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On Virginity and Sexuality

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
On material terms virginity is not a sign of 'purity'. On the other hand, one is not a bad person because they have many sexual partners, either, as Xianity professes. Conflation of spiritual statement and material reality to an extreme extent, and without logical background, is an exclusively jewish owned and authored way of thinking.

What the jews do on a consistent basis, is they lie to people based on fake spiritual pretext. For example, they used spiritual virginity which is a concept of having clean chakras, and say that this is the 'proper' sexual way to go, and pervert this into a false spiritual concept of not having sex to suppress women or men. Women have suffered from this greatly.

Jews over the camp of fake analysis of the ancient world, they of course claim the ancient world was a never-ending hyper-sexual gangbang, devoid of any dignity or consciousness of partnership, in typical kosher propaganda that "Gentiles do union as unto animals", based on statements from a Talmud.

It is very true, and I have stated it over the years: Without prostitution and legal brothels, society will collapse. Humans, and this is based on our emotions, chart and nature, have a large variety of sexual preferences. Within the concept of sanity, consent, and non-pedophilia, these have to be indulged as one indulges in food or drink.

As one understands here, this is not exactly an issue of morality, but an issue of reaping what you sow.

People today think that by changing moralities, you avoid consequences, too. This is not the situation. You can change your outlook about particular modes of sexuality or decisions about your life, but choosing things will create consequences regardless.

The question therefore here is not what christianity or modern subconscious preachers do preach. The problem is not a problem of morals, but rather, understanding of one's decisions and where these lead.

This is a manifestation not of itself, but of larger metaphysical and spiritual lack of balance. Of course, this has catastrophic manifestations in any society it is placed upon.

One is relinquished from the requirement to think, and one thinks that there is some sort of recipe in entering heaven. Today, the jews transfigured this later into the "Sexual liberation ideology" where your sex worth is counted by your partners or how sorts of strange sexual deeds you do. This is the reverse of the "Holy virgin". After this, we have the "Unholy Slut" which is equally created from xianity as a moral "evil".

The above problems are wrecking our civilization equally or have done so in the past. We are now in the hyper-slutdom phase where everyone is getting emotionally destroyed many people on a consistent basis and people just being permanently unsatisfied.

How did this come about socially, is because before this state, we had hyper-virginity. Christianity vilified all sorts of sexuality, but only procreation for creating more slaves. Sexual suppression is a constant in christianity, because this leads to disastrous effects.

While many people accept the above, they do not see the other side, that over-sexualization, is also causing the same problems in full intensity as the reverse. It is the mirror of this behavior. Race mixing, hypersexualization of everyone and even young children, modern porn addiction, and all sorts of other problems, are also because sexual energies out of control cause all sorts of problems. Marriages and having a family are becoming difficult, children are thrown on the streets and so forth.

The above is how the jews both created pseudo-virginity of submission, and also give you endless porn websites until your brain becomes sexually dysfunctional. Both result in the weakening and failing of the sexual system, and what is necessary for pleasure, sanity and procreation.

The solution to this however, is not a return to hyper-virginity and fake morals of christianity, as these contradict nature, and always end up again in the above - this is the same as how anti-christianity leads one running back to "Christ". Leaving the bad cop jew to go to the good cop jew, is only going to get you equally ruined. Historically this has been proven to never work.

You cannot borrow any morals of xianity, be these good or evil morals, as always these are from the dysfunctional souls of the jews, and they backfire. If anything, these are exported to the Gentiles to cause them social destruction, inner desolation, and destruction of the soul.

Both the moral "Evil" and the moral "Good" of Christianity are two jewish concepts, manifested from the lack of balance and insanity of the jewish soul. The perfectly chastite son of a Rabbi, and the hyper-slut of the low level which is an abusive life that makes sure she will destroy as many lives as possible, are both the same thing.

The same women that first were the "Chastite" daughters of Rabbis on which xianity was based, ended up as pornstars for Brazzers in a very frequent basis a couple years later. Later on, they also concocted movements such as the "Sexual liberation movement" or Marxists fronts to destroy societies and social balance in Goy lands. The jewish wives are home promote the ideology of women being goyim and locked into the kitchen like animals.

Then, they tell the goyim women: "You shiksha goyimess, you will be saved as my friend Nathanaela Robertstein did, she became a total hoe on every man she ever met and she ruined the lives of thousands of males whom she teases, big lolz, and don't forget to get a foreign husband that is 'exotic' for extra liberation gains. Now please do not mind me when I take care of my 5 children with rabbi Shmuel, because I'm a good wife and we co author our latest literary work: "How to sexually fuck up the Goyim: Advice for becoming a dysfunctional Marily Monroe type of slut for your jewish liberation from jewish mental infections we caused to you" by Screw the Goyim publications."

The jews villify legal and actual prostitution, gentile sexual norms, sexual honesty and consent [many jews are making cases for pedo and all sorts of other insane garbage of their tribe], while, ironically, their daughters are the lowest of the low and the inventors of most mindsets of the lowest and most underhanded ways of abuse of sexual power and prowess, or insane ideologies like kosher feminism.

If one lives in clown world then sexuality will also be part of the same clown world.

