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Personality types: Know yourself, Strenghts & Dangers


New member
Apr 28, 2024
Let me start of by explaining the structures and thoughts about this specific thread;
I'm going to be talking about the MBTI personality test. This test is based on the work of (well respected) psychologists like Carl Jung.

This test is to have a view on what your strenghts are in life and where you need improvement. THERE IS NO WRONG/BAD PERSONALITY TYPE.
Everybody is different and thinks different. This is the beauty of life. While this test might seem like it is designed to box you in a specific category. I personally do not think this is the case.
This test will show you in what way you behave in the real world - the action you take. & what kind of action feels natural to you - your comfort zone. It is the mix on those 2 things that make you the person you are.

I suggest everyone that reads this thread to step out of your comfort zone and explore life in a different way. eg: you might be the biggest introvert, but going to a masterclass about your favorite hobby, networking with some new- like minded people and exploring new things are going to open up a lot of opportunities for you in life. This is real self development you should strive for. Like the Dalai Lama said 'more important than meditating is TAKING ACTION' so lets all take action and become beautiful, sophisticated and talented individuals.

Now... on to the real shit. You can do the personality test on this link https://www.16personalities.com/
It should take about 20 min to complete and you'll get a result of 5 letters. I'll explain all 5 letters in order and give some insights, strenghts, weaknesses and focus points.

Most people think of introverts as shy people and extraverts as charming, loud and obnoxious.
This actually has nothing to do with being intro/extra- vert. Elon Musk or mark zuckerberg might be introverts but are NOT shy to talk to a big audience.
Likewise extraverts might not always speak the most or the loudest.

Introverts are people that are focused on what is inside them. They think a lot about their feelings and what is going on in their mind. Daydreaming and overthinking is not uncommom for an introvert.

Extraverts are focused on what is around them. They are less focused on their thoughts and prefer to communicate with the outer world to put their feelings and thoughts together.
Something notable about extraverts is that they will start speaking before they even know what they are going to say, while an introvert is going to think a lot about the words that will come out of their mouths before opening it.

An accomplished day for an introvert might be to have come up with a nice idea or some deep meditation, while for an extravert an accomplished day will mean a very meaningful conversation with someone else or seeing a lot of people.

Focus Points
as an introvert it is beneficial to your development to communicate more with the outer world. a presentation might be hard for an introvert. The average extravert speaks twice as much as an introvert per day. There are some exercises to better your speech like reading everything you read (online, news paper, social media, text books) out loud. This will quicken the connection between your brain and mouth. After practising this long enough you will see that you have to think less before you speak and make communication more natural and smooth

As an extravert you should focus more on what is within. Doing some groundwork like meditation, yoga, feeling your body, working alone. This will make you more in tune with yourself and create a better and healthier relationship with the world.

Sensing people are focused on specifics and intuitive persons are focused on the bigger picture.
Someone that is sensing would describe Donald Trump as blonde, a male, american
Someone that is intuitive would describe him as a leader, revolutionary, an entrepreneur

a big example of someone very intuitive is Kanye West. If you hear him talk about anything in the world you would notice he makes the most crazy connections between different subjects.
The way he describes music and how he can even predicts what sounds to assemble or what instruments are lacking before actually hearing the full song is something out of this world.

Sensing people tend to do well in analytical jobs. They are more perfectionistic and have a strong eye for detail.

Focus Points
People tend to think of intuitive types as more crazy. This is the truth. Being intuitive opens the door to a lot of creativity.
The downfall of intuitive types is drugs, especially hallucinants and weed. Because of all the connections the intuitive mind makes, drugs can make them lose their mind and grasp on reality. (kanye doesn't take 'his meds' and doesn't smoke weed)
As an intuitive your pineal gland might be over-functioning and third eye may be more open than sensing people. Try to make a difference with it in this world and really put action to your creative ideas.

As a sensing person you're more grounded in your ideas. sometimes less open to suggestion. This makes you steady and easy to rely on. Try to broaden your mind by focusing on your third eye and trying as much new things as possible. It is easy for you to be delve deep into one topic, try to gather more knowledge of the world and taste the broad spectrum life has to offer you.

Thinkers think rationally, feelers think more emotionally.
Thinkers focus on objective fact while feelers focus more on what is right to do. eg. a thinker will push on a debate if they think they're right, while a feeler might compromise because good spirit between the 2 of you is more important to them. A thinker wants the best employees, while a feeler might want a team that can work exceptionally well with each other.

Some professions like nursing or the kindergarden require feelers to work with. You want them to perform well but focus on the feelings of their patients/children
Professions like finances, heart surgeons require thinkers. You don't want a heart surgeon to have stress or a stock broker to make the wrong trade because they felt a certain way.

