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Question #1072: Races of mankind


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Tell if I am right, or correct me if I am wrong. The three races are white, black, and Asian. All three share the dna of farther Satan and our gods. But only the white race have the blood of our gods. If I understand right the black and Asian race where bioengineered, genetically created by farther Satan. Where they created from life which existed on Earth. The white race has the blood of are gods because father Satan and the Nordic civilization where white, is that correct. Where we then born of the gods or also genetically created? The Jews are a separate race. Where they created by the reptilians. Appreciate if this can be clarified for me.
AskSatanOperator said:
Tell if I am right, or correct me if I am wrong. The three races are white, black, and Asian. All three share the dna of farther Satan and our gods. But only the white race have the blood of our gods. If I understand right the black and Asian race where bioengineered, genetically created by farther Satan. Where they created from life which existed on Earth. The white race has the blood of are gods because father Satan and the Nordic civilization where white, is that correct. Where we then born of the gods or also genetically created? The Jews are a separate race. Where they created by the reptilians. Appreciate if this can be clarified for me.

" By taking the ovum from a Cro-Magnon primate and using artificial insemination with a sperm from one of the Nephilim, we were created. "
Simplified, yes you are right. However, when it comes to whites, some members claim they are direct descendants without any bio engineering, while others claim they were engineered, and then later the Gods chose to procreate with them to further the development and gene pool. Even that is grossly basic and does not do the truth any justice.
I read from another SS that each race comes from the Gods and the white race stands out because it comes directly from Father Satan.
Three main per say Asian, Negroid, and White but don't forget that there are also other colors like Redman and Blueblack.

For example if mankind is a Universal expression i.e. our Mind, Body, and Soul posses Universal properties. It comes to reason that man is made in the form of Rainbow to a degree. If reality is vibration and sound which compounds out to various energies including light and colors. It stands to reason we are colored over various Universal principles regarding not just the macrocosm and macrocosm but also Universal properties of As above and below in the physical, mental, and spiritual properties.

For example Red is the color of Pingala and Fire. Why not an elemental person a Fire/Red -man?

A Red, Black, Blue(Think certain Congoloid people) or how some people state that black guy is so black he is blue, White, and Asiatic(Yellow). An elemental if not color property. I believe the Gods made us like this in parallel to teach us how to properly create a space fairing empire and learn to work with other entities and civilizations. Much like the Gods either in their Planet/Planets they inhabited long ago or as they chained around their backyard they found other entities and worked amicably together.

A more primitive down to Earth race all equally advanced like White/Asian but with their demenor. A White/Yellow Asian race for more intellectual and while innovative to a degree more on the enhancement side. And finally White a generally all powerful masterful version that innovates and is powerful. Think white the housing of all colors and energies a balance, power, innovative, Akashic/Etheric people.

Nothing to belittle to the others just simply each and every race has it's winners, it's neutrals, and it's losers. For example how black people get all gangstah and flip out physically which can do great or harm. It can be the blackish attitude needed to compound a fight and solve a situation or it could be a wankster mode and someone is gonna get fucked up literally and figuratively.

Or for example how Asians like technology and can do very creative things with it. And sometimes White people inject stuff to aggrandize it further think Japan pre-Industrialization during it's opening to the West having a WTF moment go we shat on our civilization and ate shit for centuries doing nothing.

I strongly believe that the Empire of Orion is Multi-Cultural, Multi-Racial, and Multi-Species that is Racially Separated and Segregated along with Planets with masses of said separation.

For example a number of years ago a member mentioned going through a place in a dream or astral projection a planet whereby 96%-97% of the race is black, a Black planet, 1% White, 1% Asian, and 1% or 2% Extra-terrestrial i.e. like Gargoyle species or some other species. In other words assistive species that respect the Gods and work for them. Some might foolishly call them enslaved or in thralldom but the Gods are too far above to be besmirched by the foolish notions of people who don't understand that these extra-terrestrial non-Human but Humanoid entities work for the Gods out of great respect for helping them lift up.

This makes sense that even planets and territories of the Gods perform Racial and even perhaps Sub-Racial segregation/separation.

BTW Segregation and Separation seem to many ignorant people and Americans as pre-1950s Brown vs Board of Education as racist garbage. It's simply not the Americana way and it is done at such a high-level that feeble minds that do not understand, they need to STFU and study.

The Gods and enemy hunt down for 3 things Technology, Data, and Civilizations. The enemy for thralldom/slavery and our side for new Gods. The Gods aren't either into eliminating friendly/neutral species to evolve them nor into outbreeding or doing other dumb things. They WILL exterminate hostile entities aforementioned Reptilians they do perform warfare and their black magick and spirituality is the spiritual towards the mental and physical components of warfare, weapons, and combat. As above so below, as within as without; a reflection of the triad of reality Mind, Body, and Soul expressing and understanding reality the good, the bad, and the ugly.

