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open questions about satanism!


New member
Sep 23, 2021
So as I‘ve learned from here reading myself a little into some posts basically satanism is about understanding the level of yourself and understanding the fact that we are just humans that try to reach enlightenment (magnum opus) and that it may take life times to get to that point. When I think about it it kinda makes sense.

I got some open questions about this. People get reincarnated if they are not enlightened - why is the human population increasing every year? where are all the souls coming from? why is it increasing? well that is where i see an issue.
so im kinda in a chaotic mindset right now where im not sure what an illusion is and what the truth is im kinda between being atheistic and being typically religious (hinduism, satanism) and being myself and i think being myself is the best because it feels better and it feels more like im reaching the truth. buddha found enlightenment through himself and lots of loneliness and learning that time on earth is temporar and that i need to let go of the illusion that i should care about world problems. the soul cant die and a new planet will be reborn when this one is destroyed and eventually humans will live again or maybe not.

enlightenment is in my opinion when somebody is free, detached from everything human because if you cant let go of your family, the human lifestyle and experience then you are attached and will obviously reincarnate. but im not sure completely about this. maybe there is this human physical world and then there is the human astral world where human souls are floating around.

its all just really something you cant 100% answer and you dont know how much you are putting in from your creativity, fantasy and fantasy is not always real so you have to actually see the astral world with the inner eye in the forehead and from my own experience it happens and you can feel the tingling third eye because youve let go of every thought and are in a deep meditative state so no fantasy, creativity can stay in the way.

i also suggest doing this without the use of drugs even if its only weed. the plant can be cruel sometimes and play with the mind.

so you can kinda understand my mindset here im looking for answers because some people here studied hinduism and thats really interesting because ive always felt a deep connection to hinduism even though i was born muslim. but the deepest connection is still to myself and my own perspective and decision how i see and feel and decide things.

also i dont know at this point what a psychopath is. maybe you can answer it for me. because this forum loves hitler. a person killing tons of innocent people how can he be good? just because i find certain people evil doesnt mean that they are. am i the psychopath here for seeing it like this? because the rest of the world agrees but why does this forum love hitler so much? can you actually bring a good argument that makes sense?

i dont know if the drugs made hitler do that but hitler was a vegeterian meaning he was a person that is able to do moral decisions. and i understand that war is important IF you wanna do good for your own country but then we are again having the same problem. countries and races and religions do disconnect everybody from eachother - its basically the reason why humans have wars since the beginning. we are evolving. humans are evolving believe it or not. but races or nationalities are for oldheads, for idiots that have no love in their hearts because they are poisoned by illusions and culture. culture, religion, race are all just made up words with made up meanings. they are obviously true in a scientific aspect but they have no deeper meaning its just how this physical world functions. the body does adapt thats why people in hotter places tend to look different it depends on the climate. its all scientifically proven.

science can only be evolved as the mind of the scientist is thats why most (not all) scientists only work in the physical aspect because they are not open for the astral world and spirituality so they wont even get to the place to work there because they havent opened their mind/horizon to do so.

i got more questions but ill save them up for when time is right or maybe ill answer them for myself. thanks for reading.

We are not a Forums-Only organization.

This should help a lot. At least your being friendly some people come here freaked out about our National Socialism. It's not so much Spiritual Satanism that bothers them if at all slightly. But the NS principle gets to people.
666darkness said:
So as I‘ve learned from here reading myself a little into some posts basically satanism is about understanding the level of yourself and understanding the fact that we are just humans that try to reach enlightenment (magnum opus) and that it may take life times to get to that point. When I think about it it kinda makes sense.

It's more than that. See, you should read the main site we have first and foremost, not just the posts. It's not just psychological understanding, but based on knowledge and practice. Practicing power meditations, rituals, magick. Also, the Magnum Opus is not the same as the Right-Hand Path version of enlightenment like in Buddhism for example. Magnum Opus is reaching physical immortality so you won't die physically at all. Satanism isn't about denying the physical part of you, but perfecting it.

666darkness said:
got some open questions about this. People get reincarnated if they are not enlightened - why is the human population increasing every year? where are all the souls coming from? why is it increasing? well that is where i see an issue.

Not an issue at all. You assume that everyone lived forever, which is not true. New souls are created all the time. Not everybody is an old soul. Some have only 2 past lives, while others have thousands of lives. Also, not everybody reincarnates on earth. The entire universe is full of life, and many people have past lives on other planets.

666darkness said:
also i dont know at this point what a psychopath is. maybe you can answer it for me. because this forum loves hitler. a person killing tons of innocent people how can he be good? just because i find certain people evil doesnt mean that they are. am i the psychopath here for seeing it like this? because the rest of the world agrees but why does this forum love hitler so much? can you actually bring a good argument that makes sense?

Hitler didn't kill anyone. You are thinking of the jewish propaganda about Hitler which is 100% BS. Hitler was slandered by the jews as much Satan was. Again, read the sites in the link above as it explains it. Hitler in fact is a Satanic hero. Think about it: if something like the holocaust were true, why would there need to be laws to enforce it and punish those who debunk it? In many European countries there are laws concerning "holocaust denial".

666darkness said:
IF you wanna do good for your own country but then we are again having the same problem. countries and races and religions do disconnect everybody from eachother - its basically the reason why humans have wars since the beginning.

Most modern wars are actually caused by the jews. See what happens in the Middle East for example. Since 1950's all these wars are because of Israel and the jews. America is fighting unnecessary wars for the kikes.

666darkness said:
culture, religion, race are all just made up words with made up meanings. they are obviously true in a scientific aspect but they have no deeper meaning its just how this physical world functions. the body does adapt thats why people in hotter places tend to look different it depends on the climate. its all scientifically proven.

No, they are biological realities. Race in particular is easy to see even without DNA testing. The child of 2 black people will be black, no matter on which place it is born. There is much race-denial on these days, but it's not scientifically but politically influenced. It all started with a marxist jew in the 1920's called Franz Boaz who did fake studies. There are actual scientists on these days who do study races and know they are biological realities. People deny race because of the dominant marxist paradigm, not because it has any scientific basis. As about depending on the climate, tell me, why in the North Pole there are Mongoloid dark-skinned Inuits/Eskimos and not white Scandinavians? Because you can see that the "climate" thing is bullshit. Native Americans came from Siberia and look like them, they haven't changed at all from them in these thousands of years even though they moved a bit southward.

Race is an important reality in Satanism. We are not marxist. We understand Satan and the Gods created different races and we want to preserve and not mix them to extinction, particularly the White race which is the most targeted by the jews.
i dont hate anyone. i just got open questions. ive learned that hate leads me no where. and i understand that you have to sacrifice or destroy sometimes to get somewhere but i think you have to know the limits and differences between killing for example an animal in order to eat it so you can live and be healthy, powered up and if its really necessary to kill like tons of jews just because judaism/the jewish religion is bad and against gentiles. why did he kill the innocent people? most of them are just born into this religion so its not their fault for being jews. every human from every race, religion can be a good person. why did he not care about that? so thats where i start to question if hitler was a good person. i dont know if the drugs and pressure or his people got to him and fooled his mind so he decided to get to that plan but yes i only ask this question because its included in this forum normally i wouldnt care anyway.

the questions about spirituality that i made are for more important for me. i actually wanna know so much that gets not answered right away.

how long does satanism actually exist? and why would i believe other people that i dont know and that just maybe made things up or were drug addicts. like you never know because you havent lived in the roots of satanism. if satan does exist i need to feel the presence myself. im sorry but i don’t believe satan has wings and blonde hair. so really some things ive read here are questionable. it would be stupid for me and foolish to believe in such things. i need to see satan myself but i think he will be blue like the hindu gods and not have blonde hair.

also a big problem is that i dont wanna give up my ego because i dont think giving up ego is solution. i love satan but i havent done the ritual yet where i write my name in blood so im not actually a satanist. im just worried im gonna lose my soul or be dependent. or maybe i havent had an experience with satan yet because there is literally a quran in my room that my parents gave me in my childhood i didnt throw it away because of respect. im not in the position to decide if somethings right or wrong because i understand my position and im young and that i still have the world infront of me.
It certainly makes life more easy to be detached from all sorts of stuff. I in a way respect some parts of the eastern belief systems but to be honest I think we just need to be detached from negative people and situations and fully engage in the positive. It takes all joy and humanness out of life to not experience the material or relationships or things in the material.

