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On The Greys

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I wanted to write this to clean up some misconceptions about these bug headed things called as the Greys.

As it has been stated before, this race is totally hostile to humanity, and at best, they only pretend to be friendly, to disarm, and destroy humans later as a result. Many people who are spiritual and meditate report seeing them, either trying to stop them, or in relation to negative events. To the jews, the Greys are allies, as they are allied to the enemy and they are their servants.

The Greys it's even documented in UFOlogy, take frequent strolls on this earth. People from all Ancient Civilizations, have talked about them, most of the time in fear. There were posts written and they are depicted in ancient statues and figurines, having babies, and having their huge heads and typical bug eyes. These have enslaved all sorts of people in the passing of time, especially in Africa and Central America etc. David Icke, one of the non-bullshit things he has done except the majority of bullshit he did, was to get a Zulu Priest from Africa to paint a picture of the "God" he sees.

The Zulu, especially of the past, have been very brutal, in that they sacrifice and do blood rituals more than anyone else. The Zulu priest painted a reptilian looking alien as his "God" who he tries to commune. Of course, the Zulu's and all they do is provide living sacrifices to these dumb aliens. This is in general the level they always keep humanity. Zero development, endless savagery, bastardization, and keeping them as a food source.

Whenever they appear, they demand human sacrifice, cultural systems are forcibly removed (As it happened to Pagan people) and their victims enter in an unnatural, life hating, destructive path. That is because they are a race which also exists on the astral, so they feed from the blood sacrifices, and they also do not want others to get to this level to 'compete' with them, above or below. On the contrast to the Zulu there are the Dogon, who were a people who were escorted out of Africa, because they were followers of our Gods, so that they would avoid to be sacrificed by others.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, are all obsessive, blood sacrificing cults. People and cattle alike is slaughtered in the most weird and superficial manners, in mass blood sacrifices. In the Native Americans, after hijacking, and also in some places in Africa, they are also sacrificing their own children to them, in order to 'appease' them. Normally, civil war breaks when these cultural injections are done, and one faction may or may not survive and end this, or this crap continues indefinitely.

They also author Chrisitanity, Islam, and Judaism, as by definition, these programs are only religious and political cloaks to cloak their greater agenda, that of a borg hive mind species without personal ID or consciousness.

The Greys now are only a slave race, but an amount of extremely many years hundreds or more thousands of years back (This is of no concern us, just for general history) they were a humanoid, medium advanced race, who had basic 'evolution' into space. Think in our terms a Mars Colonization level of technological advancement. They embarked in a war, and lost it this war with the reptilians. Whether they were attacked by other "Greys" who already were with the reptilians, seems plausible.

After they lost this war, they were enslaved, genetically engineered into a race that cannot procreate, and were made into a borg without personal will, by implanting implant technology into their heads. One of the things Star Trek is correct, is that there do exist Borg Races. Borg is the "friendly" cloak of Join Us until it throws the cloak down and it becomes the actual Communism applied into a technological literalization of these alien concepts.

These concepts they inject into the cultures of races they try to take over, and they let these grow roots, opening these races up to invasion later. Because the Greys are not really fond of direct warfare, they take the route of brainwashing civilizations, and leading them into the pit in accordance to the reptilians, to turn other beings also into greys if they are fit. Now, they are under the direct control of Reptilians, who control them as one would control one external hand or foot or a computer. The Greys as they are known in any size and shape are to never be trusted, and they are a spiteful, human hating race.

Many fools who have no brain, they engage in Angelic magick and jewish spirituality, and the Greys are always eager to show up and "Help" them. The Greys never give them any important spiritual knowledge, as they don't want humanity to spiritually advance, and they have always kept our civilization back either through direct intervention, sightings, or literal war. Aleister Crowley who was a top "Occultist" of the enemy painted and channeled "Jehovah", and the picture he generated from this was the picture of a Grey Alien. When "Jesus" is called, most of the time, Greys will again show up to "Greet" the fools who engage in these "Callings".

One of the most vocal jews in regards to the agenda of the above is a kike named Rael, who founded Raelianism. This Rael explicitly admits that all the 'fusion' of all religions into one world religion, and one system, and one government, one race (Jews excluded of course), this is going to be pivotal, and that when this is achieved (This is the Jewish planning of Zion) then the true masters behind this process (Reptilians and Greys) will emerge to enslave humanity and instate them on the borg. The jewish Rabbis say that the "Earth Will Wear a Tefilin on Her Head" at this time. The Tefilin is basically a cube structure of technology, that the Greys and Reptilians will come to 'incorporate' when all the above is said and done, into their own borg.

To minimize chances of failure, the creation of a singular race of earth is better, as probably this makes things easier both for cultural and genetic assimilation, and to create a stable for what is essentially a colony for recruitment and eating people like chickens. This will create for them they believe an easier 'integration' and manipulation of the humanoid species here into their collective.

Other occultists behind all the famous "Angelic" names, have found all sorts of Grey aliens, and Reptilians when these summon or appear. When I used to have my videos in Jewtube, I had posted the confession of a top Yerushlami Rabbi on how the Greys are the Big Brother and how the Reptilians are basically the "Grandmasters" who help them in meditation. This Rabbi aired on Ancient Aliens and mixed lies with truth to try to deceive, but even there he spilled the beans on how the "Angels" are all Reptilians in the bible.

