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Question #2416: thanks Satanism a very LOT


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
of all the religions ,,i really find JoS to be the most practical,logical..it is like the ONLY light present in the midst of darkness in this evil world ..I come from a christian family ..I have spent months reading JoS all blogs exposing christianity and all such stuffs ..I have some important questions

1)what is the proof of reincarnation..I mean when I do not know what evil I did in my previous life..How can I amend it now?Again the only thing which I find some what irking is the concept of reincarnation..how is reincarnation fair??

2)satanism believes in influence of planets ..again If I am being a christian ,the bible says not to be afraid of astrology or zodiac ..So does it mean becoming a satanist will automatically make me come under the influence of planets ??

3)what are the things which I will be missing if I am a christian??
1. Reincarnation isn't about amending "evil", it's about growing and becoming more powerful and learning from your mistakes. What the Buddhists and others say about reincarnation is wrong, reincarnation isn't a punishment and it doesn't have anything to do with punishing you for what you did in previous lives. Karma exists, but it's not punishment or reward and it doesn't have anything to do with morality. Spiritual Satanism is about overcoming reincarnation by becoming a god.

2. Whether you're a Satanist or not, you're still under the influence of the planets. Just because you're not afraid of them doesn't mean they don't influence you. But, as a Spiritual Satanist, you can be conscious of that influence and learn how to overcome it instead of pretending that it doesn't exist. It's just like a silly religion that teaches you that disease doesn't exist and if you don't believe in it it'll go away. It doesn't work like that. You need to learn to identify the disease first so you can cure it.

3. Many things, just read the JoS website.
I will answer some questions.

The influence of planets exists and is a scientific fact. Every celestial body has an electromagnetic field, which influences all other bodies around it.
If we also take a look at Newton's universal gravitational law, we find that every particle of any size influences every other particle in the universe, and they attract each other according to the formula


Physics in general explains a lot about the reality of our universe, so it is important to study it.

christians are told to ignore this because 'jesus' takes care of it, but this is just a lie to keep people ignorant and enslaved.
Believing a lie will not make you immune to physical laws.

Moreover, we do not 'believe', we know. It is not arrogance but pure knowledge. Like 2+2 makes 4, and this cannot be disputed and it is foolish to say otherwise.

Finally, if you are a christian, what you lose is your life. You will spend your whole life on your knees living a pitiful, empty, meaningless life.
In Satanism there is freedom, meaning, completeness and advancement.

I encourage you to delve into the "exposing christianity" section.
I grew up enslaved in xtianity too and I am convinced that it causes severe mental illness, especially depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, codependency and enhances narcissism (despite all the being humble and poor sermons they try to endoctrinate their flock of brainwashed zombies with).

A human cannot live in internal conflict and cognitive dissonance for long periods of time without their brain getting severe and permanent damage. Cognitive dissonance means that you have 2 opposite beliefs in your head at the same time who fight each other. xtianity is expert at doing that, by creating beliefs that constantly fight all natural humans urges.


1. The natural need to have sex or masturbate. Nope, it's a sin and if you do either you will feel stress about sinning, going to hell etc.

2. The natural desire to retaliate when someone harms you. That's everywhere in nature, even animals fight back if attacked. Nope, xtianity says love your enemies, turn the other cheek and many more BS that will make you anxious and depressed.

3. Creating eating disorders by forcing perverse, unnatural diets. Some people can benefit by intermitted fasting or limiting meat, but it's not for everyone. As a xtian you are supposed to eat specific things at specific times (or not eat), ignore your bodily signals (hunger, feeling dizzy, craving meat etc) which will make you weak long term.

I could go on, but if you want to be physically and mentally healthy leaving that crazy death cult is a crucial step.
Scourge said:
I grew up enslaved in xtianity too and I am convinced that it causes severe mental illness, especially depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, codependency and enhances narcissism (despite all the being humble and poor sermons they try to endoctrinate their flock of brainwashed zombies with).

A human cannot live in internal conflict and cognitive dissonance for long periods of time without their brain getting severe and permanent damage. Cognitive dissonance means that you have 2 opposite beliefs in your head at the same time who fight each other. xtianity is expert at doing that, by creating beliefs that constantly fight all natural humans urges.


1. The natural need to have sex or masturbate. Nope, it's a sin and if you do either you will feel stress about sinning, going to hell etc.

2. The natural desire to retaliate when someone harms you. That's everywhere in nature, even animals fight back if attacked. Nope, xtianity says love your enemies, turn the other cheek and many more BS that will make you anxious and depressed.

