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On Pride, Ego and Kundalini Advancement

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest very much!!
Your sermons are always greatly appreciated!!

Sort of off topic observation from my side is that I noticed, since we started the FRTR+T, I've started to slowly be more observant and pay more attention to things easier and not have my mind drift somewhere else in the midst of reading something or such.

Once again, thank you to all the High Priests and Priestesses!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you! Amazing post. This has been on my mind a lot lately. I’ve also been noticing more nuances like how young children naturally have this sense of keeping things in balance. A 2 year old will sit there and feed you their food while simultaneously eating theirs and kids have a more natural sense of give and take versus adults. Of course they don’t really know a whole lot about the world and don’t pick up their trash but the first thing they do when they start grow is learn to care for others and themselves, trying to keep things in balance. Kids also want to learn and grow, they don’t have any biases or negative ego blocking them but they do start to form solidified beliefs more and more as they grow. These tend to be the foundation and core belief system. Hearing a lot of negative things as a kid can get embedded into the subconscious and come out as an adult. I think as we grow we lose touch with certain parts of ourselves that we’re beneficial as kids. I think there’s been some issues in ego in that I don’t solidify certain things enough and it’s easy to lose touch with my strong character, but in a way this allows me to observe different facets of life in a unique way. It’s hard for me to form strong opinions about anything, and I sometimes think I’m too objective. When I do make up my mind though it sticks hard. I usually have to base it off of logic and intuition along with long term observation. It’d probably be good to have better solidified self-beliefs and affirmations. A person needs to be able to set strong boundaries and characteristics based on what they’ve experienced and know. This also kind of leads to a self-searching in external sources like on the forums trying to figure out a direction to go in.
Thanks for clearing this up. I think alot of us needed this information
Thank you for this, much needed in times like these.
I hope all you stay safe and happy new year !

Thank you HP

The SAMMAS meditation, is it advisable to use this.
Secondly I asked a question about the gigimaganpah/ziku money ritual, is it to be done daily?
Since after you explained some key effects of the final RTR, and the release of the Tetragramotton, I have been more hopeful, powerful and in tuned. Future is bright.

Brilliant HPHC :D

There is a guy out in the "satanic" world promoting this and that im sure he uses crytal meth you can prob guess.

Cant say ive tried that nor will I ever :lol: he said for shamanic purposes :D :lol:

Have induldged in things in the past (that arent healthy) gets you nowhere, its mad it coincided with kundalini Yoga. HPS Maxine did warn us to be careful doing that if prone to certain things.

Feel so good now one bad year in about ten wasnt bad (for me) No room for slip ups in this life now. No bad years.

Clean living, meditations, studying all old sermons especially one from you that I have all mentioned on here before (compilation of all some of you"re threads and work) helped me on my journey.

This site has helped alot with many other ssrs input. I do read alot of the topics maybe dont contribute as much but do when I can.

Thanks bro.
Topic on gazwa-e-hind(shira law imposed in India).Link:
Manofsatan said:
Thank you HP

The SAMMAS meditation, is it advisable to use this.
Secondly I asked a question about the gigimaganpah/ziku money ritual, is it to be done daily?
Since after you explained some key effects of the final RTR, and the release of the Tetragramotton, I have been more hopeful, powerful and in tuned. Future is bright.

Its a basic meditation. Nothing really that advanced. Raum meditation does the same thing this meditation do but better.
I answer on this because I feel concerned here, and the subject is very interesting.

As far as I am concerned, my path is very individualistic with a rather pronounced ego. I am a loner. I have a lot of difficulty with groups in general. I've suffered many betrayals in the past, and I've always been out of step.

Shortly after my awakening, I navigated between different cultures, including Gnosticism, Paganism, Taoism, Shivaism, spiritual Satanism (JoS), Enkism ...

I know that in essence I am what can be called a "pure LHP" as you say. At least someone who considers himself a God and has trouble with the devotional part. (it is actually absent from my spiritual training program).
And putting someone above me is something difficult to accept. That's why I take my hooded coat and go out like a hermit who wants to make his way.

I became interested and committed to Satan / Enki, mainly for the values that I constantly hold: the freedom to believe, to think, to be. Fighting good thinking, helping the weakest or NPCs to rise are my main activities with others.

The Gods are above all for me external helpers, symbols, values, examples, for my path. It is quite rare that I invoke or evoke them.

Most of these very "LHP" people, very very in the ego, are for the most part people who have been manipulated and betrayed in the past (especially as a child) so that instead of looking for balance they go to the other end of the scale.

Afterwards, I think that there is not much to say about people who do nothing, neither for the planet nor to raise consciousness, who think they are great sorcerers (although we all have our own personal garden that we cultivate to maintain our self-esteem).
This is so true. One stage I still feel I am apart is being extremely detached from wordly affairs. The Serpent made me extremely profound and detached. Sexual energy got rewired and whole lifestyle is completely different. The sexual energy doesn't require anymore, it just is and rises, so lack of proper direction of the sexual energy creates the no desire of this, and at the end this is lended onto the counsciousness which possesses the power and guidance and freedom. The transition from ego to the counsciousness is in between freedom or dependence.

When out of sync of these two states, you'll find lack of motivation but power of manifestation (but the desire is gone) and on the ego side extreme thrist of life but the emotional side extremely attached to different things which makes it extremely dangerous as there are no boundaries of life.


Saddam hussain siddiquie said:
Topic on gazwa-e-hind(shira law imposed in India).Link:
I remember thinking only for myself, until some time after I dedicated myself to Satan last year, or is it two years now? 2020 is so long yet feels so short that I still see it as this year. anyway, it was 2019 when I dedicated.

