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On Treating Our Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The reality of the situation is that people frequently assume that the 'closer' one someone is to them, the more that they are the 'same'.

This is observable a lot when people happen to be in the presence of the Gods, and in particular, because our era consists of fast gratification, endless individualism, and oversized egos who are no better than hungry middle age serfs who would cut a throat for a penny [but now we have evolved so we may do this for instagram likes instead], this behavior is transferred over to the divine, and wrecks havoc in everything that has meaning into this life.

Ceremonial magicians, and all sorts of people who have some encounter [even people here] with the Gods, automatically do jump on the band wagon. One is the chosen one, the best of the best, and when they read a couple books, the most knowledgeable, too.

One has mastered magic now, they are ready to teach, Gods are their best friends, so on, so forth, and don't listen to the Clergy because we're all about "Free thought", but not exactly "Free thought" is allowed where their bullshit are concerned.

Indeed that is a comforting mindset, so long one has small problems or small questions and puzzles to solve, and while most if not all things are handled by the Gods, or one is living in Disneyland. Disneyland is not hard to navigate as every road is really a road of one's own making, filled with sugar canes, and easy things. In other words, this mentality works when one is under their protection or under idiocy, under a protected environment or in ignorance.

It's when one starts to become a star or a "self sustained" organism, that they understand what is the real advancement of the Gods, and that humans are quite arrogant, selfish, and crap. The Gods are quite distant from this behavior, or they wouldn't be Gods at all.

A particular example that striked to me once what that someone tried to pay me so that I would consult one of the Gods for one of their personal questions. The stupidity here and the human arrogance, and disgusting selfishness, is apparent: a divine entity has to be summoned, aside with the priest of course [because the priest ain't all that much, cuz he talks to us and goes down to help, of course, he a servant yo, i give 20 dolla im god] would now all stay there and answer someone for like 20 bucks, because it makes total sense.

A God and a most advanced entity, is going to be called "Down" from the heavens, to answer all your inquiries, for 20 dollars. How pretty for the giant ego, almost like the Rabbi Yehoshua who just cleanses all your sins with one beautiful fart, or a piece of paper given by the papacy.

When I emphatically refused to do this for any amount of money, or any form of said return, as the request disgusted me to the bone, of course, the priest who is "Not a mediator" had to listen to their share of hate mail after said refusal.

After all, people are quick to assume equality because they spoke to someone in an e-mail, or they are quick to assume they are extremely important because a God, in their grace and less selfish nature, helps to advance them. Azazel would, in their mind, and because they [and their 20 dollars] are so important, would be dragged down from the heavens by the "Servant Priest" to answer a little less than 100 existential questions of this extremely important person had to pose in an e-mail. And better do it quick, my servant "and definitely non mediator" High Priest.

The idiocy in the above is apparent. If only one had a decent behavior, they would see different ways to pose their questions, and above all, get answers - first and foremost by showing decency to the Demons and actually advancing, and wanted they to do something of physical value, there are other ways to actually contribute.

What was lacking here is perspective, and politeness, and basically not being a total subhuman worm. A person who thinks things like that, should better be seeking a whore, instead, in the lowest part of the world, and chances are, even may spit onto their face, as the behavior is too indecent.

Clearly, as it would be to any person who is sensible, and not a worm or a rat, we should treat people that treat us kindly or give us things that advance us, in a respectable manner - the Gods above all. One should look at the Gods with humble and respect, but rather, what one frequently encounters is that people come to the Gods as they would come towards an egregore.

They treat them as if they don't really exist, in reality. Or they treat them as henchmen, or in ways that these "Great humans" would throw a tantrum if treated as such themselves. But they insist to do this. And the Gods reply simply with silence to this treatment, and one can never be their friend. This is because this is a breach of universal laws of behavior.

A frequent excuse that I hear and is angering is this: "But how I can help the Gods?". The person in question wants to become a president, or a billionaire first, and after their 'desire' is manifest, they will help the Gods. This of course has to happen from the Gods, as one is too important to lift their shaggy and worthless ass to do anything, and they watch Netflix all day and eat chips, but they have to be a president or the next Jeff Bezos.

Now, with their little pebble, and their little ability, or their little power, they won't do a thing. They have a convenient excuse. What are my 10 dollars for the life of the JoS! What are my petty 10 minutes of meditation, that when I will be a billionaire, I promise to the Demons I'll do 10 hours of meditation. Must be given some sort of favor first, and THEN, they will do erm, absolutely the same amount of total nothing they do today.

Yes, in 2045, I will do the RTR, after humanity is all racially bastardized, without rights, and dead. In 2055, if the Gods give me a thousand acres of a personal mansion, and around 200 million dollars in cash, I will definitely also meditate for 10 minutes a day. Because I am that important, and needless to say...My zero help...doesn't come for free!

Another thing that disgusts me frequently, is how people RECEIVE help from the Gods, but they quickly dismiss it and frequently, and like assholes, do deny that they received this help earlier, presenting any event as 'self doubt'.