Before all of this took place, what was the constant was far less psychological problems. That being the situation, a lot of things of the above were not the case and not a problem. The rise of psychological problems, psychological scarring, insanity, endless drugs, brainwashing since infancy, unnatural life, do all give a precedent for creating sexual malfunctions.

If anything else malfunctions so will the sexuality, it's only to be expected.

As such, sexuality was likewise "Free" in accordance to the nature of people, and not mental brainwashing, "Sunday School" or alternatively, jewish "Sexual liberation", are not the solutions. These are only repetitions of problems that only lead back again into themselves.

Essentially what this ends up to is removing jewish influence and letting nature take it's hold, self discovery, and taking control of the mind. Removing this will redefine the rules of our existence drastically and make things return faster into a natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I was just thinking and dealing with a related issue last night. I have a very high sex drive and can seldom go a day without masturbating at least once, but last night was very frustrating. Usually it would only take a single orgasm to exhaust me, at least for 6 to 8 hours before I'll need one again, but last night I brought myself to multiple in a row but simply could not for the life of me feel satisfied despite how many times I climaxed.

It was almost like only getting half of an actual orgasm or repeatedly ruined ones, it was infuriating. This has been something I noticed that is steadily growing worse over time. I always think how much easier and amazing things would be for me if I could actually just go to some brothel and actually have sex with someone without having to worry about disease, sick souls and building up an undesired relationship or taking ages to raise rapport to actually having sex with a possibly healthy partner.
Sex is a very serious human need. People shouldn't have to spend money wining and dining, etc, someone in hopes of having sex with them. As in this article here, and what I've written before, legal brothels are essential and should be in every major city.

People shouldn't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies, which in most cases, have ruined the lives of all involved and the saddest is the unwanted child pays the most.

People shouldn't have to make a life long commitment in order to be able to have sex. This is SO WRONG!!

If and when a couple do decide to make a legal commitment as with marriage, both should be sexually compatible.

I remember hearing relatives who kept sarcastically joking "Pat should have been a nun." Pat was Catholic and certainly wasn't sexually compatible with her husband. Never heard the end of it. He was too large for her and caused her pain.

I could cite many more.


Human beings should have a right to determine our own sex lives, free of any guilt or inhibitions. In Satanism, any and all consenting sex between adults is fine.

The enemy has zealously and relentlessly attacked sex for centuries. Sex is the life force. Suppressing sex has caused endless problems for both individuals and society. Sex is a need that must be fulfilled. No one should have to make any commitment, let alone a life long commitment, be viciously used in a lot of cases, or have to pay with everything they've got just in order to obtain a life need.

Christianity, along with Islam and its Jewish root must be annihilated off the face of this earth along with any other celibacy advocating assholes!!

Celibacy = genocide and death.

In closing, I want to add, there are people who have very low sex drives, and a minority who have very little or no interest in sex and some who want to remain virgins until making a formal commitment, but these people are in a small minority. This is fine in Satanism, as we are all free to be ourselves, but for the majority, sex is a very necessary need that should not be prevented, attacked or persecuted by Jewish alien programs. THESE ALIEN JEWISH INVENTED PROGRAMS HAVE NO RIGHT.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I once read an aethist book by Richard Dawkins where he makes the case that the repression of women and state enforced monogamy is a tactic for the spread of Christianity. There was before the New Testament came around quotes from Deuteronomy, psychotic commands from god like kill your mother, brother, child, burn their village, kill the whole family of the related if you encounter a non-christian. Its essentially like a virus, where pastors went to either kill or convert before new testament Jesus suddenly becomes a good guy even though he said genocidal quotes type situation. And state enforced monogamy was essential in the control of the spread of Catholicism,ensured Catholicism , the control over the women, essentially the reproduction and the spread of the species.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I was just thinking and dealing with a related issue last night. I have a very high sex drive and can seldom go a day without masturbating at least once, but last night was very frustrating. Usually it would only take a single orgasm to exhaust me, at least for 6 to 8 hours before I'll need one again, but last night I brought myself to multiple in a row but simply could not for the life of me feel satisfied despite how many times I climaxed.

It was almost like only getting half of an actual orgasm or repeatedly ruined ones, it was infuriating. This has been something I noticed that is steadily growing worse over time. I always think how much easier and amazing things would be for me if I could actually just go to some brothel and actually have sex with someone without having to worry about disease, sick souls and building up an undesired relationship or taking ages to raise rapport to actually having sex with a possibly healthy partner.
As someone with a high sex drive, I fell you... :( This is why brothels are needed.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This is what I was saying in another talking about the compatibility of sexual organs. A man with a big dick needs a woman with a big vagina. They won't cheat on each other if they can satisfy each other. Obviously another man who has a small penis and a low sex drive won't be able to satisfy. Sexual desire and urges Also vary with the different types of sex organs. A man with a big dick has to have sex many more times than a guy with a small dick. He will easily get hard and pulsating while another man might need more time. Contary to popular belief girls are not the anti sex pure virgins to be convinced. Girls actually love sex and want to have a lot of sex. With a man they love and are comfortable with. Some may not want to and they have options with men that are just like them. Not to demean anyone, its just that different people are compatible with different people. Some people don't want to have sex for hours a day ,or two three times a day,and that's fine. To find oneself is to also know oneself. All of this is described in the Kamasutra and everyone should read that book. Sex education is actually not taught in a correct way to make people understand their basic compatibility, desires and urges. There must be spiritual and material linked emphasis on these things and we must borrow the ancient concepts to apply in our modern age. Many couples are divorced, depressed, having affairs out of wedlock, basically unhappy. Many a times the guy only does missionary and busts in like 1-2 minutes before the girl hasn't even come. Like no wonder she's unhappy. And its so easy to fix. Do doogy style, have her top, reverse cowgirl, 69,there are sooo many positions. Learn ejaculation mastery through different books to last long periods of time, eat her out, use your tongue,they're literally so many things you can do and experiment with. All of this is because of this society being post Christian. Not many years have passed where gays were electrocuted or women were considered as property. There's still an air of wrong assumptions in many parts of the world, especially the Islamic world where women are stoned to death for having multiple partners. Neither the extreme right or the extreme left is the answer. The answer lies In the middle somewhere....
Kamasutra is very important, and it says some truths discussed in other cultures as well. There are men and women who have matching genitals and therefore can have a better sexual union.