I still think of myself currently, but it spread to those I care about around me and desire to see them grow to their best, which is one of the reasons why I desire to set up my own business. So I am slowly balancing myself but got a long way to go as I am working on my disciplining myself as I never have much of those and allow most of my talents to fade because I never put in the effort and work as I have everything come easy for me. This is sadly ironic for me because I was smart enough to know and see the trouble coming when it becomes too much work and just gave up because I have no idea how to put in that much effort as I have never done it before... and yet for all the prediction that I foresaw, I did nothing about it... truly regret that but at least I am working on myself now, it is the only thing that I can do and push myself.
Great writing. This cleared up confusion for me, although I have a question. If my upper chakras are unbalanced this means I should focus on the lower three more intently? My Ego is not inflated, in fact most of the time my Self Esteem(Low) is always fighting with me. I am practice Kunda and Hatha as well as meditation daily yet I notice my head is never here, my house is always messy, and im always struggling to make ends meet ! I try to keep up with our RTR schedule as well. I feel Anger on the edge of my consciousness all the time, not directed Anger. I find myself snapping and vexed on a constant. I also include Void meditation which does help considerably.

NOTE* The above is a few snags I am running into but none the less my life, my consciousness, my health, and my values have changed so much since coming to Father Satan. I love my God/s, they are all I have as are you guys ! Thx to anyone who replies
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?
The ego is the fire, the will. It is true that one should not think only of oneself but one cannot not think of oneself, such a thing is beyond sacrifice, it is suicide and total stupidity. Obviously, both these imbalances are wrong and counterproductive. Balance is more important than you may think, I have noticed it in many things. Nice Sermon, thank you!
The world of fatwa or sharia in action.Link:
Islamic jihad(A legacy of forced conversion,imperialism and slavery).Link:
What concerns you? As far as I read, you have this figured out. You can follow a more personal path. One is under no obligation to follow things that are not good for them.

Personally, I read all this garbage online, about random people who call themselves "Gods". This is just a meme and a part of a psychological process, sort of like a person recognizing their "Spiritual self" or "God aspect". To me, this is pretty basic. I've been through this stage already. You become used to it.

Past that, at least to me, this occurred to be nothing but a meme that is overly inflated in the LHP. Such as the slavery meme is inflated to no end in the RHP. There are people who at the moment they discover they have powers, they assume they are Gods, because they made some basic magick happen. This, if one meditates, should be a transitory stage. You don't get stuck on this forever.

As I walked the path, I found the excessive focus on solely what one called "ego" to be wrong or at least, unfulfilling. I don't derive pleasure from spending my time all day looking after "myself" like an obsessed narcissistic cunt in a mirror. Although, that feels very very good to do, I understand why many people do it, it's simply not my cup of tea.

Then again, when this reached in my life points of extreme self denial, this only proved to be destructive - a destruction I was by nature geared to take and tolerate. This doesn't mean that this was positive though. As such, I share my understanding out of this: a balance is required.

A lot of people are egotists out of weakness and/or mental illness, no different than abrahamic slaves. These are states of imbalance that seek to dominate a person.

The finer details of these are not mental things or philosophical things we have to understand. These are things that emerge out of balance in the soul. They'll dawn upon someone as they advance.

When one meditates, they will understand what I write here. For those who do not, it will puzzle and even confuse them. I try to write in an explanation focused fashion to avoid this, but if one does not meditate, confusion will certainly ensue.

You don't have to be a very social person to do something of substance. Most people here are not social and/or they don't give many fucks about the external world. Some of us do what we do out of necessity, to turn the world around so that we are not massacred on a personal level by the mass stupidity of cattle. Others do this out of genuine love.

No matter what, one has to interact in this way with the external world, both to live, and this is by the design of the world/nature. How, why and the details are up to the individual.

Havok said:
I answer on this because I feel concerned here, and the subject is very interesting.

As far as I am concerned, my path is very individualistic with a rather pronounced ego. I am a loner. I have a lot of difficulty with groups in general. I've suffered many betrayals in the past, and I've always been out of step.

Shortly after my awakening, I navigated between different cultures, including Gnosticism, Paganism, Taoism, Shivaism, spiritual Satanism (JoS), Enkism ...

I know that in essence I am what can be called a "pure LHP" as you say. At least someone who considers himself a God and has trouble with the devotional part. (it is actually absent from my spiritual training program).
And putting someone above me is something difficult to accept. That's why I take my hooded coat and go out like a hermit who wants to make his way.

I became interested and committed to Satan / Enki, mainly for the values that I constantly hold: the freedom to believe, to think, to be. Fighting good thinking, helping the weakest or NPCs to rise are my main activities with others.

The Gods are above all for me external helpers, symbols, values, examples, for my path. It is quite rare that I invoke or evoke them.

Most of these very "LHP" people, very very in the ego, are for the most part people who have been manipulated and betrayed in the past (especially as a child) so that instead of looking for balance they go to the other end of the scale.

Afterwards, I think that there is not much to say about people who do nothing, neither for the planet nor to raise consciousness, who think they are great sorcerers (although we all have our own personal garden that we cultivate to maintain our self-esteem).
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?
Hail Satan!

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.
Thanks for the sermon, HP. I will show it to people whenever they have issues understanding about ego. There are too many who swing either way, even going as far as inflicting disproportionate payback to mundanes because of a clouded mind.

luis said:
Manofsatan said:
Thank you HP

The SAMMAS meditation, is it advisable to use this.
Secondly I asked a question about the gigimaganpah/ziku money ritual, is it to be done daily?
Since after you explained some key effects of the final RTR, and the release of the Tetragramotton, I have been more hopeful, powerful and in tuned. Future is bright.

Its a basic meditation. Nothing really that advanced. Raum meditation does the same thing this meditation do but better.

The third statement is not correct. Those are two different meditations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What concerns you? As far as I read, you have this figured out. You can follow a more personal path. One is under no obligation to follow things that are not good for them.

