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Petition, need some guide, hopefully


New member
Jun 19, 2007
I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take it with so much happiness, i suppose to study but is a very frustating experience, i know i need to change and i need help, any recomendation? i need to work deep on it Thanks, Hail Satan and i wait for your answers 
Hi Andrew,Thanks for writing. This is not official medical advice, however I'll offer somethings that have worked well.
1) Get a medical exam am let your Doc know you want to try vitamins and minerals and exercise to help the ADHD.
You want him to know this as many meds and excercise conflict with certain viramins and minerals... especially calcium and potassium.
You will may want to research and possibly try Zink, Potassium, Magnisium D3 ( you can usually take more than the USRDA is D3 by many times, but the other minerals, be careful and not over doi it.. you can OD on minerals EASILY!  so just the usrda for now.
Take one tablet or spoon of psycilium seed husk daily, naybe two, but must be spread out over 12 hours... drink plenty off dustilled water.
If the Doc says okay, then move forward...
2) Eat a more veggie diet and drink only distilled water... consume and bath in as little flourinared water... you need to make sure your chemistry is pure, no more toxins.
3) Exercise daily... more walking than bulking up, be in proper weight range.
4) The routine above was and still is used by me and it's an extreme help for adhd, mental fogging, downs, actually good for many people that are allowed to take these minerals.
 It's best to buy the highest quality vitamins and minerals you can afford... this It's your life!!!!
Take up serious study in toxin cleansing and the benefits of vitamins and minerals... if the Doc allows you to take amino, then research these little miracles and let him know.
Fyi... don't bunch all this together in one gulp... completely stay away from SOY anything! Soy is a toxin and does not digest in the body well (no animal naturaly eats SOY only those forced or starved), it also creates estrogen and huge digestive issues.
Note, the farmer next to us has over 200 acres of soybean as one of his main crops and no wildlife will even eat the stuff, none of any kind will eat it and most don't even walk in the fields... the plants are completely unharmed.
You have to digest food correctly and efficiently in order for your body to uptake the proper chemicals in the form of vitamins and minerals and proteins and amino acids. This is important for you to live well and so that your mind can think well and digedt well too get rid of the toxins that are harming it.
 if you're a male stay away from Flaxseed (creates estrogen and this alone will foul up your mental chemistry
KNOW THIS: You are an amazing biological machine that is easily damaged by toxins and drugs.... no drugs, just the absolute minimum your Doc says is acceptable for this experiment... this will help to create a good baseline.
Share all this with your Doc and if he's okay with it them give it a go!
THE SATAN .:.  .:.  .:. 
------ Original message------From: andrewmonm45@... [JoyofSatan666] Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2017 6:14 PMTo: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];Cc: Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Petition, need some guide, hopefully
  I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take it with so much happiness, i suppose to study but is a very frustating experience, i know i need to change and i need help, any recomendation? i need to work deep on it Thanks, Hail Satan and i wait for your answers 
ADHD is a FAKE disease made up by the JEW Leon EisenBERG to swindle children. He even admitted on his deathbed he made it up.

On Monday, February 13, 2017 6:15 PM, "andrewmonm45@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take it with so much happiness, i suppose to study but is a very frustating experience, i know i need to change and i need help, any recomendation? i need to work deep on it Thanks, Hail Satan and i wait for your answers 

You can do a sun square to heal your ADHD, make sure the sun is in Leo as this will make the ritual more powerful along with the moon being in being in Virgo:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... iming.html

You can check what sign the sun is on a site called lunarium:
http://www.lunarium.co.uk/ (Just remember to click the "edit" button in the top right corner)

Here is the page for the sun square:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... quare.html

Here is how to use Satan's magickal squares:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... uares.html
You don't have ADHD and neither does anyone else on the planet. ADHD is a Jew invented disease and is a Jew swindle to make money in the psychiatric field based on lies. The inventor of the "supposed" (((ADHD))) confessed that it was a lie(it was a Jew as well who confessed) and that he made it out out of pure fictitious bullshit.

What you have is an overactive mind thanks to the enemy otherwise known as Jehovah. What you can do to fix this is void meditation asking Satan for help(this is what I did and I "supposedly" had (((ADHD)))  as well)
After about a year I had almost total control over my thoughts and had clarity for the first time in my life literally.

I hope this helps. Also people on psychiatric pills should not meditate except for doing void meditation. Psychiatric pills and meditation are like oil and water, or water and electricity.