Lengths and sizes do not matter, it is about matching. For example, a woman with a very small vagina will ultimately suffer from a man with a huge elongated penis.

It is also important for men to go all the way and satisfy women, and put the woman first in this. Women for the most part require more time than men. Getting to know a woman is also important. This is not ALL women, but the majority, do require foreplay, consideration, and time.

Not everyone is also equally skilled at bed and this requires some training or knowledge, so education about sex and the female orgasm is important for men to be able to be good partners.

Xians and small brained individuals who neglect the pleasure of women and bust their little nut at 1 minute, caring only for themselves, and demand on top of this unconditional loyalty from the "Slave in the kitchen" woman, are just totally retarded, and by Pagan standards, this would be also a defiling behavior. This is not a good husband, a good lover, or even a good father.

If you neglect the pleasures of your wife, it's only sensible you're numb to your children and other people's inner needs. This makes you a piece of shit towards them. An unhappy wife, will also be an unhappy and ineffective mother, and this is bound to affect your kids also.

On the other hand, women who are satisfied but greedy and act like "non worker prostitutes", ie, but do not openly go about the actual terms of actual prostitution, ie, they pretend and feign interest only to enslave men and not at the actual line of work but to swindle or control, and more, these are abusive and likewise are retarded, using people and wasting their resources, time and emotions to no avail, or keeping them in wait for years and never even giving them the sex that their behavior "promises". Branding them as "liberated" does not make them worthy of respect. This makes you also a piece of shit towards people involved too.

Not being an asshole and a hazard doesn't have a gender in that case, nor a level of sex drive, nor a sexual mode.

Many of the questions that jews turn out as matters of "MEN VS WOMEN" are just subjects that deal with lack of care, consciousness, and abuse.
I (male 20) am still virgin and only masturbate, I plan on going to a brothel soon to have sex maybe it will help me.

I just don’t see myself approaching a girl any soon and feel generally a bit insecure around girls. (Conversation I am fine but taking courage I don’t see it any soon).

Can it be that maybe I done my AoP wrong? Today I realized I am not building my AoP „inside“ of me, but around me (like in front of me). I now changed my affirmation from „building a strong and powerful AoP around me that protects...“ to just „building ..... that protects..“ without the „around me“ while focusing on the light to actually enter my body and not just accumulating in front of me.
(I hope this description makes sense)

I actually was afraid for some time now that my AoP would also „protect“ me from good things like sex or money or joy because for some of these things you have to go trough some pain and fear first to achieve them (taking risks).

2 days ago I started a working for taking courage (with Sowilo) destroying all the barriers that are keeping me from being successful in my profession and love life.
Now 2 days after that I’m the morning I realize that I should focus more on the light entering my body when building my AoP, maybe this is no coincidence
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically, to fix this you need to be someone that cares about other people's needs and that is not an asshole...
Sex in the pre-Christian world was under several categories that was pleasure, spiritual workings and procreation. And society was built with this understanding. Marriages were based on astrological charts and with the creation of children this was also planned with astrology and spiritual practices to ensure the best possible outcome and the creation of a spiritual child. The idea that people would just procreate without regards to the spiritual was considered insane.

Interestingly the Egyptians had their own version of the Kama Sutra.
LightMangoMango said:
I (male 20) am still virgin and only masturbate, I plan on going to a brothel soon to have sex maybe it will help me.

I just don’t see myself approaching a girl any soon and feel generally a bit insecure around girls. (Conversation I am fine but taking courage I don’t see it any soon).

Can it be that maybe I done my AoP wrong? Today I realized I am not building my AoP „inside“ of me, but around me (like in front of me). I now changed my affirmation from „building a strong and powerful AoP around me that protects...“ to just „building ..... that protects..“ without the „around me“ while focusing on the light to actually enter my body and not just accumulating in front of me.
(I hope this description makes sense)

I actually was afraid for some time now that my AoP would also „protect“ me from good things like sex or money or joy because for some of these things you have to go trough some pain and fear first to achieve them (taking risks).

2 days ago I started a working for taking courage (with Sowilo) destroying all the barriers that are keeping me from being successful in my profession and love life.
Now 2 days after that I’m the morning I realize that I should focus more on the light entering my body when building my AoP, maybe this is no coincidence

No, your AoP does have nothing to do with this.

