AskSatanOperator said:
What does Satan and his Demons think when you left them and disregarded them and your spiritual advancement?
I have been slacking in Satanism and I need help getting back to my Satanic home. I’ve lost my purpose in Satanism and fell off the wagon. How do I get back to be focused and committed again? I want to be like HP HC with his consistency and loyalty to Satan, but how does he do it?
How does HP HC and HPS Maxine spend their lives to devote their time to Satanism?
Someone once told me:
"If something is important to you, you make time for it."
I imagine the same can be applied here. When something is important to you, truly important - not forced, not influenced - but truly matters to you, do you find yourself wanting to keep going with it? Keep fighting for it and protecting it? Keep trying with it? No matter how many times you fall off the horse, or how many obstacles get in your way?
If it's your desire to come home, then find the strength within yourself to make it so important to you, that you will naturally want to work hard and be committed. And believe without doubt or fear in your strength and ability to do so.
I've wavered on my own path at times, because I didn't have enough confidence in myself, and I was battling (and still do battle sometimes) with caring enough about myself and my direction. This causes me to fall into depression, to not care, to lose sight of what's important to the point I don't know how to find it again without help. In those moments, I reach out to Father Satan. I talk to him, I cry to him. His Psalm alone recently ( gave me such an overwhelming sense of belonging, nothing else mattered except him being in my life and never letting that go. I have no idea what my purpose is, but because I belong to Satan, I find it doesn't matter to me right now because I'll find that answer down the road someday eventually as I continue to grow and learn.
You can find your feet again. Just reach out.