There is some process through which new souls are created. That existed for a long time. I do not understand this maybe someone here does. But new souls are being created all the time. One of the enemy goals was that most if not all people on earth would be young or new souls cause they are eaiser to mold into what you want. Older souls while they may not consciously remember past lives remember subconsciously some things have established values and personalities often that cannot easily be taken away from them. The enemy resents this because they could in their hearts remember how things were before the enemy was here if they meditated enough they want to wipe out our history and they don't as easily conform. This is the reason they push so much population growth in any race other than whites who they want to extinct.

As you Advance you will start to understand and see more of what is fantasy and what is reality yourself.

If you honestly really want to know the truth about Hitler and not just be told what to think by everyone you should at least study the other side. See www.satanisgod.org look under the parts on the third Reich and kabbalah exposed etc. There is also www.deathofcommunism.com

Actually evil and darkness can exist as much as good does. It's the forces of decay. Imagine this you leave an peach outside in the sun eventually it starts to mold and rot. This is the same kind of thing evil is its the more destructive force this is a simplistic way of saying it but some people are very decayed and going in this direction.

If you do the meditations you will see what I said is right about the Jews in particular they have a very different energy and soul they are not from here.

Hitler was trying to save the world not the other way around. Race mixing and mixing all cultures together leads to a singular gene pool and singular culture and everyone being more and more the same. If you think about it that is the result. Is that what you want. 🤔

Study the site if your serious and want to know more. If not maybe you would be happier in the eastern belief systems idk some people are not cut out for this path but to be honest a lot of what you seem to think is normal enemy programming. If I can overcome it and many here can you can as well and choose to actually advance.
The soul is not indestructible. No physical structure or anything else can have infinite power, you can increase and grow infinitely but you cannot possess infinity. That's just a jewish wet and shit dream that is unattainable.

Enlightenment is awareness and wisdom, it is not advancement and development itself but their fruits. We wouldn't have to develop and advance if we had the things we wanted to have.

Speaking of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany, all you know about it is just jewish misinformation, slander and blame shifting. The Nazis fought against the communists but the communists won and they lied about history not unlike xianism and islam towards Paganism.

Just because xianism and islam have conquered the world does not mean that they are good and tell the truth. Xianism and islam originate from judaism and are a jewish invention as is communism.
666darkness said:
i dont hate anyone. i just got open questions. ive learned that hate leads me no where. and i understand that you have to sacrifice or destroy sometimes to get somewhere but i think you have to know the limits and differences between killing for example an animal in order to eat it so you can live and be healthy, powered up and if its really necessary to kill like tons of jews just because judaism/the jewish religion is bad and against gentiles. why did he kill the innocent people? most of them are just born into this religion so its not their fault for being jews. every human from every race, religion can be a good person. why did he not care about that? so thats where i start to question if hitler was a good person. i dont know if the drugs and pressure or his people got to him and fooled his mind so he decided to get to that plan but yes i only ask this question because its included in this forum normally i wouldnt care anyway.

the questions about spirituality that i made are for more important for me. i actually wanna know so much that gets not answered right away.

how long does satanism actually exist? and why would i believe other people that i dont know and that just maybe made things up or were drug addicts. like you never know because you havent lived in the roots of satanism. if satan does exist i need to feel the presence myself. im sorry but i don’t believe satan has wings and blonde hair. so really some things ive read here are questionable. it would be stupid for me and foolish to believe in such things. i need to see satan myself but i think he will be blue like the hindu gods and not have blonde hair.

also a big problem is that i dont wanna give up my ego because i dont think giving up ego is solution. i love satan but i havent done the ritual yet where i write my name in blood so im not actually a satanist. im just worried im gonna lose my soul or be dependent. or maybe i havent had an experience with satan yet because there is literally a quran in my room that my parents gave me in my childhood i didnt throw it away because of respect. im not in the position to decide if somethings right or wrong because i understand my position and im young and that i still have the world infront of me.

The Jews are a different species. Have you ever read anything about reptilians or experienced attack from them in anyway. They are the ones who created the Jews. This can be seen as fact on the astral level but you have to work to be able to sense things there. There is no way you could care what happens to them if you knew the truth. There is no being innocent when you are a species programmed to do a specific thing on a gene level. That was the point.

Satanism is simply the Ancient pagan religions that existed before the Jews were here. It is true these days more a mixture for us than back then because we lost a lot of our culture but it's still the same practices and beliefs. Our Gods are real people just like us no reason to doubt the way any of them look. I think a lot of the Hindu depictions are symbolic of things or the way the Gods appeared to those specific people for some reason (in the astral you can appear however you want) not really the way any of the Gods look.

Wings btw are astral not physical I believe.

One of the biggest things in this belief system is to be independent. So that really shouldn't be a huge worry.
Rational Satanist said:
Also, not everybody reincarnates on earth. The entire universe is full of life, and many people have past lives on other planets.

I didn't know about this. You mean humans on other planets? There are humans on other planets? Cause a human soul can only be reincarnated as a human so other life in the universe can't count as potential bodies for reincarnation of human souls.

Can someone please confirm or deny this?
666darkness said:
i dont hate anyone. i just got open questions. ive learned that hate leads me no where. and i understand that you have to sacrifice or destroy sometimes to get somewhere but i think you have to know the limits and differences between killing for example an animal in order to eat it so you can live and be healthy, powered up and if its really necessary to kill like tons of jews just because judaism/the jewish religion is bad and against gentiles. why did he kill the innocent people?

I understand that you're still xnder/genyemaya under a different account (you posted the same link in your contact as in your previous banned account) but I will assume that you're not trolling now and you changed your mind and become sincere and you're truly interested in learning. I just hope so, at least, and I'm willing to forgive you if you truly want to join us instead of attacking us and promoting new age nonsense.

Anyway, Hitler didn't kill "millions of jews". As I said, the so-called "holocaust" is a hoax. Read the sites that Gear88 and me posted and they debunk the whole thing. Hitler wanted to deport the jews to Russia, not kill them. About 300,000 jews died not because anyone killed them, but because of a typhus epidemic in the concentration camps. There's absolutely no evidence that any more than this number of jews died, or that Hitler gave any order to mass murder jews. The jews made up that lie so that they get the land of Israel and guilt-trip Gentiles. That's why they need laws in Europe to push that hoax.

Also, jews are a race not a religion. They have exclusive genetic diseases like Tay Sachs. So the jews as a race are the enemies of humanity.

Hate leads to punishing our enemies and is important in black magick.

666darkness said:
how long does satanism actually exist? and why would i believe other people that i dont know and that just maybe made things up or were drug addicts. like you never know because you havent lived in the roots of satanism. if satan does exist i need to feel the presence myself. im sorry but i don’t believe satan has wings and blonde hair. so really some things ive read here are questionable. it would be stupid for me and foolish to believe in such things. i need to see satan myself but i think he will be blue like the hindu gods and not have blonde hair.

It's okay to not believe things, you're not supposed to believe something without experiencing it yourself. However, Satan is a Nordic extraterrestrial, and that's how Nordic extraterrestrials look like. Blond-haired blue-eyed and very tall. Some of them have auburn hair or brown her, but most are like that. The Hindu Gods don't even look like that, they are the same as our Demons and Satan is Shiva. The Hindu God depictions are allegorical. Blue skin is actually an allegory. No known extraterrestrial being looks like that. It's important to understand but many depictions of the Gods in many ancient countries are allegorical and not literal, such as the animal heads in Egypt.

