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PewDiePie Outs Mark Zuckerberg as "Reptillian" in "Funny" Video

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The JoS is too many decades ahead of it's time.

Now, PewDiePie is White. Unfortunately his GF looks like a little off. However, in PewDiePie's confused mind, well, there is a White foundation. PewDiePie is Swedish, and the race of the jews to destroy the Swedes is because they have much Nordic Blood.

From the actual alien races that came here and ruled the world, and also, founded the primordial 'religion' we have named today as "Spiritual Satanist". And who have created our species to begin with.

Many people think our theories are too outlandish for now. For their stupid, jewish manufactured "Reality" that is. Which accepts the earth is flat, but somehow, can't comprehend the jews came from outer space wanting to dominate a hostile planet. And that this planet is going through the process of racial cleansing first (Removing leftovers from other Aliens who can top the jewish race) so the jews can rule easily what remains. Even when they admit it as Rabbis admit all the time, such as top Rabbi Schneerson. That their race is an ALIEN RACE from another galaxy, running an undercover mission on earth.

However don't you worry. Time will tell anything.

Many people also think some statements such as races on the planet coming from Alien species, and the whole nine yards, is some sort of joke. When Hitler said he would be channcellor, people were laughing. It always starts with 'laughs' for any of these brainwashed people. They like to dwell in the illussion of being 'superior' in that sense.

The jews were laughing for centuries that the "Goyim" would never wake up to their alien and filthy schemes. And that they had won the war many centuries ago. They were laughing at the prospect that Satan would be understood in a day to be who he was, because well, they thought they were so successful in their slander.

The Age of Aquarius, no matter how much the jews try to lie, shill, and hide the Truth, it will gradually come out.

They are now being injected into the mass populace through humor. Many people would laugh if we stated that Zuckerberg, a clear blooded jew from the Cohanim Bloodline, actually has reptilian blood. And many people say our theories are too sci-fi.

Many people also think it's normal this alien looking fellow is amassing the whole planet's data. To create programs to run the planet with. That is Normal and Evolution, and we must tolerate it. The fact that 3 billions mugs are in jewbook and under this reptile's thumb. Is normal and human. What the JoS says is outlandish and abnormal and we must not tolerate it, oy vey. Because muh constrained mind.

Well, let the future decide on that. The JoS is just a hundred years ahead of this world, and for this reason, we are savagely misunderstood, mistranslated, and of course, taken in the wrong way. We have no problem with this. Long after time, and probably sooner than later than most people think, we are being proven right. Every day, little by little.

When everyone will see that what we stated was a fact, everyone will be running to join us and beg, but it will be too late by now.

Think about if Pewds would find out about US! That he would find the JOS. And that he would make a video about Us! Do you think that could happen HC?
Stormblood said:
Artanis said:
Think about if Pewds would find out about US! That he would find the JOS. And that he would make a video about Us! Do you think that could happen HC?

Link it to him lol

That could actually be an AVESOME idea! Pewds is the biggest and most aware youtuber of many things, that if many of us could link it to him and GET him to read through them, we could make the BIGGEST star on Youtube to be a satanist!! If we could get him, we would actually win this war! He could share our knowledge with his followers and give JOS enough money for "resources" that the clergy needs to help us win this war!
Egon said:
He already displayed the JoS frontpage in a humorous video and he couldn't care less.

Artanis said:
Think about if Pewds would find out about US! That he would find the JOS. And that he would make a video about Us! Do you think that could happen HC?

What video??
PewDiePie most likely had a strong Christian upbringing. When I was doing work spreading the word about Communism, the Jews and Spiritual Satanism his channel was one of the channels that had tags of Demons names. This just shows us that he is very familiar with Demons and ofcourse you get that knowledge from either Satanic literature or Christian literature.

I've looked at two of his videos. One is Pewdiepie is a CHRISTIAN!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fULxnRCbJPA

This first video shows us how he admitted to being a Christian. The second video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vej7sV3IAY shows us he is very comfortable with a Christian identity. Along with my explaination in the paragraph above, plus his Jewish character, we can safely deduce that he had a thorough Bourgeois-Christian upbringing.

He also looks Reptilian to me.
Do you get "It's a christian channel, everyone!" is his ironic joke lately like feminist Pewdiepie? He is an agnostic White person who described himself as not taking religion seriosly at all. Anyone who takes his words seriously needs some reality check like the WSJ saying he was an actual National-Socialist after his ANTI-nazi jokes.

NaziMan12 said:
This first video shows us how he admitted to being a Christian. The second video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vej7sV3IAY shows us he is very comfortable with a Christian identity. Along with my explaination in the paragraph above, plus his Jewish character, we can safely deduce that he had a thorough Bourgeois-Christian upbringing.

He also looks Reptilian to me.
The secular worlds view of Aliens an outlandish and impossibility is changing. The fact that the CIA and FBI actively are involved in hiding UFO activity is a very, very serious public welfare concern in itself - besides the UFO Grey Aliens themselves. Now officially there is only a few recorded UFO sightings - like on Wikipedia. From my experience just about every single person outside of UFO circles in the secular world does not believe in extraterrestrial life.

Outside of the UFO officialness that is really just Jewish propaganda spread by the Jewish CIA and FBI in America - we have thousands of reports by every day people ranging from layman occupations to middle class occupations. The truth is out there and one only needs to look to incidents like Fatima or the art depicting Aliens to understand that the world is under occupation.

The fact that so many have a blind spot to Aliens can be a danger in itself. I also wonder about crop circles.

Lots of proof here showing the Christian-Grey and Reptilian E.T. connection;


The sooner people realize that an alien extraterrestrial creation of Christianity and their domination of human culture is very real and documented the sooner the occult and consequently the truths of Spiritual Satanism will become dominant.
I don't really like people like PewDiePie and I don't actually think he had a Christian upbringing but his character in general is nothing to be praised and admired like people are doing. He plays video games, acts stupid for fun, and is obviously not even in a factor in shaping the culture of the world as a Satanist or even an anti-communist is.
Pewdiepie is one of us. I don't really like the fake Pewdiepie. He admitted to acting a certain way for views. He said he would change but he's still doing it. I liked his PUBG live streams a lot. He is more real in those. On one of those streams he brought up the migrant crisis. I believe he is genuinely concerned.


Egon, bro, your vid... Pewds shows the Joy of Satan website in his video... Wtf this can't be real.


I once thought it was very possible he was SS but damn. He actually really could be...
I agree with that, just clarifying that I wans't deffending him. Also I don't think he's one of us, he argues confuse like a pothead and would be an unconscious "civic nationalist" (at the best).

NaziMan12 said:
I don't really like people like PewDiePie and I don't actually think he had a Christian upbringing but his character in general is nothing to be praised and admired like people are doing. He plays video games, acts stupid for fun, and is obviously not even in a factor in shaping the culture of the world as a Satanist or even an anti-communist is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
