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Pact for Change


New member
Jan 4, 2008
here a question that i don't think would be look at too well.

If by chance someone was born into the wrong body would anyone agree to help make a pact to help them to be remove from there current vessel?
As in being place into the correct body for say.

As in allow them a choice or would you simply blame them like most people do.

I learn allot from people when they say freedom of choice and individuality as it usually non-sense.People preach it yet attack them for there situation as well as for not having the same view as they do.
From my understand ur soul is either a male or female, and ur born in to that body based on what u are.
There isn't any mistakes of course anyone can correct me.
If u feel u born in wrong body u need to do medation to find ur self.

And in turns of asking people for help to transfer a soul I don't think that's possible. For that's ripping the soul from a body unless the body died.
Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
You cannot be born into the wrong body. You reincarnate into your body when your mother is in an early stage of pregnancy and your body develops to reflect your soul. Your body was custom-made for your soul. You cannot switch bodies with someone.

If you hate yourself to he point you want to switch bodies, then you have a massive mental or emotional hangup. Such hangups can be removed through meditation, a MUNKA working, or an ANSUZ working.

Words of Power- Freeing the Soul
https://web.archive.org/web/20150915063 ... _Soul.html
I ran into many fakes and pretender.
I ask a question that is troubling many.
Yet the reply back were attacks.
The whole looking down onto other.

The thing is i know from experience that the world responsible for incarnation is mess up.
It corrupt and they don't give a damn about you or anyone else.
I have memories of that world yet you don't need memories to know that things are not fair.
There no one there that know what is best for you or intend to do things for your sake.
Your not special at all, your not the center of the universe.
They just go on like everyone else, they only take it as a job and nothing else, and yet they have a habit of looking down onto other.

This world in itself with all of it flaws is just a mirror image of that world.

I wanted to see if there was any legit out there and this topic was the quickest way to get answer.
The reply i got was an angelic reply.
The whole looking down and desire to punish those that don't share your view.
The aspect of blaming someone for what the world has done instead of allowing them a path of there own.
You must feel really great about yourself for denying the right of other to make there own path.

Deciding who and what one is is a disgusting thing.
You don't know them yet you think you have the right to damn them.
Claiming they are mentally ill for not fitting into what you think they should be.
Punishing them because the world is punishing them.
Seem weak that you have to follow the mob mentality because your too weak to stand on your own feet.

Bad things happen yet the blame shouldn't be place on the victim.
Doing so just show how weak and pathetic one is.
You refuse to go against the current.
Yet that what the sheep do they just follow the current never even dare to swim against it.

You didn't even gave one a fair chance.
You judge them without even trying to understand there view and feeling.
Well mistake happen, it doesn't matter how great or how low you are, you can never escape from mistake.
Things are far from perfect as you can see that in the world.
As the world is a horrible place.

If you was legit then the attacks you two have said would had never been said.
You two greatly insulted many out there.

You claim if someone trouble or suffering that there mentally ill.
That notion is sicking and disgusting.
A "mental hangup" does not mean you are mentally ill. A "mental hangup" is a mental barrier of some sort. For example, christians are constantly told that "money is the root of all evil" and "poverty is a virtue." Because the christians believe those things, the christians develop a mental hangup about money. The christians become uncomfortable with thinking about money and they do everything they can to reject money.

The system of reincarnation has been corrupted due to thousands of curses directed against humanity and a removal of spiritual knowledge. Due to the removal of spiritual knowledge, people do not empower their souls and get weaker each time they reincarnate. They accumulate negative energy (karma) because they do not know how to clean their souls of the karma and this negative energy causes the people to suffer in their future reincarnations. If people meditated and empowered their souls, they would not suffer. If someone meditates and strengthens their soul, their future reincarnations will be better. More information is in the "Afterlife and Reincarnation [Fully Explained]" and "Dealing With Astral Entities" articles.