To mention an example, a very long time ago, an individual wanted to get into an Ivy type of university. Since this was below their means, they summoned a Demon for the case. The Demon delivered the task, they also did their part and the Demon carried the rest [which was 9 out of 10 to fail completely], but they on the other hand, repaid them with disbelief, and like a typical parasitic coward, went back into nihilism and disbelief, even-though the Demon wanted nothing in return. Maybe they even left Satanism all together.

How convenient, isn't it? Well not that convenient when you will be 70 years old, wrinkly, and on the death bed, and you will be wishing that you had meditated, or did something for this world, as your neighborhood will be infested by machette carrying Hajis will want to forcibly Islamize you. And of course, if you escape like a rat in this lifetime, the next one, or the next of the next, is going to be a hellhole.

So a good idea would be to repay the Gods and do what one can do, today, instead. Useful recommendation both for the remedy of one's position in life, but also, for the position of our world.

Another thing people do that highly disgusts me to the point I have debated stop caring about everything and moving for the mountains, is the eternal ungratefulness of people. Somehow, people assume that all this spiritual knowledge, is some sort of 'birthright to them, and that all the information on the JoS, or the spiritual assistance received, or the chance to literally save one's ass and the planet, is some sort of 'well deserved [and therefore to be taken for granted] sort of thing.

Sure, it is available now, but it should never be taken for granted. The Gods have maintained the spiritual knowledge not because we deserve it, but because we may use it to actually advance, and make something out of ourselves, rather than worms, which our majority is today.

Unfortunately the orcs of mordor and the worms are increasing in ever increasing numbers, billions pray for theirs and the world's damnation, and all sorts of stupid things happen daily by humanity. Satan and the Gods however, and how they relate, and always, since time immemorial, related to humanity, is a relationship that remains unchanged.

The norms of mankind or how much retardation goes on in the planet, luckily, does not affect in anyway our "individual" relationship with the Gods we always had, the Pagan Gods.

The parasitic and disrespectful mentality, especially in front of the Gods, is something that they highly frown upon. In their mind and consciousness, who knows how many people inquire or knock their door every single day. A human mayor or a human president, gets so many endless, and thousands of demands, and they can only do so much, and they still try. The Gods are at a far superior level, unimaginable by normal humans.

They are far more able, and since everyone has Guardians and the Gods, they should respect this relationship. Our Gods enjoy most of all things that put their name out there, not out of vanity, but because of the extensive importance of keeping a communication line open with their people, here, and bringing in new souls that they consider of value to them. The higher the quality of said work, the more pleasing it is to them, and more honorable. But everything counts.

Lastly, I want to mention something, that comes a quote attributed to Mephistopheles. When a summoner did raise Mephistopheles, Mephistopheles came up to him and he verbally attacked him. The summoner believed that they were so important and so clever, to have finally made a manifestation of a demon, and of course, started on with the usual demands and even verbal attacks to the Demon.

Then the Demon just left them, like blank. The summoner remarked "I had the power to bring you here but not the power to make you stay!". The fact that someone will open the door to you, does not mean they will insist on communicating, unless you are a respectable and good person to them, as the Demons have been to us for centuries. The door will be slammed to your face if you have nothing to give.

Even worse, people who go to abuse, only make demands, or slam the doors for presidents for fun, may have a run over with the FBI so to say, the stories of jews should suffice as to what cursed race they are and how detested by the Gods for their insolence against them.

On the other hand, noble behavior is universally respected by the Gods, and one is going to be rewarded. The means may not be evident at once, but things will happen, one will be lead to answers, things come into the life and one knows these are gifts from them, the list goes on.

Lastly Satanists must not act like idiotic christians, who are constantly dealing with non existent entities, and who as a result have nothing to share with them, or no reason to honestly believe in them. As far as our Gods are concerned, they are powerful, and they will, in their own language, make their presence known, in ways that are closer to our understanding.

Treating the Gods with respect, when one is their child, means only this: that one is treating their spiritual family right.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.
A couple of months ago I was speaking with a guy online and telling him about SS, he seemed very interested but a bit skeptical, so I told him to just concentrate On Father Satan’s sigil and ask him for a sign of his existance, something very obvious, in the next minutes this guy told me he received a phone call for a job much better paying than the one he had. Then after a few days I ask him how’s it going. No response, guess what that means. Ingrateful pieces of shit.
Larissa666 said:
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.

We ought pray to them and contact them, however, reducing them to genie boxes of favors is clearly not the way to go.

The point is when you have power for your own, you can do stuff on your own, so they should support and guide, and one must inquire for their support, so to say.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.

We ought pray to them and contact them, however, reducing them to genie boxes of favors is clearly not the way to go.

The point is when you have power for your own, you can do stuff on your own, so they should support and guide, and one must inquire for their support, so to say.
Same, if I think of asking them something I always go back to the thought “ Why bother them for a thing I can do on my own” :)
I do my best to meditate and do daily work for the gods with the RTRS. I have had a health problem for awhile that i have been doing on and off workings to correct, and sometimes get deseperate and ask the gods for assistance, as while its not a serious issue, it sometimes is painful. Sometimes i get frustrated with the situation, but i always remember to be respectful, and it bothers me to usually ask the gods for favors. as i have struggled with satanic healing.