Personally, I read all this garbage online, about random people who call themselves "Gods". This is just a meme and a part of a psychological process, sort of like a person recognizing their "Spiritual self" or "God aspect". To me, this is pretty basic. I've been through this stage already. You become used to it.

Past that, at least to me, this occurred to be nothing but a meme that is overly inflated in the LHP. Such as the slavery meme is inflated to no end in the RHP. There are people who at the moment they discover they have powers, they assume they are Gods, because they made some basic magick happen. This, if one meditates, should be a transitory stage. You don't get stuck on this forever.

As I walked the path, I found the excessive focus on solely what one called "ego" to be wrong or at least, unfulfilling. I don't derive pleasure from spending my time all day looking after "myself" like an obsessed narcissistic cunt in a mirror. Although, that feels very very good to do, I understand why many people do it, it's simply not my cup of tea.

Then again, when this reached in my life points of extreme self denial, this only proved to be destructive - a destruction I was by nature geared to take and tolerate. This doesn't mean that this was positive though. As such, I share my understanding out of this: a balance is required.

A lot of people are egotists out of weakness and/or mental illness, no different than abrahamic slaves. These are states of imbalance that seek to dominate a person.

The finer details of these are not mental things or philosophical things we have to understand. These are things that emerge out of balance in the soul. They'll dawn upon someone as they advance.

When one meditates, they will understand what I write here. For those who do not, it will puzzle and even confuse them. I try to write in an explanation focused fashion to avoid this, but if one does not meditate, confusion will certainly ensue.

You don't have to be a very social person to do something of substance. Most people here are not social and/or they don't give many fucks about the external world. Some of us do what we do out of necessity, to turn the world around so that we are not massacred on a personal level by the mass stupidity of cattle. Others do this out of genuine love.

No matter what, one has to interact in this way with the external world, both to live, and this is by the design of the world/nature. How, why and the details are up to the individual.

Havok said:
I answer on this because I feel concerned here, and the subject is very interesting.

As far as I am concerned, my path is very individualistic with a rather pronounced ego. I am a loner. I have a lot of difficulty with groups in general. I've suffered many betrayals in the past, and I've always been out of step.

Shortly after my awakening, I navigated between different cultures, including Gnosticism, Paganism, Taoism, Shivaism, spiritual Satanism (JoS), Enkism ...

I know that in essence I am what can be called a "pure LHP" as you say. At least someone who considers himself a God and has trouble with the devotional part. (it is actually absent from my spiritual training program).
And putting someone above me is something difficult to accept. That's why I take my hooded coat and go out like a hermit who wants to make his way.

I became interested and committed to Satan / Enki, mainly for the values that I constantly hold: the freedom to believe, to think, to be. Fighting good thinking, helping the weakest or NPCs to rise are my main activities with others.

The Gods are above all for me external helpers, symbols, values, examples, for my path. It is quite rare that I invoke or evoke them.

Most of these very "LHP" people, very very in the ego, are for the most part people who have been manipulated and betrayed in the past (especially as a child) so that instead of looking for balance they go to the other end of the scale.

Afterwards, I think that there is not much to say about people who do nothing, neither for the planet nor to raise consciousness, who think they are great sorcerers (although we all have our own personal garden that we cultivate to maintain our self-esteem).
Something that I've found is that you need a bit of social life. I'm quite a loner too, always been, always liked occult stuff and I never really understood normies but somehow you have to find a way to have a bit of social life, they don't need to be perfect friends but good enough or you will just go crazy. This is how we are made to be. In a normal, not jew dominated world this would have not been a problem.

Another thing is love and having a sexual relationship, as SS we can use magick to find the best partner for us or asking for a succubus/incubus. I feel like most people need this, there may be some individuals who don't but in my case I need it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.

I wouldn’t say taking adrenaline in any way is healthy even for professional athletes

If he knows about meditation and it’s effects he doesn’t even need adrenaline and any other external chemical which is not doing any good no matter what sport you do or the level of intensity of the sport

Meditation is always superior to any of that. More so if you’re a male and you’re so worried about results, you can definitely “use” the 7 day testosterone spike. This alone will increase outputs to incredible levels without the side effects of taking drugs, cause that’s what I do if there’s an important event

Now before anyone comes and says anything about not ejaculating for a few days, you need to understand that as athletes the results are everything and do this when it really matters. “Normal” people have nothing to gain from this

athletes who work only on the physical aspect are also on a very delicate balance - theyre very vulnerable the moment they’re thrown off their balance. A meal off can severely disturb them.

(They’re much healthier and stronger than your lazy ass Dorito eating machine however)
V12-POWER said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.

I wouldn’t say taking adrenaline in any way is healthy even for professional athletes

If he knows about meditation and it’s effects he doesn’t even need adrenaline and any other external chemical which is not doing any good no matter what sport you do or the level of intensity of the sport

Meditation is always superior to any of that. More so if you’re a male and you’re so worried about results, you can definitely “use” the 7 day testosterone spike. This alone will increase outputs to incredible levels without the side effects of taking drugs, cause that’s what I do if there’s an important event

Now before anyone comes and says anything about not ejaculating for a few days, you need to understand that as athletes the results are everything and do this when it really matters. “Normal” people have nothing to gain from this

athletes who work only on the physical aspect are also on a very delicate balance - theyre very vulnerable the moment they’re thrown off their balance. A meal off can severely disturb them.

