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Personal Journey regarding Earth Energy


New member
Mar 1, 2005
First off, I want to inform you all that while I believe in Demons and have worked with them, continue to work with them, and will work with them in the future- I also work with other spirits- name I work with my spirit guide, who helps me a lot. My spirit guide was a human about 400 years ago who was a lover of mine, in a past life. He 'ascended' before I did, and he chose to become my spirit guide and help me to develop and fulfill my purpose and to learn what I need to learn. Right now he advises me as far as empowering my spirit to be able to connect with powerful forms of energy so that I will be able to connect with a spiritual source, so to speak, of Power. The spirit who has agreed to do this, when I am capable of doing so, is Sallos, you all might recognise the name- it is a 'demon' if you want to call him that, though thats only one of the things he might be called. The spirits have also referred to him as a 'Lord of Power' because of his role.

I have been trying to connect to the earth lately as my guide has advised that in order for me to achieve my goal of connecting to the spiritual energies to manifest them to the physical, I should first learn to connect to the earth. This is because earth energy has a degree of influence over the physical realm. Once I have connected to the earth energy and mastered that connection, then I will start to connect to Sallos. In the meantime, I am learning to master my connection to the earth energies.

For me, mastering the earth energies means making a powerful connection on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It also means establishing such a connection through daily meditations that I can decrease the time that it takes me to connect to the earth to a few moments, and at will. This is so that once I actually start connecting to the spirit of power, I will be able to make a strong connection, and use the energy that I receive in a timely fashion.

Physically, I need to be able to connect to the energetical forces of the earth. As I have meditated I have felt the magnetic frequencies in the ground. I can concentrate on these forces using my aura and my third eye in order to fixate myself upon them. Once I am concentrating on the energies, I focus on making a connection and absorbing the energy, so that my 'self' becomes more connected, and attached, to the earth.

Emotionally, I need to be able to feel the way the energy makes me feel on an emotional level. What I do is I focus on the earth, and then I focus on my emotional self. I concentrate on the emotional aspect of the energy and how it affects me when I receive it. The earth always feels empowering and fortifying, as well as warm and comforting. Connecting to the earth on an emotional level causes me to feel less fragile on an emotional level, and more strengthened and radiant. Generally it is stabilising and I enjoy it.

Spiritually, I didn't know how to connect on this level at first so I asked the spirits for advice. What they told me was that the reason that spirits are attracted to the planet earth is because of all of the life it supports. There is lots of life here that isn't on other planets in this solar system. The spirituasl aspect of the planet has to do with it's purpose for the spirits, and that would be how I connect to that aspect. I wasn't sure what to make of this answer at first, I assumed it had to do with my connection to other spirits when in connection to the earth. But, as I meditated, after a few more days I realised that I shouldn't be thinking about it that way- and that the message was meant for my spirit. I have been meditating now, not thinking of the earth energy as "earth" energy, but as "life" energy. It is energy that supports life. And realising this, and making that connection has really enabled me to make stronger connections to the earth than before, in shorter times.

In the end, the information that is currently out there about the earth as far as how it helps you to gain ability usually suggests that it is slow, encumbering, and stubborn. However, I find that these descriptions, from the websites that I searched through (at the time) are not really befitting of the earth element from my experience. It is a very warm, comforting, and energising force that should be given due credit for what it is. Also, it is a necessary element to connect to when trying to connect to the physical from the spirit in order to cause permanent changes to manifest according to the information that I have received.

I hope that this is helpful information for someone- I know that it certainly helps me. I might add that my guide informed me that when you start receiving more of the earth energy you will start to feel a heat sensation that is like how it feels (for males) right before you start to orgasm. I felt this sensation today when I was meditating so I am happy that I am making progress. If anyone wants to know more about connecting to the physical to make changes I'll try to help if I can.