My issue id say as of late is i worry the gods do not have a good opinion of me, and thats more of doubt on my end im sure.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The reality of the situation is that people frequently assume that the 'closer' one someone is to them, the more that they are the 'same'.

This is observable a lot when people happen to be in the presence of the Gods, and in particular, because our era consists of fast gratification, endless individualism, and oversized egos who are no better than hungry middle age serfs who would cut a throat for a penny [but now we have evolved so we may do this for instagram likes instead], this behavior is transferred over to the divine, and wrecks havoc in everything that has meaning into this life.

Ceremonial magicians, and all sorts of people who have some encounter [even people here] with the Gods, automatically do jump on the band wagon. One is the chosen one, the best of the best, and when they read a couple books, the most knowledgeable, too.

One has mastered magic now, they are ready to teach, Gods are their best friends, so on, so forth, and don't listen to the Clergy because we're all about "Free thought", but not exactly "Free thought" is allowed where their bullshit are concerned.

Indeed that is a comforting mindset, so long one has small problems or small questions and puzzles to solve, and while most if not all things are handled by the Gods, or one is living in Disneyland. Disneyland is not hard to navigate as every road is really a road of one's own making, filled with sugar canes, and easy things. In other words, this mentality works when one is under their protection or under idiocy, under a protected environment or in ignorance.

It's when one starts to become a star or a "self sustained" organism, that they understand what is the real advancement of the Gods, and that humans are quite arrogant, selfish, and crap. The Gods are quite distant from this behavior, or they wouldn't be Gods at all.

A particular example that striked to me once what that someone tried to pay me so that I would consult one of the Gods for one of their personal questions. The stupidity here and the human arrogance, and disgusting selfishness, is apparent: a divine entity has to be summoned, aside with the priest of course [because the priest ain't all that much, cuz he talks to us and goes down to help, of course, he a servant yo, i give 20 dolla im god] would now all stay there and answer someone for like 20 bucks, because it makes total sense.

A God and a most advanced entity, is going to be called "Down" from the heavens, to answer all your inquiries, for 20 dollars. How pretty for the giant ego, almost like the Rabbi Yehoshua who just cleanses all your sins with one beautiful fart, or a piece of paper given by the papacy.

When I emphatically refused to do this for any amount of money, or any form of said return, as the request disgusted me to the bone, of course, the priest who is "Not a mediator" had to listen to their share of hate mail after said refusal.

After all, people are quick to assume equality because they spoke to someone in an e-mail, or they are quick to assume they are extremely important because a God, in their grace and less selfish nature, helps to advance them. Azazel would, in their mind, and because they [and their 20 dollars] are so important, would be dragged down from the heavens by the "Servant Priest" to answer a little less than 100 existential questions of this extremely important person had to pose in an e-mail. And better do it quick, my servant "and definitely non mediator" High Priest.

The idiocy in the above is apparent. If only one had a decent behavior, they would see different ways to pose their questions, and above all, get answers - first and foremost by showing decency to the Demons and actually advancing, and wanted they to do something of physical value, there are other ways to actually contribute.

What was lacking here is perspective, and politeness, and basically not being a total subhuman worm. A person who thinks things like that, should better be seeking a whore, instead, in the lowest part of the world, and chances are, even may spit onto their face, as the behavior is too indecent.

Clearly, as it would be to any person who is sensible, and not a worm or a rat, we should treat people that treat us kindly or give us things that advance us, in a respectable manner - the Gods above all. One should look at the Gods with humble and respect, but rather, what one frequently encounters is that people come to the Gods as they would come towards an egregore.

They treat them as if they don't really exist, in reality. Or they treat them as henchmen, or in ways that these "Great humans" would throw a tantrum if treated as such themselves. But they insist to do this. And the Gods reply simply with silence to this treatment, and one can never be their friend. This is because this is a breach of universal laws of behavior.

A frequent excuse that I hear and is angering is this: "But how I can help the Gods?". The person in question wants to become a president, or a billionaire first, and after their 'desire' is manifest, they will help the Gods. This of course has to happen from the Gods, as one is too important to lift their shaggy and worthless ass to do anything, and they watch Netflix all day and eat chips, but they have to be a president or the next Jeff Bezos.

Now, with their little pebble, and their little ability, or their little power, they won't do a thing. They have a convenient excuse. What are my 10 dollars for the life of the JoS! What are my petty 10 minutes of meditation, that when I will be a billionaire, I promise to the Demons I'll do 10 hours of meditation. Must be given some sort of favor first, and THEN, they will do erm, absolutely the same amount of total nothing they do today.

Yes, in 2045, I will do the RTR, after humanity is all racially bastardized, without rights, and dead. In 2055, if the Gods give me a thousand acres of a personal mansion, and around 200 million dollars in cash, I will definitely also meditate for 10 minutes a day. Because I am that important, and needless to say...My zero help...doesn't come for free!

Another thing that disgusts me frequently, is how people RECEIVE help from the Gods, but they quickly dismiss it and frequently, and like assholes, do deny that they received this help earlier, presenting any event as 'self doubt'.