666darkness said:
also a big problem is that i dont wanna give up my ego because i dont think giving up ego is solution. i love satan but i havent done the ritual yet where i write my name in blood so im not actually a satanist. im just worried im gonna lose my soul or be dependent. or maybe i havent had an experience with satan yet because there is literally a quran in my room that my parents gave me in my childhood i didnt throw it away because of respect. im not in the position to decide if somethings right or wrong because i understand my position and im young and that i still have the world infront of me.

Lol. The Dedication ritual prayer doesn't mention anything about losing your soul. If anythiing like that happened, don't you think this would be mentioned in the prayer? Dedication doesn't mean "selling your soul". That's a major misconception people have. You don't get money and material things after dedicating yourself. Giving up your ego is an enemy religious concept in Hinduism and other religions. Spiritual Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul with power meditation and it would be against the point of Satanism if you lost it.
666darkness said:
ive learned that hate leads me no where. and i understand that you have to sacrifice or destroy sometimes to get somewhere but i think you have to know the limits and differences between killing for example an animal in order to eat it so you can live and be healthy, powered up and if its really necessary to kill like tons of jews just because judaism/the jewish religion is bad and against gentiles. why did he kill the innocent people? most of them are just born into this religion so its not their fault for being jews. every human from every race, religion can be a good person. why did he not care about that? so thats where i start to question if hitler was a good person. i dont know if the drugs and pressure or his people got to him and fooled his mind so he decided to get to that plan but yes i only ask this question because its included in this forum normally i wouldnt care anyway.

Now as I said in the other post in this thread (if it gets approved) the holocaust didn't happen so Hitler didn't give any order to kill any jews (he did have a "final solution" which was about deporting the jews, not killing them, but in official SS documents he said that he postponed the "final solution" until the end of the war, because obviously he can't deal with the jews while in the middle of a war).

But even if he did, why would it be bad? I will give you an analogy. Please bear in mind that I'm not condoning or advocating anything illegal here.

There is a farmer, and his fields are infested with locusts and the locusts destroy all his wheat and crops almost to the point that he doesn't have anything for him and his family to eat. Now if the farmer sprays insecticide all over his fields, will he be a monster and the bad guy for killing all these locusts that destroyed his field? Or if a house owner has a cellar that is infested with rats that destroy his food and fill his place with rat shit, would he be a bad guy if he sprayed rat poison in his cellar to kill all the rats? I hope you catch what I'm saying here.

The jews don't destroy cellars or fields, but they destroy civilizations, so why would you care if someone destroyed them all so his country was better without them? Do you know how degenerate jew-controlled Weimar Republic was in the 1920's and early 1930's before Hitler got into power? Again, I'm saying here that this didn't happen at all, and that murdering a jew is against the law so nobody should do that because we Satanists are law-abiding (you are free to curse jews using black magick though, because black magick isn't illegal). But even if it did, what is your problem with that? Do you have any sympathies with the jews? If so, you need to get rid of them.

I think that's where the sympathies you have for them come from: you think they are just human like us and "just a religion". But, even the jews themselves will tell you that it's an insult to them to call them a "religion". They will tell you they are an ethnicity, and that even atheist jews are considered full jews, even if they don't believe in their religion. As I posted before an excerpt from a jewish website which explains it:

Rational Satanist said:
This is not "anti-semitic propaganda" but straight from a jewish source:

A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.

It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox. In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship.

You can see here that those who say "BuT JeWs ArE A ReLiGiOn, ThEy CaN BeCoMe SaTaNiStS LiKe Us!" are either illiterate or haven't done any research on this. As the above says, even someone with a jewish mother who calls himself a Satanist is still a jew according to even the ultra-orthodox jews. This has other implications: jews support each other, so if the other jews see the "Satanist jew" become a member of a Satanic organization, they will support him and help him to take over that organization and bring other jews to it and put them in leadership position. That's how they infiltrate and corrupt everything and why we shouldn't accept any racial jew.

Note that it is probably lying when it says after a formal conversion one can become a full jew. There are gentiles who converted to judaism and complain that they are treated like second class citizens, even worse than atheist jews.

Every "human of every race" not being bad doesn't apply to jews. Jews are an evil race and have a different soul. To be more precise, they are not a human race but a different species than us, as slyscorpion said. So, jews can't become Satanists, Satan won't accept a jew. I've also seen only racial jews having problems with the meditations in the website as well as negative experiences with Satan. If you are not a jew by race you have nothing to fear.
666darkness said:
why is the human population increasing every year? where are all the souls coming from? why is it increasing? well that is where i see an issue.
Reincarnation occures naturally. As far as I understand, one soul reincarnates when the planetary placemenents, signs and positions are as similar as possible to their previous birth, is a natural cycle. Regarding the world population, it is counted by the number of people being born, not by the number of souls formed, this is why the population is increasing. If you lived let's say 5 lives then you would count as 5 different persons if the countings would be that accurate but in reality in a country with tens of millions of people that live in tribes or extreme poverty there is no way to know the exact population number, therefore these figures can be easily manipulated and I have doubts that the existing figures are even remotely accurate.

But indeed in the last century the population exploded from around 2 billion to 7.8 according to official stats. Souls are being reincarnated into new bodies and also new souls are being formed when the procreation act occures, because this is not exclusively a physical act, but a spiritual one as well where a connection forms between the souls of the male and female. But indeed, at this moment this is not something „science” wants to explain. But you can see for example what strong connection some couples have, living together for 50-60+ years, till the moment they die. This is not a mere physical connection because you cannot take a brain and find emotions, feelings and things like that inside it. What I am saying with this example is that non-physical connections do form between people. Another good example is the connections between mothers and their kids, for example I read once that is extremely important for the baby to be held as much as possible by the mother to her chest (like mothers are normally holding their babies) for similar reasons that don't neccesarily have a physical output. Also here we can also say cases of mothers literally `feeling` when something bad occures with their kids, that's maybe mostly because mothers have a superior natural intuition to the rest of humans. I say these examples to underline the non-physical connections between humans as this connections do exist energetically, I don't know exactly if is in astral or other dimensions because the astral is not the only existent non-physical dimension and also as far as I remember from JoS the soul is a complex combination of energetical `bodies` that exist in multiple dimensions and are connected together by energetical means. If you read this artucle you will see that according to the String theory there are at least 10 dimensions in existence. The first 3 are the physical ones we know, the 4th one is claimed to be the `time` and who knows what are the other ones.

666darkness said:
because this forum loves hitler. a person killing tons of innocent people how can he be good? just because i find certain people evil doesnt mean that they are. am i the psychopath here for seeing it like this? because the rest of the world agrees but why does this forum love hitler so much? can you actually bring a good argument that makes sense?
Hitler killing tons of people is mostly what the communists invented after they won the war. In case you haven't noticed, `the winner writes the history` is not a jargon, is a real fact. Most holocaust `evidence` can be easily debunked but most people agree with it because nearly on the entire planet is illegal not to do so and publicly exposing holocaust lies can head someone to years in prison. Yet in the school you are never told about the tens of million of russians killed by the jewish communists or about the holodomor where 7-8 million ukrainians were starved to death (and people are wondering why Ukraine is considered the most antisemitic country in the world). So as one former Iranian president said, why we are focusing on one specific event? The thing is, you can see these tens of millions of russians killed in the official censuses, but also in official censuses you cannot see a millions of people drop in the jewish population, because this never occured, something that you can read about here
You are told all the time only to believe and research on reputated sources, but how can you ever expect a reputated source bringing evidence against the `official narative` when is illegal? It doesn't make sense. Yet I recommend you a very decent source where you can document about holocaust, and that is the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
Because is abnormal and against human freedoms to send someone to prison for having different opinions to what the communists said after winning WW2. If Hitler was a physopath and holocaust really happened, there would be no need to qualify denial as a crime, because truth doesn't need laws to sustain itself. Why so many documentaries exposing the holocaust lies have been erased from youtube and other popular platforms if the event was so real and obvious? Yet, jews did die in Germany, but this was not due to mass killing, but due to worsening of living conditions in the so called `concentration camps` because of enemy bombings and surveillance over these areas, as many of them were containing armament factories that were producing war artillery for the german army. Supply with food and medicine became impossible because of the above reasons, so starvation and diseases spread occured, which led to the death of tens of thousands of jews in total, not in 6 million. Did you know that initially an Auschwitz plate was claiming that 4 million jews died there, and after the communists changed it to 1.5 millions? Now is accepted that 1 million jews died there. There is endless things to say about this, like the physical impossibility to incinerate so many people in the given amount of time, official death books coming in contradiction to the `reputated sources` you are advised to read, which have the legal obligation to agree with the holocaust, which is total bias and subjectivity. If you want to come to an objective conclusion you have to see the both sides of the coin, not just the side of the winner, who had the power to impose whatever they deemed neccesary as `undeniable history`. Yet the Nazis tried to destroy the jewish communism, this is why the jews and the communists (jews invented communism and established it in the USSR) hated and slandered Nnazism so much, both to get the entire planet to hate them, and also to hide their own crimes in Russia and Eastern Europe.