Other occultists who are in bed with the enemy, also report seeing them, associating with them, and they always give them either corruptible or ineffective information. Due to the fact they are a worthless slave race, they will appear eagerly to 'spiritual' people to deceive them or misguide them, or even worse, harm them.

Many people say things that the Greys are stupid or weak. This is inaccurate. They are not as 'clever', but they do have some form of 'group intelligence'. While they are inaccurate at a distance, if they are in physical proximity, they are extremely powerful, and their telepathic projections can make most people faint or fall asleep instantly. People who meet and dwell on these dumb beings for too long get scarred for life, and people abducted by them are done brutal experimentation upon. It's known in Area 51 and 52 they have Greys they found at Nevada, and they are analyzing their alien technology, and also the remains of many others are found in Nasca, Peru.

The Greys are technologically advanced to a great extent, but they are not the most 'technologically advanced'. The greys do not have any 'culture' as they are a slave, mindless race, and they only practice 'technological materialism'.

They clearly aren't at all "Godlike", but spiritually, they are superior to humanity by a long shot. They have been dominating governments and also meeting certain presidents and others for threats or intimidation. Being Borgs, they commit mistakes and malfunction, and they aren't really very 'clever', and this is why they have a 'delayed response'. This delayed response is mapped out by many people who had the lack of fortune to encounter them. It's as if they share a common mind, but there is no individual mind.

They work more like ants, rather than anything that resembles individual consciousness. This makes them slow and stupid, but it makes them a perfect slave race, incapable of personal thought or the ability to revolt. The greys are also incapable of procreation, and they have a set 'expiry' date, or they can be killed with the microchip in their brains. On the Nasca Peru greys, they have this plaque inside their head, and they also display 'reptilian scales', as it appears some of them have some reptilian genetics to bolster them spiritually or tie them closer to their masters.

Greys seem to be more of a borg model of what the enemy turns the places they conquer into, rather than a 'species'. Sort of like a bio-cyborg model that they make everyone into after they are done with them.

There are few Gods who are "Part Grey", but these came from now-extinct "pre-greys" who used to be humanoid and rogue on the rest. These were tragically few and they were destroyed, and they also had self-sentience and personal will. From these and through genetic manipulation of genetic leftovers came some of our Gods, which in a sense resemble nothing of the "Greys", other than having bigger heads.

For whatever reason, the greys, they also hate also their own allies and their own hybrids. In the story of Rabbi Reina, he summons some of the "Top Dogs" of his side, and he tries to get instructions to wage occult war. The first ones he meets in the hierarchy (Greys) call the jew a "Worthless Worm" and "Living Dung". The greys hate even their own 'chosen' race. The jews themselves will have the same end when the enemy has concluded with them, and the jew is part reptilian like the greys are.

People on this earth at their present state are 'inferior' to greys, but this is because few people practice seriously spiritually or outside the enemy's thumb.

If people do not have some sort of protection, the greys and the enemy can take them out or deceive them easily. As such humanity at large is not a 'spiritual danger' to them at this point, but a varying potential danger. However, potential wise, yes, humans are perfectly capable to fend them away or control their own destiny, but people need to advance. Our Gods help us in that regard as our civilization for thousands of years now has been under their vile force and being moving in a negative direction for everyone involved.

People need not dwell or care of these, and need to ignore and surpass them. "Tune them off like a radio" is the motto here. Those who are foolish to make Disneyland with these into their heads, will find out quickly that this is a waste of time, and even sanity. They can be surpassed, and they will be in time.

The great sign that our world is moving past their thumb is that we are advancing. For one, the greys have tried to stop the Space Program since the time of the National Socialists who tried to initiate it and bring this into fruition. The enemy is failing on all fronts, and as such, they are pushing hard for maintain a stranglehold that won't last. Humans have went from '95% illiterate cattle' to everyone possessing a machine that can give them extreme knowledge in their living room.

This is great news and shows progress for us. The greys and their "Earthling" jew race have been ruling during all of the Middle Ages, as shown in representation by desperate artists of the time, keeping humanity under extreme surveillance and control. Eventually, they were driven away by a series of revolutions and battles.

The above is for people to view and not for people to profane or start to create pointless science fiction movies and create a profanity in Satanism. It's stated because it's a reality, and not for people to abuse imagination, and create useless stories. Our enemy is "Down here" and everyone knows who these are, as for those "Up there", they will be dealt by our own "Up There".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Reptilians are the worst breed. A couple of days ago I was practicing atmocinesi, I made it rain very hard and shortly after focusing myself to the sky twice I triggered lightning. Immediately afterwards a reptilian appeared in the astral, I understood it because he showed himself in human form but had green skin. I felt very bad negative chills and shortly afterwards I felt spiritual blockages and I was no longer able to practice atmocinesi. They are really powerful, and they haunt me a lot but my aura is not powerful enough to protect me, I don't know how to do it. I hate reptilian they search to destroy my spirituality every time!!
Thank you so much Commander, you are a wonderful satanic soul. Please do your best to become a God and of course I am interested in becoming absolutely a God. Satan bless you Hooded Cobra 666. HAIL SATAN IN INFINITY
It's very fitting that the NPC meme face is gray...