Also, as I know it may be important for some people to know this- there are many reasons I want to connect to the physical from my spirit to make permanent changes. First, for my own satisfaction and to help represent the character I would like people to receive I will alter my appearance to a degree- this should also go to prove that I will be able to make drastic changes with the use of spiritual power in order to meet my desires so that others understand the nature of the power. I also want to learn to heal and alter the aspects(organs, structure, disease) of the body that influence the health. I would like to manipulate and alter inanimate objects as well, for demonstration or for use, or distribution. I would like to give certain spirits around me the ability to manifest into physical forms, so that they could interact with human beings. I would also like to use the energy to stimulate portions of the brain that connect physical awareness to the spiritual realm, in order to open up my other, more 'ethereal' abilities such as physically seeing the spirits with my eyes, hearing their voices with my ears, etc among others. Once I have established my abilities, I want to teach others, with the advisory of my guide (not everyone would be safe to use spiritual power, and not everyone needs to- its a path meant for those who have that purpose just like any other) I would also like to open a spirituality center to help people in my local community. The spirits will be able to help me to come across the funds that I need, we have discussed different avenues that are pursuable, and I would like to distribute what I can to charities and to people who are in need. The spirits have a lot more to share besides teaching us how to gain spiritual ability as well, so I would like to reach out to those who need information regarding their lives or path when I have my own life in order. It is my desire to spread a message of truth, and also to oppose any false dogma that people believe in.

Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate any support and am open to criticism. =]
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "stetonb" <stetonb@... wrote:
First off, I want to inform you all that while I believe in Demons and have worked with them, continue to work with them, and will work with them in the future- I also work with other spirits- name I work with my spirit guide, who helps me a lot. My spirit guide was a human about 400 years ago who was a lover of mine, in a past life. He 'ascended' before I did, and he chose to become my spirit guide and help me to develop and fulfill my purpose and to learn what I need to learn. Right now he advises me as far as empowering my spirit to be able to connect with powerful forms of energy so that I will be able to connect with a spiritual source, so to speak, of Power. The spirit who has agreed to do this, when I am capable of doing so, is Sallos, you all might recognise the name- it is a 'demon' if you want to call him that, though thats only one of the things he might be called. The spirits have also referred to him as a 'Lord of Power' because of his role.

I have been trying to connect to the earth lately as my guide has advised that in order for me to achieve my goal of connecting to the spiritual energies to manifest them to the physical, I should first learn to connect to the earth. This is because earth energy has a degree of influence over the physical realm. Once I have connected to the earth energy and mastered that connection, then I will start to connect to Sallos. In the meantime, I am learning to master my connection to the earth energies.

For me, mastering the earth energies means making a powerful connection on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It also means establishing such a connection through daily meditations that I can decrease the time that it takes me to connect to the earth to a few moments, and at will. This is so that once I actually start connecting to the spirit of power, I will be able to make a strong connection, and use the energy that I receive in a timely fashion.

Physically, I need to be able to connect to the energetical forces of the earth. As I have meditated I have felt the magnetic frequencies in the ground. I can concentrate on these forces using my aura and my third eye in order to fixate myself upon them. Once I am concentrating on the energies, I focus on making a connection and absorbing the energy, so that my 'self' becomes more connected, and attached, to the earth.

Emotionally, I need to be able to feel the way the energy makes me feel on an emotional level. What I do is I focus on the earth, and then I focus on my emotional self. I concentrate on the emotional aspect of the energy and how it affects me when I receive it. The earth always feels empowering and fortifying, as well as warm and comforting. Connecting to the earth on an emotional level causes me to feel less fragile on an emotional level, and more strengthened and radiant. Generally it is stabilising and I enjoy it.

Spiritually, I didn't know how to connect on this level at first so I asked the spirits for advice. What they told me was that the reason that spirits are attracted to the planet earth is because of all of the life it supports. There is lots of life here that isn't on other planets in this solar system. The spirituasl aspect of the planet has to do with it's purpose for the spirits, and that would be how I connect to that aspect. I wasn't sure what to make of this answer at first, I assumed it had to do with my connection to other spirits when in connection to the earth. But, as I meditated, after a few more days I realised that I shouldn't be thinking about it that way- and that the message was meant for my spirit. I have been meditating now, not thinking of the earth energy as "earth" energy, but as "life" energy. It is energy that supports life. And realising this, and making that connection has really enabled me to make stronger connections to the earth than before, in shorter times.