Focus Points
In a mixed setting like a work team or friendgroup these personality traits will start the most discussions/arguments.
While a thinker will objectively be right most of the time, it is important to understand that a feelers feelings are their reality to them.

How you make a feeler feel will be more important to them than the actual words your said.
Try being less confrontational with each other and start the argument with 'I feel this type of way because of this action'.
Speak in each others languages. Most of the times the Thinker will have to adopt to the communication style of the feeler to get to a good understanding between both of them.

Judgers are more focused on structure.
Perceivers are more focused on freedom.

A judger will plan his day and be upset if things don't go as planned or if there are sudden changes to the schedule. A perceiver likes to do less planning and enjoys the random obstacles and changes life brings to them.

Perceivers are most of the time the people that push the world forward while the judgers keep the structure intact.

Focus Points
As a judger you should try to not obsess over having the control and anticipate some errors that might occur in your plans. Embarce changes and try to be more adventurous in life. Try doing things you wouldn't normally do like taking a walk on vacation and going to some random places without checking google maps, or try some new food instead at the restaurant you always go to.

A perceiver should plan more in advance. The perceiver mindset of trying new things in life combined with the structure of a judger is very powerful.

How Personality Types get Formed: Nature vs Nurture
Personality types are influence by nature as well as nurture.
Carl Jung said that personalities are ONLY formed by the traumas we experienced in life.
To understand this you must change the way you view traumas. Traumas are bumps in life you have to go through. They're not bad, they're not good... They just are.
They are natural. We don't despise the cat because he kills a mouse just like we shouldn't look at traumas like something that is only negative. Everybody goes through traumas from the moment you are born.

We have 2 main purposes from a biological standpoint as human beings and that is survive and reproduce.
When we are alone for 5 minutes at the mall as a toddler this threatens our existence and survival. Of course as adults we don't think this way but this is the way you think as a baby/toddler.
Small things like being left alone, an upset parent, your little brother breaking your toy, having no food when hungry,.. are all childhood traumas.
These traumas define who we will be as well as adult traumas.

As for adult traumas and more '''serious''' traumas, it is okay to want justice and you should, but the only person feeling pain will be you, not the aggressor. Overcoming the trauma is something you will need to do for yourself when you are ready and this can shift who you are as a person.

As for nature. The traumas you experience because of adults are most of the time (subconsious) generational traumas passed down by bloodline, culture and parenting style.
Your soul and karmic energy in a way influence what traumas you'll be getting in your childhood and later in life. You can not kundalini or meditate your way out of it if you're not aware of these traumas and personality traits in the first place.

Try becoming a better person. eg. If you're self employed, haven't paid or filled in your tax (reports) you might get some serious fines. You're probably a Perceiver and need some more responsibility and structure in your life. The wrong thing to do would be to fix the issue and go on with your life. The right thing to do would be to acknowledge the trauma and go on in life as a Perceiver-turned-Judger.

I sincerely hope this thread opened the door in a more guiding and practical way to your spiritual and self-development journey.
I'm sure this will help you complement your meditations and goals in life.
Try having real, practical goals on where you want to be in life. Breaking your chains and unleashing your true potential means breaking out of your habits and loops in life.
Stop being in the comfort zone, master your craft, become the best version of yourself, understand yourself in multiple dimensions.
Pass this knowledge onto your loved ones and encourage them to break their chains as well.

If you have any questions let me know in the comments. eg. professions that match your personality type.
Also, feel free to share your personality types down below
Thank you for this post! I think it's imortant to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. I like that you use the disclaimer of these quizzes not putting people into boxes, although that is what many believe. Recognizing where you can improve and even where you excel will certainly help you along with your spiritual progress.
Thank you for sharing this information. This is very important and powerful. The more we get to know about ourselves and what is going on around us. It makes things a lot clearer and easier to follow and understand what we are getting into. Especially if we want to do things right. ♥️ I love thecway you explained this and it makes it more clear and easier follow. And you put it in a deeper perspective. I like that.♥️🙂

Most people don't answer these honestly, but instead based on their 'values', rather what actions they've taken historically. Partially, this is unintentional, because they lack self-awareness, but it does negate much of its utility either way.

Personally, I think these site(s) tend to give a more accurate result:
- https://www.idrlabs.com/
- https://keys2cognition.com/explore.htm

And these are good for further narrowing it down:
- https://www.youtube.com/@CognitiveTypology/playlists
- https://www.youtube.com/@CSJoseph/playlists

(Although, CS Joseph does have some questionable redpill opinions, but his cognitive type analysis is pretty spot on).