Hail Satan.

I was diagnosed with "severe" ADHD as a child and as a result was heavily medicated for it, which led down a road of extreme drug abuse and sorrow. As I grew older I researched ADHD extensively, and as I found it, the entire "disease" is made up. ADHD is not a real "disorder" as most doctors and "health mags" would have you believe, it is a way to control those with a different and much more unique mindset and thought process that they do not understand. Research this if you are able and have the ability to, you will see ADHD for what it is.
Do not let ANYONE tell you your limitations as they have absolutely no right to know what you are capable of. If anything, the ones feeding you these lies are your limitations, not this made up bullshit "disease".
My advice would be, that if you are taking any medications for this bullshit "disorder" is that you stop them immediately as they are only damaging you. 
Focus on void meditation as intently as you can as this will help you with concentration and slowing your thoughts. When working or doing any task that demands your attention try to be as detail oriented as you can, and go slow as to not overload your thoughts, take it step by step and let your mind relax. Try not to multi-task too much as this will also contribute to making you feel overwhelmed.

Start the 40 day power meditation program if you have not already.
Let me know if this helps :)

On Monday, February 13, 2017 8:15 PM, "andrewmonm45@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take it with so much happiness, i suppose to study but is a very frustating experience, i know i need to change and i need help, any recomendation? i need to work deep on it Thanks, Hail Satan and i wait for your answers 

Fyi... don't bunch all this together in one gulp... completely stay away from SOY anything! Soy is a toxin and does not digest in the body well (no animal naturaly eats SOY only those forced or starved), it also creates estrogen and huge digestive issues.

Most soy products are heavily altered. Actually fermented soy is used in places like japan or something to help aid women when they become midwifes and then lessen oestrogen production.
That is the only kind of soy that is heal5y though! Check the resources!!
I happened o read on the runes. Take a look at Isa. Perhaps its something of use to you. Also take a look at your natal chart such things could be in there too.

Good luck!
You are so right about this. I have a classmate who is labeled as "disabled". He attended several xian schools for "disabled" people before we met and he is a prime example of a brainwashed tard right now. However, I have observed that he has potent telekinetic powers and that he casually uses them on pens and such (probably without even realizing what he is doing). I'm sure that he would've become a really strong SS if he hadn't gotten this shitty xian programming. Now all he does at school is write "Kill all nazis" on his folderpaper, making my urge to punch him in the face almost uncontainable. 
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 5:32, L W serpentrising666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I was diagnosed with "severe" ADHD as a child and as a result was heavily medicated for it, which led down a road of extreme drug abuse and sorrow. As I grew older I researched ADHD extensively, and as I found it, the entire "disease" is made up. ADHD is not a real "disorder" as most doctors and "health mags" would have you believe, it is a way to control those with a different and much more unique mindset and thought process that they do not understand. Research this if you are able and have the ability to, you will see ADHD for what it is.
Do not let ANYONE tell you your limitations as they have absolutely no right to know what you are capable of. If anything, the ones feeding you these lies are your limitations, not this made up bullshit "disease".
My advice would be, that if you are taking any medications for this bullshit "disorder" is that you stop them immediately as they are only damaging you. 
Focus on void meditation as intently as you can as this will help you with concentration and slowing your thoughts. When working or doing any task that demands your attention try to be as detail oriented as you can, and go slow as to not overload your thoughts, take it step by step and let your mind relax. Try not to multi-task too much as this will also contribute to making you feel overwhelmed.

Start the 40 day power meditation program if you have not already.
Let me know if this helps :)

On Monday, February 13, 2017 8:15 PM, "andrewmonm45@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I got ADHD, i accept my limitations but am not happy or proud of that, do something to fix this for good is my goal, if some one could help with this or make some material for persons that have this condition like me, ill be completely grateful or any tip on how to work hard on these i will take it with so much happiness, i suppose to study but is a very frustating experience, i know i need to change and i need help, any recomendation? i need to work deep on it Thanks, Hail Satan and i wait for your answers 

 You know I keep seeing this ADHD topic come up alot. People are like ADHD is fake!! I heard DON DANKO say it once!! So believe me!!!!!!!!! 
 How about providing people with evidence of both sides and allowing them to think for themselves and make their own conclusions....

