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Power Animals & Satanism_ Black Panther


New member
Apr 11, 2009
Just as one can have strong ties to and develop relationships with
Demons of Satan, one can have strong ties to Power Animals. Mine have
recently begun to make their presence known. I have three main Power
Animals that have emerged. One in particular, stepped forward to
assist me with challenges recently, and I went with the flow, and
eventually, the amount of Self-knowledge that I suddenly derived was
immense considering the timeframe. I have so much in common with the
Black Panther it is ridiculous. It gave me deep insight into some of
my ways. Not only that, I intuitively chose to probe a Satanist
friend of mine recently and discovered that we had Power Animals in
common, and shortly after, my primary Power Animal began making
appearances during my friend's meditations. This is of interest
because panthers seek out one-another and it validates some the
information that I was led to.

I will make the focus of this post Panther because Black Panther is
my primary Power Animal. White Tiger also deserves a great deal more
than a nod from me. These are proud and noble beings to be respected.
They have a great deal in common with Satan's Demons to the degree
that they hold their heads high and have self-respect; they have a
sense of nobility. If you feel drawn to a certain animal, by all
means, investigate that urge. If you wish to work with a certain
Power Animal, do so. I am posting this as a respectful gesture and
simply to increase awareness among Satanists. Just as Enlil, Abigore,
Valefor, Asteroth, Amon-Ra, Nepthys, etc., etc., are guardians,
initiators, friends and more to my emerging Self and have my respect,
so does Black Panther. As most of you probably know, in Satanism
there is great respect for animals and rightly so.

The following is an article that I was led to by Black Panther. It is
valid enough to the degree that one can discern and gleam useful
information from it. Good hunting and Hail Satan!

PANTHER: Reclaiming One's True Power

The panther is a very powerful and ancient totem. The name panther is
associated with a leopard or jaguar, although in Florida, the cougar
is referred to as panther.

As most large cats the panther is a symbol of ferocity and valor. The
tiger and the lion embodies aggressiveness and power so does the
panther. The power cycle of the panther is the dark of the Moon also
the new moon and the winter moon.

The characteristics can provide much insight as to the energies being
awakened within those who align with the panther. The panther is
smaller than most Lions and tigers but is also more fierce. The
panther has over 500 muscles that they can use at will, this means
that the panther has a large variety of tasks that it may do at will.
That could be by using muscles of physical, mental, or spiritual, or
could even be psychic muscles.

The panther is classified as a loner. They do associate with others
however they are most comfortable alone and in its own territory.
They are drawn to others who are like them (loners) they are often
solitary as well. The panther is graceful and have the ability to
move with ease or to freeze entirely. They quiet when they are
stalking, hunting, pursuing. The greatest power is the silence of the
panther. They are well in tune with there environment and will be the
fastest to respond effectively to deadlines and pressures.

After mating, the panthers only stay together for a short time. The
female rears the young, disliking intrusions from the outside. This
is much like a women who has a panther totem guide

All cats have binocular vision. Each eye can work singly, providing
greater depth of vision, magnifying images, and facilitating judgment
of distances. Thus anyone who aligns with the panther will begin to
develop greater depth of vision of their life, of events, or other
people. This is more than just psychic sight. It is an inner knowing.

Often people enter the metaphysical field, taking up exercises and
meditation to have their inner lights (turn on). Individuals with
panthers as totems are usually individuals who came into the world
with the lights already on. Thus they should not be discouraged when
they do not experience what others describe when their lights turned
on. They should trust their thoughts and their inner visions
(imaginings) for there is probably a strong foundation in reality. To
those with whom the panther links comes the ability to develop
clairaudience, to hear the communications of other dimensions and
other life forms. The panther has very strong hearing. It can move
its ears to locate the direction of sounds.

The panther also has extremely sensitive hairs on the body,
especially the face. Those with a panther totem will find their own
sensitivity to touch increasing, from the time the panther enters
your life. The skin is our largest sensory organ, and we experience
much more of the world through it than we realize. Those with panther
totems should pay attention to haw they feel when someone touches
them or when they touch someone else.

