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Oral Health Basic and Prepping

Norse 88

Apr 4, 2018
If it hasn't been said already, and it's applicable to you, don't forget to have your oral hygiene items stocked in case they are ever made short in supply.

This means tooth brushes, toothpastes, and dental floss. The mouth is the main point of entry for all human disease, so keeping your mouth clean everyday is important and particularly so during a viral pandemic.

Below I've included some basic instructions on oral care given to me from a dentist. This is for anyone who might benefit from a general refresher on the basics. As always, listen to your dental professionals advice.


Floss always before brushing.

Break off one to two 'arms lengths' of floss or whatever necessary; use clean segments along the floss to remove debris between each tooth, if you haven't done this before or in a while then it's normal for the gums to bleed. This will discontinue with regular flossing and brushing. Floss with handle or wand is fine also.


Brush in the morning after breakfast and evening before going to bed. (2-3 mins is adequate).
Brush in a circular motion over all teeth: front, behind, base of teeth and also gently on the gums, as well as the tongue.
Rinse mouth with water after brushing to clear away debris, toothpaste, and saliva.
Do not swallow toothpaste. Encourage infants to always spit it out.
Replace toothbrush every 2 - 3 months. Sooner if you've been sick or the bristles are worn and fraying.
Don't store toothbrush next to other toothbrushes. Keep them separate.
Rinse and dry your toothbrush after each use.
Never share toothbrushes or floss.
Never re-use floss.

This should keep your oral hygiene maintained and healthy.


Some things that can harm oral health to know: biting finger nails; putting pens and pencils in your mouth; smoking; drinking alcohol regularly or drinking alcohol in abundance; brushing too vigorously and brushing excessively (4-5+ times per day; 10mins plus per brush is too much - this may destroy tooth enamel which protects teeth and won't grow back); chewing tobacco or the placing tobacco pouches underneath the lip as they do in some places such as Sweden; breathing in or out through the mouth (nose is best); sleeping open mouthed.

In general avoid putting objects in your mouth that are not healthy and properly prepared food or drink. Avoid sharing objects in general with your mouth and another person's mouth, with the ground or floor, with a pair of hands, etc - also, washing your hands with sanitiser after each bathroom visit is important. Don't forget to change your pillow cases, especially if you sweat or drool during sleep. Use earphones with a speaker to talk on the phone if possible and clean mobile phones.

Good oral hygiene is a simple and effective way to keep your overall health at its best.

If you have a cavity, any decay, or dental concerns, then it's better to have it looked at by a dentist while it's smaller, cheaper and easier to fix. This goes the same for any medical issue. Holes in teeth tend to get bigger, and this can cause some pain not to mention difficulty eating with increased vulnerability to disease.

I know dentistry isn't cheap and there can be feelings of distrust towards dentists from their patients and this is due to many reasons, many of which stand on communication issues from practitioner to their patients and then a subsequent misunderstanding. But if you have problems you believe could be a big dilemma in a year or so, or has you concerned, then it's probably a good time to talk to the gods, a friend, or a dentist for some advice.

If you can't chew food normally, produce saliva as usual, if you have have to live with tooth aches or gum disease, or if you can't smile confidently, then you're overall health is likely to be impacted and furthermore, become complicated. Now is not the time! (Hopefully never is it time, either).

Hope this helps some of you out.
In Ayurveda, mouth should be cleaned in the morning before consuming food. Modern Western doctors and dentists are also finding this to be the best.

Also, tongue scraping stimulates the stomach and digestion, as well as gets rid of anything on the tongue that might not be reached by brushing.

Oil puling is very beneficial for the entire physical health :)
Lydia said:
In Ayurveda, mouth should be cleaned in the morning before consuming food. Modern Western doctors and dentists are also finding this to be the best.

Also, tongue scraping stimulates the stomach and digestion, as well as gets rid of anything on the tongue that might not be reached by brushing.

Oil puling is very beneficial for the entire physical health :)

Hey, Lydia.

Thanks for your response.

I didn't know about the Ayurveda method, but it makes a lot of sense. It's also practical for people who have breakfast on the way to work and find brushing works only in the morning/shower/routine etc, so I agree with what you've said and hope people do whatever works best for them. Though stimulating digestion before eating is likely the better option.

I also condone and recommend tongue scraping. I thought it might be overbearing for a basic hygiene guide, and so I left it at brushing the tongue, but absolutely - I'm all for it and it works like you've said.

I'm not knowledgeable on oil pulling. I'm always open to learning new stuff. If you've got a grip on it already then maybe add it to the discussion. It's good to share what we know from various backgrounds and build knowledge from both western medicine and other kinds of medicine such as Ayurveda, and others.

Thanks again.
Lydia said:
In Ayurveda, mouth should be cleaned in the morning before consuming food. Modern Western doctors and dentists are also finding this to be the best.

Also, tongue scraping stimulates the stomach and digestion, as well as gets rid of anything on the tongue that might not be reached by brushing.

