For whatever reason, any organic form of life and logic has been ousted and literally hated by present day humans. Eventhough most people on the world are literally, as it has always been, part of these unions. The essence of these and many unnatural elements (such as multiculturalism) are imposed as part of a social process, which makes civilizations weird or collapsing.
This is because present day humans are essentially not only extremely arrogant, but also, very deceived in regards to all things natural, true and proper, to the point we have to sit down and debate if there are 60 genders or not as Rabbi Shekelstein claims. In his country however there are only a few genders and not 60, or 100+ as some others are claiming. This after a while take the form of constantly trying to clean a never ending mess.
The fact however that we live in a state of a lot of unnatural perceptual abominations going, indeed has changed literally nothing of the lower fabric of natural laws and understanding based on such. We are still dominated by them,
In other words, people can believe in America that they are 'individuals', as Whites have been carried over by said weird idea, but they are individuals only insofar they also have a community. The community guarantees the rights of the individual, and the individual in turn can either do something for it or choose not to.
We give to ourselves individual freedom insofar we also relate to others, and get into a relation to further our freedoms. This way, we also increase our personal freedom, but also make some form of compromise in order for this increase. Give something, take something. Nowadays everyone wants to 'take' but not give back. Take the loan, not pay it. Get pleasure, not give pleasure. Get favors, not do favors. People who believe and approach life in this way are always dumbfounded because it gets nowhere that way. Because this outlook of life is simply unnatural.
To give a stupid example of the above, if you want the freedom to 'have property' and 'free speech', then you have to have a constitution like the American one, which people who founded the USA agreed upon, for recognition of personal property, and free speech. People and their government agreed on these conditions, and then formed bodies to enforce these. Not that the jews care about any of these, but just for the general reference to show an example.
In regards to relating to other people, let us just say this is natural. One comes into this world based on a relation with one's mother, or one's father. One is related to siblings and all sorts of other people, whether individuals like it or not. Not everyone likes everybody but we are in a world that we 'share', long story short, starting from the family, and the list goes.
I see constantly people speaking of 'individuality' as it is some sort of viable survival or quality of existence strategy merely by itself. For you to have this 'individuality' that many of these people preach, one has to be a member of a society, which in turns guarantees all the so called benefits that can make someone an individual. An individual cannot exist outside society, and guess what, no 'individual' can exist alone.
By technical standards, yes, we can exist 'alone', sure. We can drink our own piss in a mountain, and eat fruits like cavemen until we die, nor with language, nor with meaning, nor with any 'cursed civilization'. One can just withdraw into a cave and be a caveman, and still live. Now, as to the quality of said existence, on if they will be happy, or if nature will send them sexual urges they will have to ruin or relieve on their own with a tree, that is another subject.
Everything that exists in the world as an 'individual', exists as such because it is a piece of a greater part or a whole. This is especially true in notions like race, and civilization. There is wisdom in being an individual and nowadays, an absolute necessity, but this necessity does not invalidate the laws of existence. We are individuals and also parts of a whole.
If you want a species to continue, you need birth. If you need birth, then you also need families, relationships, and so forth. Doesn't matter if arrogant people today want to implant wombs into men to give them kids, in their paranoid war against life and existence. For these despicable acts to happen, you need a jewish doctor, a fool who would like to do it, a lot of people to handle the 'clinical process', and then a person who wants to be experimented upon, to prove these convictions.
In other words every striving for individuality is always rooted in some form of life and community with other people. And there is nothing bad with this.
Everyday we deal with all sorts of people. For example, you have these people who say they are 'totally independent', of the world. In their 30's or so, they feel like that they are fully independent. However, that is largely an illusion. One is dependent on one's job, one's army defending one's borders so that they are not razed and taken as a slave, one's cleaner down the street who keeps a road clean so that people do not die from diseases, and so forth.
