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Question #2140: what exactly is karma??


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have read both of these links and Yet i really dont understand exactly what karma is ..Could anybody plz explain what karma is in simple terms?


Our souls Vibrate at a certain frequency and every person has their own unique frequency. Its the Vibrational frequency that pushes against all of existence and reality and manifests our life and existence in the universe.

'Karma' can be seen as both very positive aspects of our lives or very negative ones. If someone was born into extreme poverty and suffering and experience an unfortunate life then that can be seen as negative karma, specifically negative karma pertaining to suffering or poverty and overall negative things. Its not something that is gained by just being an awful or bad person, but rather for most people its just he luck of the draw whether or not they were born with 'good' karma like abundance of wealth or negative karma which can cause extreme suffering. Its just the frequency of their soul and how it manifests the type & quality of life they have.

With Meditation and Freeing The Soul workings we can remove these negative vibrational frequencies from our souls and replace it with positive karmic influences such as having an abundance of wealth and happiness. A lot of negative karma is gained from past lives due to mental hang-ups or living with a negative mindset which can also attract and attach long lasting negative influences to the soul which can be carried over across multiple reincarnations and also a lot of our karmic influences are inherited from our parents as we are a combination of the vibrational frequency of our previous lives and the vibration and influences of our parents' souls.

If someone is constantly stressed and worried about something like wealth, when they die that stress and worry doesn't leave the soul and can form a negative vibrational pattern onto the soul which can manifest in the person's next reincarnation as poverty. This can be called an example negative Karma. It can be either a negative or positive influence that a part of a persons soul has that can manifest either good or bad things into their life.

That's how I view Karma. Someone else could probably give a better and more detailed example.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Think of karma like a vector, there is a direction and there is a speed. Everything that you ever do, it is going in some direction. Every time you do something, you are going in that direction. If you always go the same way, you end up very far in that direction and it becomes more permanent. And in your next life, you will also have a tendency to keep going in that same direction.

This is for everything. Good things, and bad things, and neutral things. For example, drinking alcohol is going in the direction of alcohol. It may be relatively safe at first if it is only a small amount, but every time you do it you are going in that direction. Eventually, when the person has gone far enough in that direction, an addiction would have a higher chance of forming and they may become an alcoholic. This would also make it more likely for them to also be an alcoholic in their next life time.

But it also works for good things. If you are always practicing a certain skill or talent, you are going in the direction of making that skill stronger. Eventually, when you have gone very far in that direction, you have built up a very strong talent. Examples of this can be being a musician or an athlete, or anything else that requires a very large amount of skill and practice. Then in your next life time, this same skill will be easier for you than it would be for other people, because in your soul you have already done much of the work. This is why, for example, there are some very young children like 8 years old who can play piano at the highest level, and can perfectly play complicated songs like they are in an orchestra. They have the highest level of talent. This is because they surely have practiced that piano every day for multiple different life times in a row. They have practiced for hundreds of years in past lives, and this practice stays in their soul. So in this life, they have remembered and they have kept that level of skill. And they got back up to that highest level of skill after only practicing for a couple years at a young age.

This is also for personality. If you have a certain personality trait, and this is a big part of who you are, then you are going far in this direction. In next lives, you will be born with this same personality trait, and you will continue having this kind of personality. There may be small changes, if you choose to practice other different personality traits than you will go some amount towards those other traits. But you will mostly stay in whatever way you have spent the most time being.

Somebody who is always very nice and caring, they will always be this way. Someone who is always mean and hateful, they will always be that way. But a nice person can become mean if they spend enough time practicing being mean. And a hateful person can become nice and caring, if they spend enough time practicing being a nicer person.

Anything that you do every day, that is the direction you are going. If you always go the same direction, you will eventually become so far in that direction that it will become permanent and it will become very hard to ever change it. An example of bad karma would be somebody who has addictions. If someone has an entire lifetime where they are addicted to drugs, it will be very high chance of them being addicted to drugs in the next life time. And this will be a very strong force that is much harder to act against, because this force has been building up for a long time. If they spend another entire lifetime of being addicted to drugs, then it is basically permanent. The force keeps building stronger all the time, and after enough lifetimes of that force, it would be very difficult to go against it.
If you did not understood you have to read it again, and the other sermons people mentioned above

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
