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Other Satanists


New member
Aug 20, 2019
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.
scorpiorising said:
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.

Outsider Satanists are lacking the full truth and tend to delude themselves in the comfort of corrupted lies. They tend to practice harmful or useless means of spiritual power and severely lack proper guidance.

Joy of Satan was actually practically created by Satan himself through our founder HPS Maxine. You can't get more True Satanist than here. We have members here who have been part of the ministries for years, advanced members with direct communications with our gods and demons and real spiritual capabilities.

I personally don't hate outsider Satanists any more than I hate deluded newbies here in JoS, but I don't like them either, ultimately they are no concern of mine until they become a direct problem to members as a whole here. All in all I think I speak for everyone here when I say we could care less about their endeavors of which diverts onto a blurred road that leaves too much room for falsehood and enemy manipulation. If you think with common sense, we're hated by so many, even other 'satanists', for a reason.

Because we're real, and some people can't handle real.
scorpiorising said:
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.
My experience is that other satanists who have something against us are just radical chics or jews, in most cases
In the first case. probably they just misunderstand the role of our HPs. I've seen hate against 'em because this people don't get that we're not here to worship them, but they just give info and advices. There are no mediators in Satanism. You can contact the Gods yourself, if you're well trained and spiritually open.
scorpiorising said:
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.

I consider someone is a satanist if he does the Final RTR, so we don´t get assimilated into the borg massmind of the enemy.
About crowley--->

From this point of view everybody who does nothing is not a satanist.
This is the only sect that is in direct contact with Satan and the Gods, and the only ones who dare say the truth and be realistic about ourselves. We acknowledge truth that is hard to accept for people like those "satanists".

For those people Satanism is about doing whatever shit they want like drugging themselves and thinking they're unicorns. If a person comes here and says they're a unicorn we're gonna bring that said person to reality but in those groups they will just amplify those person's delusions by accepting him like that and thinking unicorns actually exist, lol.

Here we understand the jewish problem and are the only sect that is busting their ass to destroy the energy matrix that is making their empire they built in hundreds of years collapse, while those degenerates are smoking weed thinking they're gods because of their "free will"(which they don't really have since they're programmed to be retard and to destroy themselves, but somehow that's "freewill").

We also acknowledge the lies that have been said of NationalSocialism, which is political Satanism, and acknowledge Hitler as a God, since he never died and completed the magnum opus after escaping Germany. National Socialism was in direct contrast to the jews, Hitler literally prevented Europe to become a soviet shithole and now millions of people hate him for having "gassed 6000000 jews" even though there weren't even that many jews in europe to begin with. And even though stalin and lenin killed around 100.000.000 people with gulags, forced famines and poverty, but somehow communists are able to express loudly their opinions while we National Socialists can't say shit in the street because we can get arrested for hate speech, there's even laws that prevent from talking negatively about jews, oy vey how dare you criticize the chosen ones who destroy world's economies!!
All the other ones are based on qlippoth or goetia, which are collections of curses and spiritual poisons from the middle ages written by christians. All just nonsense lists of ways to invoke christian curses and thoughtforms, instructions to chant curses into your own soul hundreds of times which would rip your soul apart and cause insanity if someone does it, and a bunch of wiccan nonsense all mixed together. All programs created by mideival christians as a way to purposefully poison their enemies. This is what Crowley is about, he would chant all these curses into himself, connect himself with thousands of destructive thought-forms and curses, and doing all kinds of drugs.

Read these 4 topics, these are the dumb nonsense things that all the other "satanist" groups are built from.

Satanism and Goetia http://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10657

Goetic Enns? Fake and Disrespectful, or Legit? http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5688

The Qlippothic Kabbalah http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=3089&p=17839

Qlippoth http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1695

What we are about here is actually working on empowering and healing our souls by using actual traditional methods that have been used in every ancient culture all over the world. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indian, Chinese, South American, African, all the greatest and most advanced cultures all over the world all had the exact same beliefs and the exact same actions of how to take care of the soul and make it stronger. This is what we are about here. We do not have anything new here, it is not anything that was not also central importance to Egypt and Greece, and every other place.