Aleister Crowley who was a top "Occultist" of the enemy painted and channeled "Jehovah", and the picture he generated from this was the picture of a Grey Alien.

The bizarre part of this illustration are the eyes. Instead of the usual big black eyes, there are just small, almost-shut eyes with small pupils, right below the usual region. Could this be a grey-human hybrid?

To minimize chances of failure, the creation of a singular race of earth is better, as probably this makes things easier both for cultural and genetic assimilation, and to create a stable for what is essentially a colony for recruitment and eating people like chickens. This will create for them they believe an easier 'integration' and manipulation of the humanoid species here into their collective.
Before that can be safely done, white genocide needs to be completed. There are no currently any kind of forced race-mixing programs for africans, arabs or asians in their homelands. Completion here doesn't necessarily mean that whites would need to go totally extinct, but just to such a small minority everywhere that they don't form any cohesive threat.

This Rael explicitly admits that all the 'fusion' of all religions into one world religion, and one system, and one government, one race (Jews excluded of course), this is going to be pivotal, and that when this is achieved (This is the Jewish planning of Zion) then the true masters behind this process (Reptilians and Greys) will emerge to enslave humanity and instate them on the borg. The jewish Rabbis say that the "Earth Will Wear a Tefilin on Her Head" at this time.
  • Revelation 21:16 said:
    And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
The New Jerusalem is supposed to be a cube of ~2400km/side. When proporioned to Earth, that's roughly comparable to tefillin box and human head.

This Rabbi aired on Ancient Aliens and mixed lies with truth to try to deceive, but even there he spilled the beans on how the "Angels" are all Reptilians in the bible.
Got to be the most annoying regular in the series... Didn't he instruct his students to contact reptilians through meditation in some of his audio sermons? It would be nice to have the exact link to that.
um... and im sincerely curious here, how can you be stronge enough to manipulate the physical realm while not having a stronge aura to def. you?
The encounters I've had with greys are ones that still piss me off to this day. Their methods of psychological attack are unbelievably relentless and they will try for literally an entire month without end to bring down the 'best goyim'. The attacks are a stinging kind of electrical cold feeling to the pineal gland/6th chakra and from this sensation comes torrents of dread, fear, doubts and despair. And this can be torturous and is why one must always build a strong aura of protection.

They will go by any means to take us down and it can take some serious willpower to hold through some of these attacks, they've even tried to attack me in my dreams on the astral but fortunately I am woken up and snapped back to my body by one of the gods or a demon just before this happens. They are not savable, they cannot be swayed or bargained with, they will do, say and fake everything they can to stop us from advancing or to distract us. They have zero free will and only act in accordance to their 'masters'.

Just like the jews have their so-called "gods" to communicate with in this war, we too have our own gods, real gods, to communicate with in this war. Neither our gods or the reptilians can physically fight this battle on earth because both are physical beings whose physical bodies are residing on another planet. Our gods can only interact with us through the astral, not the physical, at least not yet. It would be so easy to wipe out the jews from this planet if that were possible. This is our planet and on the physical plane we are the only ones down here who can defeat and destroy the jews on the material plane.

We are agents in this aspect and should be acting more so like such. We need to build the mindset of a kind of military of sorts because we ARE a ministries and are fighting a very real war. Just because it's not like some trench battle with 'epic' explosions, gunfire and fast-paced action doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously as though it were such.
When I was much younger I remember feeling the urge to look outside when my little sibling and I were home alone, when I opened the front door I thought I saw a police helicopter above the house next door, but the night was still and everything was dead silent, no crickets and not even any wind - The light was behind a big cloud of what I think is ectoplasm, based on a previous sermon (with the light shining behind the cloud, it looked like stage fog). The family dogs were hiding away as well as they were nowhere to be seen, turns out dogs are deathly afraid of these beings and their humans should take notes and stop romanticising these beings as well, I could never see Greys in a positively despite how much the media tries to portray them in a positive light.

After dedicating my soul to Satan, my family and I also stopped seeing these craft in the sky. I come from a country where these sightings are commonplace because of how isolated we are. Also, thank you HP Hoodedcobra for the fascinating post, I can't wait for humanity to be liberated and we will have access to all the knowledge in the universe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One of the things Star Trek is correct, is that there do exist Borg Races. Borg is the "friendly" cloak of Join Us until it throws the cloak down and it becomes the actual Communism applied into a technological literalization of these alien concepts.
"One of us."

These concepts they inject into the cultures of races they try to take over, and they let these grow roots
Yeah, they plant the seed, as it were, and our Nature is to nurture and grow things, make them more; we cannot help but become more, be more.

These concepts they inject into the cultures of races they try to take over, and they let these grow roots, opening these races up to invasion later. Because the Greys are not really fond of direct warfare, they take the route of brainwashing civilizations, and leading them into the pit in accordance to the reptilians, to turn other beings also into greys if they are fit.
They attempt to make the victims believe that they want to do this evil, convince them to choose to do it, and then it takes a life of its own as the victims nurture and grow it.

