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On Veganism...

[email protected]

New member
Mar 28, 2003
Hello everyone, I have a question related to diet. Having read through the Joy of Satan website and looked through the forums I have seen you encourage the eating of meat and animal products. I've been a dedicated Satanist for almost (if not already) a year now and have always ate meat as suited my desires. Recently after more research I am disgusted at the treatment of animals committed by the giants of the industry. What's your views on this? Stop eating meat until the situation improves, eat meat but only in the least unethical ways (no fast food etc.), or eat whatever you desire and feels works best for you and your life.
It's also important to note that being in a family of six means we can't afford high quality meat from local farmers and the like.
I only eat grass-fed beef, and fish (non hatchery), alot of Sardines wild caught, The closest to humanely raised as possible, there are good choices they just cost more, I choose to limit my intake based on my income. Works for me....
Here's a sermon about veganism (2 sermons actually):

Both Christianity and its twin of Communism push veganism real hard. The Jews have been on an onslaught, pushing veganism lately. It's getting militant and even worse.
Human beings are omnivores.
By industrial factory farming, horrific cruelty is inflicted upon innocent animals by these places, that are owned and operated by Jews. The Jew creates the problem, provokes the reaction and pushes the solution, in this case, veganism.
This is not to say one should go light on vegetables. Vegetables are also essential and very healthy, but one needs meat as well.
It's a sad fact that all of the food these days is contaminated with chemicals, pollution, and related. Both meat and vegetables.
As our food and water supply are contaminated, the Jew further profits by charging extra for organic, water and so forth.
I also want to add that if human beings are herbivores, as the Jewish media tries to claim, lies pushed in books on yoga and such, then why do we require vitamin B-12 which is lacking in a vegan diet? Obviously it's not natural.
A lack of B-12 causes anemia for one. Anemia results in extreme tiredness. This is typical of the Christian and Communist programs, as one's resistance to fight back, and to think clearly when besieged with lies is broken by continual fatigue.
In addition, compulsory fasting also breaks the will. The Christian Churches have always pushed mandatory fasting. On the other side of the same coin, Jewish communism always and in EVERY communist country, took control of the food supply and created artificially induced famine to break the will of the people.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrichhttp://www.joyofsatan.com
200 Years Of Failure Of Veganism

200 Years Of Failure Of Veganism

Vegetarianism in the western world was originally what we call a vegan diet today the first vegetarian movements happened in England in the earlier part of the 19th century.. So what happened how did vegetarianism go from vegan to everything from eggs, dairy, chicken and fish which is meat.....Its very simple people did the vegetarian diet as what it was vegan. And they couldn't physically sustain this. So they started having to add in animal products to be healthy. The vegetarian movement was a Christian fundamentalist movement. As the Bible states to be vegan.
What we call a vegetarian diet in Hinduism is just dairy and plants. This is from Jainism not the original Vedic society in which the social texts openly state people ate meat and drank wine. Which is taboo in Hindu culture today due to Jainism and Islamic influences. The ancient Vedic texts mention Jainism as an enemy ideological movement which was in constant conflict with the original culture and goal was to remove spiritual knowledge with bring in a communist style ideology. Even the Shiva Purana's have a cautioned tale about Jainism in which the Ashur's are brought down from leaving the original Vedic culture and embracing the spiritually destructive path of Jainism. Which was created to destroy humanity spiritually and physically. Jainism forms the core doctrine of the Christian gospels this is mentioned by scholar's. The Shiva Purana mentions this ideology went west into the near east. It also mentions modern day Vaishnavism is just Jainsim. They are the ones who promote vegetarians the most.
Its mentioned the Shiva Purana the Ashur's are tricked into a vegetarian diet by the Jain subversives. Which makes them weak.
If a person studies the history of vegetarianism in the west. It caused people health problems the people on the vegan version suffered major ill health and died earlier then people of their generations. Children had major growth problems and aliments that only went away by eating animal products. 
In the 1940' Watson who was a member of the major vegetarian society simply reformed vegetarianism back to its original meaning and shortened this to vegan for such reason. 
The reality of this diet for 200 years in the western world is it simply does not work. Today what happens is people go on this diet for a couple of years and use up the reserves of animal products in their system as the body is designed to go thought periods of scarcity to keep humans alive in times of famine and such. Once this happens they hit the wall physically and find out the supplements don't work. The fact is many get to the point they need B12 injections for absorption rates to be enough so they don't fall ill and risk the other dangerous situations which can be fatal from lack of B12. Children raised vegan have been put in wheel chairs from the effects of low B12. That is just one supplement issue. 
The vegan claim is animal products are unhealthy and make you sick. So go vegan and take them all out of your diet and here are the supplements you have to take and hope they work because you will get sick and possibly die without animal products in your diet. 
Notice the truth is right there. Animal products are not unhealthy its unhealthy to not have them in your diet. Notice where are all the ten year or twenty year vegans? Its like a Big Foot sighting very rare. There is a reason for that after all the thousands of people who have done this diet. It does not work.
After a 200 year diet failed experiment what more do people need to understand.
Also note Christianity pushes vegetarianism [veganism] its right in the garden tale. In which humans are the ultimate slaves of the enemy just naked animals who as the Bible states work for "god" only. This garden is what the enemy is instructed is their paradise only. When the Gentiles are all slaves to the Jewish race and work and slave for them as animals. They hitch you to the wagon and put in the barn. That's it global animal farm. The enemy is instructed in their Bible the Gentiles are to be put on a vegan diet as part of this enslavement. Hence why its always some Jew promoting veganism to Gentiles.
The Gnostic's who were Pagan's cloaked in a Christian grab to avoid being murdered by the Church warned the Bible is the occult blue print of the enemy Jewish Demiurge forces to remove spiritual knowledge and then physically enslave humanity. When the Christianity fell out of the Vegetarianism movement they just replaced it with secular Christianity which is Marxism. Today the Jew who is the father of Vegan ideology is a Marxist named Singer.