While all the other dumb groups completely ignore all of history, they are not about anything from the world's Golden Age cultures. The only thing those groups are about is some nonsense that some dumb christians pulled out of their ass 500 years ago. The same christians who murdered all pagans and burnt them alive, and these groups go to that same christian and do what he said. And it's all a nonsense mix of curses, lies, insanity, christianity, and pretending to be something dumb like a werewolf or a vampire. You find some homeless drug person at the train station shouting all kinds of mixed up nonsense, and he is about the same as those qlippoth losers.
If you want to know what we are about and how it connects with the rest of history, read this.
Satan Lucifer The Lord of The World
If you think this is interesting and want to learn more after reading that one, you can click the Joy of Satan logo at the top of the screen and it will bring you to the Board Index page where you can see subforum areas. Then you can click the section called "Important Articles From The JOS Ministries." This whole section is full of articles like the one above, you can go to the last page in there to find the oldest topics there and find a lot of very interesting things. The newer articles are just as important, but a lot of topics were already written about in the oldest topics there.

To learn more about what the enemy is about, read these websites.

If you want to learn about how the oldest cultures and religions in Africa were the same Satanism we have here now, and the same as all the other Golden Age cultures around the world, you can read this website

We here of Joy of Satan are the same culture that has existed all over the world since the beginning of humanity. It is pure nature.
scorpiorising said:
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.

We serve the Gods, we do the work, we do not allow jews.

They embrace them and their garbage. They do nothing of any value to help the world.

Their mentality is such, someone asks,should I cover myself in cow shit and run naked through a field? You do you do.

Should I bind the sigils and treat the Demons like slaves, while reciting Hebrew? I don't see why not.

Should I not care about Satan and see him as an archetype that serves me? Sure fuck Satan! Hail Satan! It's all the same.

So I was thinking about the jews..stop! NEVER talk bad about the CHOSEN. Understand me?!

Jews infiltrate these systems and no one can put their foot down on anything. Everything goes. So if a jew says clean your Aura with death energy. You better do it!

Here we Stand true to Satan. So ofcourse their jew filled shit organizations dont like us. Because how dare we set boundaries.
First of we are the largest Satanic Organization online and have been so for about as long as we have been around.

That aside since unlike most other organizations we know Satan to be a very real being that frowns upon disunity of his followers, we do not spend our time defaming and writing slander against other organizations, even some people online are being total clowns and wasting everyone's time, and do not advance the agenda of Satan in anyway, or still maintain the lies that Satan is only some sort of atheistic teenage rebellion situation.

However, jews in many of these organizations [as the Torah dictates they have been doing for centuries] they infiltrate, and try to frequently stir members against us, simply because they practice what they did practice in the midst of every Pagan religion as time has went. Disunity among Satan's followers, slander, attacks, disinformation, and sometimes they even organize group rituals against the JoS which have failed miserably every time. These also include copious slander online, which is primarily of no consequence but to increase advertising for us.

These also frequently involve Hebrew symbols and practices which are powerless against Satan, but the racial jews in these organizations always leave jewish footprints so that everything in the end ties all the way back to Judaism. This is a racial work they are conducting in every Pagan faith for thousands of years. Everything the jew touches they immediately try to turn into Judaism, infest it in jewish notions, and in essence, control their followers.

Jews are as if they are sent by a mission, which is a repetition of their action by the Torah : Infest the religions of their enemies and turn them into garbage so that they are disabled and powerless against them. This is why you have "Satanists" who in general are in a consistent circus mode.

Other people who are Satanists are not as serious as they only believe in philosophical or mental aspects of rebellion or defiance of order, while others want to be even more light practitioners or consider "Satanism" the wearing of a black cape, black clothing, and dressing in a specific way. Again, we have no problem with any of this, but we consider it only having pop value and nothing further.