Many people are constantly saying both to others and to themselves that they are 'alright' on their own. However, one has to be a liar and a hypocrite to say that they want to be 'completely' alone. Many people fed up with the world want to be individuals, which is all we are about, but also, individuality doesn't even matter without some form of community. Wanting to be left alone or living in some sort of distance also doesn't necessarily make someone an individual. To become a fully fledged individual, you have to self develop, and that is also a spiritual concept behind this term which is now only nonsense.
What we want actually is to be left "ALONE" when being "TOGETHER" becomes totally shitty, such as for example, when one is surrounded by bible thrumping NPC's. At this point loneliness is a great and beautiful wish, and indeed, the most sensible thing one can ask. Let us also say though that in general being surrounded by xian bible thumping borg NPC's is not the definition of a healthy social life.
This is why I have stated before, people should opt in for decent friends, partners, and in general, relations with others who are mutally beneficial for them. Despite of what everyone wants to say of their absolute solitude, there is nobody who takes the "Solo" route in life and is not at some point severely nagged by the question of their own being in relation to others. Even the most naturally loner people always think of thoughts like that.
Obviously, 'relations' with jebooists, worthless individuals, trash of the earth, "nag you until you die", and all sorts of abominations, make anyone want to choose to be a loner, anyday. However what most people do not get into the habit of thinking, is not how good life would be without a carcenoma, but one also has to think how a life with health should be for them.
For the above to happen however, individuals have to engage in self improvement and a bettering process.
To signify the value of relations, we have to judge what kind of relation is a relation first and foremost, and of what is it's nature. To avoid useless paradigms here, one can think of the relation they have to Satan. One indeed enters into a relation and community with the Gods, in order for themselves to grow, be protected, give and take, and ascend. Giving and taking is integral in life and there is no 'giving' or 'taking'.
Another situation where many can relate is pets and animals. How many of you have pets and animals that you love as if they were a literal family member of yours? They give you joy and comfort, and you also give them back, in a give and take relationship. Indeed, many animals give people way more than other humans may give them, which is beautiful and shows how important familiars and pets are in general to anyone.
Now, one can also look at the case here. While to us many of the retarded goys are intolerable, and that is correct, one finds good company in a good book, in meditation, in exchange of some sort, and in the alliance with the Gods. This is the case because we are social, and not solely solitary animals. Likewise, we can choose the people that we 'hang around' with, are our 'friends', and many other things. So if I tell you to also accept our social nature instead of the solitary one, this is on that condition: You are responsible to keep your stables clean, and life meaningful.
I do not dictate the above rule, life does. I also do not dictate the rule that a man and a woman are needed to create a baby, despite of anyone's personal emotions on the subject, and despite of the fact if in 150 years from now we will be making poor souls in tubes in labs and artificial wombs like cattle, or if it's done already.
At the present state of the world, many of us may like to move into seclusion and a protective stance in regards to life, which is understandable. We also commune here as to help each other and avoid many issues that come from goyim planet. Ideally, one should make their own planning on how to live in their own terms in life, so they and those that they love can suffer less as part of the farm milking process that is going on currently.
For whatever reason when someone hears 'being social', they instantly think about chicks dancing stoned in clubs, utter superficiality, stupidity, and being friends with all hippies on the planet. This to me looks like the fastest route to turn in reality, into an anti-social creature, as the disgust from doing too much of the above will make any viable person irk.
We are Satanists and in a sense elite, and we have to know how to keep a distance. This vital distance is also what kept one from being just another goyim. Something pulls us away from them, but also, something pulls us together and in community with other and better beings, so to say. In essence one leaves one form of useless communion to reach in to a meaningful one. More or less that is another subject, I'm just relating the context here.
Many people treat themselves like expendables and pretend that their own rejection of any betterment of joy is because they have thrown themselves into the battle for Satan, like some sort of Vatican fool pretends they do not get laid because they are too weak to engage in this process. These mindsets need to go, as Satanism is about life. Of course, one is free to define what this life means to them, but in every definition, you will see there are other people involved in there, and one must seek to also somehow develop their environment.
