sense is not the same as researching a subject and being knowledgeable. That's acquired knowledge.

Anyways Henu once again thank you. You made me realize life is not fun nor enjoyable and we should suffer in this thralldom.
This is your own conjecture. I did not claim that fun can not be had, and I do have fun in my own time. Just not with drugs.

I guess when people don't do research on them and try and dive right in without any foreknowledge and being a degenerate, shit hits the fan.
You can know all there is to know about drugs, but knowledge does not change the underlying facts about drugs.

Thanks Henu you depressed me real well.
Truth hurts.

I guess that is why life sucks so much. Everyone just wants to do nothing. Well I'm surprised more people don't just do nothing. Might as well do nothing, nothing is worthwhile. I never knew drugs was such a touchy subject for people. I guess people can't handle their shit.
:roll: How about doing something about the issue, then?
Gear88 said:
Look I'm sick and fucking tired of meditation and lying to myself that it works or is working or whatever.
Overcoming Obstacles
Common reasons for failure in magick are:
  • Due to a lack of awareness, you destroy what you are trying to create.
    What I mean by this is repeating certain phrases over and over, that are contrary to what you are trying to achieve. Every cell in our body is a thinking living unit that makes up the part of the whole. This is what is referred to as the "mind-body". There is a very powerful connection here. You ARE what you think, ESPECIALLY, if you practice power meditation and/or have a more powerful soul.

Gear88 said:
I prefer thinking, processing, and contemplating and just imagining.
Don't think, Act. - VoiceofEnki

Blitzkreig [JG said:
"]Don't get 'analysis paralysis'; you will learn by personally doing more than by reading. - Source
Henu the Great said:
Gear88, you will not be punished by Gods for doing stupid stuff. One is already effectively causing harm to oneself by doing drugs, why would they spend their time spanking them after the fact? It's a waste of time. Gods don't interfere in these matters. It's everyone's own decision, and in the case of drugs, to one's detriment. If someone is stupid enough to engage in these substances they will simply reap what they sow.

Yeah, sorry, but not sorry for not giving you details. It's common sense that drugs are harmful to one's body, mind, and soul (as these are all connected). If you can't get this, then you can't get this.
but how did u find out that it is gear88?
Gear88 said:

It is not any of our faults that you are an absolute failure in every part of your life. For somebody who will spend his entire life at home with his parents collecting welfare checks and doing nothing, honestly school was a waste of time for you. Because you are just living as a parasite and contributing nothing to the world. The only thing you need to know how to do is sign your name and account number on the back of the welfare check, and I remember you saying a couple years ago you didn't even know how to do that. There are potted plants living better and more productive lives than you. At least the oxygen they release is beneficial to the world.

You ask why does somebody who uses drugs have to be a degenerate? Because you already are a degenerate. The whole reason you want to use drugs is because you already are a degenerate. If you want to completely erase your mind and soul and be a walking coma like Sid Barrett, this is your own choice and the gods will not prevent you from making this choice. But you would be choosing brain damage, retardation, and death. You would be permanently killing both your mind and soul, which will last forever in all future lifetimes and make all of your future lives even worse than your current one. Is there any part of you that actually wants to live? Or do you want to spend eternity getting progressively weaker, dumber, and worse in every way? That's the only thing the drugs will do for you.

You would be a perfectly happy person if you did not spend 24 hours per day doing absolutely nothing. You would not feel worthless and depressed if you did anything. If you had a job, you would at least have one thing in your life that you could feel good about and give you some accomplishment to be proud of every day, and you also would meet people and have better relationships with people. You have put yourself into Solitary Confinement for years at a time then you blame the gods that you are not happy.

Our teachings are about life, living your life, and improvement and advancement in every single area of your life. If you followed any of these teachings, you would have a good life and you would be happy. But you have chosen to waste all of your life doing nothing. I have seen people with downs syndrome working doing all kinds of jobs in a grocery store and I don't think you have downs syndrome, so there is no excuse why you can't do anything. I've seen people with downs syndrome at a farm milking the cows and making cheese. You're not in a wheelchair because you said all you ever do is pace back and forth in your room all day. Even if you had a 35 IQ, it sounds like your body is able to move which means you would be able to do something useful, even if it was just licking envelopes in a mail office. You don't even have to lick envelopes anymore, now they have a glue that's already sticky and all you have to do is pull off the strip of wax paper. But you are just greedy and think you deserve everything, so you think you deserve free money out of all of our pockets just because you make the purposeful choice to do nothing.
You live a Saturnesque life in terms of pessimism and nitpicking because your longest meditation by your own admission was 16 days, and you also did a bunch of Saturn Squares because the either sadistic or foolish likes of Shael and Ghost told you to. In my estimation this was probably one of the worst pieces of 'advice' I've seen be given out here.

With that in mind, how can you say Magick is pointless?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:

It is not any of our faults that you are an absolute failure in every part of your life. For somebody who will spend his entire life at home with his parents collecting welfare checks and doing nothing, honestly school was a waste of time for you. Because you are just living as a parasite and contributing nothing to the world. The only thing you need to know how to do is sign your name and account number on the back of the welfare check, and I remember you saying a couple years ago you didn't even know how to do that. There are potted plants living better and more productive lives than you. At least the oxygen they release is beneficial to the world.

You ask why does somebody who uses drugs have to be a degenerate? Because you already are a degenerate. The whole reason you want to use drugs is because you already are a degenerate. If you want to completely erase your mind and soul and be a walking coma like Sid Barrett, this is your own choice and the gods will not prevent you from making this choice. But you would be choosing brain damage, retardation, and death. You would be permanently killing both your mind and soul, which will last forever in all future lifetimes and make all of your future lives even worse than your current one. Is there any part of you that actually wants to live? Or do you want to spend eternity getting progressively weaker, dumber, and worse in every way? That's the only thing the drugs will do for you.