The Tefilin is basically a cube structure of technology, that the Greys and Reptilians will come to 'incorporate' when all the above is said and done, into their own borg.
Similar to stratosphere cities, where the jew lives in the city in the sky and the Goy works the mines below, in pollution and rot (Star Trek).

This will create for them they believe an easier 'integration' and manipulation of the humanoid species here into their collective.
Brown Neanderthal jesus man. Different articles mentioning we were all Brown Neanderthals, and articles mentioning "jesus" was a Brown Neanderthal-looking thing; turning the victims into this Brown Neanderthal who has little braining ability.

There are other things that you have said that has also appeared in science fiction.


It just so happens that on one of these articles was a recommended article about dirty unelected PM theresa may, regarding the dirty dirties taking the piss with the European jewnion and Brexit; plus conspiracy articles such as time travel, flat Earth, and the non-Pluto 9th planet nibiru. It also just so happens that on another of these articles are recommended articles regarding CRISPR, Trump, and cannabis.

Don't forget to read the comments, as well.

I often tend to mention Star Trek and Futurama. Nearly never have I mentioned Stargate. This sermon did remind me of Stargate initially, but also an episode of Star Trek TNG. In the latter, there is a Physical place which is occupied by aliens with "mouths" where our Third Eyes would be, which suck-up the Souls of the deceased, and particular individuals walking among the Native Population in the posh, upper-class, lardy-darr clothing, in a time of less technology.

In the former, generally, this type of enslavement is done, but it is more indirect and subtle (since I last saw it). Not to mention that the names of these false-gods in Stargate are given names of our real, true, actual Gods and Goddesses/from Egypt.

Seriously - if you have some free time, watch Star Trek, Futurama and Stargate through from first to last. To give you a timeframe, all programme episodes and films of Star Trek would take you about 556 hours according to Quora, 242 hours to watch all of Stargate according to gateworld, and about 50 hours for Futurama, according to reddit; so you may not want to waste your time on it all, but it still tells you things. The jew is dirty. A screenshot done by someone on reddit shows a bit of a joke in a picture, but what I am sharing here, in the same picture, is the thing about the rings of Saturn -
Nice subtle joke, kike.

The jew likes to show you and tell you things and take the piss out of you and laugh at you and mock you, while you are ignorant. We'll see who has the last laugh, dirty jewkike.
This was extremely informative! This has diffinantly helped fill in small gaps of information I had whe I researched the greys for the first time years ago. Thank you brother and may Satan bless you. Hail the Gods
Heil Hitler
This muslim halaal ritual slaughter is a sacrifice and ritual to the enemy's negative vortex of energy.
Obscurity666 said:
Reptilians are the worst breed. A couple of days ago I was practicing atmocinesi, I made it rain very hard and shortly after focusing myself to the sky twice I triggered lightning. Immediately afterwards a reptilian appeared in the astral, I understood it because he showed himself in human form but had green skin. I felt very bad negative chills and shortly afterwards I felt spiritual blockages and I was no longer able to practice atmocinesi. They are really powerful, and they haunt me a lot but my aura is not powerful enough to protect me, I don't know how to do it. I hate reptilian they search to destroy my spirituality every time!!
There's two possibilities here.
1) You're a troll and/or severely deluded
2) You can genuinely do these things and just lack the guidance.

On the off chance that it's the second option, let me give you some advice.

Anyone who has enough spiritual power to practice atmokinesis to this degree, will also have more than enough power to create an insanely strong Aura of Protection.
If you are dedicated to Satan already, He and your GD(s) will protect you from any attacks that you cant handle by yourself.
So if this attack you have experienced was genuine, you most certainly have not worked on your AoP nearly enough.

What workings for protection are you doing currently? The Returning Curses I and II are essential for ensuring your own safety.
MoonlessNight666 said:
um... and im sincerely curious here, how can you be stronge enough to manipulate the physical realm while not having a stronge aura to def. you?
You're absolutely right, in fact I don't even understand this thing, maybe the reason is that it caught me off guard and at the time I was surprised and my defenses weren't up to scratch, they haunted me for a long time, already when I was practicing the atmocinesi I felt observed but I was too concentrated and I didn't realize it was a negative presence.
They have always haunted me since I was a child because they have always considered me a "powerful" human soul (I tell you what I have always heard telepathically from them) in fact as a child when I had not yet made the dedication to Satan I found my hands always full of cuts and on the arms needle holes.
Now of course not anymore, but they always attack me spiritually trying to create spiritual blocks for me (sometimes they make it) of which I always have to free myself, and unfortunately I also have neighbors who hate me (without reason, in my opinion they guide them like robots) reptilian and gray against me) and they always send me curses with hair from which I must always free myself. Look at random In fact there are days that I can practice telekinesis, Aerocines, atmocinesi easily, and others that I really can't.
In short, it's a great fight. Sometimes I think bigger than me, but I prefer to die in battle but spiritually more advanced as possible.