Oil puling is very beneficial for the entire physical health :)
With scraping do you mean doing it with a scraper or is a toothbrush good too?
Tongue scraping: Best done upon waking up after your main sleep. I use a stainless steel spoon that I keep by my toothbrush so it's convenient, methods are easily found online. You can get an actual scraper, but avoid plastic ones as the edge is too sharp on the tongue. Just start fairly far back on the tongue but not too far or you will gag on it, and lightly pull it to the tip of your tongue, rinse it, and start again at the other side, and the middle. I only do 3 light runs over my tongue to get all areas, it takes like 5 seconds total, and then I brush my teeth.

Oil pulling: in addition to further info online (I don't have much time to write), just swish some oil in your mouth for 5-15 minutes then spit, at a time of day that is most convenient for you, I do it while doing house chores. Use whichever oil you have handy, or get another one with a taste you prefer. Olive, sesame, grapeseed, coconut are the most common to my knowledge. This is said to benefit the entire health, as well as keeping the head feeling clear. It pulls out toxins from under the tongue, and helps the gums and teeth, prevents cavities and plaque build-up, whitens teeth.

(HPS Shannon originally mentioned oil pulling in the yahoo forums years ago, I don't want to accidentally take credit for something that I was not the first to introduce here.)
Lydia said:
Tongue scraping: Best done upon waking up after your main sleep. I use a stainless steel spoon that I keep by my toothbrush so it's convenient, methods are easily found online. You can get an actual scraper, but avoid plastic ones as the edge is too sharp on the tongue. Just start fairly far back on the tongue but not too far or you will gag on it, and lightly pull it to the tip of your tongue, rinse it, and start again at the other side, and the middle. I only do 3 light runs over my tongue to get all areas, it takes like 5 seconds total, and then I brush my teeth.

Oil pulling: in addition to further info online (I don't have much time to write), just swish some oil in your mouth for 5-15 minutes then spit, at a time of day that is most convenient for you, I do it while doing house chores. Use whichever oil you have handy, or get another one with a taste you prefer. Olive, sesame, grapeseed, coconut are the most common to my knowledge. This is said to benefit the entire health, as well as keeping the head feeling clear. It pulls out toxins from under the tongue, and helps the gums and teeth, prevents cavities and plaque build-up, whitens teeth.

(HPS Shannon originally mentioned oil pulling in the yahoo forums years ago, I don't want to accidentally take credit for something that I was not the first to introduce here.)
Thanks you:)
Lydia said:
Tongue scraping: Best done upon waking up after your main sleep. I use a stainless steel spoon that I keep by my toothbrush so it's convenient, methods are easily found online. You can get an actual scraper, but avoid plastic ones as the edge is too sharp on the tongue. Just start fairly far back on the tongue but not too far or you will gag on it, and lightly pull it to the tip of your tongue, rinse it, and start again at the other side, and the middle. I only do 3 light runs over my tongue to get all areas, it takes like 5 seconds total, and then I brush my teeth.

Oil pulling: in addition to further info online (I don't have much time to write), just swish some oil in your mouth for 5-15 minutes then spit, at a time of day that is most convenient for you, I do it while doing house chores. Use whichever oil you have handy, or get another one with a taste you prefer. Olive, sesame, grapeseed, coconut are the most common to my knowledge. This is said to benefit the entire health, as well as keeping the head feeling clear. It pulls out toxins from under the tongue, and helps the gums and teeth, prevents cavities and plaque build-up, whitens teeth.

(HPS Shannon originally mentioned oil pulling in the yahoo forums years ago, I don't want to accidentally take credit for something that I was not the first to introduce here.)
I meant thank :p
don't forget:
gum stimulation
all natural toothpaste
oil pulling
tongue scraping
Norse 88 said:
Lydia said:
I'm always open to learning new stuff.

I posted this in another thread which should add to the expansion of info. Unfortunately many dentists are only interested in the shekels, they don't have enough TRUE information to go around on the maintenance of good oral hygiene. They only fix symptoms of dis-ease and aren't looking for permanent cures, else they go out of business.

I highly recommend watching the videos linked below in full. Giving it a try as well as doing your own research on this. It seems my aura of protection led me to some of this info and more info elsewhere naturally, as I had some problems and a dentist didn't really help in a sufficient or effective way...

And then there's fluoridation which this documentary can shed light on this corruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVQwgsjTjbA . Dentistry unfortunately is as a whole a corrupted industry. Those coming out of college even well meaning ones are learning the same corrupt methods that only look to squeeze out as much shekels from unsuspecting people as possible. I've experienced this myself. With the right information I'm now going to stop the trips unless it's an extreme situation requiring extreme more professional measures.

The below was posted in another thread:

There are interesting methods for good oral health I've recently discovered..

Some of these methods came from various sources, namely this documentary linked below was interesting and is something I plan on trying.

Things needed are an irrigator, salt(Sea or Himalayan), Lugol's Iodine 2% or 5% drops in the irrigator. You form a solution in the irrigator water with the salt/iodine or both(Follow the video instruction below). I will give this a try. Also I've heard that oil pulling(10-15 min) in addition to swishing wheatgrass mixed with pure water in a shot glass swishing(5min) this can really help out in remineralizing.

Here are some links:




Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
