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Question #1448: Kids discipline

AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

Using corporal punishment not only demonstrates a lack of understanding and unpreparedness on how to effectively raise children but also raises concerns about its efficacy as a form of discipline. Resorting to physical force to discipline a child will rarely teach anything, and will surely have detrimental effects, such as destroying trust, instilling fear, and causing the children to hate you, in many cases.

This is also done to animals, with even more severe consequences, as animals never come to comprehend that the individuals who subject them to physical harm are deeply disturbed mentally.
Only disturbed people can really think that corporal punishment on kids is something good.
Many studies in psychology and pedagogy confirm that the use of corporal punishment against children is not a good parenting technique.
Corporal punishment teaches children that violence is an acceptable form of solving problems and conflicts. Often people who were corporally punished as children do exactly the same with their children.
Physical violence also develops psychological problems, e.g. anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or difficulties in building healthy interpersonal relationships.
Children learn through corporal punishment how to avoid punishment. On the other hand, they do not learn how to regulate their behavior, which means this form of parenting is ineffective.

Another important point is that many people claim that corporal punishment is the only form of violence against a child. Psychological violence is also unacceptable. It damages mental health, disrupts emotional development, and destroys a sense of security.
Anyone who touches their kids is mentally ill

Even spanking
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

Corporal punishment of children is a real evil! Don't do this!
Your actions should not cause physical or mental harm to the kid.
Do not forget that you should always also think about the mental health of the kid.
Remember that you are also responsible for your kid to the Gods!
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

I have asked HPS Maxine before as a mother herself too in this, and she told me to in almost the entirety of cases avoid it, except when there has been something extremely bad going on, or when you have a really aggressive child where all other means of assertion can be lost. And there, the proportion of anything has to be very minimal.

One should always try to avoid this by all means, yet there are cases where this might have to happen. These can be extremely rare.

If one abuses pain to get their points across you aren't a parent, you are insane. There is a reason that custody rights can be removed from someone.

Of course, that could, theoretically, on very adverse circumstances that don't allow any other measures, only be done to your OWN child, to a very MILD extent, and always within a measurement of sanity, where this will be appropriate and small.

Certain kids can act like animals and the "logical response" and "education" might have to be replaced with a slap across the face, or other things which have been traditionally used to keep children in order. That is also why children are rewarded also in such a young age, as logical responses might not work.

A child throwing another off of a ledge or the stairs, cannot be just 'not even touched and just reasoned with'.

You cannot just pat it and tell it, "oh honey, I won't slap you now as to not cause you any pain. You won't feel any pain from a slap to rationalize what you did to this other kid. I will just uhm, reward you or you did nothing wrong".

Let's say you acted good and didn't give your child a slap across the face for them to remember and never do it again, acting "Good". Then your child does it again, and another kid gets seriously injured or even dies because of this.

Then what does our "beloved state" do in these cases where parental intervention is prohibited?

Modern penal law will also drag your child, as young as it is, in jail or similar facilities, for misbehaving, and it will be real violent for them if they do crimes in there. They will be treated like a prisoner and have their life ruined. They will torture the living soul out of it in there, psychologically and what more.

However, they simultaneously bogus shit us that if a parent slaps a child once a year because they tried to cross the street, or pushed another kid down from something, that one is very evil and that this contributes into an evil society.

At very early ages, conscience of other human beings can also be very much lacking, ie, they can cause injury can pain and none of this can be figured out, due to smaller brain capacity when we are children. You can certainly reason it out with a 12 or 8 year old, but not always with a 4 year old.

Next thing you know, you are breeding Freedie Krueger and an asshole brat.

A degree of control has to be instated discipline cannot always happen by sense. A slap on the face might be required.

As for those who might say that a child is a child, that is understandable. As I grew in school, when there was something really bad done, they used to slap, pull our ear, and some pinching might have happened too.

I am telling you, this made me a better human being, not a worse one. None of this killed me either.