Also, when one properly begins to understand Astrological phenomena, it negates much of the usefulness of MBTI anyway, because it relies far too heavily on vague archetypes, which can be useful, when one has no other information about a person, but it's quite unreliable on its own, especially if specificity is the aim. It is somewhat useful when combined with astrology, though, and it does serve to add another dimension to one's understanding of human nature overall.
Let me start of by explaining the structures and thoughts about this specific thread;
I'm going to be talking about the MBTI personality test. This test is based on the work of (well respected) psychologists like Carl Jung.

This test is to have a view on what your strenghts are in life and where you need improvement. THERE IS NO WRONG/BAD PERSONALITY TYPE.
Everybody is different and thinks different. This is the beauty of life. While this test might seem like it is designed to box you in a specific category. I personally do not think this is the case.
This test will show you in what way you behave in the real world - the action you take. & what kind of action feels natural to you - your comfort zone. It is the mix on those 2 things that make you the person you are.

I suggest everyone that reads this thread to step out of your comfort zone and explore life in a different way. eg: you might be the biggest introvert, but going to a masterclass about your favorite hobby, networking with some new- like minded people and exploring new things are going to open up a lot of opportunities for you in life. This is real self development you should strive for. Like the Dalai Lama said 'more important than meditating is TAKING ACTION' so lets all take action and become beautiful, sophisticated and talented individuals.

Now... on to the real shit. You can do the personality test on this link https://www.16personalities.com/
It should take about 20 min to complete and you'll get a result of 5 letters. I'll explain all 5 letters in order and give some insights, strenghts, weaknesses and focus points.

Most people think of introverts as shy people and extraverts as charming, loud and obnoxious.
This actually has nothing to do with being intro/extra- vert. Elon Musk or mark zuckerberg might be introverts but are NOT shy to talk to a big audience.
Likewise extraverts might not always speak the most or the loudest.

Introverts are people that are focused on what is inside them. They think a lot about their feelings and what is going on in their mind. Daydreaming and overthinking is not uncommom for an introvert.

Extraverts are focused on what is around them. They are less focused on their thoughts and prefer to communicate with the outer world to put their feelings and thoughts together.
Something notable about extraverts is that they will start speaking before they even know what they are going to say, while an introvert is going to think a lot about the words that will come out of their mouths before opening it.

An accomplished day for an introvert might be to have come up with a nice idea or some deep meditation, while for an extravert an accomplished day will mean a very meaningful conversation with someone else or seeing a lot of people.

Focus Points
as an introvert it is beneficial to your development to communicate more with the outer world. a presentation might be hard for an introvert. The average extravert speaks twice as much as an introvert per day. There are some exercises to better your speech like reading everything you read (online, news paper, social media, text books) out loud. This will quicken the connection between your brain and mouth. After practising this long enough you will see that you have to think less before you speak and make communication more natural and smooth

As an extravert you should focus more on what is within. Doing some groundwork like meditation, yoga, feeling your body, working alone. This will make you more in tune with yourself and create a better and healthier relationship with the world.

Sensing people are focused on specifics and intuitive persons are focused on the bigger picture.
Someone that is sensing would describe Donald Trump as blonde, a male, american
Someone that is intuitive would describe him as a leader, revolutionary, an entrepreneur

a big example of someone very intuitive is Kanye West. If you hear him talk about anything in the world you would notice he makes the most crazy connections between different subjects.
The way he describes music and how he can even predicts what sounds to assemble or what instruments are lacking before actually hearing the full song is something out of this world.

Sensing people tend to do well in analytical jobs. They are more perfectionistic and have a strong eye for detail.

Focus Points
People tend to think of intuitive types as more crazy. This is the truth. Being intuitive opens the door to a lot of creativity.
The downfall of intuitive types is drugs, especially hallucinants and weed. Because of all the connections the intuitive mind makes, drugs can make them lose their mind and grasp on reality. (kanye doesn't take 'his meds' and doesn't smoke weed)
As an intuitive your pineal gland might be over-functioning and third eye may be more open than sensing people. Try to make a difference with it in this world and really put action to your creative ideas.

As a sensing person you're more grounded in your ideas. sometimes less open to suggestion. This makes you steady and easy to rely on. Try to broaden your mind by focusing on your third eye and trying as much new things as possible. It is easy for you to be delve deep into one topic, try to gather more knowledge of the world and taste the broad spectrum life has to offer you.

Thinkers think rationally, feelers think more emotionally.
Thinkers focus on objective fact while feelers focus more on what is right to do. eg. a thinker will push on a debate if they think they're right, while a feeler might compromise because good spirit between the 2 of you is more important to them. A thinker wants the best employees, while a feeler might want a team that can work exceptionally well with each other.