(They’re much healthier and stronger than your lazy ass Dorito eating machine however)

Guys maybe it's me who can't explain myself ... I don't take any kind of chemical crap that they produce out there. I meant the adrenaline that our body naturally produces when we perform intense physical activities and with maximum concentration. These are natural "drugs" that our body produces, see the endorphins that our brain produces. To get adrenaline you need to eat energy foods, take vitamins of all kinds such as omega 3-6-9, drink minerals, zinc and magnesium. I am a 100% healthy boy and as I run like a cheetah I feel the energy pervade my body giving me an electrical charge so great that it makes a poisonous snake escape. Sport brings out the beast I have inside me and that adrenalin rush makes me feel strong like a tiger running in total FREEDOM. Outdoor sport makes my soul feel free not to mention the contact with nature of this beautiful planet that is our home! All human beings are lucky to be born on a planet like Earth and have Gods so loving that they never give up even in delicate situations like this!
Ariton 666 said:
V12-POWER said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.

I wouldn’t say taking adrenaline in any way is healthy even for professional athletes

If he knows about meditation and it’s effects he doesn’t even need adrenaline and any other external chemical which is not doing any good no matter what sport you do or the level of intensity of the sport

Meditation is always superior to any of that. More so if you’re a male and you’re so worried about results, you can definitely “use” the 7 day testosterone spike. This alone will increase outputs to incredible levels without the side effects of taking drugs, cause that’s what I do if there’s an important event

Now before anyone comes and says anything about not ejaculating for a few days, you need to understand that as athletes the results are everything and do this when it really matters. “Normal” people have nothing to gain from this

athletes who work only on the physical aspect are also on a very delicate balance - theyre very vulnerable the moment they’re thrown off their balance. A meal off can severely disturb them.

(They’re much healthier and stronger than your lazy ass Dorito eating machine however)

There is no need to do self-restraint, nor have elite athletes used to do this for some time, because one is much more convulsive, stiffer when one is self-restrained than one who is not.
Some people have the same sex life the night before the race and just don’t on the day of the race and perform outstandingly.
Sex has a testosterone-boosting effect.
Miyamoto Musashi also wrote about the fact that self-restraint should be avoided.

Sorry for the bad wording but i don't know english so i use google translator.

Ariton 666 said:
V12-POWER said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.

I wouldn’t say taking adrenaline in any way is healthy even for professional athletes

If he knows about meditation and it’s effects he doesn’t even need adrenaline and any other external chemical which is not doing any good no matter what sport you do or the level of intensity of the sport

Meditation is always superior to any of that. More so if you’re a male and you’re so worried about results, you can definitely “use” the 7 day testosterone spike. This alone will increase outputs to incredible levels without the side effects of taking drugs, cause that’s what I do if there’s an important event

Now before anyone comes and says anything about not ejaculating for a few days, you need to understand that as athletes the results are everything and do this when it really matters. “Normal” people have nothing to gain from this

athletes who work only on the physical aspect are also on a very delicate balance - theyre very vulnerable the moment they’re thrown off their balance. A meal off can severely disturb them.

(They’re much healthier and stronger than your lazy ass Dorito eating machine however)

There is no need to do self-restraint, nor have elite athletes used to do this for some time, because one is much more convulsive, stiffer when one is self-restrained than one who is not.
Some people have the same sex life the night before the race and just don’t on the day of the race and perform outstandingly.
Sex has a testosterone-boosting effect.
Miyamoto Musashi also wrote about the fact that self-restraint should be avoided.

Sorry for the bad wording but i don't know english so i use google translator.

Well that’s not what happens at least to me and my friends who compete.

I never self restrain unless there’s something huge coming up but the “effect” is definitely there

I’m not saying u should go celibate, it’s just something u can do if you’re result driven just like me
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
The only drugs I take are adrenaline while I play sports and I exert my body (athleticism) and the natural energy that I absorb like a sponge. It has been said that top division professional athletes possess much higher bioelectricity than normal gentiles. Here I am sure I could handle those rhythms and those pressures and above all I know I never get tired because I know how to resort to meditation and I know how to absorb natural energy. A bit like Naruto's hermit mode does anyone know this anime?

Athletes are on a whole different level than normal people where the material body is concerned and it's tolerance. Combining this with meditation can be excessively helpful, and it will increase your output in all ways.

All of this physical empowerment will also make spiritual progress easier, to some extent. In the case of supreme athletes, one has to only pay attention on the crossing the limits threshold, as in, to not overpower limits severely.

Too much adrenaline can cause adrenal fatigue syndrome over time. I know athletes tend to take a lot of things. These can have a problematic effect, but it all depends on measurements and other factors of which I cannot advise.

I remember HPS Maxine highlighting the importance of physical training in the past and I fully agree with her that physical training is of paramount importance, just like training and developing the mind and soul. With physical training you gain strength, health and beauty, not to mention training and development of the mind and soul.

Sport is really a very beautiful thing, like meditation. This does not mean that we all have to become athletes and/or other types of sportsmen, but we do have to get and keep fit. Obviously, we must rely on true professionals in the field, both in terms of abundant, healthy and balanced nutrition and in terms of the right and correct way of training.