In fact, because I was going around like a stag, especially in my earlier years, that gave me a few things to understand. From the slap you recover in 3-4 seconds, yet the teaching stays with you.

The current generation is always told that nothing is borderline punishable and as we can see every insanity makes itself available and people jump into it, without hesitation, or you have a misunderstanding of punishment entirely, such as it being seen as a "bad concept".

We therefore enjoy a chaotic civilization with drug dealers, unnatural expectations, insanity, and morbid egos, triumphant crime, or whatever else, since people have never had it in their mind in the first place that punishment could in anyway arrive. That consider nothing is off limits very often.

Verbal abuse, which is accepted "more" nowadays, can also have a wrecking character in children. Looking back I would prefer my ear pulled (Since my conscience already told me what I did wrong) rather than the complete verbal assault as a kid.

Both of these are "disciplinary measures" and it all depends how these are applied. Currently, we live in the era where both are borderline forbidden.

The instatement of literally no punishment on anything is going to probably be a tale not ending well for the West.
The important part about any punishment is that it is done within a system that ensures the kid understands and values the parents' opinions, which involves the child identifying with the family in the first place. Corporal punishment can stress this, but so can other punishments.

The learning process from a punishment comes as a result of feeling shame and an obligation to do better. Yet, these feelings will not exist if the social connections were weak in the first place.

Empathetic children may not need harsh punishments, as they are already more receptive to discipline, as well as the situation itself. As HPHC had mentioned, children who have signs of extreme and negative independence or aggression, and emotional detachment, are those which may need a harsh degree of punishment to encourage the same response, but they still must have some respect for the parent for this to work.

That's a good point. I wasn't considering that scenario. My comment was written in the context of those parents who are ignorant about how to raise a child and reward bad behavior, such as the classic example where the kid cries and gets what he wants. They then get frustrated because, somehow, the kid never does anything the parents tell him to do. They then start getting angry and hit the kids, worsening an already bad situation, and passing on their own psychological issues to the kids.
hierophant2411 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

I'm happy the voice of reason came in here, before I wrote a post about it that got vilified.

I agree with what HP HoodedCobra wrote as well. Some kids need it, and I have heard from such kids when they grew up, that they were able to respect the adult and listen to them.

A quick smack on the hands, which is what I got on the rare times I misbehaved, the pain vanished within seconds and I learned. I am certainly not traumatized, nor did I hate my parents for it.

We can't make decisions based on feelings, or what we think might traumatize a kid. Children need to learn to be strong, in order to deal with life. Treat a child like a snowflake and they will crumble when faced with any little problem in life.

Spanking is humiliating though, that should never happen. Pulling down the pants and spanking their butt? That's just wrong.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

I completely agree with you!

I wrote my answer taking into account the fact that SS, who needs help in raising children, is thinking about the use of corporal punishment of a child, while not having the appropriate life experience in applying these punishments to a reasonable extent.

I would like to add that in the upbringing of children, extreme measures should be applied only in extreme cases when they are appropriate.

Most children are absolutely normal and you can effectively punish a child in many different ways without harming their body and psyche.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

I accessed a past life memory revolving around this a while ago. I had resolved myself in that lifetime to not hit or punish anyone because of what had been done to me as a child in it (basically a sibling misusing their power over me using violence and threats, among other things), in spite of the fact everyone during that era basically hit their children, threw children in violent industrial environments that could easily maim them and misused the idea of punishment in line with xian filth of eternal damnation.

So since I was far more well off than when I started in that lifetime and escaped the factory floor so to speak, my son was largely beyond the scope of these things and I applied my own logic to him. The problem was that he was a miscreant and came into existence with violent and manipulative tendencies, much like my brother in that lifetime.

I tried to be affectionate, I tried to teach him respect of animals and other children. His mother in contrast was weak, 'lady-like' and delicate according to the definition of those times, but not cut out to be a mother.

To cut a long story short it didn't work because as a boy with heavy fire traits and also reeling from his mother's weaknesses and my permissiveness, he kept pushing things over and over. One time he did something extremely egregious and horrific, so I boiled over and I ended up slapping him. He stopped after that.