There are also categories who are extremely engrossed into jewish kabbalah, and essentially practice anything jews demanded of them and branded as "Satanic" for a long time. This was no different than any other occult organization, the Freemasons, Teutons and many others. Most of these are based around defamation of Satan and essential mockery of the Gods and their rites, all while pretending these people are "Satanists". This is no different than jewish slander in the bible which tries to explain how "Paganism was" in the most derogatory lies and words against the Gods of the Gentiles, straight of the bible.

Naturally, the fact that Satan uprooted these blasphemies did not sit well with these jews as they had maintained full control and lead people who wanted to move away from Jewish filth [Christianity, Islam and Judaism] straight into Judaism all the way. Satan worked His plan and displaced these, contrary to resources, money, and every other worldly effects these webs of influence had in contrast to Satan.

Since we have direct protection from Satan and His Demons, as we are in full accordance to what they want, which is for them to be known to the world, the ancient faiths restored, and a peaceful environment for their followers to grow in Satanism and advancing spiritually, but also positive social change away from the three things Satan hates: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This includes all the traditional values of Satanism both philosophical and otherwise such as advancement of science, common sense, restoration of nature and respect to it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Since we have direct protection from Satan and His Demons, as we are in full accordance to what they want, which is for them to be known to the world, the ancient faiths restored, and a peaceful environment for their followers to grow in Satanism and advancing spiritually, but also positive social change away from the three things Satan hates: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This includes all the traditional values of Satanism both philosophical and otherwise such as advancement of science, common sense, restoration of nature and respect to it.
This part especially is very inspiring. This planet, and our civilization, is going to be so beautiful, once Spiritual Satanism is open and everywhere :)
Lydia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Since we have direct protection from Satan and His Demons, as we are in full accordance to what they want, which is for them to be known to the world, the ancient faiths restored, and a peaceful environment for their followers to grow in Satanism and advancing spiritually, but also positive social change away from the three things Satan hates: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This includes all the traditional values of Satanism both philosophical and otherwise such as advancement of science, common sense, restoration of nature and respect to it.
This part especially is very inspiring. This planet, and our civilization, is going to be so beautiful, once Spiritual Satanism is open and everywhere :)

The saying when in Rome do as the Roman's will come back.
scorpiorising said:
I'm a fairly new SS and to JoS.

So, I am curious to know...

I saw quite a few posts on other social media networks what other Satanists thought of JoS. They seem to be very repulsed by JoS SS's.

Since I'm new, I have to fulfill my natural curiosity by asking if SS of JoS consider other Satanists as Satanists, equally? Or do JoS SS's see self (as group) as totally different and differentiated from others?

What is it that sets JoS SS's from other types of Satanists?

What do other Satanists do/believe differently than SS's of JoS?

I see many other types of Satanists (who call themselves traditional or even spiritual Satanists) post things of Aleister Crowley.

These are what I wonder. And it's not that I doubt JoS per sé. You know, being new and still learning/doing as much as I can and being a naturally curious person, I had to ask these questions so that I may have a clearer understanding.

Thank you.

I have had the same question.
Well in my view, all Satanists who are TRUE SATANISTS are my brother and sisters. Be it inside the JoS or outside of it.
The only issue is that most Satanists are fake. So if I meet a Satanist outside of JoS, I don’t even consider them to be true Satanists.
Well if they believe in Satan, and see Satan as their own god, then I am able to give them much credit for it and respect them, and I would try to show them JoS.
With JoS we have another problem not all useres here on the forums are Satanists aswell. Some if them are the enemy, some of them are just random freaks, drug addicts etc. So not even here all people you meet are satanists, if you ask me.

And then we have Satanist who have dedicated their soul to father Satan, and who will be protected by Father and the gods. The problem is, that some people have dedicated BUT they don’t do shit. They don’t meditate and they don’t do the RTRs and they don’t do material work for Satan, like promoting Satan, our Gods and Satanism in the right way.
Those guys are „Children“ in my view. Satan takes care of them, but they don’t want to grow up. So they are not really strong Satanists.

Now STRONG Satanist are Satanist who are ready to fucking die for Satan. But Satan doesn‘t want you to die, nor is it helpful, it is the opposite, when you die Satan has to take care even more for you. So if you are really ready to die for Satan, then do WORK FOR SATAN.
Meditate, try to become as strong as you can get, do the RTRs, and do material work for Satan, be it to fight the enemy in someway or to promote Satanism.