However, I would also like to bring something to the attention of some. When one goes through the above phase and develops, and of course builds powers and skills, it's not beyond someone to be able to live a life with friends or other people.
Another point the hyper individualists have to understand is that in order for you to be a Satanist and succeed today, someone put structures up, some other people died a few centuries ago, some people exist that keep the rights in place for you to advance, some Demons are looking out for our collective safety, some of us fight everyday so that we don't turn into a mass gulag, others study to share information, others contribute physically or work to improve others and themselves, the list goes.
We are an organic unity, individuals as part of a whole. Contrary to the NPC's of the enemy, we are different, and that's fine. People are free to be distant, silent, and so forth, or not participate, but one is in a sense, and if one is logical and also human, obligated to take a part in the above, even if that is solely to defend their OWN individuality. Indeed I have told many people who think like that and only about themselves, that you need to participate, if you care about YOURSELF first and foremost. Screw others, and see that one must indeed help the collective succeed to also benefit as an individual. It's the reality.
In other words, individuality to the point of self-sickness is not really quite a part of Satanism in nature, but also, profane association with other beings like anarchistic hipster communists who are constantly zoned out and overdosed in 'communal living' is not good either.
Another rule of relations and 'unions' is that people who are against a place, or enemies to it, have no place in it, under any circumstance. That should be common sense to many White countries today and other things, but we have a xian mind virus and a jewish living virus to heal ourselves from before this becomes again common sense.
Lastly, one last note. If one wants to seriously improve their own personal power, except of personal incentives, such as saving one's own ass or elevating one's self, there are also larger incentives. People who are in Spiritual Warfare understand what I mean here. It is something one cannot replace by any form of 'personal work'. A lot of people have tremendous power because they focus on to improve the whole, because they also understand this sense of our unity and side in general. From this arises one of the deepest feelings of existential satisfaction, as the Satanic Soul pleases itself when it furthers it's Satanic life and objective, giving water to itself and back to it's source.
This is because present day humans are essentially not only extremely arrogant, but also, very deceived in regards to all things natural, true and proper, to the point we have to sit down and debate if there are 60 genders or not as Rabbi Shekelstein claims. In his country however there are only a few genders and not 60, or 100+ as some others are claiming. This after a while take the form of constantly trying to clean a never ending mess.
The fact however that we live in a state of a lot of unnatural perceptual abominations going, indeed has changed literally nothing of the lower fabric of natural laws and understanding based on such. We are still dominated by them,
In other words, people can believe in America that they are 'individuals', as Whites have been carried over by said weird idea, but they are individuals only insofar they also have a community. The community guarantees the rights of the individual, and the individual in turn can either do something for it or choose not to.
We give to ourselves individual freedom insofar we also relate to others, and get into a relation to further our freedoms. This way, we also increase our personal freedom, but also make some form of compromise in order for this increase. Give something, take something. Nowadays everyone wants to 'take' but not give back. Take the loan, not pay it. Get pleasure, not give pleasure. Get favors, not do favors. People who believe and approach life in this way are always dumbfounded because it gets nowhere that way. Because this outlook of life is simply unnatural.
To give a stupid example of the above, if you want the freedom to 'have property' and 'free speech', then you have to have a constitution like the American one, which people who founded the USA agreed upon, for recognition of personal property, and free speech. People and their government agreed on these conditions, and then formed bodies to enforce these. Not that the jews care about any of these, but just for the general reference to show an example.
In regards to relating to other people, let us just say this is natural. One comes into this world based on a relation with one's mother, or one's father. One is related to siblings and all sorts of other people, whether individuals like it or not. Not everyone likes everybody but we are in a world that we 'share', long story short, starting from the family, and the list goes.