P. S:Sorry if I made a confused speech, but I would have things to say about gray and reptilian shit
I not sure if that was a genuine encounter with grey or it's just happened in my head but years ago when we were scheduled to do blood sacrifice and other rituals,
after the ritual i closed my eyes and i had a the mental image of grey fall into the ground and look like it was dying ?, like from starvation/poisoning ?
before it vanishes i heard him telling something, in very weird monotone robotic fashion, no idea if i understated this correctly but it was something like "Why.... They... Resist" and after that it vanished completely, and I felt somehow better after that( in those days i wasn't very sensitive to astral changes like today)

I wonder if some of them were or even are directly leeching from us as energy source(food ?) like mosquitoes(parasites) from the cattle from astral realm.
Today i think I saw UFOs. Some planes that didn't look really like planes and one of them were in mid air without moving.
Don't take my word for it, because it was nothing weird probably.
I'm developing my astral senses though and maybe it was just my astral vision, I'm new to this so I don't know.
They are very sick entities a few years ago they relentlessly baraged me with thoughts of killing people and all sorts of other disturbing images. The worse kind of stuff that no one human person could even imagine doing to anyone and I wont even repeat here. So the human sacrifice stuff doesnt suprise me. I was fine cause there was no way i was going to do that. More recently they attacked me for trying to help someone they were playing mental games with.

The feeling is very cold and sort of disturbing I have been keeping up more with protection. My goal was to do more protection when sun entered Aries and Leo this year as i use the sun for this. If you visualize blue fire and them burning they kind of leave you alone. The last attack lasted 30 minutes though.

They tend to come in groups and not really on their own at least with me and they all seem to think and project things in unison.

Good luck
Shael said:
Obscurity666 said:
Reptilians are the worst breed. A couple of days ago I was practicing atmocinesi, I made it rain very hard and shortly after focusing myself to the sky twice I triggered lightning. Immediately afterwards a reptilian appeared in the astral, I understood it because he showed himself in human form but had green skin. I felt very bad negative chills and shortly afterwards I felt spiritual blockages and I was no longer able to practice atmocinesi. They are really powerful, and they haunt me a lot but my aura is not powerful enough to protect me, I don't know how to do it. I hate reptilian they search to destroy my spirituality every time!!
There's two possibilities here.
1) You're a troll and/or severely deluded
2) You can genuinely do these things and just lack the guidance.

On the off chance that it's the second option, let me give you some advice.

Anyone who has enough spiritual power to practice atmokinesis to this degree, will also have more than enough power to create an insanely strong Aura of Protection.
If you are dedicated to Satan already, He and your GD(s) will protect you from any attacks that you cant handle by yourself.
So if this attack you have experienced was genuine, you most certainly have not worked on your AoP nearly enough.

What workings for protection are you doing currently? The Returning Curses I and II are essential for ensuring your own safety.
I consider it a compliment that you give me trolls because I am not.
It's right, I'm just stupid and I've never worked so hard to increase my protective aura, I practice meditation on emptiness every day and to unlock the chakras but rightly if I don't have a good aura of protection Grays and reptilians can absorb my energies , what I actually understood for some time. However I have recently practiced the respiratory energy base in white gold and then for another 5 minutes I visualize the energy around my body.
However I have already done a ritual of destruction to a person of whom I am sure he sends the curses, the problem is that in my condominium I suspect two other people but of which I am not sure, also for this on them I have not done anything yet
I hope I succeeded for the first person, but I sent him as a curse a strong depression that, however, not thinking about it, I cannot be sure that it went well because it is a personal thing of his inside, and he hates me, and not I never talk to him, and I can't tell if the ritual went well
You'll know your soul is saved when the whole planet looks like a kike head:

...but back to the main topic:
I've never seen a gray in the flesh or in the astral, but I'll never forget the way I learnt about them. As a kid, I was in front of TV when there happened to run a UFO-themed program. It featured an abduction story, where a woman told that a gray had trespassed her home. The visuals scrolled upwards an illustration of a gray. The scrolling reached the face and it still seemed to look fairly human, but then those damn eyes were reached. Seeing this freaked me out so badly that it gave me nightmares/trauma.
Why would I be so horrified by a being of this particular appearance? A whole new can of worms may be opened for subconscious memories of dealing with grays in the previous incarnations...

It's peculiar how the grays have become such a popular culture phenomenon. All the attention is being directed at them probably because of their expendable slave status.
Lizard people appear regularly here and there in scifi/fantasy, but they're not really such a staple in the (mainstream)UFO lore.
Nordics, the extraterrestrials of pure Satanic lineage, aren't being discussed at all. It seems that TPTB don't want the people to be aware of them.

Ever since Dwight Eisenhower made an "agreement" with grays in 1954, they've been riding roughshod on humanity. They're doing sophisticated, presumably laser-based surgery that enables them to implant humans without (almost)any visible scarring and to remove animals' body parts (almost)bloodlessly. The body parts severed are usually those with highest cellular regeneration rate, mouths, eyes and assholes. Internal organs are also occasionally taken too, again with minimal and clean access route. The remaining animal is always dumped nearby, seemingly as an act of terrorism.

The stereotypical abduction scenario features short grays as servitors and a taller ET as the foreman. They're presumably able to read human's brainwaves in order to determine whether he's in deep enough sleep to be approached. Once proceeding, the sleep state of the abductee has to be maintained with some kind of psychotronic device(or just telepathic power). In a typical abduction story, the abductee might be awake, but is so dazed that he isn't sure whether it's just a dream... Because of this ability of directly attacking the brain, I doubt that even having a loaded gun by my bed would discourage them.