666darkness said:
we are evolving. humans are evolving believe it or not.
What is your argument for that? Technology is indeed evolving, but overtime people only became more lazy, more ignorant, more stupid, more obedient, more superficial, more materialistic, more easy to manipulate and so on. I see no evolvement here. People are only waking up nowadays because of the jews exposing themselves with this covid bollocks and because of our spiritual efforts, believe it or not our spiritual warfare cuunters the jewish spiritual warfare, as behind closed doors top jews and rabbis to practice spiritual rituals to materialize their plan of world domination, which they never hidden, You can read about it even in their ancient talmud.

666darkness said:
i got more questions but ill save them up for when time is right or maybe ill answer them for myself. thanks for reading.
Keep asking questions. Discussions should only be based on offering verificable evidence to support an opinion and civilized common sense, which you will find definitely there as we don't have any lies that we are trying to protect, yet everybody answers based on their understanding and the knowledge accumulated.
what you call new age belief is not something i looked up from somebody else. i dont speak in the experience from others, everything i say comes from me. when i said that i think the astral body looks blue similar if not the same as the hindu gods then i said it because i have actually unlike many others experienced seeing blue beings not with drugs but unwanted completely random when i closed my eyes in night time and let go off thoughts so i fell to a deep meditation. the place felt lovely and true. it felt like absolute peace when ive entered this dimension with the portal. it was the ultimate truth to me. those who use their heart can achieve this too. or maybe it was just meant for me but i loved it and they gave me kisses and i know this sounds weird but its just how ive experienced it. there were female and male blue „gods“ or souls or whatever they are but they looked like those from hinduism.

its not new age belief and after i had this experience the next day i looked it up and i found hinduism before that i had no clue about hinduism. hinduism is the oldest known religion but i only share a few main aspects of hinduism i dont like reading books ive never read the quran, bible or torah. because those books are all coming from humans just like me and you. so what makes them better than me that i might believe them or follow them? it would be the greatest way to go the path of loneliness which is in my opinion the path of truth because my mind cant be influenced by others and i see the world for what it really is (my world).

the jews are not important and i couldnt care less about them if they didnt have so much influence in politics. but in my opinion it got better it used to be worse. ive watched a german documentary about the jews in the nazi time it said in the description „propaganda movie“ but the nazis meant it serious in that time obviously.

the problem for me is. when i see jews i always get a disgusting energy. so there must definetly be something wrong. i also feel this energy with christians though but not as bad as with the jews.

i can agree with you that jews do evil but for me its not a reason to hate them. because hate always feels bad for me. so i simply have no emotion and if id had a button that would end the power of the jews id press it but not with hateful intention id press it with the intention that the world is gonna be a better place.

if some forum members cut off the insults against jews i think a lot of people would feel better here but its freedom of speech im just saying.

the thing that jews are a complete different species is hard to believe but maybe its true maybe not i dont know. i wish id have a chance to look to the past with my own eyes. and it really sucks that the egyptians got attacked… so much destroyed and stolen makes me depressed but gives me hope to recreate because what has been destroyed can be remade i believe in this with all my heart.

if russia or china (i think its gonna be china) take over the world it would be way better now i dont say this because i am asian myself since im turkish but im also italian meaning im also white. i think if china takes over it will be good because jews will have no power anymore.

if its true what you said about satan then i might do the blood ritual to get signed into satanism. i just hope it feel good and not creepy because my mind is kinda poisoned by media, movies, culture and it was obviously programmed into my head since my childhood so there is still some anxiety there. you said shiva is satan… thats interesting. where is this coming from? because some people before you already told me this. its beautiful though.

i just hope satan will not make me be dependent on him and not damage me or lead me somewhere i dont wanna go when i get experiences like this. but about the blonde hair part im still not sure if i believe you this. because it seems very logical that a white person with blonde hair just made that up because satan has to look similar to him so he can feel valued.

we talk about satan but with all respect towards satan. whoever he is, wherever he is. i love satan but i cant ever put him over me. i can see him as family/friend though thats it. im my own human i dont know why i incarnated to this world but i have visions and thoughts that tell me this. because even if it sounds naive… i dream of changing the world someday by influencing the teenager mind. i dont wanna say more about it because evil people are lurking here but then again they cant do anything to me there is a reason why but i cant reveal it because it would be disrespectful to reveal it.

much peace and love.
You lack racial understanding.

Jews are aliens here, and they do not belong here. Their sole purpose is to subvert civilisations and act as a parasite. How many nations have thrown them out again..? No need to answer us, just think about this.

You can get more understanding when you start meditating and develop relationships with Demons and Demonesses. They can help us grow and understand things better. Also clear connection to your higher self must be established for spiritual betterment.

I suggest that you go though the sermons section on the JoS, so you can better understand what's what.
Hindu Gods being depicted as blue is just allegorical. Blue as in the colour of the throat chakra which symbolises purity, because they reached the highest stage of purity which is something necessary to get into higher levels of the Magnum Opus. Being true to your own nature, without other people's energy, influences and brainwashing to change you and weaken you like it happens to most/all of us in this corrupted society.
The Alchemist7 said:
666darkness said:
why is the human population increasing every year? where are all the souls coming from? why is it increasing? well that is where i see an issue.
Reincarnation occures naturally. As far as I understand, one soul reincarnates when the planetary placemenents, signs and positions are as similar as possible to their previous birth, is a natural cycle. Regarding the world population, it is counted by the number of people being born, not by the number of souls formed, this is why the population is increasing. If you lived let's say 5 lives then you would count as 5 different persons if the countings would be that accurate but in reality in a country with tens of millions of people that live in tribes or extreme poverty there is no way to know the exact population number, therefore these figures can be easily manipulated and I have doubts that the existing figures are even remotely accurate.

But indeed in the last century the population exploded from around 2 billion to 7.8 according to official stats. Souls are being reincarnated into new bodies and also new souls are being formed when the procreation act occures, because this is not exclusively a physical act, but a spiritual one as well where a connection forms between the souls of the male and female. But indeed, at this moment this is not something „science” wants to explain. But you can see for example what strong connection some couples have, living together for 50-60+ years, till the moment they die. This is not a mere physical connection because you cannot take a brain and find emotions, feelings and things like that inside it. What I am saying with this example is that non-physical connections do form between people. Another good example is the connections between mothers and their kids, for example I read once that is extremely important for the baby to be held as much as possible by the mother to her chest (like mothers are normally holding their babies) for similar reasons that don't neccesarily have a physical output. Also here we can also say cases of mothers literally `feeling` when something bad occures with their kids, that's maybe mostly because mothers have a superior natural intuition to the rest of humans. I say these examples to underline the non-physical connections between humans as this connections do exist energetically, I don't know exactly if is in astral or other dimensions because the astral is not the only existent non-physical dimension and also as far as I remember from JoS the soul is a complex combination of energetical `bodies` that exist in multiple dimensions and are connected together by energetical means. If you read this artucle you will see that according to the String theory there are at least 10 dimensions in existence. The first 3 are the physical ones we know, the 4th one is claimed to be the `time` and who knows what are the other ones.