There are some foods, supplements and medicines that are not very effective and are also toxic, just because of the low level of development. To give an example, we still haven't learned how some plants synthesise sugar and then there are failures in synthesising some things that we try to synthesise and then there are stupid and nonsensical statements. Like, "chemical" and/or "synthetic" things, ignorance and idiotic offenses towards resources and towards nature. As if nature is not completely organic and inorganic chemistry, as if biological structures do not synthesize all the things they need with simple and complex processes and reactions. The problem is not 'synthetic' products but the right and correct recipe. It is called advancement! As we advance, we will be able to synthesise original honey with various flavours and properties, we will be able to create and synthesise every animal and plant product and much more. The genetic heritage is a veritable treasure trove and legacy of knowledge collected by life forms through their experience of development and evolution. This shows the importance of diversity, but equality is also very important. Without which, races, species etc. would not be possible. Here again, balance is needed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello HP, I face the opposite of maybe way too low of self esteem as there feels like a constant need to prove myself to me on a day to day basis. I get lost in the process as a whole. It can be this that caused me to have a very bad approach to when I was attacked throughout the last year; some of them were seriously messed up attacks. Maybe me keeping Alexander as an idol makes me want to work non stop? Over the course the entireity of the last year I for the most part ignored the attacks and now I am in a mess where in attacks of a magnitude much lower makes me breakdown in tears. Maybe it was the results of Us election or the problems I was facing in my personal life. As you mentioned about people having a disproportionate ego is true as I met lots of people of the same throughout 2020 and it baffled me as to how low people can go to get money and the cery next moment they get it; it becomes a thing adding to their ego. So maybe my question is if this is a part of this process ( the sudden emotional bursts I am feeling ?) I did get some intimidation from the Gods wherein the enemy is really just trying to get me away from the Gods. Like the weekends are the most messed up with me seeing the chistard cross all over my house at times. And when I look at people around me they seem unaffected by it for the most part( not knowingly honestly). Also I find myself quoting some things from your posts like endless selfishness to justify behaviour of people which if the society werent hell bent on money would not be acceptable in a society with a bit a consciousness.
Pride if I may add for me becomes a thing of a sense of being based on your actions rather than being defined by the wealth you have. And this may look stupid but I often compare people with endless money with the likes of Tesla or Alexander( born a king but honour in death meant much more than "enjoying the Wealth" ( people we see all around)). Now this thinking can again be a part of my having to develop and take these out.

Also if I can add- as you mentioned about the " east" . I am from the East and as I look deeper into things; most people meditate as a form of competition wherein the change in intellect or personality is never really seen and all the spiritual discussions stem out of hearing people on the internet or endless sacrifice for a guru with personal motives.

Again to put things as plainly as I can I have kept the Gods a form of companion/friend/Gods throughout the years and just meditated and have really been absent from lots of debates that took place on here and my obervations etc may be obselete or wrong.

Also this striking a balance is something which is never really clear to me. I can meditate and get attacked and feel as if I did way more than I should have or it is me just doing very less wherein these attacks manifest. Also individuality is something that people often mistake as ego ; wherein you always have to be a part of something . I can be waking with attacks throughout and not complain and just laugh it off or maybe at times break on the most trivial of things; also us not having a " role model : a ideal set of behaviour" is maybe what causes this as there is nothing to compare to ? ( this can be seriously wrong in the sense of spirituality idk ).
And another question I would like to ask is how do people often deal with attacks or bear them out? During the Serpent Is free ritual period I would be doing all I can And carry my day to day tasks and be proud but the attacks just empty me to the point where in I feel nothing more than a slave?. (Any meditator can maybe look at how grossly stupid this is), to the point there was a literal snake showing up in the proximity of my house ( which I took as a good sign and continued for a couple of days).
I am sorry as this is getting unnecessarily long.

Also how does one know if they are over stimulated or burned out? Because this work is something I look from an ethical standpoint and missing RTRs is something I get frustrated over. But have been missing quite a few honestly as these attacks have made me question my entire base of beliefs. Also the things I saw in the beginning of 2020 is really washing up on me and making me nervous/anxious now more than ever as some of them have come true even though some were from Gods and most other from the enemy.
All in all I would say it is really good to see community growing as a whole now more than ever and this maybe come of as ignorant on my part to see topics mentioned here which I may have felt a sudden urge to talk about on the forums while meditating; this maybe shows lots of people are meditaing like crazy when compared to people like HP Jake who cameoi with an agenda ( If I remember this correctly).

I would really like to thank everyone here for their efforts through the years and even now. You people do great work :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello HP, I face the opposite of maybe way too low of self esteem as there feels like a constant need to prove myself to me on a day to day basis. I get lost in the process as a whole. It can be this that caused me to have a very bad approach to when I was attacked throughout the last year; some of them were seriously messed up attacks. Maybe me keeping Alexander as an idol makes me want to work non stop? Over the course the entireity of the last year I for the most part ignored the attacks and now I am in a mess where in attacks of a magnitude much lower makes me breakdown in tears. Maybe it was the results of Us election or the problems I was facing in my personal life. As you mentioned about people having a disproportionate ego is true as I met lots of people of the same throughout 2020 and it baffled me as to how low people can go to get money and the cery next moment they get it; it becomes a thing adding to their ego. So maybe my question is if this is a part of this process ( the sudden emotional bursts I am feeling ?) I did get some intimidation from the Gods wherein the enemy is really just trying to get me away from the Gods. Like the weekends are the most messed up with me seeing the chistard cross all over my house at times. And when I look at people around me they seem unaffected by it for the most part( not knowingly honestly). Also I find myself quoting some things from your posts like endless selfishness to justify behaviour of people which if the society werent hell bent on money would not be acceptable in a society with a bit a consciousness.
Pride if I may add for me becomes a thing of a sense of being based on your actions rather than being defined by the wealth you have. And this may look stupid but I often compare people with endless money with the likes of Tesla or Alexander( born a king but honour in death meant much more than "enjoying the Wealth" ( people we see all around)). Now this thinking can again be a part of my having to develop and take these out.

Also if I can add- as you mentioned about the " east" . I am from the East and as I look deeper into things; most people meditate as a form of competition wherein the change in intellect or personality is never really seen and all the spiritual discussions stem out of hearing people on the internet or endless sacrifice for a guru with personal motives.

Again to put things as plainly as I can I have kept the Gods a form of companion/friend/Gods throughout the years and just meditated and have really been absent from lots of debates that took place on here and my obervations etc may be obselete or wrong.