The Afterlife and Reincarnation [Fully Explained]
Dealing with Astral Entities- Ghosts- Part 1
Dealing With Astral Entities- Heredity/Race, Charts- Part 2

Dealing With Astral Entities- The Serpent- Part 3
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15216.html   Dealing With Astral Entities-Karma- Part 4 (1/2)
http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic15795.html  Dealing With Astral Entities- Mass Karma - Part 4 (2/2)
Thanks Johnson for that info, I forgot that munka does that one too.Good to make my affirmation. Just hope I do it right.
Zana u sound lost and confused. And from what u wrote I dont see why u thinking it's an attack unless ur twisted at the moment.
If u want to understand more read more of JOS and work on ur self.To fix ur way of thibking, all takes time but start, all we will do is help and show u the way that we can. The rest if up to u to do the work.
Hail father SatanHail mother LilithHail all the Deitie gods/goddess
anyone that think different or have any different view you call mentally ill and confuse.
That is an attack.
If all of you believe in treating other so poorly then your all my enemy.
You claim one that is hurting should just change there personality to what the mass say is BS.
You and the other that believe this are the biggest whining asses when they don't get there way.
You can't do what you preach as i see it all the same.

You claim your satanist when you made it clear that you are damn light workers.
Following your pledian angelic view.
I listens in of chats in the past while you guys just brag how you got other to self harm themselves.
How much joy and enjoyment you get when they follow your teaching and tear themselves apart.

You demand that other follow and obey your view.
If they don't then there mental ill and confuse.
That is attacking other regardless what you say.
Your teaching is absolute BS.

Your group just proof that your just fill with pretender and fakes.
You don't believe in self freedom but suppression.

Am a being of hate as i will never follow your teaching.
The whole looking down onto other and attacking them wanting them to suffer just for your damn enjoyment.

I know your teaching way before this world.
I stood up against my group when they was torturing other for there damn enjoyment.
I was force into this world carnation because i believe enough was enough.
I believe other being should be treated with respect.
Yet you group is clearly always doing to follow this whole angelic guideline.

There no worth of a soul that is only a blank.
A soul that only follow the current with no identity of it own has no worth.
There just mindless sheep,
Your group is meant to represent standing up and following oneself.
Yet you group clearly believe in the exact opposite to that.
There forth you are all mark as enemy to me.
Stop reeking the old jewish tricks because you are just blaming everyone else over what (((those))) who have (((Taught))) you to think that way make you think and feel.

Nobody forced you to be here, to come or leave. Nobody exacts any pressure to anyone to stay, leave, come or adhere to what we say. So long everyone stays within the rules of the group, they can say anything. Everything is open to debate which has been the case indefinitely. The things we do not tolerate, like EVERY OTHER ORGANIZATION/GROUP in the PLANET, is those with malefic intent, and those who we deem infiltrators. The groups belong to those who respect them.

Do churches, jews, and even many others tolerate those whom they seek as enemies? That is our difference. We left your post through, same as many others who are only smear, attacks, agitations and offbase accusations, to get through. We answer to you. We don't use millions in propaganda, parlor tricks, subconscious messaging, bribing, coercion, intimidation or anything else to achieve our ends. Yet, you are having a delusional episode that somehow you are 'suppressed'. You have to ask the jews in regards to that who are the 'masters of your free will', we can't really answer you.

Denial of the jews at this point where evidence has reached unparalleled proportions, of COURSE it will be perceived as the shilling it always was. Our Satanism is our Satanism, and unless you have any logical arguement or anything intresting to say, remember that nobody asked you.

The masks have dropped, and poor arguments without evidence are nothing else to us than exactly what they are.

We also do not 'control' the actions of our members in anyway, and anyone can claim "they are with us", while they are not. We are not supposed to answer, or get blame for this baseless thing. Nobody is enforced to accept a point of view, but its within the rules that the opinions are respected. Engaging in this psychopathic behavior that you describe is a making of those who are confusing Satanism with devout christianity.