To mention an example, a very long time ago, an individual wanted to get into an Ivy type of university. Since this was below their means, they summoned a Demon for the case. The Demon delivered the task, they also did their part and the Demon carried the rest [which was 9 out of 10 to fail completely], but they on the other hand, repaid them with disbelief, and like a typical parasitic coward, went back into nihilism and disbelief, even-though the Demon wanted nothing in return. Maybe they even left Satanism all together.

How convenient, isn't it? Well not that convenient when you will be 70 years old, wrinkly, and on the death bed, and you will be wishing that you had meditated, or did something for this world, as your neighborhood will be infested by machette carrying Hajis will want to forcibly Islamize you. And of course, if you escape like a rat in this lifetime, the next one, or the next of the next, is going to be a hellhole.

So a good idea would be to repay the Gods and do what one can do, today, instead. Useful recommendation both for the remedy of one's position in life, but also, for the position of our world.

Another thing people do that highly disgusts me to the point I have debated stop caring about everything and moving for the mountains, is the eternal ungratefulness of people. Somehow, people assume that all this spiritual knowledge, is some sort of 'birthright to them, and that all the information on the JoS, or the spiritual assistance received, or the chance to literally save one's ass and the planet, is some sort of 'well deserved [and therefore to be taken for granted] sort of thing.

Sure, it is available now, but it should never be taken for granted. The Gods have maintained the spiritual knowledge not because we deserve it, but because we may use it to actually advance, and make something out of ourselves, rather than worms, which our majority is today.

Unfortunately the orcs of mordor and the worms are increasing in ever increasing numbers, billions pray for theirs and the world's damnation, and all sorts of stupid things happen daily by humanity. Satan and the Gods however, and how they relate, and always, since time immemorial, related to humanity, is a relationship that remains unchanged.

The norms of mankind or how much retardation goes on in the planet, luckily, does not affect in anyway our "individual" relationship with the Gods we always had, the Pagan Gods.

The parasitic and disrespectful mentality, especially in front of the Gods, is something that they highly frown upon. In their mind and consciousness, who knows how many people inquire or knock their door every single day. A human mayor or a human president, gets so many endless, and thousands of demands, and they can only do so much, and they still try. The Gods are at a far superior level, unimaginable by normal humans.

They are far more able, and since everyone has Guardians and the Gods, they should respect this relationship. Our Gods enjoy most of all things that put their name out there, not out of vanity, but because of the extensive importance of keeping a communication line open with their people, here, and bringing in new souls that they consider of value to them. The higher the quality of said work, the more pleasing it is to them, and more honorable. But everything counts.

Lastly, I want to mention something, that comes a quote attributed to Mephistopheles. When a summoner did raise Mephistopheles, Mephistopheles came up to him and he verbally attacked him. The summoner believed that they were so important and so clever, to have finally made a manifestation of a demon, and of course, started on with the usual demands and even verbal attacks to the Demon.

Then the Demon just left them, like blank. The summoner remarked "I had the power to bring you here but not the power to make you stay!". The fact that someone will open the door to you, does not mean they will insist on communicating, unless you are a respectable and good person to them, as the Demons have been to us for centuries. The door will be slammed to your face if you have nothing to give.

Even worse, people who go to abuse, only make demands, or slam the doors for presidents for fun, may have a run over with the FBI so to say, the stories of jews should suffice as to what cursed race they are and how detested by the Gods for their insolence against them.

On the other hand, noble behavior is universally respected by the Gods, and one is going to be rewarded. The means may not be evident at once, but things will happen, one will be lead to answers, things come into the life and one knows these are gifts from them, the list goes on.

Lastly Satanists must not act like idiotic christians, who are constantly dealing with non existent entities, and who as a result have nothing to share with them, or no reason to honestly believe in them. As far as our Gods are concerned, they are powerful, and they will, in their own language, make their presence known, in ways that are closer to our understanding.

Treating the Gods with respect, when one is their child, means only this: that one is treating their spiritual family right.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I personally beleive the Gods have done enough and my duty is to repay them in any way possible and not keep asking for favours. For me it's enough that they have accepted me and made me a part of their family.
Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail SS
Summoning one of the Gods of Hell and demanding- inconceivable.
I have not really bothered the God's for anything that much since I think I can get it myself. However yeah I would like some kind of relationship. So I may ask the God's for assistance in finding another SS if they exist in my area or at least someone decent in my life who won't harm me and will give companionship. I am not sure who to talk to for sure but I will ask for a sign on what they want in return. This is the only thing I want help with right now. I got the money thing myself. I am doing a working I can be rich someday and explore the world have a nice home etc. It however I'll admit is more fun and meaningful if I took the effort and did it myself than if anyone did it for me this is unlike how most people seem to think.

With the God's I want a relationship not servants I never understood some people. I personally don't like people that want me to do everything for them I don't think they would either.
Larissa666 said:
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.

Same here.

Also it's a damn shame how humanity has degenerated over the years into becoming nothing but 7 billion worthless, nihilistic, degenerate pieces of shit. Makes me ashamed that I'm even human.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lastly, I want to mention something, that comes a quote attributed to Mephistopheles. When a summoner did raise Mephistopheles, Mephistopheles came up to him and he verbally attacked him. The summoner believed that they were so important and so clever, to have finally made a manifestation of a demon, and of course, started on with the usual demands and even verbal attacks to the Demon.