Also this striking a balance is something which is never really clear to me. I can meditate and get attacked and feel as if I did way more than I should have or it is me just doing very less wherein these attacks manifest. Also individuality is something that people often mistake as ego ; wherein you always have to be a part of something . I can be waking with attacks throughout and not complain and just laugh it off or maybe at times break on the most trivial of things; also us not having a " role model : a ideal set of behaviour" is maybe what causes this as there is nothing to compare to ? ( this can be seriously wrong in the sense of spirituality idk ).
And another question I would like to ask is how do people often deal with attacks or bear them out? During the Serpent Is free ritual period I would be doing all I can And carry my day to day tasks and be proud but the attacks just empty me to the point where in I feel nothing more than a slave?. (Any meditator can maybe look at how grossly stupid this is), to the point there was a literal snake showing up in the proximity of my house ( which I took as a good sign and continued for a couple of days).
I am sorry as this is getting unnecessarily long.

Also how does one know if they are over stimulated or burned out? Because this work is something I look from an ethical standpoint and missing RTRs is something I get frustrated over. But have been missing quite a few honestly as these attacks have made me question my entire base of beliefs. Also the things I saw in the beginning of 2020 is really washing up on me and making me nervous/anxious now more than ever as some of them have come true even though some were from Gods and most other from the enemy.
All in all I would say it is really good to see community growing as a whole now more than ever and this maybe come of as ignorant on my part to see topics mentioned here which I may have felt a sudden urge to talk about on the forums while meditating; this maybe shows lots of people are meditaing like crazy when compared to people like HP Jake who cameoi with an agenda ( If I remember this correctly).

I would really like to thank everyone here for their efforts through the years and even now. You people do great work :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello HP, I face the opposite of maybe way too low of self esteem as there feels like a constant need to prove myself to me on a day to day basis. I get lost in the process as a whole. It can be this that caused me to have a very bad approach to when I was attacked throughout the last year; some of them were seriously messed up attacks. Maybe me keeping Alexander as an idol makes me want to work non stop? Over the course the entireity of the last year I for the most part ignored the attacks and now I am in a mess where in attacks of a magnitude much lower makes me breakdown in tears. Maybe it was the results of Us election or the problems I was facing in my personal life. As you mentioned about people having a disproportionate ego is true as I met lots of people of the same throughout 2020 and it baffled me as to how low people can go to get money and the cery next moment they get it; it becomes a thing adding to their ego. So maybe my question is if this is a part of this process ( the sudden emotional bursts I am feeling ?) I did get some intimidation from the Gods wherein the enemy is really just trying to get me away from the Gods. Like the weekends are the most messed up with me seeing the chistard cross all over my house at times. And when I look at people around me they seem unaffected by it for the most part( not knowingly honestly). Also I find myself quoting some things from your posts like endless selfishness to justify behaviour of people which if the society werent hell bent on money would not be acceptable in a society with a bit a consciousness.
Pride if I may add for me becomes a thing of a sense of being based on your actions rather than being defined by the wealth you have. And this may look stupid but I often compare people with endless money with the likes of Tesla or Alexander( born a king but honour in death meant much more than "enjoying the Wealth" ( people we see all around)). Now this thinking can again be a part of my having to develop and take these out.

Also if I can add- as you mentioned about the " east" . I am from the East and as I look deeper into things; most people meditate as a form of competition wherein the change in intellect or personality is never really seen and all the spiritual discussions stem out of hearing people on the internet or endless sacrifice for a guru with personal motives.

Again to put things as plainly as I can I have kept the Gods a form of companion/friend/Gods throughout the years and just meditated and have really been absent from lots of debates that took place on here and my obervations etc may be obselete or wrong.

Also this striking a balance is something which is never really clear to me. I can meditate and get attacked and feel as if I did way more than I should have or it is me just doing very less wherein these attacks manifest. Also individuality is something that people often mistake as ego ; wherein you always have to be a part of something . I can be waking with attacks throughout and not complain and just laugh it off or maybe at times break on the most trivial of things; also us not having a " role model : a ideal set of behaviour" is maybe what causes this as there is nothing to compare to ? ( this can be seriously wrong in the sense of spirituality idk ).
And another question I would like to ask is how do people often deal with attacks or bear them out? During the Serpent Is free ritual period I would be doing all I can And carry my day to day tasks and be proud but the attacks just empty me to the point where in I feel nothing more than a slave?. (Any meditator can maybe look at how grossly stupid this is), to the point there was a literal snake showing up in the proximity of my house ( which I took as a good sign and continued for a couple of days).
I am sorry as this is getting unnecessarily long.

Also how does one know if they are over stimulated or burned out? Because this work is something I look from an ethical standpoint and missing RTRs is something I get frustrated over. But have been missing quite a few honestly as these attacks have made me question my entire base of beliefs. Also the things I saw in the beginning of 2020 is really washing up on me and making me nervous/anxious now more than ever as some of them have come true even though some were from Gods and most other from the enemy.
All in all I would say it is really good to see community growing as a whole now more than ever and this maybe come of as ignorant on my part to see topics mentioned here which I may have felt a sudden urge to talk about on the forums while meditating; this maybe shows lots of people are meditaing like crazy when compared to people like HP Jake who cameoi with an agenda ( If I remember this correctly).

I would really like to thank everyone here for their efforts through the years and even now. You people do great work :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the Left Hand Path, you have people who constantly call themselves "Gods". These "Gods" cannot even do basic magick, manifestation, and generally, most of the time they smoke crack and are deplorable creatures who are having an ego out of control. Over time this becomes a mental only process and nothing else. It is not through a mental process such as "belief".

I digress on these sorry people, as this is nothing but a Samsaric [Illusory] situation, which is bringing themselves to delusion. They are almost equally as bad as these other people who behave like slaves in Abrahamic religions.

In the East, there is this statement that unless you "Let go" of the ego, you will not ascend. This is a corrupted statement of another spiritual reality. When the karmic/samsaric ego is too big [you are too full of yourself, basically, not even yourself, but a series of meditative lies about yourself] so that you constantly don't meditate and stick to your negative karmic downsides, the soul cannot ascend to higher levels, due to self absorption. This is not about abolishing any ego, it's about modulating the ego. This statement was taken too far because of the enemy.