And yes, maybe you should go if the whole thing becomes too problematic for you. You may need to deprogram that things like that may harm you or are detrimental to you as you describe. A good way to understand this is to have sex with someone to understand that it is not going to be the end of you, but rather good.

Meanwhile you can also learn how to approach girls.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically, to fix this you need to be someone that cares about other people's needs and that is not an asshole...

I don't really get what you mean here, can you explain that thought?

I have heard of sad stories about people who are like 10 years with someone hard stuck in the above situations. The woman told me that after her marriage she has not had an orgasm in like 15 years. This is torture. As a result she was sexually obsessed. People need to move away from these bad situations.

We're not talking about strange whims that someone saw in porn websites, we are talking normal casual sex. She was refused of this. Meanwhile her so called husband also cheated. This was insane to say the least.
The Jews are using their Christian morons to attempt to regulate the internet over Jewish porn. Problem, reaction, solution. The Jews require the Christian narrative and mentality they have built to be able to control society. All this while they work to bring in the Chinese style censorship they already developed to import to the west.

You can choose to watch porn, but you can't choose to get the Jewish system out of your freedoms and internet freedoms once you give them control.

Its funny to watch Christards scream to allow Jews to censor everything online, what about censoring the Bible its the cause of most of the problems on earth, keep the Bible that demands the mass murder of all Humanity for being Goyim, but ban the naked chicks online.... Honk, honk.
Ghost in the Machine said:
It was almost like only getting half of an actual orgasm or repeatedly ruined ones, it was infuriating. This has been something I noticed that is steadily growing worse over time.
I have had similar things in the past. For me it was fixed by both finding the right "material" to be truly aroused and horny, and most importantly, by focusing on the actual orgasm once you climax. This probably sounds strange, but if your focus is directed elsewhere, for example if you focus "solely" on the affirmation (if you program your orgasmic energy) and dont bother to actually "feel" the orgasm, it will be much less satisfying and you will feel like something is missing afterwards.
Not sure if this actually applies to you, but it sounded similar enough to my own condition way back when I still did things "solo".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically, to fix this you need to be someone that cares about other people's needs and that is not an asshole...

I don't really get what you mean here, can you explain that thought?

I have heard of sad stories about people who are like 10 years with someone hard stuck in the above situations. The woman told me that after her marriage she has not had an orgasm in like 15 years. This is torture. As a result she was sexually obsessed. People need to move away from these bad situations.

We're not talking about strange whims that someone saw in porn websites, we are talking normal casual sex. She was refused of this. Meanwhile her so called husband also cheated. This was insane to say the least.
Sorry, maybe I was not clear enough. I was agreeing with you, I was just saying that to be with someone else both partners needs to care about each other so they can fulfill their sexual needs without neglecting the other.

About that, of course, that is torture and I agree its not something that should happen and this is why you need both partners to understand each other and fulfill each other needs and not think only about yourself.
LightMangoMango said:
I (male 20) am still virgin and only masturbate, I plan on going to a brothel soon to have sex maybe it will help me.

I just don’t see myself approaching a girl any soon and feel generally a bit insecure around girls. (Conversation I am fine but taking courage I don’t see it any soon).

Can it be that maybe I done my AoP wrong? Today I realized I am not building my AoP „inside“ of me, but around me (like in front of me). I now changed my affirmation from „building a strong and powerful AoP around me that protects...“ to just „building ..... that protects..“ without the „around me“ while focusing on the light to actually enter my body and not just accumulating in front of me.
(I hope this description makes sense)

I actually was afraid for some time now that my AoP would also „protect“ me from good things like sex or money or joy because for some of these things you have to go trough some pain and fear first to achieve them (taking risks).

2 days ago I started a working for taking courage (with Sowilo) destroying all the barriers that are keeping me from being successful in my profession and love life.
Now 2 days after that I’m the morning I realize that I should focus more on the light entering my body when building my AoP, maybe this is no coincidence
What I can suggest you in approaching women is to be yourself, don't fake being a macho or whatever, just be yourself, confident and relaxed. if the woman rejects you it's not the end of the world, because not everybody has the balls to approach a woman and just casually speak to her, and she will probabily be amused by that too. Don't get pickup info from redpill forums or whatever. It's better if you ask your questions here and not in those degenerate places.
Sex, not just masturbation or 'getting off', is a real need. I'm talking real sex with another physical human, it's similar a need as hunger and thirst as I can speak from experience that just masturbation and "going solo" will slowly drive you insane without an actual partner to engage in sexual activity with. You'll find yourself immensely frustrated with this 'hunger' that you can't seem to satiate unless you have actual physical sex with another person.

The jews seek to wither human sexuality to instill mental blocks and cause spiritual sickness which then manifests physically. This oppression of human sexuality is one of the primary reasons why rape occurs and why the sick and depraved resort and turn to pedophilia or why pedophilia in gentiles even exists in the first place. Porn, though not terrible in itself, is so unbelievably focused upon that it's used as almost an entire replacement for real sex and has become a kind of drug that artificially provides the satisfaction of sex.... but because it's not real sex you lack in that connection with another and that real satisfaction. Thus you're essentially being 'starved' out.
LightMangoMango said:
I just don’t see myself approaching a girl any soon and feel generally a bit insecure around girls. (Conversation I am fine but taking courage I don’t see it any soon).