3. Creating eating disorders by forcing perverse, unnatural diets. Some people can benefit by intermitted fasting or limiting meat, but it's not for everyone. As a xtian you are supposed to eat specific things at specific times (or not eat), ignore your bodily signals (hunger, feeling dizzy, craving meat etc) which will make you weak long term.

I could go on, but if you want to be physically and mentally healthy leaving that crazy death cult is a crucial step.

brother very very well said ...Christianity is definetely a VERY BIG mental torture ..Because I wanted to explore all religions ,,I for some 1-2 years ACTED as a christian so that I can learn about this religion(Of course I have read the entire bible few times completely) But since I had 10000s of questions in my mind ,I had to consult so called believers ..Christians 80% are MENTALLY SICK people who actually deserve to be in some very good psychiatric mental asylum ..This is the only brutal truth ..FOR EVERY NATURAL URGES ,,they say there is a TERRIBLE SPIRIT behind it like ,if u are very much ambitious and wanting to become rich ..The pentecoastal church(biggest collection of psychopaths) calls it SPIRIT OF LUST,Spirit of self sufficiency .,,spirit of mammon and 10000 other names ..If u are happy in life ,they call it spirit of self sufficiency ..Name any natural trait in human ,those mentally deranged fools attach a SPIRIT TAG to it ..It is very much funny and also enraging at the very same time .Bible calls anything of natural wish as idols(this includes name,fame,success,ambition,riches).

Reading the entire bible gives a nauseating feel in my stomach ..New testament is VERY full of LOVING DEATH AND HATING LIFE ..There are 100s of such verses in new testament ..Christians even say that one must not enjoy meals and food since it is called spirit of gluttony(A BIG SIGH) ..And christians are also most of them naarcisstic people ..They stress that one must actually forgive no matter even if they were raped or brutally harmed ..New testament is all about tolerating abuses and taking injustices and live poor and have 0 ambition and HATE life ..The bible is written by mentally sick people to make the world like them ..VERY SAD
How is reincarnation unfair? You are alive, and you continue being alive. You have an endless amount of time to make yourself better, smarter, healthier, stronger, in all ways and to build any skill you want. And whatever improvement you make stays with you forever. You can make yourself perfect, and you can make all of your lives perfect. You have the opportunity to accomplish this.

The planets give off energies which influence the world. These energies affect all people and all things every day. You have already been affected by the planets for your entire life, and for all previous lives. Being Satanist does not make you suddenly become affected by planets. We give you the knowledge on what these energy influences are and how you can use them or adjust them. So you can use beneficial planet energies to make your life better.

All of Satanism is about Life, Growth, and Improvement in all ways so that you may give yourself a better life.
AskSatanOperator said:
1)what is the proof of reincarnation..I mean when I do not know what evil I did in my previous life..How can I amend it now?Again the only thing which I find some what irking is the concept of reincarnation..how is reincarnation fair??

2)satanism believes in influence of planets ..again If I am being a christian ,the bible says not to be afraid of astrology or zodiac ..So does it mean becoming a satanist will automatically make me come under the influence of planets ??

3)what are the things which I will be missing if I am a christian??
1) Once you get to a certain point with Meditation you will be able to know more and more about your past lives. I would suggest you to not stress too much about what you did and what you did not in your past lives right now, rather clean your soul and do AoP.

2) Every person on this planet is influenced by the planets, no matter what "religion" they follow. The Church always did everything in its power to keep people away from Astrology because Astrology explains how destiny really works and it has nothing to do with a bearded jew in the sky.

3) Basically almost everything that is meaningful about life. Xianity is an anti-human program. Missing out on things is just one part of the problem, you have to also be aware of all the mental issues that it causes on the long run. Study the website to learn more.
WiseDragon said:
AskSatanOperator said:
1)what is the proof of reincarnation..I mean when I do not know what evil I did in my previous life..How can I amend it now?Again the only thing which I find some what irking is the concept of reincarnation..how is reincarnation fair??

2)satanism believes in influence of planets ..again If I am being a christian ,the bible says not to be afraid of astrology or zodiac ..So does it mean becoming a satanist will automatically make me come under the influence of planets ??

3)what are the things which I will be missing if I am a christian??
1) Once you get to a certain point with Meditation you will be able to know more and more about your past lives. I would suggest you to not stress too much about what you did and what you did not in your past lives right now, rather clean your soul and do AoP.

2) Every person on this planet is influenced by the planets, no matter what "religion" they follow. The Church always did everything in its power to keep people away from Astrology because Astrology explains how destiny really works and it has nothing to do with a bearded jew in the sky.