Some professions like nursing or the kindergarden require feelers to work with. You want them to perform well but focus on the feelings of their patients/children
Professions like finances, heart surgeons require thinkers. You don't want a heart surgeon to have stress or a stock broker to make the wrong trade because they felt a certain way.

Focus Points
In a mixed setting like a work team or friendgroup these personality traits will start the most discussions/arguments.
While a thinker will objectively be right most of the time, it is important to understand that a feelers feelings are their reality to them.

How you make a feeler feel will be more important to them than the actual words your said.
Try being less confrontational with each other and start the argument with 'I feel this type of way because of this action'.
Speak in each others languages. Most of the times the Thinker will have to adopt to the communication style of the feeler to get to a good understanding between both of them.

Judgers are more focused on structure.
Perceivers are more focused on freedom.

A judger will plan his day and be upset if things don't go as planned or if there are sudden changes to the schedule. A perceiver likes to do less planning and enjoys the random obstacles and changes life brings to them.

Perceivers are most of the time the people that push the world forward while the judgers keep the structure intact.

Focus Points
As a judger you should try to not obsess over having the control and anticipate some errors that might occur in your plans. Embarce changes and try to be more adventurous in life. Try doing things you wouldn't normally do like taking a walk on vacation and going to some random places without checking google maps, or try some new food instead at the restaurant you always go to.

A perceiver should plan more in advance. The perceiver mindset of trying new things in life combined with the structure of a judger is very powerful.

How Personality Types get Formed: Nature vs Nurture
Personality types are influence by nature as well as nurture.
Carl Jung said that personalities are ONLY formed by the traumas we experienced in life.
To understand this you must change the way you view traumas. Traumas are bumps in life you have to go through. They're not bad, they're not good... They just are.
They are natural. We don't despise the cat because he kills a mouse just like we shouldn't look at traumas like something that is only negative. Everybody goes through traumas from the moment you are born.

We have 2 main purposes from a biological standpoint as human beings and that is survive and reproduce.
When we are alone for 5 minutes at the mall as a toddler this threatens our existence and survival. Of course as adults we don't think this way but this is the way you think as a baby/toddler.
Small things like being left alone, an upset parent, your little brother breaking your toy, having no food when hungry,.. are all childhood traumas.
These traumas define who we will be as well as adult traumas.

As for adult traumas and more '''serious''' traumas, it is okay to want justice and you should, but the only person feeling pain will be you, not the aggressor. Overcoming the trauma is something you will need to do for yourself when you are ready and this can shift who you are as a person.

As for nature. The traumas you experience because of adults are most of the time (subconsious) generational traumas passed down by bloodline, culture and parenting style.
Your soul and karmic energy in a way influence what traumas you'll be getting in your childhood and later in life. You can not kundalini or meditate your way out of it if you're not aware of these traumas and personality traits in the first place.

Try becoming a better person. eg. If you're self employed, haven't paid or filled in your tax (reports) you might get some serious fines. You're probably a Perceiver and need some more responsibility and structure in your life. The wrong thing to do would be to fix the issue and go on with your life. The right thing to do would be to acknowledge the trauma and go on in life as a Perceiver-turned-Judger.

I sincerely hope this thread opened the door in a more guiding and practical way to your spiritual and self-development journey.
I'm sure this will help you complement your meditations and goals in life.
Try having real, practical goals on where you want to be in life. Breaking your chains and unleashing your true potential means breaking out of your habits and loops in life.
Stop being in the comfort zone, master your craft, become the best version of yourself, understand yourself in multiple dimensions.
Pass this knowledge onto your loved ones and encourage them to break their chains as well.

If you have any questions let me know in the comments. eg. professions that match your personality type.

Also, feel free to share your personality types down below
Hello, my personality type is INTJ and I would like to know which professions are suitable for me. Personally, I want to study International Trade. But I have a dream of becoming a scientist. I would love to hear your advice and if you want to tell me more about the INTJ, I'm all ears.
Dalai Lama said 'more important than meditating is TAKING ACTION' so lets all take action and become beautiful, sophisticated and talented individuals.

Meditating is taking action. Overall good first post, and welcome.
Hello, my personality type is INTJ and I would like to know which professions are suitable for me. Personally, I want to study International Trade. But I have a dream of becoming a scientist. I would love to hear your advice and if you want to tell me more about the INTJ, I'm all ears.
I'm an INTJ as well, and I'm sure I am very different from you.

Your personality archetype is somewhat irrelevant, and you'll have much better luck answering your question with a good, thorough look at your natal chart.
MBTI is rather controversial among modern psychologists, but I always enjoyed this topic. Even though I do act rather differently than a typical INTJ, most of my thought processes fit this type very well.
I imagine we have a disproportionate amount of INTJs and INTPs here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