We have a right, same as does every other group of the planet, to do as we see fit within the context we are allowed. We choose to accept free speech to where it is within the border of legality, and even to our lack of benefit, many times. In plain words, its our policy and we don't want jewish or hebraic excrement made up.

Your (((Muh Suppression Goyim))) card will not work here. What is "non-suppression"? Listening to jewish rabbinical excrement about Satanism, or to stop fighting for Satan's interests to just satisfy a bunch of losers who call themselves "Satanists" while they have defamed, and destroyed the legacy of the Lord Creator Satan more than anyone else, even his enemies? What is largest blasphemy to Satan than calling him a dark ghoul?

What is again "Freedom" in this case? Freedom to blaspheme the God that we love? Satan is both the master of darkness and light. Even Beelzebub has stated that Darkness is Light turned inside out. This has nothing to do with "Light Workers", but meditation and work upon the Soul. The "Light" belongs to Satan, and always has. The Pagan/Satanic mysteries are above enlightening and elevating the Soul, away from 'darkness' or lack of light which is death.

If you cannot read and understand these concepts, you can reject them and leave. Don't twist them, because you fail.

The only thing we don't tolerate is the stepping on top of the rules that are in the groups.

You don't like this? You can leave. You like this? You can stay.

You can follow the rest of the ghouls that you think are mentally free, and go read some Kabbalah yourself maybe, or follow your own path.

We reject everything the enemy has written about Satanism. Satanism is not the rule of evil, darkness, or marilyn manson. Satanism belongs to Gentiles and rules over darkness as much as light. Those who believe Satan is some sort of evil ghoul just need to depart. We don't push anyone to depart or stay, and everyone can exercise their free will as to what to do. So don't play the persecuted.

Your message is here in the first place because we believe in free speech and individuality of opinion, eventhough its a message of hatred and flaming, and baseless accusations.

Your behavior is obnoxious and psychopathological. While jews control the churches, fake "Satanism", the goverments, the industry, and are obviously rallying the world to destruction, all you have to show and advocate about is your own sense of 'muh feels'. The next time, come by with some evidence, because nobody is interested in your baseless accussations and 'muh feels'.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
"I was force into this world carnation because i believe enough was enough."

You was forced to save us... You must be like Jewsus...Here is a cross where you can hang yourself.

"I know your teaching way before this world.
I stood up against my group when they was torturing other for there damn enjoyment."

When did you do this, oh Mighty Grandmaster? In the Middle Ages? Did you stand up against any Rabbis your cousins? If yes, thank you, because this is what we have been doing.

What is the rest of the garbage in your mail? Reverse psychology? Blaming angels and then saying shit like "Every being should be treated with respect". Big LoL'z.

So the heavens sent you? Thanks for letting us know. We gladly don't give one crap about it. You have our full permission to return back to the heavens anyday, in the lands of complete tolerance, love and affection, and endless hallelujahs. Or from where you came anyway. Maybe it was a yeshiva?

If you think your basic reverse psychology and parlor trickery is going to fool anyone, you are well mistaken. People here know what kind of (((freedom))) you are talking about. Let alone from your message you seem seriously mentally disturbed.

You seem to suffer from being bipolar, and also you proclaim yourself an enemy of this group. Why stay then? According to you, "You are a being of 'hate' " and your kind doesn't really belong here. You seem to belong better in some fake devilism or synagogue. You will find many greedy, dark and hateful beings here to have company, in the ever looming gloomish darkness you tried to find in Satanism. We are about Justice and balance, light and darkness etc.

Then some sentences below you just write about 'treating everyone with respect'. Very demented message indeed. I don't think you need our help. We are not professionals.