Sorry for my long aswere lol
Lydia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Since we have direct protection from Satan and His Demons, as we are in full accordance to what they want, which is for them to be known to the world, the ancient faiths restored, and a peaceful environment for their followers to grow in Satanism and advancing spiritually, but also positive social change away from the three things Satan hates: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This includes all the traditional values of Satanism both philosophical and otherwise such as advancement of science, common sense, restoration of nature and respect to it.
This part especially is very inspiring. This planet, and our civilization, is going to be so beautiful, once Spiritual Satanism is open and everywhere :)

Just a few days ago while 'projecting' onto the astral to do renovations on my temple, a demon had suddenly brought me to his room on Duat for company and friendship during my bout of loneliness, and I simply cannot describe how immensely pleasant and harmonic that entire planet's energies are.

I wanted to cry, it was unbelievable. The energy and air felt so clean, it was like I could 'breathe' better, all the colours felt so much more alive and it was like an entire invisible binding veil was gone, like a suffocating shroud was entirely absent, I simply can't explain the feeling. I still remember it so clearly and it still almost brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I felt Satan's energy everywhere, so much so that I would've mistaken the demon I was with for Satan himself if not for intuitively telling otherwise. It felt like everything was free and expansive and not confined and choking, like my mind could extend further and beyond the visible environment around me, it felt so open like a boundless field of vibrant green grass in the sunlight with air so pure you could almost touch it like the softest of silk.

That was my first time on Duat and I could hardly even focus on the companionship of the demon because I was so shaken and in shock with how beautiful it felt to simply be there, and I didn't even see outside the room that's how beautiful and free it felt to even just be indoors. It motivated me immensely in what we're fighting for. I desperately want our planet to be like that because that felt nothing like our Earth as it is now. I want it to be so.

We have to save this planet.
I've seen so many occultist and 'satanic' youtubers that talk shit about JoS, and I believe its mostly because of the whole Nazi thing that we have going on here. Most people from other 'Satanic groups' and things always seem to bring the Nazi stuff when arguing about JoS and say that we're just a bunch of neonazi skinheads or something, and that pretty much all of their argument. Most other Satanists outside JoS always make that kind of argument and they seem to be either jews, or they have never tried any of the spiritual practices on the site and they don't have any psychic abilities. They only read the front page of the site or something like that and they hear someone else talking shit about JoS and they just start making birdbrained arguments and excuses about us from that alone.

Sometimes I believe that a lot of those youtubers and people on other social media sites that bash JoS are secretly JoS members themselves, and they just talk shit about us whenever they get asked questions and their opinions about JoS just to protect themselves and their accounts. We all know that youtube and google are both owned by jews, and I remember a topic here saying that JoS doesn't even show up on a google search anymore, but on different search engines it does. A lot of people actually make a decent amount of money through youtube and I can see why they wouldn't want to promote JoS on their own personal youtube channels, since jews are always on the prowl and banning all JoS related things on youtube and google. I believe that Aldrick's old youtube channel of Beginner Meditations was banned and removed if im not mistaken. I had it bookmarked and I clicked on it one day and it said that the account no longer existed. And we all know that all of Hoodedcobras youtube channels were banned and removed. I believe there was another channel made by one of the HPs that im not going to name here for the channels safety, but Im not sure if it was banned or not.

All of the other Satanic youtube channels that don't promote JoS or disagree with JoS are still up and running and completely fine, but all of the JoS related channels that do promote JoS and spiritual Satanism and advancement have been banned or removed by the jews that own youtube.

I have seen that many members have answered your questions, I do not yet have the same knowledge and wisdom that they have; but I would like to share with you my experience that I had in a "satanist" group before I met JoS and who knows I can help you.