The The facial hairs of the panther are especially sensitive, and
those with this totem can develop a special form of psychometry.
Rather than holding and reading an object's vibrations through the
hands, placing it against one's cheek or forehead will bring strong

This skin sensitivity the touch faculty will heighten responses in
the overall body. Things such as foods that are generally revolting
will be more so to individuals with these totems. Touches that are
sensual and erogenous will intensify as well when the panther enters
one's life. The arrival of the panther initiates a time of awakened
sensuality and passion, two powerful tools of the feminine powers.

It is in the hours of darkness that panthers find its greatest
element of power. This is even more true of those who have as a totem
a black panther. The season in which their power is greatest is the
winter. The lunar cycle most powerful is the dark of the moon through
the new moon.

It has been noted mythically that a panther of the leopard variety
have a distinctive sweet breath by which it lures animals to it for
food. Leopard varieties kill by biting the back of the neck. They do
not attack from the front, they pounce from behind. Those with a
panther totem who are angered will not confront another individual
head on and are better off not doing so. They don't play when they
hunt. These individuals will go for the throat, so to speak.

The jaguar variety of the panther will also stalk, but they are more
powerful. Because of their position and power they will simply bite
through the temporal bones of the skull. They have also been known to
shear the heads off of animals with a single swipe of their claws.
Because of their sensitivity, individuals with the jaguar panther as
a totem will instinctively know how best to attack if placed in such
a position and they can do so lethally whether in defense or in
response to anger. Because of this natural ability, individuals with
this totem must learn to temper their responses, or they may
unintentionally wound others more deeply than they mean to.

Of all panthers, probably the black panther has the greatest
mysticism associated with it. It is a the symbol of the feminine, the
dark mother, the dark of the moon. It is the symbol of life and power
of the night. It is a symbol of the feminine energies manifest upon
the earth. It is often a symbol of darkness, death, and rebirth from
out of it. There still exists in humanity a primitive fear of the
dark and of death. The black panther helps us to understand the dark
and death and the inherent powers of them; and thus by acknowledging
them, eliminate our fears and learn to use the powers.

In China there were five mythic cats, sometimes painted like tigers
or leopards. The black reigns in the north with winter as its season
of power, and water its most effective element. This is the element
of the feminine. This is the totem of greater assertion of the
feminine in all her aspects: child, virgin, seductress, mother,
warriors, seeress, old wise woman.

When black panther enters your life as totem it awakens the inner
passions. This can manifest in unbridled expressions of baser powers
and instincts. It can also reflect an awakening of the kundalini,
signaling a time of not just coming into one's own power. More so,
the keynote of the black panther is Reclaiming One's True Power.

In mythology and scripture, the panther has been found in. all parts
of the world as a dynamic totem. It has been a symbol of the Argos of
a Thousand Eyes, who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus.
After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of the
peacock. The panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom
it comes.

The panther has also been attributed to Jesus. In the Abodazara(early
Jewish commentaries on the scriptures), it is listed as a surname for
the family of Joseph. It tells how a man was healed in the name of
Jesus ben Panther. Because of this the panther is often signals a
time of rebirth after a period of suffering and death on some level.
This implies that an old issue may finally begin to be resolved, or
even that old long-standing wounds will finally begin to heal, and
with the healing will come a reclaiming of power that was lost at the
time of wounding.

The panther was also a symbol associated with Bacchus/Dionysus. One
story tells how Bacchus was nursed by panthers, and he is sometimes
depicted riding a chariot drawn by them.

The myths and stories of Dionysus are very symbolic. He is, to many,
a symbol of unleashing desires, and thus the awakening of the
kundalini forces. He and thus the panther symbolize a time of moving
from mere poles of existence to new life without poles or barriers.
The panther in a Dionysic manner awakens the unconscious urges and
abilities that have been closed down. It signals a time of imminent

The panther is a symbol of awakening to the heroic quest. All of the
Greek heroes were born from the union of a god and a mortal mother
the linking of the great fire and the great femininity. The heroes
thus had the seeds of the divine force, that would eventually provide
impetus to reach beyond the normal bounds and restrictions to
negotiate new stages in progression and purification. The heroic
tales tell us that no matter the depth of degradation whether self-
inflicted or inflicted from outside forces there is always the
promise of light and love to lead us back. When the panther enters
your life, the path leading back is about to begin.