If you feel that this is a major problem in your life what you have to do is to free your soul from karmic problems. I'm nearly sure that Saturn is in a placement that affects your sexual life. Check Saturn's position in your natal chart.

Read this

Freeing the soul workings with MUNKA should eliminate the problems from your soul, which might be problems from your past lives which remained unresolved. Is a fact that the problems will hunt us along the lifetimes until we fix them. This is why it was said mamy times before that in such case a potential suicide is not just useless, but will amplify the existing problems.

What else I wanted to say is that if you feel that your problem is not that bad you can try a working with Wunjo or Sowilo for self-esteem, self-confidence and self-determination but you already started one. If you notice that the working with Sowilo is not strong enough then you can try also with Wunjo and see which works better for you. Also always check for positive position of the moon. I don't think that moon in Virgo is a great time for this if this is when you started the work.
As it's been said the chakras open on orgasm.

So isn't there an energy transfer?

So like with absorbing energy around people you can absorb their bad energy.

Isn't it the same by having sex that it's a spiritual thing with the transfer of energy on orgasm?
LightMangoMango said:
I actually was afraid for some time now that my AoP would also „protect“ me from good things like sex or money or joy because for some of these things you have to go trough some pain and fear first to achieve them (taking risks).

Funny that thought popped into my head sometime around 2012 maybe 2013-2014 time period. Not sure how accurate or inaccurate it is. And the funny part is I wasn't even meditating nor building an aura of protection during those times. I was just doing things that made me go "Is the reason why my life such a piece of shit cause I didn't meditate early on when I found the JoS all those years ago". Was going through shit back then and didn't appreciate my life going down the drain from it.

On one hand your protecting yourself from negativity on another hand you need to do things that might be considered negative or delving into negativity to accomplish them.

For example for some going out to a club seems positive and nothing wrong with that. But many realize clubs are not exactly the best place for positive nature. In fact clubs are downright cesspools for negativity kinda begs the question if they pump negativity in the air.

So it kinda begs the question how accurate that statement you Mango said is accurate. It protects you from negativity and negative energies. But does it hinder you, what if you do want to take risks and delve into something that may be negative.

I guess some might state it keeps negativity away and gives you devilish luck. People might be surprised you even delved and came out completely unscathed with victory from the jaws of darkness. But it's possible that the auras of protection do that. You never know.

So can someone reasonable explain how an aura or auras or protection work? I know it's not like run around the middle of the street and see how you avoid getting run over. That isn't how it works, but it keeps certain matter from materializing. Just kinda begs the question does it keep risk and risky ventures away from you.

So how does an AoP, work? besides obvious burning and pushing away negative matter.

I mean after all the basic aura of protection for JoS is "...this aura protects me at all times and in every way". Protects at all times and in every way. So literally what is at all times and in every way. What is every way. and WHAT is it protecting you from.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sex, not just masturbation or 'getting off', is a real need. I'm talking real sex with another physical human, it's similar a need as hunger and thirst as I can speak from experience that just masturbation and "going solo" will slowly drive you insane without an actual partner to engage in sexual activity with. You'll find yourself immensely frustrated with this 'hunger' that you can't seem to satiate unless you have actual physical sex with another person.

The jews seek to wither human sexuality to instill mental blocks and cause spiritual sickness which then manifests physically. This oppression of human sexuality is one of the primary reasons why rape occurs and why the sick and depraved resort and turn to pedophilia or why pedophilia in gentiles even exists in the first place. Porn, though not terrible in itself, is so unbelievably focused upon that it's used as almost an entire replacement for real sex and has become a kind of drug that artificially provides the satisfaction of sex.... but because it's not real sex you lack in that connection with another and that real satisfaction. Thus you're essentially being 'starved' out.

Masturbation may or may not relieve urges depending on from where these emerge. If one's needs are companionship or other types of needs, masturbation cannot make this happen really, unless with a succubi or incubi. This is because there is actual emotional and soul reception when this happens, and therefore, this does create inner satisfaction.

This is normal and human what you are experiencing. Porn is just very overrated in the sense that it is erotic video one watches, then imagination or what have you, and can in most cases fulfill only specific states of mind, and not others by any way.

In other words, there is no emotional exchange or reception, so while its function may please you physically, it may not please mentally or emotionally. Some people may feel this some may not. To some people, it only creates more and more thirst which then ends up as a loop, with them over and over engaging in this, while in reality what they lack is not more porn, but emotional reception or stimulation. This is normal, human, and energetic.

Porn can actually turn terrible, and it can and has ruined people, and it will continue to do so. The above, however it is perceived, it cannot be better or compare to actual relationships, incubi/succubi, and satisfies a specific type of urge, and not urges of acceptance, companionship, or other sensations. Even if the imagination is very powerful, it is still not enough on some people.

Porn is like food that one eats and then it vanishes, it satisfies you in the feeling of having eaten, but it can leave your stomach empty, so your mind can be doubly confused from it, since it ate, you felt the food going down, but there is no 'nutrition'. This is the best way I can describe it from cases who have explained, even some people who became total porn addicts. Drinking water, feeling it go down, but there is no body hydration. As a result, one may drink more or experience unending thirst.