1) For you to make the covenant with Satan (that's what they call dedication), you must have the permission of the "master" and the "priestess"; for it is they who determine who can or cannot make the covenant

2) You have to buy the "master's" books to have access to the "prayers" and some "rituals

3) In order to participate in study groups both via whatsapp and Facebook, you must have their approval

4) For the most powerful "rituals" and "prayers", you have to answer a questionnaire to be accepted on Facebook

5) The "priestess" always teaches that "Satanists" can commit crimes without the slightest problem, because Satan and demons always deliver "Satanists" from the possible consequences of their actions

6) They have a "prayer" where the Satanist who feels he no longer has the strength to fight, it is only by praying this prayer that Satan kills this Satanist

7) There is a devil for each day of the week that you must invoke and a prayer of your own

8) If you ask any questions or do not agree with any of their positions, you are expelled from the group

9) There you do not talk with Satan or demons, because only the "master" and the "priesthood" have this right and this occurs through incorporation of the "master"; where during the sessions are always watered with cigars and alcoholic beverages that Satan and demons drink (if you have ever been in any macumba, umbanda or candomblé yard, you will see that it is the same way)

To conclude, here at JoS you don't need permission from HP's to make your Dedication to Satan, you don't have to buy a book from anyone to have access to knowledge, access to the Forum is for whoever you want, you have the help and guidance from HP's and members whenever you need it, everyone can talk to Satan and the Gods (it only depends on you and your development), you have the site that is full of knowledge and guidance.

If you still have questions, read all the Forum posts (I know it will take a long time); read the site and reflect a lot and then make your decision.

As I said in the beginning, I don't have the wisdom of HP's and other members; but I hope my experience can help you.
Thank you so much for all of your clarity. Much appreciated.

I have an Instagram account and just doing a search by hashtags of "spiritualsatanists" brings up so many accounts of "satanists" with Crowley. My intuition tells me these Satanists do not have a clear understanding of Satan or of being a true Satanist. And also, what I noticed is the pentagram with circle and Hebrew letters. Even within the Satanic community, clearly, so many are clueless. They're blind, following whatever is on the surface.

Just doesn't make any sense.

I'm only an almost year old baby Satanist, soaking in all the info here and the main site slowly so that I don't mentally overwhelm myself. But even as a baby Satanist, I sense there is something not right with the other Satanists.

You have no idea, all of my life, I have been looking and searching for the truth. I grew up with so many questions in my mind about humans, religion, origins of humans, why the world adopts such xtian value, Jesus this or Jesus that. Or why people have such a demented view of demons when the meaning of that word is nothing cruel. Or why the Vikings are so vilified. Until I stumbled upon JoS site doing my underground research of spiritual subjects and human origins. I never stopped wondering, asking questions within me, etc.

Finding JoS is like a breath of great air or like... something that feels like home. And everything just makes perfect sense! Maybe my guardian demon had always been close to me and me to him/her that it was destined for me to find JoS. And I am ever so grateful. Idk, everything just makes sense, the things I read on JoS. The puzzle pieces fits.
One more thing...

Wouldn't we consider others outside of JoS as Satanists who has a faith that is still "Satanic" or spiritual alchemy? Like the Yezidi? Or those of Norse origin and are pagan (although small numbers)? Or those in Asia who still practice the old religion honoring the gods?

Some here mention they only consider others a Satanist if they do the final rtr. However, how does that fair with the rest of the world who still practice the old ways? They don't know what a final rtr is.

Just trying to wrap my head around things and understand as much as possible.
scorpiorising said:
One more thing...

Wouldn't we consider others outside of JoS as Satanists who has a faith that is still "Satanic" or spiritual alchemy? Like the Yezidi? Or those of Norse origin and are pagan (although small numbers)? Or those in Asia who still practice the old religion honoring the gods?

Some here mention they only consider others a Satanist if they do the final rtr. However, how does that fair with the rest of the world who still practice the old ways? They don't know what a final rtr is.

Just trying to wrap my head around things and understand as much as possible.
All of those are Satanists. Just they do not have a complete collection of the knowledge, and maybe some of their traditions have been changed from how they originally were. They are not perfect, but they are still Satanists.
scorpiorising said:
One more thing...