Is a Satanist protected against the abductions in any way?
Do they attack more at night ?

I just wonder if they also have to sleep and sleep at daytime so they can attack the people with less guard /dreaming/ tired.
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly
Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.
Dr. Karla Turner was an academic-turned-ufologist who focused on abductions. She died rather abruptly in 1996.
A good summarizing article about her

She authored 3 books and her widow has released them to public domain. They're available, for example in the Whale page dedicated to her.

It would be really cool if you or somebody else here did read these books through and provided a succint summary from the Satanist perspective.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly
Twisting such a large head against such a thin neck should break it.
Obscurity666 said:
Shael said:
Obscurity666 said:
Reptilians are the worst breed. A couple of days ago I was practicing atmocinesi, I made it rain very hard and shortly after focusing myself to the sky twice I triggered lightning. Immediately afterwards a reptilian appeared in the astral, I understood it because he showed himself in human form but had green skin. I felt very bad negative chills and shortly afterwards I felt spiritual blockages and I was no longer able to practice atmocinesi. They are really powerful, and they haunt me a lot but my aura is not powerful enough to protect me, I don't know how to do it. I hate reptilian they search to destroy my spirituality every time!!
There's two possibilities here.
1) You're a troll and/or severely deluded
2) You can genuinely do these things and just lack the guidance.

On the off chance that it's the second option, let me give you some advice.

Anyone who has enough spiritual power to practice atmokinesis to this degree, will also have more than enough power to create an insanely strong Aura of Protection.
If you are dedicated to Satan already, He and your GD(s) will protect you from any attacks that you cant handle by yourself.
So if this attack you have experienced was genuine, you most certainly have not worked on your AoP nearly enough.

What workings for protection are you doing currently? The Returning Curses I and II are essential for ensuring your own safety.
I consider it a compliment that you give me trolls because I am not.
It's right, I'm just stupid and I've never worked so hard to increase my protective aura, I practice meditation on emptiness every day and to unlock the chakras but rightly if I don't have a good aura of protection Grays and reptilians can absorb my energies , what I actually understood for some time. However I have recently practiced the respiratory energy base in white gold and then for another 5 minutes I visualize the energy around my body.
However I have already done a ritual of destruction to a person of whom I am sure he sends the curses, the problem is that in my condominium I suspect two other people but of which I am not sure, also for this on them I have not done anything yet
I hope I succeeded for the first person, but I sent him as a curse a strong depression that, however, not thinking about it, I cannot be sure that it went well because it is a personal thing of his inside, and he hates me, and not I never talk to him, and I can't tell if the ritual went well
I would strongly recommend that you do not focus on cursing individual people whom you suspect of cursing you. Instead, building a very strong AoP will make them destroy themselves if if they try to attack you.
V12-POWER said:
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly

Greys bodies are extremely frail and weak(if I recall correctly, Maxine said it's because they use magic to do most of physical things, so their bodies athrophied). They use their minds and technology to attack other beings.
Fuchs said:
Do they attack more at night ?

I just wonder if they also have to sleep and sleep at daytime so they can attack the people with less guard /dreaming/ tired.
Anyone is more susceptible to attacks while asleep. So naturally they'll try to attack while your defenses are at their lowest.

They probably do need sleep, as they are not advanced enough to be free of such things. But their numbers are so large that they'll always have forces to attack with either way, in my opinion. Similarly to how military soldiers keep night-watch and always have someone available, I believe they most likely also have scheduling to ensure there are always enough forces ready to attack their targets.

These are all just personal theories. And in the end it really doesn't matter what they do exactly, as we'll eradicate them either way.
Purified666 said:
V12-POWER said:
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly

Greys bodies are extremely frail and weak(if I recall correctly, Maxine said it's because they use magic to do most of physical things, so their bodies athrophied). They use their minds and technology to attack other beings.

I imagine what kicking those little fuckers in the groin area
would do to them then if one ever gets lucky,
maybe their bug heads will explode into shit! :D

=[Insert family guy transition]=

Grey gets kicked in the balls: *robotic self destruct sequence voice* OYY VEYY!!!! OYY VEYY!!!! OYY VEYY!!!! *Self destruct 3, 2, 1 countdown then head explodes into haSHIT piles*
Someone tell Levi, the Greys would take his twenty shekels. He probably has one living in his attic and calls it "Grandpa."
Shael said:
Fuchs said:
Do they attack more at night ?

I just wonder if they also have to sleep and sleep at daytime so they can attack the people with less guard /dreaming/ tired.
Anyone is more susceptible to attacks while asleep. So naturally they'll try to attack while your defenses are at their lowest.

They probably do need sleep, as they are not advanced enough to be free of such things. But their numbers are so large that they'll always have forces to attack with either way, in my opinion. Similarly to how military soldiers keep night-watch and always have someone available, I believe they most likely also have scheduling to ensure there are always enough forces ready to attack their targets.