Then the Demon just left them, like blank. The summoner remarked "I had the power to bring you here but not the power to make you stay!". The fact that someone will open the door to you, does not mean they will insist on communicating, unless you are a respectable and good person to them, as the Demons have been to us for centuries. The door will be slammed to your face if you have nothing to give.

The story of Faust has a lot of things to teach us then, yeah?
I try not to bother them without trying it first myself. If I can think of a way to do something, I'll try it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.

We ought pray to them and contact them, however, reducing them to genie boxes of favors is clearly not the way to go.

The point is when you have power for your own, you can do stuff on your own, so they should support and guide, and one must inquire for their support, so to say.

I am ashamed of this mindset, of lets work for Satan and Gods and not bother them they are very busy, Im not worthy kind of mentality, I have realized this is wrong and i am trying to connect with our Gods on a more personal level, I like to write Poems for our Gods, Something i picked up recently, not that it is much but I plan to continue this I enjoy it., but I definitely want to do more for them as they have done so much for us, its just everything I can think of falls in short of what I feel would be worthy of them, I need to work on this, I know this is a hangup perhaps maybe of fear of not being worthy, which is assured a xian thing I know I am worthy every single one of us here is a Dedicated Spiritual Satanist, we wouldnt of found this path if we didnt have the worth. I plan to from now using the calendar do a ritual for the Beautiful Demons, even if its something as simple as giving energy, or writing them a poem

Today is one of Astaroths Day! Hail Astaroth! May a trillion Thanks be given to Her
Pretty recently I received assistance from one of our Gods, the summoning was very pleasant and I got very friendly vibes from him.

After I couldn’t help but think about all the kikes and dumb gentiles who have literally tried to abuse and force our Gods to do their will and treat them as slaves who they can control etc. It’s beyond disgusting, I hope each and every one of them payed the price for that shit.
Greetings to all SS cammaredes here and those who read this marvellous site.
I made my commitment last night to Satan. I decieded to join the forums and Satan due to the fact that I feel ready to fight in this war I've been reading joyofsatan.org archives, books (pdf) and this forum and listening to Maxine Dietrich's sermons on jewtube since December 2018. First things first I must admit that I've been a NationalSocialist since 2010 and up to 2014 I was an stupid christian (I was in a political party of my country that combined both NS and christian views) till I began reading how the jews used this filthy so called religion to destroy the Great Roman Empire from within besides I got enthralled by Nietzsche's books (The antichrist, Genaology of Morals, The Gay Science and Thus spoke Zarathustra are really eye opening masterpieces). Moreover, I started doing my own research and with my intelligence it was pretty obvious that this "religion" was nothing more than a programme to decieve ignorant scumbags. I went to read books of astrology, numerology, runes and bought some tarot decks that lack of the nefarious jewish letters which I despise to the core. Anyway I always felt contempt for the morons of the jew age movement especially when one is aware of the jewish problem it becomes easy to realise that the kikes created this shit to extend their dominion and power. I read last yeae some of lavey works and some of his interviews and yeah he is obviously a jew anyone with a bit of knowledge on how to spot kikes can realise it on the spot. However what he says,although he presents Satan in bit disrespectful way since he acknowledges him just as a force, is pretty interesting and a good way to start one's path to Satanism. I got to JOS website and everything written there became so clear but I didn't commit to Satan back in december because first I needed to make some cleanliness on me, on what I knew, and what I thought it was true even though I was already knowledgable of some things of the occult. Great to be here and great to start my part on the battle against the degenerate jews, their so called god their cohorts and the morons who work naively or knowningly for the them either
dreadful christians, new agers, disgusting muslims and any moron who bow down to them. This post will be very usefull for my studies.
Im from Argentina and Im 24 years old by the way.

Remember we are the lucky ones. Others are lost and just look at the state of the world and how the total lack of spirituality is lowering everyone spiritually and in their knowledge and awareness.

You must be an old soul and its a blessing to have your unique position and opportunity. I think it was Aristotle that said we suffer for our blessings. And so you are feeling which is your strength but you need to try not take people's stupidity and mistakes to heart.

We all feel pain at others that are without and have a mindset that misses the point. So many times our fellow SS here have reported on feeling dismay at the low level and sad state of humankind. But they always say although they get affected they need to try best and remember and realise it's not their fault because the enemy created this animal level of consciousness in society.

I extend my hand in thanks and appreciation for our websites and information because its knowledge that's been stolen and kept hidden and my soul was searching for it.

And that's why we carry on and do what we do to stop the rot and help awaken others so things can start turning around for the better.

I too feel pain and suffer but as its been said once you learn the truth there's no turning back.

And although I am aware that doesn't miraculously make me wise and intelligent. I am still a fool and less worldly able with my lower life skills than some more intelligent than myself but lacking the spiritual component which I have. So although I have the knowledge and spiritual awareness I am aware others are ahead of me in life skills and worldly knowledge but I'm different in my spirituality.