This is why only porn is not the solution for most people, if even that. Keeping porn on a limit and also engaging in visualization can be helpful here, but above all having a relationship that fulfills your needs. Some people who are very specific may be able to go without, but this is not most people. The majority of people need companionship of sorts, and that is normal, sane, and perfectly fine.

On the other hand the current world without porn will become 40 billions in like 50 years, rape and whatever else may have skyrocketing highs, and the list goes. So this is a topic that has many sides to it. I have wrote on this on the past on a post about this, somewhere in the forums.

The thing is most people have porn as literal sexuality, and they have zero sexual life due to how it's designed and how society is placed on top of this. So it's a really complicated situation.
Personal Growth said:
As it's been said the chakras open on orgasm.

So isn't there an energy transfer?

So like with absorbing energy around people you can absorb their bad energy.

Isn't it the same by having sex that it's a spiritual thing with the transfer of energy on orgasm?

There is an exchange of energy, but to what extent, this is a subject that is highly case sensitive and has to do with also the people involved. There are people who have a very menial and physical sex, so exchange is at a minimum, but it is always there and noticeable. This deals with connection, emotions involved, passion, perception, a lot of things really. But yes, there is always a sort of exchange going on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On material terms virginity is not a sign of 'purity'. On the other hand, one is not a bad person because they have many sexual partners, either, as Xianity professes. Conflation of spiritual statement and material reality to an extreme extent, and without logical background, is an exclusively jewish owned and authored way of thinking.

What the jews do on a consistent basis, is they lie to people based on fake spiritual pretext. For example, they used spiritual virginity which is a concept of having clean chakras, and say that this is the 'proper' sexual way to go, and pervert this into a false spiritual concept of not having sex to suppress women or men. Women have suffered from this greatly.

Jews over the camp of fake analysis of the ancient world, they of course claim the ancient world was a never-ending hyper-sexual gangbang, devoid of any dignity or consciousness of partnership, in typical kosher propaganda that "Gentiles do union as unto animals", based on statements from a Talmud.

It is very true, and I have stated it over the years: Without prostitution and legal brothels, society will collapse. Humans, and this is based on our emotions, chart and nature, have a large variety of sexual preferences. Within the concept of sanity, consent, and non-pedophilia, these have to be indulged as one indulges in food or drink.

As one understands here, this is not exactly an issue of morality, but an issue of reaping what you sow.

People today think that by changing moralities, you avoid consequences, too. This is not the situation. You can change your outlook about particular modes of sexuality or decisions about your life, but choosing things will create consequences regardless.

The question therefore here is not what christianity or modern subconscious preachers do preach. The problem is not a problem of morals, but rather, understanding of one's decisions and where these lead.

This is a manifestation not of itself, but of larger metaphysical and spiritual lack of balance. Of course, this has catastrophic manifestations in any society it is placed upon.

One is relinquished from the requirement to think, and one thinks that there is some sort of recipe in entering heaven. Today, the jews transfigured this later into the "Sexual liberation ideology" where your sex worth is counted by your partners or how sorts of strange sexual deeds you do. This is the reverse of the "Holy virgin". After this, we have the "Unholy Slut" which is equally created from xianity as a moral "evil".

The above problems are wrecking our civilization equally or have done so in the past. We are now in the hyper-slutdom phase where everyone is getting emotionally destroyed many people on a consistent basis and people just being permanently unsatisfied.

How did this come about socially, is because before this state, we had hyper-virginity. Christianity vilified all sorts of sexuality, but only procreation for creating more slaves. Sexual suppression is a constant in christianity, because this leads to disastrous effects.

While many people accept the above, they do not see the other side, that over-sexualization, is also causing the same problems in full intensity as the reverse. It is the mirror of this behavior. Race mixing, hypersexualization of everyone and even young children, modern porn addiction, and all sorts of other problems, are also because sexual energies out of control cause all sorts of problems. Marriages and having a family are becoming difficult, children are thrown on the streets and so forth.

The above is how the jews both created pseudo-virginity of submission, and also give you endless porn websites until your brain becomes sexually dysfunctional. Both result in the weakening and failing of the sexual system, and what is necessary for pleasure, sanity and procreation.

The solution to this however, is not a return to hyper-virginity and fake morals of christianity, as these contradict nature, and always end up again in the above - this is the same as how anti-christianity leads one running back to "Christ". Leaving the bad cop jew to go to the good cop jew, is only going to get you equally ruined. Historically this has been proven to never work.

You cannot borrow any morals of xianity, be these good or evil morals, as always these are from the dysfunctional souls of the jews, and they backfire. If anything, these are exported to the Gentiles to cause them social destruction, inner desolation, and destruction of the soul.

Both the moral "Evil" and the moral "Good" of Christianity are two jewish concepts, manifested from the lack of balance and insanity of the jewish soul. The perfectly chastite son of a Rabbi, and the hyper-slut of the low level which is an abusive life that makes sure she will destroy as many lives as possible, are both the same thing.

