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Question #1214: Satan is?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I found this site from a comment on YouTube. I’m atheist myself but I thought I’d check you out. Your version of Satan sounds very much like that of bible god. I had already decided if any of it was true, then god would have to be Satan. Reading here, it makes me think, if real, they would be the same being. Both wanting to be worshipped, sending their followers to paradise and punishing those who don’t follow. Am I missing something?
To be honest, nearly everything is different from what we think of Satan, and what chisrtian think of their "god".

-Satan is not omnipotent, and being omnipotent is not possible
-Satan doesn't punish souls that is not with him.
-If somebody with Satan, then he/she will be taken care of in the lifetime, and after death, but being on Satan's side is not only accepting him as your god. Spiritually advancing is realy hard work.
-Satan doesn't care if he is worshipped by someone or not. OFC satan wants to elevate humanity, and that could be done by if everybody worshipping him instead of a imeginary jew. But that doesn't mean he will kill everyone, who is not worshipping him.
-Something that is the "same is that we "think" that he is humanitys creator. But he doesn't created humanity like the chriatian "god".

There is a lot more thing, read more if you are interested.

AskSatanOperator said:
I found this site from a comment on YouTube. I’m atheist myself but I thought I’d check you out. Your version of Satan sounds very much like that of bible god. I had already decided if any of it was true, then god would have to be Satan. Reading here, it makes me think, if real, they would be the same being. Both wanting to be worshipped, sending their followers to paradise and punishing those who don’t follow. Am I missing something?

Satanism is not "reverse Christianity". If anything, Christianity (or rather the original Judaism) is reverse Satanism, as it is a corruption of everything that is true.

Satanism was the original faith of mankind.

Also to elaborate on AFODO's post, I'll list some key differences between our spirituality, and their religion

  • Abrahamism believes in Dualistic Theism. As an analogy, in their cosmology. The universe exists in a box, which their God is outside of. There are two separate realms of existence. Therefore they believe their God to be omni-present/potent/scient.
    Where as we believe all of existence is one universe. Our Gods exist in our universe with us. Granted there are different wavelengths of energy (which everything in the cosmos is), and our sensory organs are limited in what they can see/hear/touch/taste/smell. Gods are not always present as an avatar, so their being is often immaterial (unable to be sensed by us, unless through astral projection).

  • Abrahamism is monotheistic, Satanism is polytheistic. However more specifically Satanism is henotheistic, our Gods have a hierarchy, of which Satan is the leader of. Technically Abrahamism is also henotheistic, in fact the Hebrew Bible uses the plural word "Elohim" throughout, literally meaning Gods, but it has always been mistranslated as singular "God". I say Abrahamism is technically henotheistc, because angels can be considered Gods the way our Daemons are also considered Gods to us. But I digress, the Abrahamic religious institutions have widely refused to label angels as Gods, presumably from his tyrannical jealousy, whereas Satan encourages others to reach Godhood. By the way, incase you are uninformed, angels are extraterrestrials and they hate human beings, stay away from them.

  • Where as Christians believe that their God will punish or reward you for following his teachings, Satan does not. Satan only gives advice and it's your decision to follow. We don't have Heaven or Hell, Satan doesn't punish people who don't worship him, he is not a tyrant. There is no eternal paradise. There are other realms/planets where one could travel to after this life, with or without a physical body, but mainly you will reincarnate on Midgard/Earth. There is no divine reward/punishment for how you live, do what you want - however Satan's teachings will reward yourself, while going against his teachings will punish yourself, not because Satan punishes you, but because you rejected his advice. If your parent tells you not to eat too much candy because you might get sick, and you end up getting sick, did your parent punish you for that? No. But in Christianity, it's more like a parent punishing you by beating you for eating candy - Satan doesn't want you to get sick, whereas Yahweh just doesn't want you to eat the candy. Your soul is an energy, it can become more powerful, or less powerful. You can powerup and become like the Gods, or wither away and become like an animal. The choice is yours.