And that's the key that we have. The spiritual component which has been killed off and sealed up from cleansing and sweetening this world. Because we have the good we feel and suffer but we are also the catalysts for change. We are it.
No, not really. It has so much filth excrement and so much christianity in it, that for the most part it is does not contain anything of much interest. If anything it paints the Gods in the typical vile evil demon servant and so forth light and glorifies the angelic filth host.

The story of Faust has a lot of things to teach us then, yeah?
While a mindset of respect is better than a mindset of "we wuz equal n shiet", the mindset becomes the same disrespect when one distances themselves from the Gods in an excuse of unworthyness.

A lot of simple things that are easy to us have importance to them, and are easy to do for us, or at least not that hard.

The thing they value the most is warfare and doing action for them somehow, to help others and so forth.

To glorify them has a lot of meaning. It is absolutely good to do that. However, if one is only just praying to them and does nothing to actually benefit them or do warfare that is as stupid as xianity.

SATchives said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I try to not bother my GD and other Gods and Goddesses for just about anything, and ask for help only in dire need.

We ought pray to them and contact them, however, reducing them to genie boxes of favors is clearly not the way to go.

The point is when you have power for your own, you can do stuff on your own, so they should support and guide, and one must inquire for their support, so to say.

I am ashamed of this mindset, of lets work for Satan and Gods and not bother them they are very busy, Im not worthy kind of mentality, I have realized this is wrong and i am trying to connect with our Gods on a more personal level, I like to write Poems for our Gods, Something i picked up recently, not that it is much but I plan to continue this I enjoy it., but I definitely want to do more for them as they have done so much for us, its just everything I can think of falls in short of what I feel would be worthy of them, I need to work on this, I know this is a hangup perhaps maybe of fear of not being worthy, which is assured a xian thing I know I am worthy every single one of us here is a Dedicated Spiritual Satanist, we wouldnt of found this path if we didnt have the worth. I plan to from now using the calendar do a ritual for the Beautiful Demons, even if its something as simple as giving energy, or writing them a poem

Today is one of Astaroths Day! Hail Astaroth! May a trillion Thanks be given to Her
Sorry guys for the late reply as i have just logged in here today.People need to be serious when approaching Gods of Duat.They can see right through you.When a Satanist does their part in spiritual warfare,meditations and all,Gods will often be there to guide, protect and bless.

When i was in the middle east,one afternoon i was doing the final rtr and immediately after i finished,the entire atmosphere in my room changed.I could feel a very powerful entity standing at one corner of this room.My astral sight is not yet working but i could very well feel a lot of power.It was like standing next to an invinvible electric transformer that can power the whole of Africa.This energy was very positive in nature and so i went on my knees and bowed infront of this entity.I made the child pose for yoga.

He was carrying a staff which he placed on my base chakra and run it up my spine.He then disappeared.I was left puzzled.This just one of the many events in my life that i simply cannot explain.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Greetings to all SS cammaredes here and those who read this marvellous site.
I made my commitment last night to Satan. I decieded to join the forums and Satan due to the fact that I feel ready to fight in this war I've been reading joyofsatan.org archives, books (pdf) and this forum and listening to Maxine Dietrich's sermons on jewtube since December 2018. First things first I must admit that I've been a NationalSocialist since 2010 and up to 2014 I was an stupid christian (I was in a political party of my country that combined both NS and christian views) till I began reading how the jews used this filthy so called religion to destroy the Great Roman Empire from within besides I got enthralled by Nietzsche's books (The antichrist, Genaology of Morals, The Gay Science and Thus spoke Zarathustra are really eye opening masterpieces). Moreover, I started doing my own research and with my intelligence it was pretty obvious that this "religion" was nothing more than a programme to decieve ignorant scumbags. I went to read books of astrology, numerology, runes and bought some tarot decks that lack of the nefarious jewish letters which I despise to the core. Anyway I always felt contempt for the morons of the jew age movement especially when one is aware of the jewish problem it becomes easy to realise that the kikes created this shit to extend their dominion and power. I read last yeae some of lavey works and some of his interviews and yeah he is obviously a jew anyone with a bit of knowledge on how to spot kikes can realise it on the spot. However what he says,although he presents Satan in bit disrespectful way since he acknowledges him just as a force, is pretty interesting and a good way to start one's path to Satanism. I got to JOS website and everything written there became so clear but I didn't commit to Satan back in december because first I needed to make some cleanliness on me, on what I knew, and what I thought it was true even though I was already knowledgable of some things of the occult. Great to be here and great to start my part on the battle against the degenerate jews, their so called god their cohorts and the morons who work naively or knowningly for the them either
dreadful christians, new agers, disgusting muslims and any moron who bow down to them. This post will be very usefull for my studies.
Im from Argentina and Im 24 years old by the way.

Welcome, please be careful about sharing personal information here our enemies visit this forum all the time. You already said too much.
The Alchemist7 said:
Is possible to receive help from the Gods without asking for it? For example one improved his life a lot, got a nice job, own house and so on. Is possible for him to have been helped by the Gods without even realizing or asking for help?
I definitely think so, yeah.
Don't fall into the xian thinking that (((everything wuz thanx to gawd))) though. If you have a feeling that the Gods may have helped with something, or generally if your life is improving in some way, you can step up on the RTRs for example, to give your thanks to the Gods in case they did something (and even if they didn't, they still deserve gratitude for giving us this opportunity as a whole in the first place).
Yes, they can do that.