666darkness said:
because this forum loves hitler. a person killing tons of innocent people how can he be good? just because i find certain people evil doesnt mean that they are. am i the psychopath here for seeing it like this? because the rest of the world agrees but why does this forum love hitler so much? can you actually bring a good argument that makes sense?
Hitler killing tons of people is mostly what the communists invented after they won the war. In case you haven't noticed, `the winner writes the history` is not a jargon, is a real fact. Most holocaust `evidence` can be easily debunked but most people agree with it because nearly on the entire planet is illegal not to do so and publicly exposing holocaust lies can head someone to years in prison. Yet in the school you are never told about the tens of million of russians killed by the jewish communists or about the holodomor where 7-8 million ukrainians were starved to death (and people are wondering why Ukraine is considered the most antisemitic country in the world). So as one former Iranian president said, why we are focusing on one specific event? The thing is, you can see these tens of millions of russians killed in the official censuses, but also in official censuses you cannot see a millions of people drop in the jewish population, because this never occured, something that you can read about here
You are told all the time only to believe and research on reputated sources, but how can you ever expect a reputated source bringing evidence against the `official narative` when is illegal? It doesn't make sense. Yet I recommend you a very decent source where you can document about holocaust, and that is the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
Because is abnormal and against human freedoms to send someone to prison for having different opinions to what the communists said after winning WW2. If Hitler was a physopath and holocaust really happened, there would be no need to qualify denial as a crime, because truth doesn't need laws to sustain itself. Why so many documentaries exposing the holocaust lies have been erased from youtube and other popular platforms if the event was so real and obvious? Yet, jews did die in Germany, but this was not due to mass killing, but due to worsening of living conditions in the so called `concentration camps` because of enemy bombings and surveillance over these areas, as many of them were containing armament factories that were producing war artillery for the german army. Supply with food and medicine became impossible because of the above reasons, so starvation and diseases spread occured, which led to the death of tens of thousands of jews in total, not in 6 million. Did you know that initially an Auschwitz plate was claiming that 4 million jews died there, and after the communists changed it to 1.5 millions? Now is accepted that 1 million jews died there. There is endless things to say about this, like the physical impossibility to incinerate so many people in the given amount of time, official death books coming in contradiction to the `reputated sources` you are advised to read, which have the legal obligation to agree with the holocaust, which is total bias and subjectivity. If you want to come to an objective conclusion you have to see the both sides of the coin, not just the side of the winner, who had the power to impose whatever they deemed neccesary as `undeniable history`. Yet the Nazis tried to destroy the jewish communism, this is why the jews and the communists (jews invented communism and established it in the USSR) hated and slandered Nnazism so much, both to get the entire planet to hate them, and also to hide their own crimes in Russia and Eastern Europe.

666darkness said:
we are evolving. humans are evolving believe it or not.
What is your argument for that? Technology is indeed evolving, but overtime people only became more lazy, more ignorant, more stupid, more obedient, more superficial, more materialistic, more easy to manipulate and so on. I see no evolvement here. People are only waking up nowadays because of the jews exposing themselves with this covid bollocks and because of our spiritual efforts, believe it or not our spiritual warfare cuunters the jewish spiritual warfare, as behind closed doors top jews and rabbis to practice spiritual rituals to materialize their plan of world domination, which they never hidden, You can read about it even in their ancient talmud.

666darkness said:
i got more questions but ill save them up for when time is right or maybe ill answer them for myself. thanks for reading.
Keep asking questions. Discussions should only be based on offering verificable evidence to support an opinion and civilized common sense, which you will find definitely there as we don't have any lies that we are trying to protect, yet everybody answers based on their understanding and the knowledge accumulated.

youve answered some of my questions. and there is nothing really i can say i dont know much about hitler and a woke person questions both sides. the media is telling me this and that and you are telling me something else so if the topic was that important for me in my case id definetly do the research but i dont care about hitler but i thank you for answering those questions so perhaps somebody else can use it for their profit.

what i meant is my own experience. im a teen and im around on social apps a lot and i just really observe everything without wanting it and i know that 5 years ago people were not that curious about spirituality. but everyday on apps like yubo or discord i see or meet people that show interest. girls for example love tarot reading like ive seen many girls from all over the world in my age that love it. many people have interest in those things. a few years ago this wasnt a thing. now its almost normal. also satanic aesthetic/symbols are very often included for example for instagram posts but what my message is people especially the younger generations have more potential for the spirituality they have the curiosity. its a deep feeling. ive played many online games… EVERYBODY loves dark names on discord i got many friends called sheytan which means basically devil. so what my message is that they feel comfortable with the aesthetic/energy. that is what i meant by evolving. i just observed it very well after many years. they just need platforms and many get scared when they read about jews and hitler. jews and hitler shouldnt have to do anything with satanism, it shouldnt even be included so much in this forum but it is and that may be very frightening for many people because they got this fooled image planted into their heads. but if its true or not does it really matter? it is in the past and i dont wanna hurt anyone here but nazis are uninteresting atleast should be here. satanism should always be the main subject here. also politic talks can also be quite annoying but its important obviously for some people but what i really dont like is the nazi part thats why im not gonna talk about it anymore. not because im against them im not for them neither against them i just wanna stay away from it and not speak too much about it as it doesnt matter for me anyway. im not a german. germany as it used to exist doesnt exist anymore anyway. germany has many foreigners that have the german passport but are still not german but the statistics of how many germans live in germany include those foreigners and they count as german but realistically seen germany only has 40-60% actual germans. germany is just like america multi cultural mixed. only very few countries are not multi culti (turkey, russia, china, india,..) europe and usa are multi cultural.

i got questions about satan. why have some on this forum told me that he is shiva? where is the evidence for this where is this coming from? did satan live as a human just like we do in the very beginning? or did he not? can satan reincarnate as a full person to this world to change it by affecting the way he was born and lives and will achieve?

if satan is so powerful he could hex his way for example he is born to be famous someday to change the world - maybe he even did. do you understand? it would be realistic to me. i havent seen satan with my own eyes. why do some people here claim they have seen satan. why would satan such a powerful being decide to meet a person from earth? a king should know his place/priorities. why would he show up to someone from this forum and why would he have blonde hair??? when shiva clearly has not. the blonde hair part is funny. who says he was nordic?

i would honestly like this forum if it would cut out the nordic and hitler part and i think im not the only one definetly not.

i live in europe but im not european blood wise. like thats the thing where i see difficulties its like a hitler fan or a german decided to look a little into satanism and then claimed that satan has blonde hair. i cant believe this. people often see what they wanna see or hope what they see especially in their own imagination. most basis knowledge already exists. i have no interest about nordic people or if satan has blonde hair. this is in my opinion even an insult towards him claiming he has blonde hair. just because you very funny have blonde hair yourself and decided to meditate and then somehow see an angel that has blonde hair and wings. like i dont know. not really a good source. in fact everybody just like jesus claiming they know it all were just really naive and so naive towards a degree where everybody believed them because they were so sure about themselves. like im not talking directly to you here btw just saying.

the main basis knowledge from this forum already exists somewhere else it just gets presented here. a lot from egyptians and hinduism is included here. and i like that. because especially the egyptians feel to me like the realest especially when ive seen in the hieroglyphs how astralprojection is presented and astral traveling. also what egyptians just teach about the universe and all. it just feels like the ultimate truth. and when i feel something and it has this feeling and i feel it in the heart then i know its true. and i dont have that with the „satan has blonde hair“ „this is how satans kingdom looks“ like some of the knowledge here is questionable. very questionable. but i appreciate the hustle. its just not it to me. i believe satan has black/brown hair and is blueish. wings do not exist in my opinion. i have seen the astral world. i have seen astral figures with my inner eye and i know it wasnt imagination because my forehead/face tingled very intense.

many people here claim to know the absolute truth but in the end everybody is just promoting what feels best to them and what makes them feel better about themselves. i know in my case for myself that i always aim to promote the absolute truth as i wanna empower the universe as ive let go of the illusion of races and deeper meanings towards it. races do scientifically not even exist for humans. it just happened to be that people in different climates look a little different but that has many logical factors thats it. there is no deeper spiritual meaning to it in my opinion.