Many people today, are in the above loop. There is nothing else but themselves. This reflects in people's choices of lack of kids [one's life gets divided with their kids], and many other avenues such as drug abuse and so on. Another dangerous loop is when people completely abolish their ego, which is something else that also destroys a person. To see the example of this just watch the idiots going around Mecca without any understanding of how or why they do this, and completely robbed of free will.

One's attention is constantly on one's self as if one is mentally ill, other times, one has no contact with themselves at all and is a total slave. Further manifestations of this, manifest in environmental damnation and other social perils which we experience today. This lack of balance destroys everything. Even animals in nature, are insistent of keeping a form of balance between themselves, their communities, and their environment. Humans are not in knowledge of how to do this yet, so negativity takes toll frequently.

Here, a balance is required between the two aspects of the "Self" and the "Ultimate". To put this in very simple perspective, in an imbalanced soul, a chakra or two may prevail over the rest. In this case, it cannot be one of the seven overrules all others, because you are being imbalanced. If lower chakras are imbalanced, you will be obsessing over yourself, while if the chakras above or the heart are out of control, you'll lose contact with yourself and your basic needs. These states are both equally problematic to spirituality, and will disallow the ascent of the Serpent for someone.

People complain that when their energy goes up, there can be blockages, or that energy flow may be restrained in specific regions of the body. This is to notify you of where these blockages are present, so you can work your way in fixing these. If the blockages are mild, then the energies may break through. When this happens, your mind will be directed to a healing process. The time of this ranges. There is no point to worry about the time, but rather, to achieve full healing. These are among other reasons, Gods of the past who dealt with healing, had the symbol of the Serpent. Healing also comes emotionally and physically over time.

In the Bible, the enemy says that their problem with "Satan" is that "Satan hath too much Pride". People on the left hand path as per usual reversed this and turned into creeps that don't care about nothing and generally overreact in the opposite direction. Having pride over the wrong reasons, having an ego obsession, and so on. Understandably, because the enemy Abrahamic religions preach making people into slaves without a self at all, they recoiled on the other direction. But neither aspects of being do constitute a balanced being, nor are the way to ascent of the self.

Now the word "Pride", is not about a state of being such as some form of unrelenting egotism, which for obvious reasons can be costly for someone. This is how this reads on the English text, but the real actual world of this, is "Yperifaneia" which means "Extreme Spiritual Light", or "Abundance of Light". This is about when the soul is advanced, the light of the Soul keeps and keeps increasing.

As Thoth has stated and we are let known by the Gods, man is like a star. This is a metaphor for the Soul. Satan in the other title, which is known for it's meaning, is called "Lucifer", "The Bringer of Light". In the above case, all we understand, is that except of Satan being "The Light Bringer", the problem of the enemy is any individual who has spiritual light, which is what is generated from meditation.

As we know here, "Satan" derives from Satyam in the East, which in turn relates to the Kundalini Serpent. The bringer of light, which in the end, brings the state of ascent into the "Light". The enemy is at war with this in humanity, and they want nobody to become an enlightened being.

The more one advances in meditation and actual Serpent work, you will encounter a balancing out of the self and where you tie in with the world. In cases where the self is neglected, you may be drawn "downwards" towards the self, to asses damages and/or neglect to yourself. Emotional pain may come out, and a sense of balance may be achieved. The other aspect of this, manifests strongly in the conscience by wanting to do something for other people, or in other words, something of benefit to the world, family, and so on. Observable here is the balancing out of "yourself" with the external world and other beings.

And of course, this is how this is supposed to be, as human beings are both creatures with a sense of ego and consciousness [Satan gave us that] but also a sense of community, civilization, belonging with others, part of a greater chain of line and command inside this context [Satan is called the Civilizer, and EA/Enki the founder of Civilization for a reason].

I wish everyone to manifest more of themselves in the New Year and throughout your lives. The world needs this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hello HP, I face the opposite of maybe way too low of self esteem as there feels like a constant need to prove myself to me on a day to day basis. I get lost in the process as a whole. It can be this that caused me to have a very bad approach to when I was attacked throughout the last year; some of them were seriously messed up attacks. Maybe me keeping Alexander as an idol makes me want to work non stop? Over the course the entireity of the last year I for the most part ignored the attacks and now I am in a mess where in attacks of a magnitude much lower makes me breakdown in tears. Maybe it was the results of Us election or the problems I was facing in my personal life. As you mentioned about people having a disproportionate ego is true as I met lots of people of the same throughout 2020 and it baffled me as to how low people can go to get money and the cery next moment they get it; it becomes a thing adding to their ego. So maybe my question is if this is a part of this process ( the sudden emotional bursts I am feeling ?) I did get some intimidation from the Gods wherein the enemy is really just trying to get me away from the Gods. Like the weekends are the most messed up with me seeing the chistard cross all over my house at times. And when I look at people around me they seem unaffected by it for the most part( not knowingly honestly). Also I find myself quoting some things from your posts like endless selfishness to justify behaviour of people which if the society werent hell bent on money would not be acceptable in a society with a bit a consciousness.
Pride if I may add for me becomes a thing of a sense of being based on your actions rather than being defined by the wealth you have. And this may look stupid but I often compare people with endless money with the likes of Tesla or Alexander( born a king but honour in death meant much more than "enjoying the Wealth" ( people we see all around)). Now this thinking can again be a part of my having to develop and take these out.

Also if I can add- as you mentioned about the " east" . I am from the East and as I look deeper into things; most people meditate as a form of competition wherein the change in intellect or personality is never really seen and all the spiritual discussions stem out of hearing people on the internet or endless sacrifice for a guru with personal motives.