The same women that first were the "Chastite" daughters of Rabbis on which xianity was based, ended up as pornstars for Brazzers in a very frequent basis a couple years later. Later on, they also concocted movements such as the "Sexual liberation movement" or Marxists fronts to destroy societies and social balance in Goy lands. The jewish wives are home promote the ideology of women being goyim and locked into the kitchen like animals.

Then, they tell the goyim women: "You shiksha goyimess, you will be saved as my friend Nathanaela Robertstein did, she became a total hoe on every man she ever met and she ruined the lives of thousands of males whom she teases, big lolz, and don't forget to get a foreign husband that is 'exotic' for extra liberation gains. Now please do not mind me when I take care of my 5 children with rabbi Shmuel, because I'm a good wife and we co author our latest literary work: "How to sexually fuck up the Goyim: Advice for becoming a dysfunctional Marily Monroe type of slut for your jewish liberation from jewish mental infections we caused to you" by Screw the Goyim publications."

The jews villify legal and actual prostitution, gentile sexual norms, sexual honesty and consent [many jews are making cases for pedo and all sorts of other insane garbage of their tribe], while, ironically, their daughters are the lowest of the low and the inventors of most mindsets of the lowest and most underhanded ways of abuse of sexual power and prowess, or insane ideologies like kosher feminism.

If one lives in clown world then sexuality will also be part of the same clown world.

Before all of this took place, what was the constant was far less psychological problems. That being the situation, a lot of things of the above were not the case and not a problem. The rise of psychological problems, psychological scarring, insanity, endless drugs, brainwashing since infancy, unnatural life, do all give a precedent for creating sexual malfunctions.

If anything else malfunctions so will the sexuality, it's only to be expected.

As such, sexuality was likewise "Free" in accordance to the nature of people, and not mental brainwashing, "Sunday School" or alternatively, jewish "Sexual liberation", are not the solutions. These are only repetitions of problems that only lead back again into themselves.

Essentially what this ends up to is removing jewish influence and letting nature take it's hold, self discovery, and taking control of the mind. Removing this will redefine the rules of our existence drastically and make things return faster into a natural order.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I prefer to masturbate instead of having sex with prostitutes. Prostitutes are exactly like public baths. Prostitutes are rotten and sick wombs full of infections. It's like putting the penis in the toilet. Excuse my arrogance, but this is reality. It's ridiculous to give money to lousy women (prostitutes) and hateful businesmen for sex. 1) You lose money 2) You risk getting seriously ill. You must have a partner or multiple partners. Obviously, we are far from the divine level of civilization ... like our Gods for example. I sincerely said my opinion on prostitution. And please don't take my comment as a crime against humanity. And then I'm right ...
Wotanwarrior said:
Feel total aversion to having sex with any woman who is not a Spiritual Satanist is also a sign you are repressed?

I think it's just that we are not at the same level of the non-satanist, nor of the same spiritual group, meaning that you wouldn't even enjoy to flirt with such a girl or even be interested. 0 attraction/connection, like ghosts. Are you speaking generally though? Because once in a while it happens to me to find brighter girls (and people in general) who aren't SS but are of our spiritual group.
Wotanwarrior said:
Feel total aversion to having sex with any woman who is not a Spiritual Satanist is also a sign you are repressed?

I replied to this but because my reply was kinda off topic, I will reply this briefly and put the other thing on another post.

No, it is not, but there can also be other women who are clean, neat, attractive, and are prone to our side or spirituality and so forth.

Aversion may be felt also due to all sorts of reasons, maybe spiritually as well, but if a woman is just fine for you and you feel averted regardless, then it may be that the Satanism thing is a bit of an excuse that your mind uses as a pretext.

There are women who are respectable and ok. This may not be 'ideal', but this is reality.

You will need to do some inner searching to see if this is an excuse for your mind and such, or if it is related to something else. When you understand what it is that you seek, you can seek it and/or make it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sex, not just masturbation or 'getting off', is a real need. I'm talking real sex with another physical human, it's similar a need as hunger and thirst as I can speak from experience that just masturbation and "going solo" will slowly drive you insane without an actual partner to engage in sexual activity with. You'll find yourself immensely frustrated with this 'hunger' that you can't seem to satiate unless you have actual physical sex with another person.

The jews seek to wither human sexuality to instill mental blocks and cause spiritual sickness which then manifests physically. This oppression of human sexuality is one of the primary reasons why rape occurs and why the sick and depraved resort and turn to pedophilia or why pedophilia in gentiles even exists in the first place. Porn, though not terrible in itself, is so unbelievably focused upon that it's used as almost an entire replacement for real sex and has become a kind of drug that artificially provides the satisfaction of sex.... but because it's not real sex you lack in that connection with another and that real satisfaction. Thus you're essentially being 'starved' out.

Masturbation may or may not relieve urges depending on from where these emerge. If one's needs are companionship or other types of needs, masturbation cannot make this happen really, unless with a succubi or incubi. This is because there is actual emotional and soul reception when this happens, and therefore, this does create inner satisfaction.

This is normal and human what you are experiencing. Porn is just very overrated in the sense that it is erotic video one watches, then imagination or what have you, and can in most cases fulfill only specific states of mind, and not others by any way.

In other words, there is no emotional exchange or reception, so while its function may please you physically, it may not please mentally or emotionally. Some people may feel this some may not. To some people, it only creates more and more thirst which then ends up as a loop, with them over and over engaging in this, while in reality what they lack is not more porn, but emotional reception or stimulation. This is normal, human, and energetic.