In the end, the information that is currently out there about the earth as far as how it helps you to gain ability usually suggests that it is slow, encumbering, and stubborn. However, I find that these descriptions, from the websites that I searched through (at the time) are not really befitting of the earth element from my experience. It is a very warm, comforting, and energising force that should be given due credit for what it is. Also, it is a necessary element to connect to when trying to connect to the physical from the spirit in order to cause permanent changes to manifest according to the information that I have received.

I hope that this is helpful information for someone- I know that it certainly helps me. I might add that my guide informed me that when you start receiving more of the earth energy you will start to feel a heat sensation that is like how it feels (for males) right before you start to orgasm. I felt this sensation today when I was meditating so I am happy that I am making progress. If anyone wants to know more about connecting to the physical to make changes I'll try to help if I can.

Also, as I know it may be important for some people to know this- there are many reasons I want to connect to the physical from my spirit to make permanent changes. First, for my own satisfaction and to help represent the character I would like people to receive I will alter my appearance to a degree- this should also go to prove that I will be able to make drastic changes with the use of spiritual power in order to meet my desires so that others understand the nature of the power. I also want to learn to heal and alter the aspects(organs, structure, disease) of the body that influence the health. I would like to manipulate and alter inanimate objects as well, for demonstration or for use, or distribution. I would like to give certain spirits around me the ability to manifest into physical forms, so that they could interact with human beings. I would also like to use the energy to stimulate portions of the brain that connect physical awareness to the spiritual realm, in order to open up my other, more 'ethereal' abilities such as physically seeing the spirits with my eyes, hearing their voices with my ears, etc among others. Once I have established my abilities, I want to teach others, with the advisory of my guide (not everyone would be safe to use spiritual power, and not everyone needs to- its a path meant for those who have that purpose just like any other) I would also like to open a spirituality center to help people in my local community. The spirits will be able to help me to come across the funds that I need, we have discussed different avenues that are pursuable, and I would like to distribute what I can to charities and to people who are in need. The spirits have a lot more to share besides teaching us how to gain spiritual ability as well, so I would like to reach out to those who need information regarding their lives or path when I have my own life in order. It is my desire to spread a message of truth, and also to oppose any false dogma that people believe in.

Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate any support and am open to criticism. =]
I would like to put foward a few of my experiences thus far with my meditations in connection to the earth, as it may be helpful to each of you if you want to do similar things as myself. I had already put some of these down to document my experiences, so they will have been chronologically at different times. --

I was doing my regular meditations, but I am finding that the energy actually flows into me from the earth more freely if I build up my desire and want for the energy- by realising my goals in my mind, and the fact that I need to connect to the earth energy in order to make my goals to use the power with the physical a reality. I am still experimenting, sometimes it seems stronger than other times and I am hoping to be able to keep building up my connection to the earth. There is one drawback, some days I feel super connected when I meditate, and I even effect the people around me while I meditate, but then on other days I don't seem to be able to duplicate what I did previously that made the connection so strong. Hopefully as I continue to repeat the exercises I will simply connect on a strong enough level so that each time I connect I only go foward, instead of occasionally feeling as though I've done better before. --

I'm very happy about my progress today-- as I was meditating, I would sense the energy in the earth, and as I sensed the stronger forms of it, I would then project the intention for that energy to enter my body, focusing it on my body. Previously I had only been trying to sort of 'pull' the energy in with my spirit, but now I'm doing a mixture of that and the focused intent onto the energy and I think I'm getting more steady results. The energy is coming in on a more consistent basis, and I'm very happy about that because it means I'm covering one of my goals to be able to draw it in a constant basis moreso than before, rather than getting spurts of the energy each time I would try to pull it in. I'm hoping this means that I'm speeding myself to forming a closer connection to the earth in comparison to what I was doing before- satisfied with the new development and I'm glad I'm posting it here so I can look at my personal acheivement for future inspiration. =] --