Dont worry about the quality of it. Worrying about such can make you sick before you actually would get sick from it.

When going vegan it is always hard to get by good sources of certain ingredients like iron protwin vitamin B12. Whilst there are supplements (with additives tou should look into that avoid magnesium stearate and I wouldnt want titanium dioxide either as that is an artificial paint or colorant).
When taking in plant vitamins its often that our body has some trouble absorbing them, or they say carrots has a lot of vitamin A which is wrong. Carrots have a lot of betacarotene, which in the body is switched or used as a source to make vitamin A from.

There are vitamins and such you can only get from plants though.
So basicly you need both.

Grassfedbutter is good, has the right fats also needed for your brain (you need omega 3 for proper brain function and nowadays fried food esp is fried in sunflower oil which is very rich in omega 6. When there is not enough omega 3 in the diet the correct assimilation ? of omega 6 can not occur, which changes it in something else which then causes silent inflammations.
Full fats are also used for the prostaglandines or something and certain hormones require them.

Also if you think of eating fish, a couple of years ago there was this nuclear central that exploded or something and some of the toxic waste seems to have made it in the ocean. I believe farmed fish from the silent ocean was said to have been exposed to this. Also dont eat fish from the baltic (sea between norway/finland etc and the rest of europe).

Ehm. In short veganism causes deficiencies because your body cannot only survive on hard to get nutrients. This can also be strenous on the body, leading to problems (illness) and faster aging.

Also on fastfood.. Dont get it from mcdonalds. There may be human remains processed in their burgers (do a search on the jos forum some articles there from some months ago). And fried food according to TCM (we got a TCM practitioner here and its not me) is warm and damp. Which causes issues and is not easy to get rid of.
Aside from that its unhealthy as f for other reasons. Loads of sugar being one of em.
Now, just because someone kills animals ruthlessly for the sake of sick desires, that doesn't mean all people do it. There are just people like this out there who do just that, as they have mental problems or problems with our Gods, as all animals are sacred in Satanism.

As long as the animal is killed in a quick way, then it is fine to eat meat, it's horrible to go to just a vegetable diet, as there are often many bad side effects accompanying this, so for your last question, eat what you desire. Hope this clears up any concerns you have.
if you don't eat properly, you don't get the nutrients needed.
less nutrients, less power to fix the problem.
get the best you can. but maybe a rune working to improve that financial situation..
The jews create the problem, in this case the fucked up animal abuse (these farms are owned by them) and they then push the (((solution))) in this case it's veganism. Veganism fits into their program of enslavement. The body starves on this diet. The nervous system wich governs our life force and vice versa needs animal fat to grow and function at optimal levels of health. The brain is almost pure cholesterol/animal fats. Don't let your love for the animals kill you. They're food, some of these beasts were purely genetically modified to be just that and nothing more, some provide fibers for clothing and labour too (long ago). They still have souls though and should live full and healthy lives, because the emotions stay in the meat (no wonder so many teens have depression, this is when we need the fats and protein the most, in puberty, growing phases) obviously you know there is a problem that needs fixing. My advice is to just keep your aura and chakras clean, aura of protection. Most meat is also full of parasites... just be sure to cook it thoroughly no matter what grade you can get...  It is said that with the jews out the way all problems will fix themselves.
It's not a good idea to starve yourself because that's what veganism is... starvation. The bliss they experience on that diet is the body numbing itself because it is literally eating it's own meat to keep you alive. Cannabilism of the self. 

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On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 at 0:32, fredisgay72@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello everyone, I have a question related to diet. Having read through the Joy of Satan website and looked through the forums I have seen you encourage the eating of meat and animal products. I've been a dedicated Satanist for almost (if not already) a year now and have always ate meat as suited my desires. Recently after more research I am disgusted at the treatment of animals committed by the giants of the industry. What's your views on this? Stop eating meat until the situation improves, eat meat but only in the least unethical ways (no fast food etc.), or eat whatever you desire and feels works best for you and your life.
It's also important to note that being in a family of six means we can't afford high quality meat from local farmers and the like.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