In fact Humanizing the Gods is downright a mistake unless you thread with catlike threading. They can be Humanized inasmuch you think the 300IQ and understand them from a very detached notion that they have very few limitations so long as you ascribe to the compounding effect to a degree. For example technology i.e. a Hyper technology i.e. digital electronics are radically different but the Gods do respect our technology and may in fact want us to continue only with more advanced development and machines from them. For example making a microprocessor with THEIR semi-conducting metals, plastics, polymers, and other materials.

Imagine if you will a processor that is used in a military computer it's 250Mhz well imagine your surprise when they not only scan that processor into their databanks which they'll maintain to help us progress. But they tell them you can take that processor to 1Ghz with our technology and material without altering any design except shrinking it, putting more properties into it, and using SIGNIFICANTLY less voltages, amps, and wattage. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if we make stuff that even though is limited compared to them has the potentiality to give us unique devices and machines that even the Gods would surprise them and encourage us to explore further with their assistance.

And remember technology wise it's not just US HU-manoid but there are also other extra-terrestrials that make their own technology with their assistance. We might make stuff in our image but other extra-terrestrials make stuff in their image.

Anyways people are made from development of a Homonid ancestor that existed a pre-Sapian man. A slightly primitive dark race and slightly more advanced light/er race and a quite advanced light/er race

They interacted with these entities realized they have a potentiality like HP.Cobra said at certain point in time a entity will posses a Kundalini and advancing genetics to house potentialities of the soul. Not advanced genetics but advancing i.e. the genetic factors and the mind, body, and soul is being stressed.

Whites are usually Nordic, Dinaric, Alpine, Phallian, West Phallian, and one or two other sub-races.

Nordics are the seed kernel.

The Gods must have interacted with Pre-Sapians taken DNA samples even communicated with them. And Satan and the others decided to manufacture a more advanced being and jump us hundreds of thousands if not millions of years. Placing advanced spiritual genetics into us i.e. Junk DNA in modern society.

Satan must have used highly advanced Spiritual technologies, advanced computing, including his own DNA and information and said, "Fuck it let's just give them everything". They must have created a number of sample Ovums, teleported out the Ovum of their Girlfriends/Wives, and interacted with them sexually and impregnated them.

As the Ancients state Demi-Gods. For example Azazel Apollo Helios and Astarte were here from the beginning both mentioned being about 60,000 years old. Satan's planetfall was 52,000 or so Solar calendar years ago and or 75,000 lunar calendar years ago.

Many Gods have stated being here from the beginning before planetfall coming from other Worlds or stating within the planetfall and creation of man they evolved next to the evolving or newer Nordic Gods or pre-God Nordics.

So the Gods who literally have infinite time probably not only did Satan create a HUGE copy of Ovums but provided them to MANY females so they would get impregnated along with racial divisions.

A Nordic Ovum for Nordic Male, a Black Ovum for Black Gods, Asiatic Ovum for Asiatic Gods etc.etc.

It should be noted we believe inasmuch Beelzebub and a number of White and Asian Gods created Asiatic cultures. Chinese religion being about 12,000 years old mentions having White Blue/Green/Other eyed entities developing it for them circa 10,000BCE or so.

Remember the major enemy hostilities occurred some 8,000BCE and as far back as 12,600 years ago or about nearing 9,600BCE shit hit the fan with the black magic/spiritual warfare. Technically we believe that part can be as far back as 15,000 years ago or about 13,000BCE we believe between 13,000bce and 10,000bce or so we believe SHTF Spiritually for example many New Agers repeat the same ad nausium xtian bullshit. Atlantis failed cause people grew power hungry and that feeds into negativity.

NO! Dumbass new agers. Power begets power and that is good.

One of the Greek philosopher who's name escapes me. Calculated Atlantis to be about 12,600 years before or sometime around 9,600bce he mentioned it was in the Atlantic ocean. He was right about the calculations but it's possible that not just Indonesia is Atlantis and it sticks out but it might be possible that there might have been multiple Atlanti-like facilities i.e. vast powerful leyline astronnomical blasters that can bring down better realities along with building vibration, frequency, and protective properties to a planet. In essence slough off negativity.

I strongly believe the enemy did things to Atlantis as one of their spiritual striking points.

Some 10,000 years ago or 8,000bce the nuclear strikes on Sodom and Gomorrah our Genetic engineering facilities aforementioned by Luciferian Liberation Front circa mid-1990s.

But just because the Gods left and the enemy reigned their pathetic new age. Doesn't mean all the Gods left we believe inasmuch entities like Lucifuge Rofocal and Balaam hanged around. In fact during the 8,000-7,000bce era we had the age of Giants with people living nearly 1,000 years stories of 900 year old people. Some people grew up to be Heroes and Gods like Alexander the Great and others faking their death or being escorted off World or underground. Too dangerous to leave behind for the enemy or to get killed. Advance the person further on.

It does come to show you how harsh reality is and comes to show you even advanced spirituality does not guarantee protection unless you advance your civilization a lot and work on it.

As far as I can state the Gods created not just a lot of precursor technology requirements for multiple racial births like creating a soul for Humans bio-spiritual compatibility etc.etc.