You would be a perfectly happy person if you did not spend 24 hours per day doing absolutely nothing. You would not feel worthless and depressed if you did anything. If you had a job, you would at least have one thing in your life that you could feel good about and give you some accomplishment to be proud of every day, and you also would meet people and have better relationships with people. You have put yourself into Solitary Confinement for years at a time then you blame the gods that you are not happy.

Our teachings are about life, living your life, and improvement and advancement in every single area of your life. If you followed any of these teachings, you would have a good life and you would be happy. But you have chosen to waste all of your life doing nothing. I have seen people with downs syndrome working doing all kinds of jobs in a grocery store and I don't think you have downs syndrome, so there is no excuse why you can't do anything. I've seen people with downs syndrome at a farm milking the cows and making cheese. You're not in a wheelchair because you said all you ever do is pace back and forth in your room all day. Even if you had a 35 IQ, it sounds like your body is able to move which means you would be able to do something useful, even if it was just licking envelopes in a mail office. You don't even have to lick envelopes anymore, now they have a glue that's already sticky and all you have to do is pull off the strip of wax paper. But you are just greedy and think you deserve everything, so you think you deserve free money out of all of our pockets just because you make the purposeful choice to do nothing.
I have only a little familiarity with Gear's story and can empathize with how bleak that lifestyle must be but if what you say is true then it's no wonder he's in the headspace he's in. He's in a rut, a cycle that feeds into itself and until he breaks it he will remain in a prison of his own making. He needs to become an active participant in his own life and not passively expect things to change or for fulfillment to show up at his doorstep. Even if life has gifts to give him, life doesn't have a chance to give them because he never opens his door to life.

Best thing for him to do right now would be to get a job or volunteer and rejoin human society, not get drugs dubered to his doorstep. You cannot live a spiritual life without living your physical life.

Human connection alleviates suffering and provides the opportunity for meaning and fulfillment and can also be very grounding. Work can be a good place to find that.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Gear88 said:

It is not any of our faults that you are an absolute failure in every part of your life. For somebody who will spend his entire life at home with his parents collecting welfare checks and doing nothing, honestly school was a waste of time for you. Because you are just living as a parasite and contributing nothing to the world. The only thing you need to know how to do is sign your name and account number on the back of the welfare check, and I remember you saying a couple years ago you didn't even know how to do that. There are potted plants living better and more productive lives than you. At least the oxygen they release is beneficial to the world.

You ask why does somebody who uses drugs have to be a degenerate? Because you already are a degenerate. The whole reason you want to use drugs is because you already are a degenerate. If you want to completely erase your mind and soul and be a walking coma like Sid Barrett, this is your own choice and the gods will not prevent you from making this choice. But you would be choosing brain damage, retardation, and death. You would be permanently killing both your mind and soul, which will last forever in all future lifetimes and make all of your future lives even worse than your current one. Is there any part of you that actually wants to live? Or do you want to spend eternity getting progressively weaker, dumber, and worse in every way? That's the only thing the drugs will do for you.

You would be a perfectly happy person if you did not spend 24 hours per day doing absolutely nothing. You would not feel worthless and depressed if you did anything. If you had a job, you would at least have one thing in your life that you could feel good about and give you some accomplishment to be proud of every day, and you also would meet people and have better relationships with people. You have put yourself into Solitary Confinement for years at a time then you blame the gods that you are not happy.

Our teachings are about life, living your life, and improvement and advancement in every single area of your life. If you followed any of these teachings, you would have a good life and you would be happy. But you have chosen to waste all of your life doing nothing. I have seen people with downs syndrome working doing all kinds of jobs in a grocery store and I don't think you have downs syndrome, so there is no excuse why you can't do anything. I've seen people with downs syndrome at a farm milking the cows and making cheese. You're not in a wheelchair because you said all you ever do is pace back and forth in your room all day. Even if you had a 35 IQ, it sounds like your body is able to move which means you would be able to do something useful, even if it was just licking envelopes in a mail office. You don't even have to lick envelopes anymore, now they have a glue that's already sticky and all you have to do is pull off the strip of wax paper. But you are just greedy and think you deserve everything, so you think you deserve free money out of all of our pockets just because you make the purposeful choice to do nothing.

I have never seen you ever giving so rude replies to anyone??I am actually very new here ..what made you to be this rude to the OP?
Gear88 said:
Look I'm sick and fucking tired of meditation and lying to myself that it works or is working or whatever. I prefer thinking, processing, and contemplating and just imagining. Sheer fact is meditation has never worked for me and I'm not into meditation. I don't know why I bother to continue on this. Even my friend just dedicated for the sake of dedication and he posses a Grand Yod Triangle in his chart, my friend is far superior than me even if his life is same shit; different day.

We are at the forefront of this path, and it is not easy to do. It requires mental control and the need to control both the yin and yang of one's self for transformation to best occur, as shown by Eihwaz.

If the mental side of this path is difficult for you, why not focus more on the physical, like Yoga or pranayama? Then, at least your soul will get some benefit and advancement, and it will help you feel better.

As for why we don't support drugs, it is simply because they suck as means for either transforming yourself or experiencing spirituality.
phi3.14infinity said:
but how did u find out that it is gear88?

He guessed based on his intuition of the writing style.

The questions themselves are submitted anonymously, so not even the operators of this service can discover who submitted which questions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