but people will always try to push their ego and as long as they do it in an indirect way so nobody sees they are pushing their ego its fine to them. to most people it is fine to lie to themselves as long as the people get it. thats also what many celebs do. i dont put anyone over me. nobody can ever talk down on me. ive not let go of my ego but i already understood the universe for what it really is. i meditated in the forest for months and when you do that you are not a junkie or somebody „promoting new age bullshit“ as some here already said in this forum. its funny because NOBODY especially from the new age does that. nobody except in india does that. especially where im from. i also did that innocently before i even knew about buddha. before i even looked buddha up. im an earthling and the plants and trees gave me a lot of wisdom. especially in rainy days it is even better. my meditation will continue soon again. i just took a break.

what i achieved is not new age bullshit. it is actual super powers. to be able to feel the energies of the plants flowing through you. to communicate with trees in a telepathical way not through human language but through natural communications… its like they are transferring wisdom to me or helping me achieve meditative special states. the forest is a magical place. its funny when somebody thinks he knows the truth but all he did was look wisdom from somebody else up and that somebody else is just a human just like him. claiming they know it all, claiming they know the absolute truth. very naive but i already understood and i dont care, everybody lives his own life.

but without questioning i believe this will be my last life time as a human in physical form in this planet. as ive let go of the illusions of race, family. ive let go of the illusions that politics can make me feel bad. the news are funny and there will always be something bad and tragic happening. covid is a joke to me the enemy just shot himself in the leg because quarantine is actually the best that could happen to humanity because many young people found interest for spirituality and overall became more spiritual. being depressed is not bad its a sign of progress but the progress needs to be seen and believed in only then it can happen. i know this as my life led me to loneliness and once i sank into loneliness i have found its true benefits and enlightenment through it. the plants and trees are spiritual beings, they are not primitive they are advanced in my opinion. but not everybody is me or in my position so i cant speak for them or show them the experiences i had because that’s something only made for me i believe because everybody is different in the end. most people run away from the pain, are not chosen for it or kill themselves. i always looked pain deep in the eye.

its like my spiritual friends are guiding me through this life and i know so much even though im still so young and have my life infront of me. this is why i know its my last life time. but im gonna try my best to help this rotten world. it sounds naive and childish but i wanna save the world so i can say i atleast tried it. im not gonna get more into detail about the actual plan though because of the enemies here lurking and making evil eyes on me. 🧿

thank you for reading. ☥
666darkness said:
because this forum loves hitler. a person killing tons of innocent people how can he be good? just because i find certain people evil doesnt mean that they are. am i the psychopath here for seeing it like this? because the rest of the world agrees but why does this forum love hitler so much? can you actually bring a good argument that makes sense?

There's a meme going around these past few years it's more of an underground meme and it's more of a subtle joke.

But if Hitler was the monster he was he'd probably would have won the war and people would stop incessantly kvetching about the holocaust. Even if he was a monster people would be like "Fuck can't do anything about it they are monsters but they kicked everyone's asses".

I recall another meme going around that since Hitler and the NS is correct, kinda like the joke NS is right wing which means correct or VERY correct. Which is funny because it's more revolutionary both to the people against NS and even in Hitler's own statements speaking on situations that he considers NS to be revolutionary both against the German Parliamentarians and even when speaking on the doctrines he expresses revolution in overthrowing the decaying hunk of junk systems placed by societies and ACTUALLY get the job done and help people. But the meme is if Hitler didn't do anything wrong rather quiet the opposite the so-called Gentleman fighter as were the many Germans who fought in the various armed forces.

Then the meme is basically that NS = Triple-A(Against all authority) except their own. Which is a funny meme joke unto itself because NS cannot be defined by wingedness it's neither right nor left nor traditional(conservative)(which is not entirely untrue but not entirely into the cuckservative route as with the American meme jokes) nor is it liberal(as a matter a fact it's extremely unliberal to the point of being anti-Americana liberal and Manchesterism liberal basically anti-liberterian and even supportive more of the common good rather than personal interest). Like I believe it was either SWG(Southern White Gentleman), Jack, or a prominent member. NS would rub a lot of Americans the wrong way.

Anyways the two memes which I'm getting slightly technical on are major themes in the jewish kvetching. THEY not US complain. While Hitler did in fact complain a bit in his book and speeches and communique. The fact of the matter is he pushed the pedal to the metal and actually did something.

Basically Hitler even in failure prevented World domination by soviet elements. It is strongly believed by the anti-communist and historical revisionists that speak on NS Germany. If it weren't for that small central European power which like in WW1 already won by 1915, pretty much by '15 Germany RAPED everyone the French, British, and the Russians they annihilated the Russians even Rasputin was warning the Czar not to get involved in the War as there would be a worse situation without the military.

But if it weren't for that "Oh so tiny" German power which really displayed Superpower levels of power. Even the Soviets would not be satisfied with stopping at England. They would have just consumed America as well.

Many Americans misunderstand Hitler. Hitler not America stopped the fall of America 80ish years before it's potential next fall. We have been discussing on and off hinting really that the next few years are critical for America and COULD collapse. A most horrible fate for the World if said thing happens. Right now it's basically Weimar America circa '29, right back to history repeats itself.

I think your problem is that you literally believe killing people or doing barbaric actions is somehow wrong. I don't think you carry that darkside with you and maybe even could be one of these peoples who is darker and is scared of their dark side.

I've said this to a friend of mines who thinks and talks much like me one of the reasons I've known him since Pre-K. But since when is expressing your desire to kill or wanting to kill a bad thing. We are Humans we have properties of good, bad, and neutral.

Now obviously I'm not saying go out and do something. One of the reasons people play video games or perform activities that are more on the dark side like martial arts or gun training.

But the problem is your literally accepting that Hitler is this wunderkind monster when monsters have already existed that far outweigh Hitler.

For example if it weren't for the jews this World wouldn't have to deal with a situation much like what is occurring now. For example billions more people would be alive healthy full of vim and vigor. Stalin alone is responsible for two or three holomdors and other massacres of Gentiles and even a few jews as the jew prays on their own as well often for beneficiary reasons.

For example it's already been said Holomdor 7-8 million, the second Holomdor or continuation another 20-30 million. By the time Stalin was killed already 60-70 million or more were exterminated. Lithuania only recently 3-5 years ago reached pre-massacre population they still haven't recovered Lithuania isn't gonna have a huge population for another few decades IF it even happens who knows.

Mao 70-100-120-150-200 million. For jews and their communism these numbers are like nothing to them. In fact I would not be surprised if they kvetched incessantly that it's too little we need more goyshkopfation processes.

Hitler how many did he kill well tallies show of militaria something like 12 million soldiers give or take for the various European powers. For the German army it's been stated something like 8 million soldiers plus another two or three million dying as deep as 1967 in the beginnings of the Vietnam war some German soldiers finally made it home after being in concentration camps till nearly the 70s. I think the total amount of casualties the Germans military suffered is akin to something like 3% of their population. Plus another 9-10% of the civilian population. Funny had the communists gained power in Germany and massacred the population till the Soviet Russian invasion the population would have suffered 30% casualties. So Hitler in fact saved Germany even in total hell of Germany after 1945, Hitler saved nearly 23% of the population from dying. What's the total something like 30-60 million died Worldwide breaking free from colonialism and revolutions and communistic subversion and non-sense. So the Germans suffered maybe 12-15% of all deaths and the various allies suffered 30-40-50% and the rest of the World had millions of others die off finishing off the 100% of the statistic of 30-60 million around the World.

In reality EVEN with extreme data retention of WW2 even with the best of the best collaborating on Historical Revisionism. It will never show the true suffering that occurred. Until the Gods teach humanity how to go back in time astrally to inspect the past and bring data and books into the present to type/write/scribe down historical information. We will never get a true assessment of history not just Hitler's time but before and further back when the Gods were around.

Even if Hitler is a ebil, debil superbeast. He will always be considered the Ha-Satan to the jews cause he said "No!" to their bullshit. It's why he is the Devil's right hand man according to the jew.