I also socked my brother in the face when he did something beyond the pale.

That is why I came into existence in this life with a skepticism about the 'purity' of children. Children can display past-life traits from a very, very young age.

Now, this doesn't justify the amount of adult lunatics and tyrants locking innocent children in a kennel, beating children for giving them a Christmas present, letting the stepfather kill off children as he pleases with the mother claiming 'uhm only god can judge me #bekind', subjecting kids to crack binges and strippers and so on, but when everyone else is innocent and a child is really rotten, one has to be proactive.

Oe also has to consider the fact that any male child who, for example, may have been a soldier for multiple lifetimes, used to all-male environments and very rough, basically a Mars-type of boy, CANNOT FUNCTION in a society where he is told to act identically to a career woman or a soy boy ashamed of his race, his sex, his privilege and whatever else.

He cannot grow in a society where the only type of punishment received is some sort of occasional scowl from the 90 percent female teachers he has, or cancel culture scumbags. Forcing a square peg into a round hole will ALWAYS end in violence against innocents!

A boy like this needs corrective feedback from other men. If he oversteps the mark (not in violating jewish morality codes such as 'privilege', but actual crimes against others), he needs a sock in the face. A proper male role model and male peer network (not a gang who will inevitably groom him down a malignant path while exhibiting the worst of this) should reel him in accordingly. Part of being male is fighting (within reasonable bounds) to resolve disputes.

But of course, in a society where endless xian draconian punishments for the most stupid of things over lifetimes and prohibition of being a White male in this one has created a race of men like the Calhoun mouse experiment and exponentially increasing trannies, with the deviations of the rule being drug dealers emulating hip hop and insanely egotistical people who think they are God-like just for existing and carrying around an uzi to blow anyone up who disagrees with them, this is just not forthcoming. And people have to import it, which is why pisslam could potentially gain the upper hand among men, as among them 'toxic masculinity' is more permitted without restraint.

This is why the Gods have large amounts of perspective when it comes to proper punishment. People are not the same.
BlackOnyx8 said:
That's a good point. I wasn't considering that scenario. My comment was written in the context of those parents who are ignorant about how to raise a child and reward bad behavior, such as the classic example where the kid cries and gets what he wants. They then get frustrated because, somehow, the kid never does anything the parents tell him to do. They then start getting angry and hit the kids, worsening an already bad situation, and passing on their own psychological issues to the kids.

This can definitely happen as I've seen it. Sometimes there is actually a pattern of indulging and spoiling a child (or ignoring them to exist on one's iPhone while palming off expensive things to them as a substitute for care), and then all of a sudden brutality, which can mess a child up. It is just sending out messed up Pavlovian conditioning to them.

I also think hitting children, especially for things that really are not that bad or on the scale of normal child-like behavior, can make things worse, but it depends on the situation. For things that are just really horrendous or out of control, it can be warranted.
The important thing to bear in mind with whatever discipline method you choose, is the result. The most important for a parent is what example you give to kids. I do not need to be a parent to know this because this is known truth with all human races and all animals and all kinds of life at all that have parenthood: kids do not follow discipline, they follow example. If you say punish a child in whatever way for smoking but you yourself smoke, your discipline will NEVER work despite of how much you do it (except rare cases child is very wise Ancient soul which is conscious and self-aware before physical age of awareness which is obviously an exception in exceptions). We must follow Natural laws and apply them for our end instead of trying to surpass them and go against them. What Natural law I am speaking here about is following a role model: this is primal instinct of all kids and cubs of animals it is deep inside the psyche, subconscious, human can't overwhelm it except they are extremely aware and logically thinking (logical brain is shaped fully up to 33 years old), then people start thinking: probably parent was wrong, probably I should not copy them, but not earlier, not in childhood. Children mass copy their role models and what they see and consider their model around. This is what mostly shape a child, not discipline or whatever punishment.

