"Just love everyone"... Woa... Well, I had had this kind of conversation (about "jews") with someone else through the Internet, so I will just copy paste the message I sent to her here... I was quite composed when I had written it, so it will be less "mentally painful" than the one I would normally write now... That person I was talking to was not a Spiritual Satanist, so this information will be mostly from a third person's point of view, than a dedicated Satanist. (I do mention Satan though)
Um... There is really tooooooooo much information about the jews... The basic thing I can tell you is that, you know how, there are (obviously) some entities that are higher than us (spiritually, in power etc); some of them are friendly, the others are enemies. Imagine that us, Gentiles (non-jews) were created by the friendly entities, and the jews were created by the enemies. This information will sound rather paranoid to someone who has not done proper research. So, without getting into any details: most politicians are jews (the kind of politicians who s c r ew with the people), Hollywood is owned by jews (hence the brainwashing; there are too many movies depicting Satan as the bad guy but have you watched EVEN ONE movie that says that jesus is the bad guy...? no), the banks (especially, the american's banks which are the center of.. economy.. sort of) are owned by jews. The pharmaceutical industries are owned by jews (hence why medicines have so many negative effects... they don't want us to be healthy, you know?). The jews have a higher IQ than us Gentiles. Why? Because us Gentiles have been manipulated by them numerous times and... I don't know if you're watching tv (I don't; but when I eat at the kitchen, my mother has the tv on, so I take a look at all the stupidity), you can clearly see in the tv aaaaall the messed up things... how much they're trying to make us stupid.
Also, ADHDH is a fictitious decease created by a jew... He admitted so himself: h t t p : / / w w w . w o r l d p u b l i c u n i o n . o r g / 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 - 2 7 - N E W S - i n v e n t o r - o f - a d h d - s a y s - a d h d - i s - a - f i c t i t i o u s - d i s e a s e . h t m l
Christianity is a religion invented by the jews... You should really study w w w . exposingchristianity . c o m for more information on that (if you're interested of course). Also, the jews, in their.. uh.. their "bible" (how is it called? Koran? Or something.. I don't even remember) they say that the Gentiles are born in the form of humans so that the jews won't be served by beasts...
I think you get the point, right...?
It is fcking outrageous... That they're even alive.
Don't even get me started on the Vatican (the new "pope" is a jew; they couldn't be more obvious)
Here's another interesting link (about the "bible"): h t t p : / / g b l t . w e b s . c o m / B i b l e _ J e w i s h _ W i t c h c r a f t . h t m
(this is some hardcore information, it could tire you as it is too much and too deep
Um, anyway... THAT'S ALL ABOUT JEWS so that I won't make this message too big... x__x
And the fact that I, myself, can sense all the dirtiness whenever I see a jew (even if I *DON'T* know whether they're a jew; like I told you with that girl from tumblr) proves me that the jews are not humans like us... You get my point.
Στις 8:51 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 11 Μαρτίου 2014, ο/η Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... έγραψε:
You have got to be kidding me! JEWS ARE JUST PEOPLE?? You have NO idea what they are and what they have done. You are just an infiltrator or a newbie who has no real knowledge of the world and the state of things. Do your research and don't come on these groups preaching about love everyone.
"Give us a bad name" You are not even a dedicated enough satanist to even be called one of us. If you were a dedicated satanist you wouldn't even be saying such stupid crap about loving the jews. Go to a christian forum and you would fit better there. Hail our Creator God Satan.
On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 2:47 PM, "jesse_seguine@..." <jesse_seguine@... wrote:
Why do you have to be so hateful towards jewish people they are just PEOPLE stop being so damn hateful it gives us a bad name. Just love everyone.