Computer logic: IF against jews, then your ebil, debil shit.

Like HP.Cobra said Hitler left a deep scar on the jews face and everyone asks them what that scar is and the jew jumps around like a mad man hiding it's reason.

I really don't know why jews are such pussies for so-called Shehameforashic people they sure have a funny way of being scared about being exposed and talked to. Auntie-Sumetism wonderful use of a social marxism to hide around. Like Schmuleti the knesset female government "Oh aunti-sumetism is just a term we use to avoid criticism".

IF your Gods in carneth and have God on your side why do you care if your criticized. Funny I guess God is a pussy just like the pusillanimous race and species of offsprings called jews.

Perhaps my hatred of jews isn't so much the bullshit they do with religion. As much as I hate their religions. I think most people give two shits about their religious bullshit or their boisterous I'm a God bullshit. I think it's merely the truth.

In other words 6 million died they still to this day. It's getting to the point where red pills and black pills are being spread among the populace.

DID 6 million die?! is what people should be stating.

Did Hitler order jews to be killed well maybe when he heard jewish people have been found dead being partisans and commisars across Eastern Europe. He ordered take them out.

But as to the whole Work/Labor camp situation. In essence it was paradise for the jews. IF anything there's a camp of people who do wish the jews suffered.

In essence people are bible thumped into believing Hitler = Bad. Funny reading Mein Kampf Dalton edition. It's like this guy is simply wanting to do the right thing. For example why should people suffer a work and pray christian pump the opiate in church and be a defeated piece of shit work slave for some greedy motherfuckers.

People think Hitler is bad. Good. I'm glad they do. Because funny enough when the time comes and there are people or websites or some entity/ies telling them the complete opposite they get their asses handed to them.

Hitler sure has a rapacious wit and way with words in Mein Kampf. If that's the level of intelligence he had even growing up in his later years. No wonder the jews hate him and no wonder people have to be "FORCED" to believe he is evil.

Funny in America they cry and cry and cry unto the populace. And funny enough the only thing I can state is Hitler is more American than even the most die hard Americans around.

I think in the end it's good what you state O.P. that people SHOULD believe Hitler is bad. I think that's great because they will get their asses handed to them upon debate.

Even if Hitler killed innocent people, people would still love him. If he did all the horrors he did he would have won the war and people would finally shut the bloody fuck up about all that bullshit. Hitler: "Yeah I killed and ordered all that shit to happen, who the fuck gives a SHIT!? what are you gonna do motherfuckers!?"

People don't understand nor wanting to understand Hitler. If they sat down and rationally used their brain they would at least in as much understand they've been duped all their lives. But not everyone is like this. We are the few that are.

People hate Hitler is the masses correct? Nope 50/50 or 51/49 or the majority ==/== truth or correctness. A general assessment is good but unfortunately with Hitler and Hitler's laws in place. Even the slightest yip about how Hitler is evil is met with standing ovation to the detriment of the populace who should not believe the stupid shit jews state.

Hitler = Misunderstood person who simply wanted to fix the mistakes Humanity was doing and stopping the jews from conquering the planet. SIMPLE and for that he is deemed akin to the Devil.

But funny enough Hitler is POPULAR there is so much pro-, against-, and neutral- Hitlerian properties that it seems Hitler etched himself DEEPLY into the very background of reality.

He is both the jews best punching bag and also the worst enemy since the Ancients like the Assyrians or Romans showing the jews who the boss is.

Maybe at O.P. you should perhaps, you know, research stuff that we provide or other websites around the web. Study use your brain.
666darkness said:
jews and hitler shouldnt have to do anything with satanism, it shouldnt even be included so much in this forum but it is and that may be very frightening for many people because they got this fooled image planted into their heads.
It is what it is. The Nazis were pagans as well, they have practiced exactly the same `religion` like we do here, doing meditations and rituals and so on. At least the top Nazis were. People only know the image that the jewish and communist media planted in their mind about the Nazis, without having the possibility to question anything. But there is a reason why Hitler and the Nazis are being „glorified” here, because they defended Europe against the jewish bolshevik communism (the jews, both from US and Russia, invented and funded the communist revolution in Russia, there is blatant evidence on JoS about this), and also they tried to restore our religion back into circulation. In 12 yeard not much could be done about it with all the other world powers being against them.

This is why people have to understand the importance the Nazis had in defending the world against global communism and also to understand that they were not „evil monsters persecuting jews”, because as I said this is mostly jewish and communist defamation and global propaganda that can be debunked and infirmed. Imagine if there was legal grounds for this as well, nowadays people would have had a totally different perception about Hitler. Gradually they will, as they will come to understand what really happened back then. This is why we cannot simply ignore what they did and what they represented. Most people don't yet understand their role and importance against the jewish rulers of the planet. Without them, the Soviet Union probably would have had total liberty to conquer the entire Europe and then US as well without any major opposition. How the world would have been now in this case? I would say definitely not too great.

666darkness said:
but nazis are uninteresting atleast should be here. satanism should always be the main subject here
Nazism was a political doctrine. Spiritual Satanism is the equivalent religious and spiritual doctrine. Joy of Satan is not merely a religious organization, we also have political and historical views and we have strong evidence to support and promote them.

In the same way atheism and christianity are the religious equivalent of the poltical doctrine called communism. You can find on the internet plenty comparisons between these and find lots of similarities, such as similarities between the Communist Manifest and the Bible.

666darkness said:
(turkey, russia, china, india,..) europe and usa are multi cultural.
Just as an idea Indians are a mixed product of what it used to be a White civilization and Blacks and Asians. Yet Indians are really diverse, there are Indians with asian features, there are white Indians, there are the typical dark-skinned indians that you know. Since most of them are dark-skinned and have their own common features, they became a type of sub-race, same like Arabs or Latinas from South America.

In Russia as well there are dozens of different populations, many of which don't even speak Russian, not to say that around 15-20% of the Russian population is muslim so they aren't whites for sure. There are also plenty Asians there and many other smaller nations like shaman communities in Siberia which have their own languages and traditions.

666darkness said:
i got questions about satan. why have some on this forum told me that he is shiva? ... who says he was nordic?
Regarding Shiva specifically read this

All pagan civilizations divined multiple Gods, but all civilizations also had a supreme God that was let's say the most important and powerful of all, and that was Satan. Satan was not only Shiva, but also Enki in Sumeria, EA in Akkadia, Ptah in Egypt, Dionysus in Greece, Odin/Wotan in ancient Germanic and Norse civilizations and and so on. Also this name Satan that is so damned and vilified by christianity and islam comes from Sanskrit and not hebrew, and Sanskrit is probably the oldest language. The Yazidis divined Satan literally under this name. See what the jewish-created ISIL did to the Yazidis in the past years;

The fact that there are `nordic alliens` is debated and discussed in other non-JoS circles, mostly by alien enthuziasts and researchers, is not something that was invented here. The Demons that are depicted so evil by Christianity and Islam were none others than the ancient Gods of humanity. We know they created the White race by genetical engineering to reflect their own physical features, but what we also know and is somewhat verificable is that the greatest ancient pagan civilizations were all ruled by blonde blue-eyed Whites, including here the Hindu civilizations, the ancient Egypt, Sumeria etc. How you explain that there are still Whites in India or plenty blue-eyed blonde whites in Southern Europe? These are not merely geographical features, otherwise the Innuits/Eskimos living in the North Pole also should have been blue eyed blonde Whites, which they clearly aren't. You can see for example blonde mummies being discovered in Egypt or hystorical accounts of blue-eyed blonde White populations migrating around the world. Also after thousands of years of race mixing you can still find non-whites in Middle East who have hazel or blue eyes. Blue eyes are a feature only specific to Whites. Also not all Gods are blonde with blue eyes, some have dark hair or dark eyes as well. What needs to be understood is that history is extremely faked and evidence supporting the real past has been either hidden or destroyed. The history before Christianity nowadays became a total mistery.