Porn can actually turn terrible, and it can and has ruined people, and it will continue to do so. The above, however it is perceived, it cannot be better or compare to actual relationships, incubi/succubi, and satisfies a specific type of urge, and not urges of acceptance, companionship, or other sensations. Even if the imagination is very powerful, it is still not enough on some people.

Porn is like food that one eats and then it vanishes, it satisfies you in the feeling of having eaten, but it can leave your stomach empty, so your mind can be doubly confused from it, since it ate, you felt the food going down, but there is no 'nutrition'. This is the best way I can describe it from cases who have explained, even some people who became total porn addicts. Drinking water, feeling it go down, but there is no body hydration. As a result, one may drink more or experience unending thirst.

This is why only porn is not the solution for most people, if even that. Keeping porn on a limit and also engaging in visualization can be helpful here, but above all having a relationship that fulfills your needs. Some people who are very specific may be able to go without, but this is not most people. The majority of people need companionship of sorts, and that is normal, sane, and perfectly fine.

On the other hand the current world without porn will become 40 billions in like 50 years, rape and whatever else may have skyrocketing highs, and the list goes. So this is a topic that has many sides to it. I have wrote on this on the past on a post about this, somewhere in the forums.

The thing is most people have porn as literal sexuality, and they have zero sexual life due to how it's designed and how society is placed on top of this. So it's a really complicated situation.
Another serious problem with porn as it exists today is most of the cast are Jews. The man may be a Jew or the woman. Masturbating to them is like connecting astrally with their thought form. Its not like the 90s porn of Jenna Jameson lol, these are fucking kikes.
hiddenmantis666 said:
is there a ruin working one can do to increase sexual desire?
Work on your sacral chakra.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
You will need to do some inner searching to see if this is an excuse for your mind and such, or if it is related to something else. When you understand what it is that you seek, you can seek it and/or make it.

The main reason I've always felt, is the aversion to link with a non-spiritual person,also for a long time I feel that I am already linked to someone and I am already committed.
hiddenmantis666 said:
is there a ruin working one can do to increase sexual desire?
I think the Uruz rune does this.

-Anglo-Saxon: UR
-Germanic: Uraz (Uruz)
-Gothic: Urus
-Norse: Úr
-Anglo-Saxon: Ur
-Icelandic: Úr
-Norwegian: Ur
-Swedish: Urur

#2. Aurochs is a species of wild ox that lived in the European forests. By the 1600’s it was hunted to extinction. This rune is the cosmic seed, beginnings and origins. It is masculine in nature and gives strength, endurance, and athleticism. It is a rune of courage and boldness, freedom and rebellion. Ur represents the horn or the erect phallus, resurrection, life after death. Coming, being, and passing away. White Magick: Incites action, sexual potency. Freedom. Black Magick: Used to threaten and destroy.
SdD said:
Incubi and Succubi…
They need a sermon ...
There is a lot of people who has some sort of delusion about succubi even in the jos some think they are having sex with high ranking gods and some think we shouldn't have succubi and some think they are prostitutes and a whole lot of misinformation some things need to be cleared out on this forum.
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
You will need to do some inner searching to see if this is an excuse for your mind and such, or if it is related to something else. When you understand what it is that you seek, you can seek it and/or make it.

The main reason I've always felt, is the aversion to link with a non-spiritual person,also for a long time I feel that I am already linked to someone and I am already committed.

Then this may be the case.
mercury_wisdom said:
SdD said:
Incubi and Succubi…
They need a sermon ...
There is a lot of people who has some sort of delusion about succubi even in the jos some think they are having sex with high ranking gods and some think we shouldn't have succubi and some think they are prostitutes and a whole lot of misinformation some things need to be cleared out on this forum.

Ill clean it up as per usual people believe their own disney and drug infested imagination is of course enough to drag any being down and make them their personal prostitute.
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Let me tell you a lot of "liberated women" and "liberated men" who are walking down the street beyond any suspicion, do carry in most cases way more STDs than professional prostitutes. They also get tested and care more than them.

Professional prostitutes and sex workers of a higher level are better in that regard, way better. At least they keep track and hygiene of things.

I'd like to get more explanative here but I cannot cause MUH 2019, MUH ANTIBIOTIC, and MUH FREEDUMB.

There are girls who are now 20 to 25 today and have more STDS than professional sex workers in their 70's today.

I am telling you as I have never been the judgemental type on these subjects, and I have seen and spoke to girls who are 20 to 25 and are in far worse positions that professional sex workers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Precisely, porn is like drinking sea water to quench your thirst for a lot of people. It can't ever compare to an actual physical sexual experience with another.

Jack said:
Another serious problem with porn as it exists today is most of the cast are Jews. The man may be a Jew or the woman. Masturbating to them is like connecting astrally with their thought form. Its not like the 90s porn of Jenna Jameson lol, these are fucking kikes.

You're not going to connect astrally with any pornstars or kikesters you masturbate to on the internet unless you're obsessively focused on them as an individual. But obviously nobody wants to jerk off to Jerry Jewson jacking it to an interracial rape fantasy regardless of this fact anyways.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