As for modern psychology telling that punishment does not affect upbringing, ok, they are right, but there is more to punishment than just upbringing. There is such thing as justice out there. Victim needs avenge, despite of how old is the victim and the perpetrator. If one child hurt another child, justice must be served. Rapists of any age should be impaled on the eyes of people and their parents (who brought this rapist to society). Look, if we let them survive we will have the criminal generation where the crime flourish, while if we kill them in childhood, victims will feel justified and we will not have to worry that our new generation going to be full of maniacs. This is how society is cleansed from the unfit.

Moslen kids destroy lives in kindergarten already. Judeo-xian values ensured that they stay in kindergarten while victim has to quit to not be in one class with the rapist. What good will this system teach both the victim and the other children seeing all thiIs? Pacifism, xianity, tolerastia and impunity for those also wanting to do crimes. And nothing else. While if we serve justice, what will all involved learn? Lessen of justice, loyalty to our own, protection of the weak and fighting the evil. Now you see why kikes need these half-talk "psychological investigations" - yes, punishment will not change a rapist, nothing will, it will punish him instead, because not everything is done to change, something is done to get rid of, and some people must be cleansed before they grew up and constitute more danger to society.

You can't save both maniac and the victim. You have to sacrifice someone. I so often ran into this quote by underage criminals: "I can do whatever I want because I have impunity underage status" - this is reality. A lot of violent crime and destroyed lives would never happen if there were no underage impunity. Impunity from what? From 2 years in 7-star prison? It is nothing. Those who created this tolerast hoax should be held responsible for it.

Also there is such mental disease in the West as "total independence". Children and women are supposed to somehow "protect themselves themselves" which only ends up in triumphant evil. There is no independence in Nature. Women, men and children are too different and are designed to co-work and co-depend. The one who can't protect themselves of the crime does not need freedom to do what they can't. They need protection and care. We were designed to belong to each other and to serve each other. This includes avenging, protecting and serving justice for each other as well.

As for cases that do not deal with violent crime, that needs avenge, not discipline, then good example might be enough. For example, if you tell your child to wash their hair and they do not, ok, they will stink and feel disgusted and will soon or later understand that it should not be so, it is disgusting, other people wash and they feel and look much better. Children learn from their environment and should be put into proper one.
Karnonnos said:
That is why I came into existence in this life with a skepticism about the 'purity' of children. Children can display past-life traits from a very, very young age.

People often are deluded to the supposed innocence of children to the extreme. They can be more intelligent and perceptive than many give them credit for. With this also comes a great capacity for cruelty and selfishness especially because the ego and brain are young, still developing with an evergrowing yet very limited to young age empathy capacity.

There are some that can be downright little shits in fact, and bad examples at home make this worse. There have been repeated instances where children that bullied or mistreated others had parents that gaslighted them and told them that they were either a liar or that they were hearing things. Many parents spoil their children and convince themselves they can do no wrong and refuse to see any damage their children can inflict on someone, also based on the notion that many people see children as completely innocent. This is an epidemic and partially explains why a lot of kids grow fucked up and don't even know how to relate to or treat others with care and respect and the cycle repeats. But when you tell society that people should meet certain standards to become parents and show proof of this you are called literally Hitler because breeding properly raised people is annuda shoah I guess.

On the reverse side, you have some children who are very altruistic and show great levels of empathy at an early age, which can either also come from elemental makeup or traits from past lives, probably from working on their souls. Reinforcement at home when done right and starting at the right time is also a very important factor.

Other than that I agree with most here that corporal punishment should be saved for extreme and last-resort cases and certainly not carried out in a fit of frustration or rage. The child will also absorb this negativity very heavily which can instill fear and intense hatred which can leave lasting scars on the ego and psyche.
Karnonnos said:
That is why I came into existence in this life with a skepticism about the 'purity' of children. Children can display past-life traits from a very, very young age.

YES. An 8 year old tried to kill me, even admitted it, but I did not call the police because who would believe me? And his sister was psychotic and would physically attack my sibling and I, it took both of us to hold her off. She was freakishly strong and we got bruises.