666darkness said:
if satan is so powerful he could hex his way for example he is born to be famous someday to change the world
Satan is a God already. Even if it would be possible for a God to reincarnate in a human body (which I doubt), it wouldn't be neccesary. Now I try to avoid speaking about things that I cannot prove or justify as I don't want to seem delusional but I've been reading that there is a sort of „agreement” between the Gods and the enemy ETs that none of the parties will physically intervene in the affairs going on here on Earth. In the same way the Nazis and the Soviets had a non-agression pact which was ultimatelly violated. Now I don't know if this `agreement` is real but it kinda makes sense. The enemies of the Gods are also extremely powerful so as far as I can tell the forces are somewhat balanced. If one party intervenes, then the other party will do as well and this could lead to major destruction as their technology is infinitely more advanced. You can read about similar things in ancient books like Ramayana or Mahabharata where `cosmic wars` are being described. The Nazis received from the Gods knowledge to build what you might know as `Vimanas` which are probably similar spaceships to the ones described in these ancient books with this sanskrit term.

666darkness said:
the main basis knowledge from this forum already exists somewhere else it just gets presented here. a lot from egyptians and hinduism is included here.
Spiritual Satanism is ancient paganism. Is not something we `took` from ancient Egypt or similar places. Is the same religion with exactly the same practices. As I said in another reply you won't find many of the JoS meditations anywhere else at this moment because these were given to the High Priests by the Gods. Most of this knowledge was destroyed so what is left is either hidden or corrupted.

666darkness said:
many people here claim to know the absolute truth but in the end everybody is just promoting what feels best to them and what makes them feel better about themselves
What is interesting is that, with no exception, all religions pretend that they know the absolute truth, even if most of them are clearly contradicting with each other. Let's see who holds the real truth. One thing is clear, those who have the biggest power are those who own the most and best knowledge and know how to apply it. Rabinical elites and other top jews have been the exclusive owners of knowledge in the last millenias but that is changing. Anyway if you are really interested into Satanism then do read Satanisgod.org because most of your questions are answered there. I am doing massive efforts to spend literally hours to reply to topics like this and many people here are in the same situation, which is why most are only directing new people to the website above, which is so vast that it can answer 99.99% of the questions one can have. By the way there was so much emphasis on the White race that I hope you realize that this religion and these meditations can be practiced without any concerns by any non-jewish humans. Any soul can achieve this superior state of phisycal and spiritual immortality and perfection by `Magnum Opus`. If you have other questions never hesitate to ask.
Forgiveness said:
Will satan stay unless you undo the ritual
Some people can be very unstable, even mentally unwell, and do one thing today, and another tomorrow. Even against their own wellbeing, due to mind being conditioned in such way.

Satan, however, will always be there for you, me and others. At the same time, he does not force Himself upon anyone. So if anyone makes the poor decision to throw their life in the gutter (even if it does not seem to them like that at the moment) he can not force you not do this decision to go down the drain.
You lie unfairly presence your death front despite is none zero solution black nor certainly you was painless to abandon nothing and nothing you presence depart your death to depart miserably unseriously something more
Forgiveness said:
You lie unfairly presence your death front despite is none zero solution black nor certainly you was painless to abandon nothing and nothing you presence depart your death to depart miserably unseriously something more
I see.

I already did say to you previously to seek help for your mental health issues. Same post still applies as you are obviously in an unwell state.
स त न म said:
Rational Satanist said:
Also, not everybody reincarnates on earth. The entire universe is full of life, and many people have past lives on other planets.

I didn't know about this. You mean humans on other planets? There are humans on other planets? Cause a human soul can only be reincarnated as a human so other life in the universe can't count as potential bodies for reincarnation of human souls.

Can someone please confirm or deny this?

Yes, there are planets in the Universe that have humans on them. Earth is not the only one.
Some of the gods of Hell are human, like Adramelech.

In my own personal experience, I have seen some of my past lives on different planets. There were humans on them.

I had a conversation with Satan once, and I asked about humans on other planets, and he said there were humans on different planets he rules over, other than Earth.

Whether you believe me is up to you.

Satan is the main ruling chief god for more than one world, including Orion (Hell/Duat, where the Powers of Hell reside.)
magus.immortalis said:
स त न म said:
Rational Satanist said:
Also, not everybody reincarnates on earth. The entire universe is full of life, and many people have past lives on other planets.

I didn't know about this. You mean humans on other planets? There are humans on other planets? Cause a human soul can only be reincarnated as a human so other life in the universe can't count as potential bodies for reincarnation of human souls.

Can someone please confirm or deny this?

Yes, there are planets in the Universe that have humans on them. Earth is not the only one.
Some of the gods of Hell are human, like Adramelech.

In my own personal experience, I have seen some of my past lives on different planets. There were humans on them.

I had a conversation with Satan once, and I asked about humans on other planets, and he said there were humans on different planets he rules over, other than Earth.

Whether you believe me is up to you.

Satan is the main ruling chief god for more than one world, including Orion (Hell/Duat, where the Powers of Hell reside.)
I saw past lives of mine in other planets too and something I noticed is the emotion was stronger on those planets.
magus.immortalis said:
स त न म said:
Rational Satanist said:
Also, not everybody reincarnates on earth. The entire universe is full of life, and many people have past lives on other planets.

I didn't know about this. You mean humans on other planets? There are humans on other planets? Cause a human soul can only be reincarnated as a human so other life in the universe can't count as potential bodies for reincarnation of human souls.

Can someone please confirm or deny this?

Satan is the main ruling chief god for more than one world, including Orion (Hell/Duat, where the Powers of Hell reside.)

I'm sorry, but it was very late at night when I wrote this post, and I made a mistake.
Orion is both a constellation and separately, a planet within the constellation of the same name.
Hell/Duat is a separate planet, where the Powers of Hell reside.
Henu the Great said:
Forgiveness said:
You lie unfairly presence your death front despite is none zero solution black nor certainly you was painless to abandon nothing and nothing you presence depart your death to depart miserably unseriously something more
I see.

I already did say to you previously to seek help for your mental health issues. Same post still applies as you are obviously in an unwell state.

Do body me your unfairly trying to purchase Maxine off a light book you do know how your staying to give his secrets doubtably a book nor isn't someone Andrea by animal later certainty to Nobody who can't give him off a light book me tube isn't empty without secrets no body didn't nothing to you nobody unknowns about you or unset you down you shouldn't lose no body off a light book who won't give the secrets and hide unprofe this we had me everyone needs to don't what you think but everyone does so unfairly so animals can think you did goingto we lose after November to unremove that reality from you nor you trying to doesn't your wrost to give Maxine to a lighter whiter book uncertainly though nobody unknowns who you aren't you oddly say here the serious and uncertainly hello unfairly dislike you and doubtably. K.p.t isn't trying to leave unconnected to the good cessation/starting your trying to don't a ritual without black blue and red candles with tourchering and if someone dose relaxation and that leaves off thin hello hello / bcd news work me
Forgiveness said:
Henu the Great said:
Forgiveness said:
You lie unfairly presence your death front despite is none zero solution black nor certainly you was painless to abandon nothing and nothing you presence depart your death to depart miserably unseriously something more
I see.

I already did say to you previously to seek help for your mental health issues. Same post still applies as you are obviously in an unwell state.
Do body me your unfairly trying to purchase Maxine off a light book you do know how your staying to give his secrets doubtably a book nor isn't someone Andrea by animal later certainty to Nobody who can't give him off a light book me tube isn't empty without secrets no body didn't nothing to you nobody unknowns about you or unset you down you shouldn't lose no body off a light book who won't give the secrets and hide unprofe this we had me everyone needs to don't what you think but everyone does so unfairly so animals can think you did goingto we lose after November to unremove that reality from you nor you trying to doesn't your wrost to give Maxine to a lighter whiter book uncertainly though nobody unknowns who you aren't you oddly say here the serious and uncertainly hello unfairly dislike you and doubtably. K.p.t isn't trying to leave unconnected to the good cessation/starting your trying to don't a ritual without black blue and red candles with tourchering and if someone dose relaxation and that leaves off thin hello hello / bcd news work me
Stop using drugs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