Those who do work for Satan and the Gods will get support without the necessity of asking.

The Alchemist7 said:
Is possible to receive help from the Gods without asking for it? For example one improved his life a lot, got a nice job, own house and so on. Is possible for him to have been helped by the Gods without even realizing or asking for help?
This was probably a God paying you a visit, and yes, they have power like this. Read the http://www.joyofsatan.org website, on the Demons section.

The electricity you felt was a burst of bioelectricity.

BlackSun123.6.6# said:
Sorry guys for the late reply as i have just logged in here today.People need to be serious when approaching Gods of Duat.They can see right through you.When a Satanist does their part in spiritual warfare,meditations and all,Gods will often be there to guide, protect and bless.

When i was in the middle east,one afternoon i was doing the final rtr and immediately after i finished,the entire atmosphere in my room changed.I could feel a very powerful entity standing at one corner of this room.My astral sight is not yet working but i could very well feel a lot of power.It was like standing next to an invinvible electric transformer that can power the whole of Africa.This energy was very positive in nature and so i went on my knees and bowed infront of this entity.I made the child pose for yoga.

He was carrying a staff which he placed on my base chakra and run it up my spine.He then disappeared.I was left puzzled.This just one of the many events in my life that i simply cannot explain.
I feel like I have failed to start a relationship with the God's because I thought I could do most things on my own and was independent. I hope I have not angered them in some way. I want to be open and able to talk to them and I want guidance both about what I can do for them to make my life more meaningful and in general spirituality what is the best way to advance etc.

I should probably get on this but I don't know how or where anyways any advice. I kept thinking I should not bother the God's till I am more open. Then again I wonder why no one often shows up and tries to hang out with me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another thing that disgusts me frequently, is how people RECEIVE help from the Gods, but they quickly dismiss it and frequently, and like assholes, do deny that they received this help earlier, presenting any event as 'self doubt'.
This is one thing i have noticed recently, because from my experience Satan and my GD had been doing a lot for me, most of these things go unheard and unseen and i never really noticed how fortunate my situation was until later on when i look back at it.

There is this luxurious thing i never really appreciated until recently which is Satan's protection, i think a lot of people take this for granted.
I have seen how vicious and destructive the enemy can be and how they can truly destroy people's lives, i used to think the attacks i got was intense, but when i looked at those who're without and see how they were devastated by the enemy and how much they suffer, my pain was quite trivial to theirs.

Another thing i appreciate a lot is when Satan and my GD got me out of dreamland, the enemy can be very tempting and ""helpful"" but it had literally been stated that Satan doesn't allow friendly associates with those who're without, so i cut associations with these 'friendly' ""gods"" and took my head out of the rabbit hole, of course i got attacked by the enemy a lot for this, and i was thinking well what the fuck? it was so 'fun' in dreamland and most people who're in dreamland seem to be having fun.
But then i came on the forums and i see all the extreme cases people were having and how much of a wreck their lives turned into from being with the enemy, realizing that this could have very well been me, i told Satan how grateful i was in helping me get my head out of the trash.

Satan and my GD also wised me up to a lot of the enemy tricks, it seems like i was made aware of their deceptions ahead of time, like how the enemy tries to befriend individuals, take them to dreamland all while pushing other people away and isolating the individual, after they isolate the individual most of them pose as gods and such then they straight up abandon the individual, which gives the individual the idea that they're abandoned by the gods, but the truth is, Satan's protection is what's standing between the individual and the enemy and at this point the enemy is working to separate the individual from Satan, in these extreme cases of isolation if the individual leaves Satan and is no longer protected by Satan the individual is truly fucked, no one of us here alone can stand against the enemy.

HP Maxine stated that Satan meets us more than half-way, i have also found this to be the case.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While a mindset of respect is better than a mindset of "we wuz equal n shiet", the mindset becomes the same disrespect when one distances themselves from the Gods in an excuse of unworthyness.

A lot of simple things that are easy to us have importance to them, and are easy to do for us, or at least not that hard.

The thing they value the most is warfare and doing action for them somehow, to help others and so forth.

To glorify them has a lot of meaning. It is absolutely good to do that. However, if one is only just praying to them and does nothing to actually benefit them or do warfare that is as stupid as xianity.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We ought pray to them and contact them, however, reducing them to genie boxes of favors is clearly not the way to go.

The point is when you have power for your own, you can do stuff on your own, so they should support and guide, and one must inquire for their support, so to say.

Great sermon, my venerable Clergical Brother. It is thought-provoking in some ways.

By "simple things that are easy to us that have importance to them", do you perhaps mean things like keeping in contact with them and stuff? Like, someone could be working for the Gods but not taking time to contact them, and that's pretty mean? And that contacting Them would be easy, but meaningful and important to the Gods? Or did you mean something else?