Children are people, they have their past-life traits as you said.

And very good point about men's past lives in military etc, we need more male role models, more male teachers, etc. Tying in with this, I firmly believe "celebrities" should be paid way less, and teachers etc be paid more, this will encourage higher quality people to go into important fields such as teaching.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=444742 time=1684821912 user_id=57]
Spanking is humiliating though, that should never happen. Pulling down the pants and spanking their butt? That's just wrong.

Especially when it's done in front of others. I was already a sensitive child, I got spanked with a stick, switch that I was made to pick outside. And also a hairbrush, a belt, a hand etc. I know sometimes I deserved it but other times I felt it was unnecessary. but it was even worse when in front of others.

Without going into too many details I will lightly touch on this story that happened to me when I was a kid,

I got spanked for telling on another kid who was doing something dangerous. I was like why am I being spanked in front of this kids family right now, this kid was about to get themselves seriously hurt if I hadn't said anything.. but I was spanked for being a tattle tale. And then I was made to stand in a corner with a rolled up newspaper in my pants, "tattle tale" for like 30 minutes until I was allowed to come back.. that was very humiliating.

I understand punishment is necessary and every parent will have their own level of what they deem appropriate. But it's not necessary to go to far with this, it can make your kids distrust you or resent you and cause lasting harm.

But there's nothing wrong with punishment when done within reason. that is necessary and helpful for a child's development. If you don't step in to correct them, they'll keep getting worse until they are corrected by force and no one should want this for their children.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it okay to use corporal punishment for kids?Is it something stupid?

I have asked HPS Maxine before as a mother herself too in this, and she told me to in almost the entirety of cases avoid it, except when there has been something extremely bad going on, or when you have a really aggressive child where all other means of assertion can be lost. And there, the proportion of anything has to be very minimal.

One should always try to avoid this by all means, yet there are cases where this might have to happen. These can be extremely rare.

If one abuses pain to get their points across you aren't a parent, you are insane. There is a reason that custody rights can be removed from someone.

Of course, that could, theoretically, on very adverse circumstances that don't allow any other measures, only be done to your OWN child, to a very MILD extent, and always within a measurement of sanity, where this will be appropriate and small.

Certain kids can act like animals and the "logical response" and "education" might have to be replaced with a slap across the face, or other things which have been traditionally used to keep children in order. That is also why children are rewarded also in such a young age, as logical responses might not work.

A child throwing another off of a ledge or the stairs, cannot be just 'not even touched and just reasoned with'.

You cannot just pat it and tell it, "oh honey, I won't slap you now as to not cause you any pain. You won't feel any pain from a slap to rationalize what you did to this other kid. I will just uhm, reward you or you did nothing wrong".

Let's say you acted good and didn't give your child a slap across the face for them to remember and never do it again, acting "Good". Then your child does it again, and another kid gets seriously injured or even dies because of this.

Then what does our "beloved state" do in these cases where parental intervention is prohibited?

Modern penal law will also drag your child, as young as it is, in jail or similar facilities, for misbehaving, and it will be real violent for them if they do crimes in there. They will be treated like a prisoner and have their life ruined. They will torture the living soul out of it in there, psychologically and what more.

However, they simultaneously bogus shit us that if a parent slaps a child once a year because they tried to cross the street, or pushed another kid down from something, that one is very evil and that this contributes into an evil society.

At very early ages, conscience of other human beings can also be very much lacking, ie, they can cause injury can pain and none of this can be figured out, due to smaller brain capacity when we are children. You can certainly reason it out with a 12 or 8 year old, but not always with a 4 year old.

Next thing you know, you are breeding Freedie Krueger and an asshole brat.

A degree of control has to be instated discipline cannot always happen by sense. A slap on the face might be required.

As for those who might say that a child is a child, that is understandable. As I grew in school, when there was something really bad done, they used to slap, pull our ear, and some pinching might have happened too.

I am telling you, this made me a better human being, not a worse one. None of this killed me either.