  • Abrahamists believe their God created everything. We Satanists believe the human race specifically was created/birthed by Satan and the Gods. The universe is eternal and endless. Earth might have been here a long time before Satan, but it is all speculation. Point being, Satan and the other Pagan Gods are "our" Gods in the sense that they are our creators, but they are not the Gods of all beings. This is why I used the analogy of parents above, because that is literally what our Gods are, cosmic grandparents.

So yeah. I'm probably missing many many more points which could be added. It's not just flipping the God of the Bible with "Satan". Our views on metaphysics, cosmology, afterlife, our relationship with our Gods, are completely different than with theirs. You have flip every teaching in the Hebrew Bible to get remotely and sense of truth.

Truth versus LIES
AskSatanOperator said:
I’m atheist myself but I thought I’d check you out. Your version of Satan sounds very much like that of bible god.

Ah see, it's the usual atheist bias where they think all religions are the same. I've encountered numerous atheists who think like you. Satan is literally the opposite of the jewish fake "god".
AskSatanOperator said:
I had already decided if any of it was true, then god would have to be Satan. Reading here, it makes me think, if real, they would be the same being. Both wanting to be worshipped, sending their followers to paradise and punishing those who don’t follow. Am I missing something?

Satan literally does nothing of the things you mentioned. Have you really read the site or even the front page?

Satan doesn't need to be worshiped, Satanism isn't about about a happy afterlife but about empowering your soul and becoming immortal, and he does not punish anyone unless they attack him or his people.

Literally Satan and Satanism are the opposite of xianity:

  • Satan wants us to empower our souls and become Gods ourselves (that's what the goal of Satanism is) instead of having blind faith on an external being. His role is more of a spiritual guide to us than someone who needs to be slavishly worshiped. Unlike xianity, there's no "salvation" that comes from an external being.
  • In Satanism, esoteric practices like power meditation and magick are the most important things, more than any blind faith or slavish worship. Xianity believes they are evil and demonic and their god in their bible forbids magick. Xians don't know what a "chakra" is, whereas if you claim you're a Satanist and you don't know what a chakra is you'll be told that you need to study the site more.
  • In Satanism, there is reincarnation. You will be reincarnated until you reach Godhood in a life. In xianity, reincarnation is considered a false belief
  • There's no guilt or fear in Satanism. There's no original sin, nothing you need to repent of. Satan accepts you as you are. If you make a mistake, you accept it, learn from it, forget it and move on.
  • There's no slave morality in Satanism. There's no turning the other cheek, loving everyone and praying for your enemies or praising or blaming external beings for your successes and failures. We fully acknowledge that we are the ones who caused our successes and failures, and we are strong and proud warriors: we love our people and we fight and destroy our enemies (in a legal way, like using the law or black magick)
Shadowmage said:
Satan literally does nothing of the things you mentioned. Have you really read the site or even the front page?

By "site" I mean http://www.joyofsatan.org This is the main site you are supposed to read before joining the forums. If someone on a jewtube comment gave the forum link without giving you the main site, tell him he did it wrong.
To illustrate this better, I'll compare what a xian needs to do with what a Satanist needs to do.

Xianity is very simple: all you have to do is have faith, pray, go to church and you'll be "saved".

If a Satanist does just that it will be as if he does nothing and will receive no benefits. He will need to practice power meditation every day to empower his soul. This is the most important practice here, anything else is optional. In addition, Satanists usually open their astral senses after some time with practice and perseverance and communicate with the Gods astrally/telepathically, they don't just have "faith". Satanists also typically use magickal workings to improve their lives, fight back against their enemies or help their loved ones, if they need them.

Satanism has more to do with the occult/esoteric tradition than with mainstream religions and you need to learn a lot of things here to practice correctly. That's why being a Satanist is much more complex compared to xianity. I've had people ask me "all that stuff about runes, chakras, RTRs, auras, elements, sigils e.t.c. is too much for me, can't I just pray to Satan like I used to do in xianity?". My answer: "you can, just don't call yourself a Satanist if you do that".

Satanists actually discourage people from following Satanism as if it's just xianity with a different god.
satanism predates all abrahamic relgions, its not an reaction to it but stolen pagan knowledge they use to keep us dumb, and them in control etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