Wouldn't we consider others outside of JoS as Satanists who has a faith that is still "Satanic" or spiritual alchemy? Like the Yezidi? Or those of Norse origin and are pagan (although small numbers)? Or those in Asia who still practice the old religion honoring the gods?

Some here mention they only consider others a Satanist if they do the final rtr. However, how does that fair with the rest of the world who still practice the old ways? They don't know what a final rtr is.

Just trying to wrap my head around things and understand as much as possible.

A difference between a Blonde Yazidi in Syria and a drug addict living in his moms house in California is apparent to the naked eye. The Yazidi has a reason to take his spirituality seriously, the pothead does not lol. The Yazidi is in the care of Satan as he looks out for his own, the degenerate whom rests on his laurels is bound to the rules of nature and he's likely gonna be punished for his lack of awareness and action. If he calls himself a Satanist as this process occurs, he cannot blame it on Satan that he didn't use the knowledge and potential awareness that Satan gave him to overcome his troubles and prevent Nature smacking him in the face.

In regards to the people who still practice European pagan stuff the same rules apply as the outsider sects to some extent as a lot of those groups are "wiccanised" or xianised in some way.
It seems that we are the most hated group upon the many sects in satanism due to the fact that we are anti jewish. They are obviously very ignorant in the fact that the jewish race are the main reason for the chaos,war etc that is brought upon this earth. These so called satanist think that being a nazi and that Hitler is all evil. They goin to say that nazism has nothing to do with satanism.So they call us batshit crazy nazis..They have a somewhat similar mindset than that of a christian or jew would have. They are a disgrace and shouldnt call themselves Satanists, reverse christians fits them perfectly.
What member: Sun said on April 29th, 2020 is precisely what I've known and believe is the root cause of issue.

The National Socialist question. Now the funny part I only bring it up to remind people that Sun makes the most point in the negative light of what people think. And it's funny because [Spiritual Satanism] is against the jews and xtians. Naturally we are NS without describing NS I mean it's the contra-religion of the enemy or in their case their enemy.

While I'm not promoting the "rebellious reactionary program" like HP.Cobra said in the "Final answer on "Christian Anti-semitism", the big three existed as a reaction towards the Satanic religions of the ancient World.

The sheer fact is most just throw a hissy fit at NS factor. It's funny like I said they deny the NS principle but in essence are taking part in the enemy religion for whatever reasons. So if your in SS and don't like NS why are you SS in the first place or looking at Satanism if the religious aspect is against xtianity. The logical conclusion is both S or SS(in this case) and NS are happily married to each other in perfect synchronization.

I have no idea why people in this day in age still are "shocked" and "bothered" by National Socialism. Growing up in the 90s with the internet starting to boom funny the jews didn't quite exactly capture me with their gorrillian lies. And even if I did study the hoax I just laughed and would probably think "If your in a concentration camp and imprisonment it's because you did something particularly bad".

I really have no idea why we are even controversial like the Laveyan guy who came up sometime last year and I replied 3 or 4 times.

Either way I have no qualms with other Satanist as long as they are willing to study and understand our positions and exposition on the World. I think the problem is the whole jewish: "We gud peple, dindu nuffin", "We hlap humanity and shiet and are industrious and shiet cuz we gud and hlepful cuz we own sheit and do sheit", along with that it's typical "rebellious teenager" meme. People really don't understand the bible is literally what the enemy does like HP.Cobra said about Revelations "and the angels will be the watchers" or something describing the cybernetic overwatch of Gentilekind.

In the end even if a person just studies us and understand at least it stays in their mind. We've had others before come and respectfully wish not to join or consider joining at a later date and that is fine nothing wrong hell even some find our position surprising and breathe of fresh air. Think like recently loki88 mentioning he hasn't dedicated, HP. Cobra was fine with that in his due time he'll dedicate heck even with a simple meditation schedule nothing serious or anything so he doesn't get attacked if such things happen so readily just simple cleaning, void/mindfulness, and maybe a bit of EZ chakra spinning would help him a bit try and consider us in a better light. But when he feels like dedicating he feels like it in his time and his studies.