In fact, because I was going around like a stag, especially in my earlier years, that gave me a few things to understand. From the slap you recover in 3-4 seconds, yet the teaching stays with you.

The current generation is always told that nothing is borderline punishable and as we can see every insanity makes itself available and people jump into it, without hesitation, or you have a misunderstanding of punishment entirely, such as it being seen as a "bad concept".

We therefore enjoy a chaotic civilization with drug dealers, unnatural expectations, insanity, and morbid egos, triumphant crime, or whatever else, since people have never had it in their mind in the first place that punishment could in anyway arrive. That consider nothing is off limits very often.

Verbal abuse, which is accepted "more" nowadays, can also have a wrecking character in children. Looking back I would prefer my ear pulled (Since my conscience already told me what I did wrong) rather than the complete verbal assault as a kid.

Both of these are "disciplinary measures" and it all depends how these are applied. Currently, we live in the era where both are borderline forbidden.

The instatement of literally no punishment on anything is going to probably be a tale not ending well for the West.

HP it doesnt work on many kids and just makes them worse.Personally Everytime I get beaten I get worse and do what I want without guilt and just without telling them)
Children wont listen to someone who beats them they just stay far from them and keep secrets.
Punishments like taking away kids stuff will be more useful.
Verbal abuse is like killing the kid in cold blood.Kids may run away from home because of verbal abuse.

Some kids just cant be controlled and it really can help parents if they accept this fact.It hurts the child's self esteem and confidence to feel unloved)
Parents need to know its not your child's fault this planet is so fucked up and unsafe.
Kids also need to live instead of being kept alive.
Dont wear that,dont eat that,dont go there,be home before its dark.All this anxiety you have is the reason they lie to you and keep secrets from you.
This planet is sooo fucked up
Missrainbow1 said:
HP it doesnt work on many kids and just makes them worse.Personally Everytime I get beaten I get worse and do what I want without guilt and just without telling them)
Children wont listen to someone who beats them they just stay far from them and keep secrets.
Punishments like taking away kids stuff will be more useful.
Verbal abuse is like killing the kid in cold blood.Kids may run away from home because of verbal abuse.

Some kids just cant be controlled and it really can help parents if they accept this fact.It hurts the child's self esteem and confidence to feel unloved)
I have asked HPS Maxine before as a mother herself too in this, and she told me to in almost the entirety of cases avoid it, except when there has been something extremely bad going on, or when you have a really aggressive child where all other means of assertion can be lost. And there, the proportion of anything has to be very minimal.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445247 time=1685006752 user_id=57]
That's terrible, the injustice of being punished for trying to prevent another kid from danger. And to be spanked in front of their family, so humiliating :(

The main reason I was punished is because the other kid got in trouble because I told, then it embarrassed my parents because the kid and his parents were upset. I wasn't allowed to explain to my parents why I told on him, and my they wouldn't listen anyway. They were just embarrassed so they in return embarrassed me.

I've learned that neither one of them had a healthy or good example of what it meant to be parent growing up, they did the best they could, I've forgiven them for what they didn't know and what they didn't understand. So I don't hold on to anger towards them for what they did.

I just want people to know it's not ok to lash out at your kids when you're upset, let them explain themselves first, don't punish first and ask questions later. Unless they have undeniably done something bad.

Many times I got punished or blamed I wasn't allowed to speak my side, or tell them why or what happened. It made me feel like I had to constantly defend myself, and made me feel like I was always going to be blamed. It made me feel like I was not being believed or listened to. And it gave me some trust issues and many other unpleasant things that I had to heal from. And am still healing from.

Memories made in childhood can have dramatic effects on them for better and worse and impact them deeply sometimes for their entire lives until they are able to heal. That's why the enemy pushes their agenda on children so much.

But aside from this, my upbringing made me value fairness and justice heavily. And gave me a big interest in psychology. So it's not all bad. We take from our experiences good and bad, we learn what to and what not to do. And we use the experiences to help ourselves do better and help others. This is how we heal and how we become stronger.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