These are all just personal theories. And in the end it really doesn't matter what they do exactly, as we'll eradicate them either way.

thank you for your reply , it makes sense.
Thanks for the tips Shael.
Anyway, tonight something happened to me that makes me doubt that I'm an abductee.
Last night i meditated for an hour before falling asleep UNDER the blankets, here I come to the point, the problem is that this morning i woke up that i was in bed but without blankets but i found myself in a bed perfectly set up like when one gets up in the morning. In short, it seems as if someone has put the bed perfectly up like when one gets up in the morning and immediately after he put me on the bed completely affixed.
"Coincidentally" on waking up I had my head on the left side that pulsed slightly.
I doubt that even if this were the case, not even my guardian could prevent me from being kidnapped by the shitty grays and reptilians aliens.
Fortunately, I manage self-healing and I managed to heal that annoying throbbing in my head. Tell me guys your opinion because I am incredulous.
Then, casually, it happened just yesterday when I commented on this post of grays and reptilians and there was also talk of abductees, coincidence?
Wildfire said:
Purified666 said:
V12-POWER said:
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly

Greys bodies are extremely frail and weak(if I recall correctly, Maxine said it's because they use magic to do most of physical things, so their bodies athrophied). They use their minds and technology to attack other beings.

I imagine what kicking those little fuckers in the groin area
would do to them then if one ever gets lucky,
maybe their bug heads will explode into shit! :D

=[Insert family guy transition]=

Grey gets kicked in the balls: *robotic self destruct sequence voice* OYY VEYY!!!! OYY VEYY!!!! OYY VEYY!!!! *Self destruct 3, 2, 1 countdown then head explodes into haSHIT piles*
But like HP said they have a strong telepatic mind. So before kicking them you'll be down for a while lol.
V12-POWER said:
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly

They are psychically and mentally strong but physically weak, seeing their physiognomy can be seen to have virtually no muscle mass and their joints are also weak.

Orbital said:
All greys need to die. Hope youre doing good maxine! Hail Satan!

Yeah, the universe has to be cleaned of those disgusting parasites

TimberWolf said:
It's very fitting that the NPC meme face is gray...

Fuchs said:
Do they attack more at night ?

I just wonder if they also have to sleep and sleep at daytime so they can attack the people with less guard /dreaming/ tired.

They usually attack while you sleep because you lower your guard and are more susceptible to their attacks, if you sleep in the day they will also do the same.

Aleister Crowley who was a top "Occultist" of the enemy painted and channeled "Jehovah", and the picture he generated from this was the picture of a Grey Alien.

The bizarre part of this illustration are the eyes. Instead of the usual big black eyes, there are just small, almost-shut eyes with small pupils, right below the usual region. Could this be a grey-human hybrid?.

As far as I know inside the grays even though they are only slaves, there are also ranges and various kinds and types.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Zulu, especially of the past, have been very brutal, in that they sacrifice and do blood rituals more than anyone else. The Zulu priest painted a reptilian looking alien as his "God" who he tries to commune. Of course, the Zulu's and all they do is provide living sacrifices to these dumb aliens. This is in general the level they always keep humanity. Zero development, endless savagery, bastardization, and keeping them as a food source.

Whenever they appear, they demand human sacrifice, cultural systems are forcibly removed (As it happened to Pagan people) and their victims enter in an unnatural, life hating, destructive path. That is because they are a race which also exists on the astral, so they feed from the blood sacrifices, and they also do not want others to get to this level to 'compete' with them, above or below. On the contrast to the Zulu there are the Dogon, who were a people who were escorted out of Africa, because they were followers of our Gods, so that they would avoid to be sacrificed by others.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, are all obsessive, blood sacrificing cults. People and cattle alike is slaughtered in the most weird and superficial manners, in mass blood sacrifices. In the Native Americans, after hijacking, and also in some places in Africa, they are also sacrificing their own children to them, in order to 'appease' them. Normally, civil war breaks when these cultural injections are done, and one faction may or may not survive and end this, or this crap continues indefinitely.

Zulu shamans still venerate these disgusting parasites as their gods and call them Chitauri :x

One thing that I have come to the conclusion is that the called "Nordic Enemies" do not really exist, this meme was created years ago when we still did not know how the magic system of the Jewish Kabbalah works to try to explain what the angels are, but the angels are the thought forms created by the system of the Jewish Kabbalah and also the grays.
Grays are capable of projecting images of this type and also creating thought forms in this way is how they sometimes impersonate and try to imitate the gods.
Wotanwarrior said:
One thing that I have come to the conclusion is that the called "Nordic Enemies" do not really exist, this meme was created years ago when we still did not know how the magic system of the Jewish Kabbalah works to try to explain what the angels are, but the angels are the thought forms created by the system of the Jewish Kabbalah and also the grays.
Grays are capable of projecting images of this type and also creating thought forms in this way is how they sometimes impersonate and try to imitate the gods.

They do exist, but they are not 'related' to our Gods. This began from misinterpretation of an allegory, and then using the bible of the "Angels who rebelled" as a basis for it, and then it later bled over to a Nordic thing. There was not such 'schism' between beings of a same origin.

There are other humanoid looking races but people throw it all on the same bucket and call them "Nordics". These are hostile to us or neutral.

We knew about the angels being thoughforms since 2005, it's of the basics of the JoS.