Pack up and leave.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Here we go again... I didn't have to read your whole "speech" to know youre bashing everyone here. Just stop it already. If all youve got time to do is ramble on like that and work to confuse people, thats pretty damn sad. Something tells me you arent aware of the true past regarding the origins of Satanism and the fact that the enemy programs have relentlessly worked to destroy it as much as possible by twisting it into hideous trash (going back to the myths about that rotten Jewsus Krisst which they falsely teach "saves everyone from anything" which is obviously complete trash and i personally feel is one of the many things the enemy uses to encourage suicidal compassion, which i strongly believe is also linked to the enemy myths about "having to die to complete the Magnum Opus", which is yet another obvious lie used to further misguide people and possibly worse). I dont know exactly what youre going through, but based on the negative nature of your writings youre either very confused/ misguided or youre an infiltrator working to deceive people here who share an interest in Father (and that seems very likely to me, i will be straightforward here). Either way, please stop rambling like that. Step down and think about those words you wrote, i can say without any spark of doubt or confusion that youve got it all wrong here.
On Nov 12, 2016 2:15 PM, "zana096@... [JoS4adults]" <[email protected] wrote:
  anyone that think different or have any different view you call mentally ill and confuse.
That is an attack.
If all of you believe in treating other so poorly then your all my enemy.
You claim one that is hurting should just change there personality to what the mass say is BS.
You and the other that believe this are the biggest whining asses when they don't get there way.
You can't do what you preach as i see it all the same.

You claim your satanist when you made it clear that you are damn light workers.
Following your pledian angelic view.
I listens in of chats in the past while you guys just brag how you got other to self harm themselves.
How much joy and enjoyment you get when they follow your teaching and tear themselves apart.

You demand that other follow and obey your view.
If they don't then there mental ill and confuse.
That is attacking other regardless what you say.
Your teaching is absolute BS.

Your group just proof that your just fill with pretender and fakes.
You don't believe in self freedom but suppression.

Am a being of hate as i will never follow your teaching.
The whole looking down onto other and attacking them wanting them to suffer just for your damn enjoyment.

I know your teaching way before this world.
I stood up against my group when they was torturing other for there damn enjoyment.
I was force into this world carnation because i believe enough was enough.
I believe other being should be treated with respect.
Yet you group is clearly always doing to follow this whole angelic guideline.

There no worth of a soul that is only a blank.
A soul that only follow the current with no identity of it own has no worth.
There just mindless sheep,
Your group is meant to represent standing up and following oneself.
Yet you group clearly believe in the exact opposite to that.
There forth you are all mark as enemy to me.
You were not called mentally ill or confused. You were given the tools necessary to free yourself from karma. MUNKA or ANSUZ can be used to free yourself from karma.

The group you mentioned, where people were hurt for the enjoyment of others, is NOT part of the Joy of Satan. Nowhere in the Joy of Satan is self-harm advocated. People going through tough times are told to NOT hurt or kill themselves. People having hard times are helped and are instructed on how to fix the problems so they they do NOT have to suffer.

Satanism is NOT about darkness, hate, blood drinking, animal sacrificing, and the other crap that the media portrays Satanism as. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to spiritually empower yourself and obtain powers that humans are supposed to have like healing and telepathy. The final goal is to complete the Magnum Opus and become a god. Consistent meditation is key to those goals.

Please read the Joy of Satan website to understand our views.

Joy of Satan
Zana, shut up. 
You're being melodramatic.
On Nov 12, 2016, at 3:59 PM, johnson_akemi@... [JoS4adults] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You were not called mentally ill or confused. You were given the tools necessary to free yourself from karma. MUNKA or ANSUZ can be used to free yourself from karma.

The group you mentioned, where people were hurt for the enjoyment of others, is NOT part of the Joy of Satan. Nowhere in the Joy of Satan is self-harm advocated. People going through tough times are told to NOT hurt or kill themselves. People having hard times are helped and are instructed on how to fix the problems so they they do NOT have to suffer.

Satanism is NOT about darkness, hate, blood drinking, animal sacrificing, and the other crap that the media portrays Satanism as. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to spiritually empower yourself and obtain powers that humans are supposed to have like healing and telepathy. The final goal is to complete the Magnum Opus and become a god. Consistent meditation is key to those goals.

Please read the Joy of Satan website to understand our views.

Joy of Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
