What do you think about this meditation for healing:
"In pore breathing you just inhale fresh prana through the pore and exhale the diseased matter.
1)Inahle and visualize prana or white light going into pores of the affected part.
2)Retain your breath for a few second and visualize the grayish diseased matter becoming lighter or the affected parts becoming brighter.
3)Exhale and visualize the grayish diseased matter being expelled through the pores.
4)Hold your breath for a few second and visualize the treated part as becoming brighter."
"In pore breathing you just inhale fresh prana through the pore and exhale the diseased matter.
1)Inahle and visualize prana or white light going into pores of the affected part.
2)Retain your breath for a few second and visualize the grayish diseased matter becoming lighter or the affected parts becoming brighter.
3)Exhale and visualize the grayish diseased matter being expelled through the pores.
4)Hold your breath for a few second and visualize the treated part as becoming brighter."