Well-known member
To surpass even Hitler and Himmler in the gravity of bullshit claims made about them, the most wild Jewish fantasies of war crimes that rabbis jerk off to, were saved for one person - as a revenge for achieving major victories on the Eastern European theater, with claims so absurd as to excuse other "Nazis" by saying "not even the other Nazis liked him."
"Spent his time during war by Holocau$$ting™ 2 thirds of the entire Belarusian population"
"Used White kids as target practice and raping/skinning women alive in Eastern Europe"
These jewish circle jerk fantasies - that are all openly described in the Jewish Torah and Talmud about what Jews want to do to Gentiles, then projected into their goyim enemies - are extremely stupid, considering that if the Dirlewanger Brigade / Einsatzgruppen Commando wanted to commit all these crimes, the Reich could simply use them as Partisan warfare and dress them up in civilian clothes, like the Jewish URSS - given this is a war-crime in itself - such was their position as "expendable" men (second chance convicts), and would be much safer and less expensive on wasting manpower.
We're supposed to believe that the same Reich that was engineering superior Panzer technology couldn't figure that one out, instead of the dumb claims that while the Reich was holocausting 5+1 trillion jews every hours, but their evil officers would spend all day complaining on imaginary accounts about how Dirlewanger was "terrible" and "the worst of all Nazis", while these were fighting in one of the worst battle theaters that involved fighting terrorists and sadists disguised as civilians, which were battles involving severe discipline and tactic, and harsher punishments for misconduct than the normal SS.
The jewish holohoax is a lie:
"We surpass the logic of physics but we don't know how to commit war crimes bruh"
About Herr Dirlewanger's person, achievements, and being wrongly accused of sexual offenses:
The ϟϟ Einsatzgruppen and the Jewish Holocaust Lie:ϟϟ-einsatzgruppen-and-the-jewish-holocaust-lie
They even made the most disgusting WWII propaganda film to be about his men committing White Genocide (as no one cares about kikes really and they must):
And since Russians/Eastern Europeans in general despise kikes and needed a more "patriotic" reason to oppose their German brothers than the Chosen Ones being baked.
Rabbis openly pitting Russia against Ukraine aka the "East vs West" or "Edom vs Easau" to cause eve more genocide of Gentiles:
Thanks Herr SS-Oberführe Oskar Dirlewanger and the Holy Heroes of Einsatzgruppen Commando, your precious achievements in the Eastern Front against the disgusting kike Partisans in Eastern Europe and other bolsheviks granted that less of these crimes that you are wrongly accused of, were inflicted on even more innocents in Eastern and Western Europe, and ultimately preventing and tiring the URSS from fully taking over.
You triggered kikes so much by humiliating and pounding their war efforts that they had to invent bullshit holocaust 2.0 accusations of the very Reich committing White Genocide against Belarusian/Eastern Europeans since no one cares about the kikes on Ausch's Bakery.
"Spent his time during war by Holocau$$ting™ 2 thirds of the entire Belarusian population"
"Used White kids as target practice and raping/skinning women alive in Eastern Europe"
These jewish circle jerk fantasies - that are all openly described in the Jewish Torah and Talmud about what Jews want to do to Gentiles, then projected into their goyim enemies - are extremely stupid, considering that if the Dirlewanger Brigade / Einsatzgruppen Commando wanted to commit all these crimes, the Reich could simply use them as Partisan warfare and dress them up in civilian clothes, like the Jewish URSS - given this is a war-crime in itself - such was their position as "expendable" men (second chance convicts), and would be much safer and less expensive on wasting manpower.
We're supposed to believe that the same Reich that was engineering superior Panzer technology couldn't figure that one out, instead of the dumb claims that while the Reich was holocausting 5+1 trillion jews every hours, but their evil officers would spend all day complaining on imaginary accounts about how Dirlewanger was "terrible" and "the worst of all Nazis", while these were fighting in one of the worst battle theaters that involved fighting terrorists and sadists disguised as civilians, which were battles involving severe discipline and tactic, and harsher punishments for misconduct than the normal SS.
The jewish holohoax is a lie:

"We surpass the logic of physics but we don't know how to commit war crimes bruh"
About Herr Dirlewanger's person, achievements, and being wrongly accused of sexual offenses:
The ϟϟ Einsatzgruppen and the Jewish Holocaust Lie:ϟϟ-einsatzgruppen-and-the-jewish-holocaust-lie
They even made the most disgusting WWII propaganda film to be about his men committing White Genocide (as no one cares about kikes really and they must):

And since Russians/Eastern Europeans in general despise kikes and needed a more "patriotic" reason to oppose their German brothers than the Chosen Ones being baked.
Rabbis openly pitting Russia against Ukraine aka the "East vs West" or "Edom vs Easau" to cause eve more genocide of Gentiles:
Thanks Herr SS-Oberführe Oskar Dirlewanger and the Holy Heroes of Einsatzgruppen Commando, your precious achievements in the Eastern Front against the disgusting kike Partisans in Eastern Europe and other bolsheviks granted that less of these crimes that you are wrongly accused of, were inflicted on even more innocents in Eastern and Western Europe, and ultimately preventing and tiring the URSS from fully taking over.
You triggered kikes so much by humiliating and pounding their war efforts that they had to invent bullshit holocaust 2.0 accusations of the very Reich committing White Genocide against Belarusian/Eastern Europeans since no one cares about the kikes on Ausch's Bakery.