Again to put things as plainly as I can I have kept the Gods a form of companion/friend/Gods throughout the years and just meditated and have really been absent from lots of debates that took place on here and my obervations etc may be obselete or wrong.

Also this striking a balance is something which is never really clear to me. I can meditate and get attacked and feel as if I did way more than I should have or it is me just doing very less wherein these attacks manifest. Also individuality is something that people often mistake as ego ; wherein you always have to be a part of something . I can be waking with attacks throughout and not complain and just laugh it off or maybe at times break on the most trivial of things; also us not having a " role model : a ideal set of behaviour" is maybe what causes this as there is nothing to compare to ? ( this can be seriously wrong in the sense of spirituality idk ).
And another question I would like to ask is how do people often deal with attacks or bear them out? During the Serpent Is free ritual period I would be doing all I can And carry my day to day tasks and be proud but the attacks just empty me to the point where in I feel nothing more than a slave?. (Any meditator can maybe look at how grossly stupid this is), to the point there was a literal snake showing up in the proximity of my house ( which I took as a good sign and continued for a couple of days).
I am sorry as this is getting unnecessarily long.

Also how does one know if they are over stimulated or burned out? Because this work is something I look from an ethical standpoint and missing RTRs is something I get frustrated over. But have been missing quite a few honestly as these attacks have made me question my entire base of beliefs. Also the things I saw in the beginning of 2020 is really washing up on me and making me nervous/anxious now more than ever as some of them have come true even though some were from Gods and most other from the enemy.
All in all I would say it is really good to see community growing as a whole now more than ever and this maybe come of as ignorant on my part to see topics mentioned here which I may have felt a sudden urge to talk about on the forums while meditating; this maybe shows lots of people are meditaing like crazy when compared to people like HP Jake who cameoi with an agenda ( If I remember this correctly).

I would really like to thank everyone here for their efforts through the years and even now. You people do great work :)
Aquarius said:
Master said:
but equality is also very important.
Wtf? Explain yourself.

I am referring to the characteristics that make up a race, a species etc. The members of a race should not be too much the same as clones but they should not and cannot be too different. Do you think members of a race have nothing in common? Can a group consisting of 10 White specimens plus 10 Chinese specimens plus 10 Brown specimens plus 10 Black specimens, male and female, be considered a race? Such cross-breeding and assimilation will inevitably make the group in question into a single race, erasing the races involved of course. At the moment I cannot give any further details on this due to lack of more genetic studies and research. Mathematics and Chemistry are the foundations of nature, I consider Physics a great science but Biology as well.
Master said:
Aquarius said:
Master said:
but equality is also very important.
Wtf? Explain yourself.

I am referring to the characteristics that make up a race, a species etc. The members of a race should not be too much the same as clones but they should not and cannot be too different. Do you think members of a race have nothing in common? Can a group consisting of 10 White specimens plus 10 Chinese specimens plus 10 Brown specimens plus 10 Black specimens, male and female, be considered a race? Such cross-breeding and assimilation will inevitably make the group in question into a single race, erasing the races involved of course. At the moment I cannot give any further details on this due to lack of more genetic studies and research. Mathematics and Chemistry are the foundations of nature, I consider Physics a great science but Biology as well.
Ok I get you now. When I read "equality" my senses amplify and I become suspicious, lol.
Aquarius said:
Master said:
Aquarius said:
Wtf? Explain yourself.

I am referring to the characteristics that make up a race, a species etc. The members of a race should not be too much the same as clones but they should not and cannot be too different. Do you think members of a race have nothing in common? Can a group consisting of 10 White specimens plus 10 Chinese specimens plus 10 Brown specimens plus 10 Black specimens, male and female, be considered a race? Such cross-breeding and assimilation will inevitably make the group in question into a single race, erasing the races involved of course. At the moment I cannot give any further details on this due to lack of more genetic studies and research. Mathematics and Chemistry are the foundations of nature, I consider Physics a great science but Biology as well.
Ok I get you now. When I read "equality" my senses amplify and I become suspicious, lol.

Comprehensible, lol.
Ariton 666 said:
V12-POWER said:
Ariton 666 said:
There is no need to do self-restraint, nor have elite athletes used to do this for some time, because one is much more convulsive, stiffer when one is self-restrained than one who is not.
Some people have the same sex life the night before the race and just don’t on the day of the race and perform outstandingly.
Sex has a testosterone-boosting effect.
Miyamoto Musashi also wrote about the fact that self-restraint should be avoided.

Sorry for the bad wording but i don't know english so i use google translator.

Ariton 666 said:
There is no need to do self-restraint, nor have elite athletes used to do this for some time, because one is much more convulsive, stiffer when one is self-restrained than one who is not.
Some people have the same sex life the night before the race and just don’t on the day of the race and perform outstandingly.
Sex has a testosterone-boosting effect.
Miyamoto Musashi also wrote about the fact that self-restraint should be avoided.

Sorry for the bad wording but i don't know english so i use google translator.

Well that’s not what happens at least to me and my friends who compete.

I never self restrain unless there’s something huge coming up but the “effect” is definitely there

I’m not saying u should go celibate, it’s just something u can do if you’re result driven just like me

When I played Kyokushin Karate and competed, I had sex in the days before the competition and performed much better than if I hadn’t done it.

And I also performed well in my smooth strength training (weightlifting, callisthenics).
For me, this is my experience.

Sorry for the bad wording but i don't know english so i use google translator.

Its not about having sex, its about ejaculating. I have done the same things you do, yes sex is a gigantic booster but I find it much better if I just wait it out a few days before an event to ejaculate
Thank you Hp,this post reveals some of my issues. I latly fantasized me being a god but i know im not haha
Im happy to be a Satanist thank you for everything,maby one day i will be able to communicate with you and Maxine on the Astral
I have a lot of blockages thats a fact but im slowly (very slowly fixing this) i can notice improvement in myself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