Secondly, you say we should pray to and contact Them, but is it a good idea to contact or summon Them regularly just to say hi when you have nothing important to discuss or ask? They are busy, after all.

Please advise, High Priest.
Great day to you.
The Gods do not show up to "Hang out" with people uselessly, or have coffee, or to talk about useless drivel.

While they may not immidiately appear, they do still guide people, so from there on, communicating with them or directing a prayer towards them, isn't a bad thing, and can do good to someone emotionally. Think for example, a Thanksgiving Ritual. It's in the Joy of Satan website.

Eventually, as it's stated in the Joy of Satan site, you do not need to do full blown rituals or anything like that, so it is not necessary.

However I have found in many cases, especially if one is new, doing a thanksgiving ritual every so often can be helpful, as it draws stronger attention, and if one is more spiritually dense, may feel things better.

slyscorpion said:
I feel like I have failed to start a relationship with the God's because I thought I could do most things on my own and was independent. I hope I have not angered them in some way. I want to be open and able to talk to them and I want guidance both about what I can do for them to make my life more meaningful and in general spirituality what is the best way to advance etc.

I should probably get on this but I don't know how or where anyways any advice. I kept thinking I should not bother the God's till I am more open. Then again I wonder why no one often shows up and tries to hang out with me.
PeppermintTaco said:
By "simple things that are easy to us that have importance to them", do you perhaps mean things like keeping in contact with them and stuff? Like, someone could be working for the Gods but not taking time to contact them, and that's pretty mean?

Feel free to improvise, however, if someone works for them, or in things that they want done and benefit them, ie, warfare, spreading the message etc, this is the most highly important tasks that please them the most. Also, meditation, and for someone to advance.

PeppermintTaco said:
And that contacting Them would be easy, but meaningful and important to the Gods? Or did you mean something else?

Secondly, you say we should pray to and contact Them, but is it a good idea to contact or summon Them regularly just to say hi when you have nothing important to discuss or ask? They are busy, after all.

I do not believe saying a little prayer a day is bad, quite the contrary. It is not necessary, but it can be emotionally helpful for us on the other end.

As for summoning just to say "Hi" every so often, there is no need, and for new people who need to get a 'hang' of the energy of the Demons, they may do this if they are so desperate to meet a Demon [and most people do so anyway] but a Thanksgiving ritual can be done every so often and can replace a summoning when there is no other reason than to say hi or do something for them.

It is not a good idea to summon Demons when there is absolutely no reason other than to chit chat or for no purpose whatsoever, ie, in an attempt to waste their time. Not that one "could make it happen", but still, one should go within reason and logic.

Eventually as one advances, one should use their own powers, and the Gods will only more rarely handle affairs when out of control and if severe, and provide guidance.
Where can I find this Thanksgiving ritual? Never heard of it before.
Vaal said:
Where can I find this Thanksgiving ritual? Never heard of it before.


You need to read every nook and cranny of this website. Everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Vaal said:
Where can I find this Thanksgiving ritual? Never heard of it before.


You need to read every nook and cranny of this website. Everything.

Thank you! I never saw this section before :eek:
Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666!

Somehow your sermons come to me at the right time, I was just asking some questions, and you gave me the answers.
Thank you.
slyscorpion said:
. I hope I have not angered them in some way.
Be logical about it, there really isnt a reason to get angry at this haha
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PeppermintTaco said:
By "simple things that are easy to us that have importance to them", do you perhaps mean things like keeping in contact with them and stuff? Like, someone could be working for the Gods but not taking time to contact them, and that's pretty mean?

Feel free to improvise, however, if someone works for them, or in things that they want done and benefit them, ie, warfare, spreading the message etc, this is the most highly important tasks that please them the most. Also, meditation, and for someone to advance.

PeppermintTaco said:
And that contacting Them would be easy, but meaningful and important to the Gods? Or did you mean something else?

Secondly, you say we should pray to and contact Them, but is it a good idea to contact or summon Them regularly just to say hi when you have nothing important to discuss or ask? They are busy, after all.

I do not believe saying a little prayer a day is bad, quite the contrary. It is not necessary, but it can be emotionally helpful for us on the other end.

As for summoning just to say "Hi" every so often, there is no need, and for new people who need to get a 'hang' of the energy of the Demons, they may do this if they are so desperate to meet a Demon [and most people do so anyway] but a Thanksgiving ritual can be done every so often and can replace a summoning when there is no other reason than to say hi or do something for them.

It is not a good idea to summon Demons when there is absolutely no reason other than to chit chat or for no purpose whatsoever, ie, in an attempt to waste their time. Not that one "could make it happen", but still, one should go within reason and logic.

Eventually as one advances, one should use their own powers, and the Gods will only more rarely handle affairs when out of control and if severe, and provide guidance.
Thanks High Priest. You are an inspiration for us all, always keep up the great work. You make all our jobs easier.
Good day to you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You need to read every nook and cranny of this website. Everything.

I'm surprised almost every new person didn't when signing up for this forum. I read the whole thing for a solid 6 months on a daily basis because I wanted to be absolutely 100% certain that this is the right path for me, as I was coming from a LaVeyan background at the time.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