Dionysus had to overcome many years of wandering, plundering,
madness, destruction, and suffering before he could take his place
within the heavens. His is the lesson of overcoming negative
tendencies and sufferings inflicted upon ourselves by ourselves, or
by others to attain to our divinity. His story is that we are gods
and goddesses in the making.

Usually, in the lives of those with a panther totem, there either
already exists or will soon arrive upon the scene an individual who
will serve as teacher and nurturer and guide upon the heroic path.
For Dionysus there was the centaur Silenus and the satyrs. They
symbolize the alternate realities that do exist around us and the
increasing ability to view them at will as we become the initiates of
the heroic path.

These alternate realities will open to those with panther totems.
These alternate realities, the beings within them and the energy of
the panther all have ties to powerful sexual energies. I may reflect
a time of resolving old sexual issues, or it may simply reflect
learning to embrace these energies as a true power without being
judgmental. We must recognize and learn the transforming nature of
the sexual energies and how to direct them consciously.

Dionysus was a god of life and rebirth, passion and resurrection. He
was twice born. The panther reflects a coming time of opportunities
to become twice born ourselves. This often means we may have to face
offending malignancies of our life a process similar to what has come
to be known as Meeting the Dwellers on the Threshold those aspects of
ourselves or our life that we have painted over, glossed over, shoved
to the back of the closet or pretended didn't exist. Sometimes this
means we must suffer the loss of what we think we love the most.

The panther holds the promise of rebirth and guardianship throughout.
It is the extra protection we need in those times. It is the symbol
of power reclaimed from whatever darkness within our life has hidden
it. The panther is the promise that whatever is lost will be replaced
by that which is greater, stronger, and more beneficial.

In the myth Dionysus, the hero bears the magical thyrsus, a wand
entwined with vines, upon which rests a pine cone. It gives the
individual the ability to create delusion and illusion. There awakens
within the individual upon this path and with this panther totem an
ability to cause people to see and think as you desire them too. this
ability is earned and strengthened through self-discipline. Like the
black panther, you can blend into your surroundings with ease and to
whatever you desire.

To the Indians of North and South America, the jaguar especially in
the form of the black panther was endowed with great magic and power.
The jaguar panther climbs, runs, and swims even better than the
tiger. Because it could function so well in so many areas, it became
a symbol of immeasurable power to Latin American natives. It was a
symbol of mastery over all dimensions.

To the Tucano Indians of the Amazon, the roar of the jaguar was the
roar of thunder. Thus the black panther was the god of darkness and
could cause eclipses by swallowing the sun. This reflects the
tremendous power inherent within the feminine forces. To those with
the panther as a totem, this power will increasingly be experienced.

The Arawak Indians say that everything has jaguar. Nothing exists
without it. It is the tie to all life and all manifestations of life
(thus ties to the eternal feminine within all life). To them,
becoming the man-jaguar was the ultimate shapeshifting ritual. The
Olmecs created monuments to the jaguar, and the Aztecs and Mayans
spoke and taught about the power in becoming half-human and half-
jaguar. One who can become a jaguar is shorn of all cultural
restrictions. The alter ego is free to act out desires, fears,

The Indian shamans would perform rituals to borrow jaguar power. One
who could do such could do great good or great ill. Stories abound of
revenge, abductions, and cures of disease through use of jaguar power
among the Latin-American Indians.

Even in Egyptian rituals a panther tail was worn about the waist or
knotted about the neck to help protect and strengthen. It was used in
a process called (passage through the skin) their own version of
shapeshifting to engender themselves with the panther's power.

Niezsche once said that (that which does not kill us makes us
stronger). It is this same idea that is awakened in the lives of
those who open to the power of the panther totem. Those things of
childhood and beyond that created suffering and which caused a loss
of innate power and creativity are about to be reawakened confronted
and transmuted.

The panther marks a new turn in the heroic path of those to whom it
comes. It truly reflects more than just coming into one's own power.
Rather it reflects a reclaiming of that which was lost and an
intimate connection with the great archetypal force behind it. It
gives an ability to go beyond what has been imagined, with
opportunity to do so with discipline and control. It is spirit of
imminent rebirth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