3) Basically almost everything that is meaningful about life. Xianity is an anti-human program. Missing out on things is just one part of the problem, you have to also be aware of all the mental issues that it causes on the long run. Study the website to learn more.

what are the mental issues you think comes with following christianity?
phi3.14infinity said:
what are the mental issues you think comes with following christianity?
There are so many.

Firstly repressing sexuality and attaching sexuality to sin and guilt is the cause of all kinds of serious issues.

Being told all the time that you should be ashamed of yourself because you are a product of sin and you should apologize for existing creates all sorts of problems and feelings of inadequacy. This is coupled with pride being considered a sin as well.

Being told that wealth is the root of all evil and you should avoid it keeps the xian poor, and having a shitty lifestyle has a very bad impact on an individual that doesn't even have hope of escaping this situation, since it would be a sin.

The constant fear of hell drives so many people insane, especially as they get older. When people are young they don't think too much about it, but as they age, the idea of burning and suffering FOR ETERNITY really messes with them. The rules that the jew imposed on them are extremely strict, so literally 99.99% of xians are sinners no matter how hard they try to follow the rules, so they are terrified.

Being forced to accept abuse, repressing emotions and never seeking justice are all xians teachings and all of these things can literally drive an individual insane.

Lastly they tie their souls with extremely negative energies and this has an horrible impact on them. HPs Maxine talks about this, they start to look more and more like the lie that they believe, with that retarded smile on their face looking like a zombie. The energies they tie with are the worst, extremely negative and damaging. We as souls either evolve with Meditation or we degenerate and eventually die. The xian not only starves his soul by not meditating, he also connects it with horrible energies every day.

I was very brief here, there is much more to be said, read the website for more info, all of this has been discussed many times.
WiseDragon said:
phi3.14infinity said:
what are the mental issues you think comes with following christianity?
There are so many.

Firstly repressing sexuality and attaching sexuality to sin and guilt is the cause of all kinds of serious issues.

Being told all the time that you should be ashamed of yourself because you are a product of sin and you should apologize for existing creates all sorts of problems and feelings of inadequacy. This is coupled with pride being considered a sin as well.

Being told that wealth is the root of all evil and you should avoid it keeps the xian poor, and having a shitty lifestyle has a very bad impact on an individual that doesn't even have hope of escaping this situation, since it would be a sin.

The constant fear of hell drives so many people insane, especially as they get older. When people are young they don't think too much about it, but as they age, the idea of burning and suffering FOR ETERNITY really messes with them. The rules that the jew imposed on them are extremely strict, so literally 99.99% of xians are sinners no matter how hard they try to follow the rules, so they are terrified.

Being forced to accept abuse, repressing emotions and never seeking justice are all xians teachings and all of these things can literally drive an individual insane.

Lastly they tie their souls with extremely negative energies and this has an horrible impact on them. HPs Maxine talks about this, they start to look more and more like the lie that they believe, with that retarded smile on their face looking like a zombie. The energies they tie with are the worst, extremely negative and damaging. We as souls either evolve with Meditation or we degenerate and eventually die. The xian not only starves his soul by not meditating, he also connects it with horrible energies every day.

I was very brief here, there is much more to be said, read the website for more info, all of this has been discussed many times.

I had read JoS website completely ...which link in JoS tells exactly of all the problems which comes when one is a christian??Is it exposingchristianity.org or any other specific JoS link??
phi3.14infinity said:
I had read JoS website completely ...which link in JoS tells exactly of all the problems which comes when one is a christian??Is it exposingchristianity.org or any other specific JoS link??

If you have read the JoS, then you do know that there's not a single link that says "here are all the problems of xianity", right? That info that Wisedragon posted (and much more) is scattered through many articles and sermons from JoS discussing different things. The sermon on "Satanic Love" mentions xianity's suicidal morality focused on "love" and what happens when you suppress negative emotions, the sermon "The Truth about Aliens" says xians are used as energy sources by enemy extraterrestrials, and there are many other articles like them.
phi3.14infinity said:
I had read JoS website completely ...which link in JoS tells exactly of all the problems which comes when one is a christian??Is it exposingchristianity.org or any other specific JoS link??
If you really read the whole JoS website and the Exposing Christianity section and you still have doubts about the negative effects that being a xian brings then maybe you need to read them again.

We also have a Library with thousands of PDFs. HP Hoodedcobra also wrote thousands of Sermons over the years. Right now I really don't have the time to go and look for specific links to share with you.

Also about your profile picture, Sigils are extremely sacred symbols and they are shaped in that specific way for specific reasons, they tie with the energy and Soul of that specific God, they aren't just beautiful drawings, so distorting them, even if it is to unite them with another Satanic symbol, is not a good idea.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