It's just that from what I have noticed over the years, people do not really study, or they study in a rush, or not focus on what is written to understand exactly what it means.
Wotanwarrior said:
V12-POWER said:
These fucker greys make me rage in anger. Does anybody know of encounters with humans? Doesn’t have to be recent...just something to read and understand their attacks.

Always the curiosity to know if they are they strong physically or just use the mind power to disarm us. Would beat these fuckers to death honestly

They are psychically and mentally strong but physically weak, seeing their physiognomy can be seen to have virtually no muscle mass and their joints are also weak.

Orbital said:
All greys need to die. Hope youre doing good maxine! Hail Satan!

Yeah, the universe has to be cleaned of those disgusting parasites

TimberWolf said:
It's very fitting that the NPC meme face is gray...

Fuchs said:
Do they attack more at night ?

I just wonder if they also have to sleep and sleep at daytime so they can attack the people with less guard /dreaming/ tired.

They usually attack while you sleep because you lower your guard and are more susceptible to their attacks, if you sleep in the day they will also do the same.

Aleister Crowley who was a top "Occultist" of the enemy painted and channeled "Jehovah", and the picture he generated from this was the picture of a Grey Alien.

The bizarre part of this illustration are the eyes. Instead of the usual big black eyes, there are just small, almost-shut eyes with small pupils, right below the usual region. Could this be a grey-human hybrid?.

As far as I know inside the grays even though they are only slaves, there are also ranges and various kinds and types.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Zulu, especially of the past, have been very brutal, in that they sacrifice and do blood rituals more than anyone else. The Zulu priest painted a reptilian looking alien as his "God" who he tries to commune. Of course, the Zulu's and all they do is provide living sacrifices to these dumb aliens. This is in general the level they always keep humanity. Zero development, endless savagery, bastardization, and keeping them as a food source.

Whenever they appear, they demand human sacrifice, cultural systems are forcibly removed (As it happened to Pagan people) and their victims enter in an unnatural, life hating, destructive path. That is because they are a race which also exists on the astral, so they feed from the blood sacrifices, and they also do not want others to get to this level to 'compete' with them, above or below. On the contrast to the Zulu there are the Dogon, who were a people who were escorted out of Africa, because they were followers of our Gods, so that they would avoid to be sacrificed by others.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, are all obsessive, blood sacrificing cults. People and cattle alike is slaughtered in the most weird and superficial manners, in mass blood sacrifices. In the Native Americans, after hijacking, and also in some places in Africa, they are also sacrificing their own children to them, in order to 'appease' them. Normally, civil war breaks when these cultural injections are done, and one faction may or may not survive and end this, or this crap continues indefinitely.

Zulu shamans still venerate these disgusting parasites as their gods and call them Chitauri :x

They don't call the chitauri God,they fear the chitauri
Many Zulus have had horrible experiences with greys and reptilians including baba credo
Obscurity666 said:
Thanks for the tips Shael.
Anyway, tonight something happened to me that makes me doubt that I'm an abductee.
Last night i meditated for an hour before falling asleep UNDER the blankets, here I come to the point, the problem is that this morning i woke up that i was in bed but without blankets but i found myself in a bed perfectly set up like when one gets up in the morning. In short, it seems as if someone has put the bed perfectly up like when one gets up in the morning and immediately after he put me on the bed completely affixed.
"Coincidentally" on waking up I had my head on the left side that pulsed slightly.
I doubt that even if this were the case, not even my guardian could prevent me from being kidnapped by the shitty grays and reptilians aliens.
Fortunately, I manage self-healing and I managed to heal that annoying throbbing in my head. Tell me guys your opinion because I am incredulous.
Then, casually, it happened just yesterday when I commented on this post of grays and reptilians and there was also talk of abductees, coincidence?
If Greys were to really abduct you, then more than likely they'd have tools to read your thoughts somehow and figure out you're an SS. And in such a case, I can guarantee you that they wouldn't just leave you alive and put you back into your bed afterwards.
This is getting into Sci-fi territory now huh :lol:

Just focus on your AoP. Don't worry about anything else for now. Do it twice a day. And perhaps even throw in some additional workings for protection on top of that. All these things will disappear once you focus more on protecting yourself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
One thing that I have come to the conclusion is that the called "Nordic Enemies" do not really exist, this meme was created years ago when we still did not know how the magic system of the Jewish Kabbalah works to try to explain what the angels are, but the angels are the thought forms created by the system of the Jewish Kabbalah and also the grays.
Grays are capable of projecting images of this type and also creating thought forms in this way is how they sometimes impersonate and try to imitate the gods.

They do exist, but they are not 'related' to our Gods. This began from misinterpretation of an allegory, and then using the bible of the "Angels who rebelled" as a basis for it, and then it later bled over to a Nordic thing. There was not such 'schism' between beings of a same origin.

There are other humanoid looking races but people throw it all on the same bucket and call them "Nordics". These are hostile to us or neutral.

We knew about the angels being thoughforms since 2005, it's of the basics of the JoS.

It's just that from what I have noticed over the years, people do not really study, or they study in a rush, or not focus on what is written to understand exactly what it means.

I understand, I knew that the meme of "nordics who betrayed the gods" is false.
It was in 2012 when I joined the JOS and started reading and studying the articles and I may have missed some of the older sermons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