Was meditating earlier- started to get pressure pain in my head instead of the heat sensation. The heat stopped. I asked my guide about it- he said that it indicates that my crown is blocked and the energy is not able to exit my body the way its supposed to- instead it is building up and creating pressure. He said that the way to resolve this is, instead of bringing the energy up through my spine, bring it up and around to the crown, and let it flow down in through it for a bit. This should open up the crown again, and then I can resume my normal meditation activities. I did this, it is very simple. It only took a moment and the pressure went away immidiately. I was able to continue connecting to the earth energy as usual. --

It seemed as though it had been getting progressively more difficult to raise the earth energy on a powerful level each time I have been meditating recently. It was requiring me to focus harder and put forth much more mental effort and strain. I asked my guide about it and he told me that I need to 'refresh' my spirit so to speak, by focusing on a different element and then coming back to the earth element. He said its like when you look at something for a long time, sometimes you need to pull your eyes away and then bring them back to re-focus your sight. So, he suggested that before I do my earth meditation I try doing an air meditation, where I just focus on and be aware of the air and it's energy, for 15 minutes and then go back to meditating on the earth.

I was also having trouble where I would raise the earth energy, and most of it seemed to come up through my base and sacral areas, but then most of the energy would stop and just a small amount seemed to pass up further. When I mentioned this to my guide, he told me that in the past I had practiced something where I would raise the sexual energy and move it to other areas of my body, and that thats all I need to do. I know what he was talking about- what you do is you become aware of the sexual energy in your sacral area, not just the chakra but the energy of that part of the spirit and body, and then breathe in slowly, as if the breathing is tugging the energy upwards. When you are moving it, you will be able to feel the energy transfer as heat. Remember to keep your mind fixated on the energy that you are wanting to move so that what you are doing is focused on that energy, and not on your breathing, etc.

I was also having some trouble where when I raise the earth energy, I am able to get it to come into my body but then it seems to leave soon after. My guide said that this is actually one of the things that I need to be focusing on- getting the energy to concentrate in my body, he suggested that I try to gather and concentrate the energy in my heart chakra area, so I am going to make that more of a focus from now on, rather than just connection with the earth and receiving the energy.

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing, and taking the time to post this. It has definitely inspired me to start meditating on Earth energy, I will do so after my kundalini yoga session later today!

Hail Satan!
Fantastic, I'm glad that it was inspirational to you. I know that even with this site, and many others, there is still a limited amount of information out there, especially concerning actual experience and information from the spirits, so helping other people to gain the information they need, if they want to pursue the same goals as myself, is definately a goal of mine.

I 'refreshed' my aura and spirit as my guide had advised me to do, and then started to meditate on the earth again. But as I started, I thought to myself- for the past several days I have been intently focusing just as hard as I could to get the results I wanted- to the point of strain and a degree of mental fatigue, and I was feeling burned out regarding meditation. Also, it occured to me that once I have the ability that I want, I am not going to want to strain my mind and spirit every time I want to use energy. So, instead of doing what I normally do, for that hour I only focused on the earth energy connecting with me and gathering into me to the point that I was not struggling to focus as hard as I could. I stopped searching the earth underneath me with my senses for where the strong energy was, and I tried to be more patient by taking it easy, comparatively. The results that I got were a bit slower coming on this way, but they were steadier and less 'up-and-down'. I mentioned this to my guide afterwards and he told me that he thought that was what I had already been doing and thats what I should be doing. I should not be straining myself in order to connect with the energy. Taking it slowly, steadily, and easily, though persistently and consistently, will allow me to make better progress than trying to focus on the energy as hard as I can. I am also now finding it to be a bit easier to hold on to the energy, since I started connecting this way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
