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Question #2877: Possible sexual blockage


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
For a bit of context, I had been addicted to porn for more than a decade, and I've quit it recently, a few months back. It feels good not being under that addiction anymore, and ever since dedicating myself and starting the 40 day program a couple weeks ago, I feel more energized. Nevertheless, because I used porn for masturbation as well, it's been months since I have done it. Recently, I tried masturbating once more, but it doesn't really matter what I try, nothing seems to give me an erection. I can imagine anything, I can even try to feel it, but to no avail. I even tried porn once more recently in my desperation, and not even that is having any effect, I find it depraved and surreal now. I don't have a girlfriend, so sex is out of the question, and visiting a brothel is not only against my values, I wouldn't even have money to afford anything anyway.
I have tried invoking Gomory last night using the formal ritual in the JoS, as it is stated one of her powers is to bestow love upon men, but since I am new, I didn't feel much coming through, or maybe my call didn't reach anyone at all. My idea was to ask her for help in finding a partner, but not a one night stand. Whether it worked or not doesn't impact me, as I considered the possibility of not getting an answer anyway.
In any case, I'm in a conundrum here, I don't feel particularly bad about not being able to masturbate on an emotional level, but at the same time it worries me, as I'm pretty young, and such problems should not be common. Not only that, but sometimes I do feel the urge to do it, yet after I start, I find myself sitting there disillusioned, in a similar state as that I reach during a Void Meditation.
I would like to ask anyone who has had similar experiences here as to what the cause of this may be and if there is anything I can do about it. I do RTRs daily and people have said they can be cathartic or bring out buried traumas and other issues due to removal of negative energies, but I don't feel any different compared to before I started.
Any answer is appreciated, and I apologize for the long wall of text, but I wanted to give as much context as I could.
"Yoga: Sacral issues":
Congratulations on overcoming the addiction so far; going months without porn is a huge deal.

To give you a metaphor concerning your issue, its as if you were a computer plugged in with corrupted and damaged wires. Without the porn, you essentially disconnected all these wires and tossed them in the trash. But now the computer is just turned off, attempting to work wireless.

At this point, here are a few ideas you can do to "plug in" some brand new clean wires for yourself:

- Start performing Hatha Yoga (If you're not already).

- Make sure your daily meditations involve cleaning and protecting your aura.

- You can perform a Witche's Sabbath for purification on the 14th or 28th of October. The purification can be focused on your aura or more in particular your Sacral chakra.

- You can also focus your meditations on your chakras and again more in particular, your Sacral chakra.

The Yoga automatically begins to balance out the energy from your chakras which is good. Cleaning and protecting your aura daily makes sure that balance is clean. The purification can definitely make sure any serious dross is removed wether you feel it on your aura or chakras. And finally, specific chakra mediations can also blast away any dirt left over from the past porn usage.

I'm sure other members can give you more advice, this is just mine for now.

Hatha Yoga:

Withche's Sabbath:
Work to purify the sexual chakra with a solar mantra such as Raum, on October 14th there is the New Moon on Saturday (Witches' Esbat) and it is very powerful if you use another mantra such as Agni for example on your sexual chakra, then on Tuesday you can begin the square of Mars to enhance your sexuality towards a healthy outlet.

Also on October 17th you can begin not only the square of Mars but also use the Uruz rune to free your sexuality from the negative effects that porn has had on you, on October 17th there is also the crescent Moon in Scorpio for this.

It is useful to work with visualization while practicing autoeroticism.

So try these three very powerful meditations: Raum x 36 or 111 on your sexual chakra, Agni for 36 or 111 on your sexual chakra for 28 days starting October 14, the Mars square lasts 25 days and then you can start another one because you can make two squares of Mars in each sign in which it is stronger/not debilitated, and Uruz rune x 25 or 65 on your sexual chakra with a statement like "The energy of the Uruz rune frees my sexuality from any effects negative of porn, my sexuality is exceptionally powerful and vital"

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