I see constantly people speaking of 'individuality' as it is some sort of viable survival or quality of existence strategy merely by itself. For you to have this 'individuality' that many of these people preach, one has to be a member of a society, which in turns guarantees all the so called benefits that can make someone an individual. An individual cannot exist outside society, and guess what, no 'individual' can exist alone.
By technical standards, yes, we can exist 'alone', sure. We can drink our own piss in a mountain, and eat fruits like cavemen until we die, nor with language, nor with meaning, nor with any 'cursed civilization'. One can just withdraw into a cave and be a caveman, and still live. Now, as to the quality of said existence, on if they will be happy, or if nature will send them sexual urges they will have to ruin or relieve on their own with a tree, that is another subject.
Everything that exists in the world as an 'individual', exists as such because it is a piece of a greater part or a whole. This is especially true in notions like race, and civilization. There is wisdom in being an individual and nowadays, an absolute necessity, but this necessity does not invalidate the laws of existence. We are individuals and also parts of a whole.
If you want a species to continue, you need birth. If you need birth, then you also need families, relationships, and so forth. Doesn't matter if arrogant people today want to implant wombs into men to give them kids, in their paranoid war against life and existence. For these despicable acts to happen, you need a jewish doctor, a fool who would like to do it, a lot of people to handle the 'clinical process', and then a person who wants to be experimented upon, to prove these convictions.
In other words every striving for individuality is always rooted in some form of life and community with other people. And there is nothing bad with this.
Everyday we deal with all sorts of people. For example, you have these people who say they are 'totally independent', of the world. In their 30's or so, they feel like that they are fully independent. However, that is largely an illusion. One is dependent on one's job, one's army defending one's borders so that they are not razed and taken as a slave, one's cleaner down the street who keeps a road clean so that people do not die from diseases, and so forth.
Many people are constantly saying both to others and to themselves that they are 'alright' on their own. However, one has to be a liar and a hypocrite to say that they want to be 'completely' alone. Many people fed up with the world want to be individuals, which is all we are about, but also, individuality doesn't even matter without some form of community. Wanting to be left alone or living in some sort of distance also doesn't necessarily make someone an individual. To become a fully fledged individual, you have to self develop, and that is also a spiritual concept behind this term which is now only nonsense.
What we want actually is to be left "ALONE" when being "TOGETHER" becomes totally shitty, such as for example, when one is surrounded by bible thrumping NPC's. At this point loneliness is a great and beautiful wish, and indeed, the most sensible thing one can ask. Let us also say though that in general being surrounded by xian bible thumping borg NPC's is not the definition of a healthy social life.
This is why I have stated before, people should opt in for decent friends, partners, and in general, relations with others who are mutally beneficial for them. Despite of what everyone wants to say of their absolute solitude, there is nobody who takes the "Solo" route in life and is not at some point severely nagged by the question of their own being in relation to others. Even the most naturally loner people always think of thoughts like that.
Obviously, 'relations' with jebooists, worthless individuals, trash of the earth, "nag you until you die", and all sorts of abominations, make anyone want to choose to be a loner, anyday. However what most people do not get into the habit of thinking, is not how good life would be without a carcenoma, but one also has to think how a life with health should be for them.
For the above to happen however, individuals have to engage in self improvement and a bettering process.
To signify the value of relations, we have to judge what kind of relation is a relation first and foremost, and of what is it's nature. To avoid useless paradigms here, one can think of the relation they have to Satan. One indeed enters into a relation and community with the Gods, in order for themselves to grow, be protected, give and take, and ascend. Giving and taking is integral in life and there is no 'giving' or 'taking'.
Another situation where many can relate is pets and animals. How many of you have pets and animals that you love as if they were a literal family member of yours? They give you joy and comfort, and you also give them back, in a give and take relationship. Indeed, many animals give people way more than other humans may give them, which is beautiful and shows how important familiars and pets are in general to anyone.