But like many state in the occult or as Santeros state we descend from the Gods. Whether a Human was made a Demi-God or a God took wives and created a Half-Gods or a Human maintained Human and created a Quarterling. The fact of the matter is all races more than likely descend from the Gods respective of their Main Race or Sub-Race and the respective Racial God purveying their genetics through that specific Homo-Sapian individual.

I strongly believe the Gods and Goddesses were not just friendly with Humans not just females but also males. And there are stories of Human males gaining the charm of the Goddess.

In limited style albeit many of the stories of the Gods are allegories of spirituality. How XYZ God is bi-Sexual not in real life but controls the forces of male and female polarities of negative/positive energies.

I do believe as Humanity began generating Gods over time as the Gods worked with Humans there were Humans elevated to Orion levels taking Human wives generating Quasi-Demi Gods or Quasi-Quarter Gods. But Human on Human did not limit said God expression as a matter of fact we often hear Military, New Age, and other Spiritual schools stating Humans of the past were much different than current and we are like 4th or 5th evolution or de-evolution if you look at it from these entities.

Blacks same thing various shades of colors ranging from Blue to Brown to Black to admixtures. Blacks maintain the most amount of subraces and from village to village even differences. Blacks maintain the highest sub-race differences they CAN have unique properties like Kenyan women but often delving deeper into Africa shows a large difference.

Asians are kinda like Whites although more stylized to their Nation i.e. O.R.I.O.N. | Our Race Is Our Nation | O.N.I.O.R.| Our Nation Is Our Race. For example Chinese are usually broken up into about 3-5 major types Cantonese an example. Koreans mostly unique with some Japanese, Mongolian, and Chinese influence. Japanese etc.etc.

These further compound in their animes and hentais with Asiatic eyes of different races even sub-races and even other root races. White eyes from Anime/Hentai showing off a non-Asiatic character.

I believe inasmuch maybe the Gods developed from three principle root races Asian, Black, and White. And inasmuch maintained that hierarchy then again, What IS a root race? and how does one become a root race.

Perhaps Redman is a root race from one of their territories or civilization and it's yet another root race but the Racialist people haven't yet acknowledged that i.e. for lack of databanks or lack of theorycrafting/brainstorming.

Sheer fact is we inasmuch know there are three main race colors White, Black, Yellow. But rainbow wise can be others.

Imagine we lived with Gargoyle entities or Lucifuge Rofocol aliens and had Green people like their specific Grey-like Green spectrum aliens.

It's very fascinating I'm speaking mostly theoretical and or brainstorming wise. But it's a vast subject it's yet another science destituted by mankind for muh racist.

Sheer fact is I'd love to have a Eis(Enhanced Intelligence System) i.e. Ai i.e. Chat-GPT or other in Nazi mode speaking on this stuff delving into all corners of the internet full unleashed supercharged/turbocharged chat communication.

Unfortunately it's a forbidden science but I maintain myself to study this and contemplate it. For example Hitler Youth manuals and other 3rd Reich or Roman era stuff or other civilizations. Lots of American and German information from the pre-1945 era dating back since the American-German communications after the establishment of this country and heading into the 1800s nearing the 1900s like our Doctorial system being an exact duplicate of the German system, which maintained the best place for PH.D gains.

Right now the situation has gotten dire and it's more of a ORION|ONIOR situation or even a Intra-National difference like State, Local, City level hell even block per block there is differences. Hence the term "blockbusting".

It's going to be a long time before Humanity regains it's racialist decorum and restores itself back to proper operation.
AskSatanOperator said:
Tell if I am right, or correct me if I am wrong. The three races are white, black, and Asian. All three share the dna of farther Satan and our gods. But only the white race have the blood of our gods. If I understand right the black and Asian race where bioengineered, genetically created by farther Satan. Where they created from life which existed on Earth. The white race has the blood of are gods because father Satan and the Nordic civilization where white, is that correct. Where we then born of the gods or also genetically created? The Jews are a separate race. Where they created by the reptilians. Appreciate if this can be clarified for me.

The answer is unknown, we can only speculate without much evidence. People have differing theories regarding the origins of various races and there seems to be no consensus in this community. Most will agree that all races came from the same Gods, but not on why various races exist. Though I have heard from other sources (outside of Joy of Satan) that only the white race is from the Aryan Gods, and that other races come from other Gods.

My opinion? I believe there was an original race of Hyperboreans/Aryans/proto-humans (The Aryan Gods), which all humans are descended from, and that differing races are simply the result of humans who genetically engineered themselves in accordance to their local climates to make life more bearable, however the enemy aliens who occupied Earth have also been waging genetic warfare against us leading to genetic chimerism, involuntary mutation, thus we have lost control over our genetic evolution. I believe there were three original root races in ancient times, white, black, and yellow, and all other races unfortunately came from various mixtures of the three, as well as further involuntary mutation. What separates the white race? I believe the white race retains the most genetics of the original proto-humans, but still our DNA just like all humans has been severely corrupted from admixture and mutation. All humans are mixed nowadays, but Nordic people are the least. Aryans were all originally blonde and blue eyed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