Here is the link to High Priest Don's Sermon
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/446

According to Neurologist Richard Saul

http://www.collective-evolution.com/201 ... ed-author/

Fact Checker David Mekkelson Disagrees, calling death bed confession a myth

http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood ... -critics#1

Interesting thing here in this link:
But there are some people, including some doctors and therapists, who disagree.

 in Truth what do you really know about it? Pro or against? Oh I know its real because people say it is!! I know its not real because Don said its not!! 
 If we want people to take us seriously... And stop acting like we are a mindless cult who throws out wild ideas. We ALL need to study. Every single one of us needs to study and learn like crazy. If we were all highly Intelligent, there would be very little infighting and indifference's on the group. People would run from us and not even mention us online, for fear we would thrash them in Debate. 
 Most so called infighting on the groups is honestly just people acting like a bunch of immature children. Bickering at each other Over who is right or wrong. Or this newest one someone made a grammar oppsie. 
 I dont think ohh ahh I felt an energy or a demon just spake to me. Is really gonna cut for me anymore. What about intelligence? Education? Admitting we don't know and working together to learn?
 I don't know. There is so much I am ignorant on. So many times I want to make articles or audio and I stop myself. Due to how much I do not know on the subject. 
 Take ADHD for instance. What if we had people pro and against who posted all their information that they read and studied. The pro side then read everything the Con side posted and vice versa. Then unanimously came together to make a decision. Once done, All the postings and findings could be sent to anyone who questioned its validity. Then we would be a very informed group. We would be more then that, we would a force to be reckoned with. 

I agree, I think that would be very nice to have. We need to become an intellectual group. Many of us act intellectual, but if someone becomes aggravating, we turn into immature little children. No better than xians when it comes to arguing, at times
On Feb 16, 2017, at 12:23, aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 You know I keep seeing this ADHD topic come up alot. People are like ADHD is fake!! I heard DON DANKO say it once!! So believe me!!!!!!!!! 
 How about providing people with evidence of both sides and allowing them to think for themselves and make their own conclusions....

Here is the link to High Priest Don's Sermon
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/446

According to Neurologist Richard Saul

http://www.collective-evolution.com/201 ... ed-author/

Fact Checker David Mekkelson Disagrees, calling death bed confession a myth

http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood ... -critics#1

Interesting thing here in this link:
But there are some people, including some doctors and therapists, who disagree.

 in Truth what do you really know about it? Pro or against? Oh I know its real because people say it is!! I know its not real because Don said its not!! 
 If we want people to take us seriously... And stop acting like we are a mindless cult who throws out wild ideas. We ALL need to study. Every single one of us needs to study and learn like crazy. If we were all highly Intelligent, there would be very little infighting and indifference's on the group. People would run from us and not even mention us online, for fear we would thrash them in Debate. 
 Most so called infighting on the groups is honestly just people acting like a bunch of immature children. Bickering at each other Over who is right or wrong. Or this newest one someone made a grammar oppsie. 
 I dont think ohh ahh I felt an energy or a demon just spake to me. Is really gonna cut for me anymore. What about intelligence? Education? Admitting we don't know and working together to learn?
 I don't know. There is so much I am ignorant on. So many times I want to make articles or audio and I stop myself. Due to how much I do not know on the subject. 
 Take ADHD for instance. What if we had people pro and against who posted all their information that they read and studied. The pro side then read everything the Con side posted and vice versa. Then unanimously came together to make a decision. Once done, All the postings and findings could be sent to anyone who questioned its validity. Then we would be a very informed group. We would be more then that, we would a force to be reckoned with. 
Am about to check this thank you so much, i send the information to my doctor, am very grateful for the response and am in contact from this medium
I got my natal chart, what's next? what can i do with it? i think i need to work with someone who explain me about this, there's a lot of information and i get frustrated when i doesnt work my best, thank you am about to check Isa 
Thanks, i honestly feel so much depressive the first five days of meditation, do i have to change for other energy to absorve or change something to health me better with the program? white gold doesnt make me the best feeling
Do i need to be prepared before doing these sun square? and can you give me some tip because i see a doctor that try to help with the ADHD and for him is important to work together in these so, if there is something that can help people like me and i can share it with him, well we will be very happy about it, thanks for the response
This would be a great community topic!

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On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 7:27 AM, andrewmonm45@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I got my natal chart, what's next? what can i do with it? i think i need to work with someone who explain me about this, there's a lot of information and i get frustrated when i doesnt work my best, thank you am about to check Isa 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