Now, one can also look at the case here. While to us many of the retarded goys are intolerable, and that is correct, one finds good company in a good book, in meditation, in exchange of some sort, and in the alliance with the Gods. This is the case because we are social, and not solely solitary animals. Likewise, we can choose the people that we 'hang around' with, are our 'friends', and many other things. So if I tell you to also accept our social nature instead of the solitary one, this is on that condition: You are responsible to keep your stables clean, and life meaningful.
I do not dictate the above rule, life does. I also do not dictate the rule that a man and a woman are needed to create a baby, despite of anyone's personal emotions on the subject, and despite of the fact if in 150 years from now we will be making poor souls in tubes in labs and artificial wombs like cattle, or if it's done already.
At the present state of the world, many of us may like to move into seclusion and a protective stance in regards to life, which is understandable. We also commune here as to help each other and avoid many issues that come from goyim planet. Ideally, one should make their own planning on how to live in their own terms in life, so they and those that they love can suffer less as part of the farm milking process that is going on currently.
For whatever reason when someone hears 'being social', they instantly think about chicks dancing stoned in clubs, utter superficiality, stupidity, and being friends with all hippies on the planet. This to me looks like the fastest route to turn in reality, into an anti-social creature, as the disgust from doing too much of the above will make any viable person irk.
We are Satanists and in a sense elite, and we have to know how to keep a distance. This vital distance is also what kept one from being just another goyim. Something pulls us away from them, but also, something pulls us together and in community with other and better beings, so to say. In essence one leaves one form of useless communion to reach in to a meaningful one. More or less that is another subject, I'm just relating the context here.
Many people treat themselves like expendables and pretend that their own rejection of any betterment of joy is because they have thrown themselves into the battle for Satan, like some sort of Vatican fool pretends they do not get laid because they are too weak to engage in this process. These mindsets need to go, as Satanism is about life. Of course, one is free to define what this life means to them, but in every definition, you will see there are other people involved in there, and one must seek to also somehow develop their environment.
However, I would also like to bring something to the attention of some. When one goes through the above phase and develops, and of course builds powers and skills, it's not beyond someone to be able to live a life with friends or other people.
Another point the hyper individualists have to understand is that in order for you to be a Satanist and succeed today, someone put structures up, some other people died a few centuries ago, some people exist that keep the rights in place for you to advance, some Demons are looking out for our collective safety, some of us fight everyday so that we don't turn into a mass gulag, others study to share information, others contribute physically or work to improve others and themselves, the list goes.
We are an organic unity, individuals as part of a whole. Contrary to the NPC's of the enemy, we are different, and that's fine. People are free to be distant, silent, and so forth, or not participate, but one is in a sense, and if one is logical and also human, obligated to take a part in the above, even if that is solely to defend their OWN individuality. Indeed I have told many people who think like that and only about themselves, that you need to participate, if you care about YOURSELF first and foremost. Screw others, and see that one must indeed help the collective succeed to also benefit as an individual. It's the reality.
In other words, individuality to the point of self-sickness is not really quite a part of Satanism in nature, but also, profane association with other beings like anarchistic hipster communists who are constantly zoned out and overdosed in 'communal living' is not good either.
Another rule of relations and 'unions' is that people who are against a place, or enemies to it, have no place in it, under any circumstance. That should be common sense to many White countries today and other things, but we have a xian mind virus and a jewish living virus to heal ourselves from before this becomes again common sense.
Lastly, one last note. If one wants to seriously improve their own personal power, except of personal incentives, such as saving one's own ass or elevating one's self, there are also larger incentives. People who are in Spiritual Warfare understand what I mean here. It is something one cannot replace by any form of 'personal work'. A lot of people have tremendous power because they focus on to improve the whole, because they also understand this sense of our unity and side in general. From this arises one of the deepest feelings of existential satisfaction, as the Satanic Soul pleases itself when it furthers it's Satanic life and objective, giving water to itself and back to it's source.