So overall like someone said "You don't have to love your neighbor just respect them". Why can't we receive the same respect. It's like Hitler memes "I tried to warn them but they didn't listen", "I tried to warn them but no one believed me", "You should have listened to me".

Like it's been said to the JoS by the Gods "In the end everyone will want to join and it'll be too late". Now seems like the time to be decisive.
afl666 said:

I have seen that many members have answered your questions, I do not yet have the same knowledge and wisdom that they have; but I would like to share with you my experience that I had in a "satanist" group before I met JoS and who knows I can help you.

1) For you to make the covenant with Satan (that's what they call dedication), you must have the permission of the "master" and the "priestess"; for it is they who determine who can or cannot make the covenant

2) You have to buy the "master's" books to have access to the "prayers" and some "rituals

3) In order to participate in study groups both via whatsapp and Facebook, you must have their approval

4) For the most powerful "rituals" and "prayers", you have to answer a questionnaire to be accepted on Facebook

5) The "priestess" always teaches that "Satanists" can commit crimes without the slightest problem, because Satan and demons always deliver "Satanists" from the possible consequences of their actions

6) They have a "prayer" where the Satanist who feels he no longer has the strength to fight, it is only by praying this prayer that Satan kills this Satanist

7) There is a devil for each day of the week that you must invoke and a prayer of your own

8) If you ask any questions or do not agree with any of their positions, you are expelled from the group

9) There you do not talk with Satan or demons, because only the "master" and the "priesthood" have this right and this occurs through incorporation of the "master"; where during the sessions are always watered with cigars and alcoholic beverages that Satan and demons drink (if you have ever been in any macumba, umbanda or candomblé yard, you will see that it is the same way)

To conclude, here at JoS you don't need permission from HP's to make your Dedication to Satan, you don't have to buy a book from anyone to have access to knowledge, access to the Forum is for whoever you want, you have the help and guidance from HP's and members whenever you need it, everyone can talk to Satan and the Gods (it only depends on you and your development), you have the site that is full of knowledge and guidance.

If you still have questions, read all the Forum posts (I know it will take a long time); read the site and reflect a lot and then make your decision.

As I said in the beginning, I don't have the wisdom of HP's and other members; but I hope my experience can help you.

I read all this and go "Why don't other Satanists like free information"?

Guys JoS is free, WTF who doesn't like free stuff. Pay-to-pray lol.
Gear88 said:
I read all this and go "Why don't other Satanists like free information"?

Guys JoS is free, WTF who doesn't like free stuff. Pay-to-pray lol.

The truth of the matter is most of these 'Satanists' either don't know of JoS, are too scared to dedicate, or don't want to do anything to better the situation here on Earth. Instead wanting to live for the now and not think of the consequences their actions bring.

As to you, Something to note on being a SS; There are no shortcuts, many have tried to find them (including myself) and there are none. That being said, daily aura cleaning, doing yoga, the Final RTR + Returning Curses Parts 1 & 2 are generally the base schedule most people here do. And are THE way to spiritual advancement. From there you can follow the 6 month or 40 day guide(s) to developing your power and abilities, and add to your schedule as needed. But in this know your limits and don't burn yourself out a month in, slow and steady is the slothz way.

As to other 'Satanists' they do nothing of consequence in regards to spiritual advancement, and most make their situations worse though drugs and blaspheming the Gods. Something to remember is YOU are responsible for your own spiritual advancement, achievements, and progress. A phrase I often repeat to myself to remember this is "I am at the center of everything that happens to me", and as cliche as it sounds it motivates me more than anything I have found previously.

Let the other 'Satanists' as they call themselves stir in their own contempt for us, it reflects back onto them. And remember, if they are actually worth anything they will wake up and join us, but don't force this onto them, they are responsible for their own life. I know this all too well, as I was almost one of these sad unfortunates before I found JoS. What we teach is REAL and irrefutable, unlike their 'Satanism', Wicca, and Christianized belief systems.
Aldrick said:
The saying when in Rome do as the Roman's will come back.

Some say America is the new Rome, should we do as the Americans?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
