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On Over Population

We will reach Godhood, achieving the Magnum Opus and we will move off-world onto other Planets in our Solar System or further abroad. For a while, I'd hope that there would be space stations, as well, but I don't think that that importance is pressing.

For the time being, people will learn about Magick and they will use this to be able to feed themselves and each other. There will be a greater need for more high-rise housing and creating artificial islands in the seas/oceans for a while. All things which are needed, such as food, will be free; all things which are wanted, such as jewelry, will be bartered for. Palestine will be restored; "israel" will be a little-remembered memory; except, perhaps, for reference and historical learning in libraries.
Nature has a way of balancing things as balance is one of the foundations of the universe, something that Satan adheres to and teaches. Right now the enemy is fucking up every ounce of balance in nature on this planet that they can get their greasy filthy hands on, so things like population are going out of control.

In the long-term stretch of things when reaching immortality and our physical lifespans are eternal, planetary colonization and other such things of that manner will be our options as Earth's resources definitely aren't forever and the planet will not be able to sustain life perpetually as Sol, our sun, will eventually die likely consuming the planet with it. It's not impossible to find other planets out there that can sustain life for us. If the gods found one such as Earth than so can we. And who knows, perhaps in tens of hundreds of billions of years we might as well just make our own planet... or having one at all will be unnecessary.

The entire universe itself is our home and as far as I know there's no such thing as Space running out of space.
FancyMancy said:
We will reach Godhood, achieving the Magnum Opus and we will move off-world onto other Planets in our Solar System or further abroad. For a while, I'd hope that there would be space stations, as well, but I don't think that that importance is pressing.

For the time being, people will learn about Magick and they will use this to be able to feed themselves and each other. There will be a greater need for more high-rise housing and creating artificial islands in the seas/oceans for a while. All things which are needed, such as food, will be free; all things which are wanted, such as jewelry, will be bartered for. Palestine will be restored; "israel" will be a little-remembered memory; except, perhaps, for reference and historical learning in libraries.

Yes, all these 30 billions of people that will exist, all will be put on exo-planets, created by spaceships that can hold in let's say 1 billion, stacked in boxes. Then the 30 billion will become 90, and then the 90, will become 160 billion. All of these will be fed for free, and everything will be utopian.

No wait, everyone will be their own God, Humpty Dumpty will descend from the heavens, and at the Whitey expense, so that we can further uselessness on the general universe as well, and teach our values of 60 genders and other prolific knowledge.

Whitey will also have to create artificial islands, flying wheelchairs for the overweight, DNA engineer everyone to Godhead (even fat feminists), give everyone free money or whatever currency exists or wealth that exists (it will be farted out of the ether), and we will also hang one Whitey on a cross every week for everyone to feast on the planet, since, we must elevate this planet no matter what, eventhough people literally bring it straight away into destruction by prolific work of their genitals.

The only line that will happen here is that Israel is going to disappear. As for the other hoax dreams, let's be realistic and see what we have in front of us today.

Overpopulation is like cancer, the more it grows, the more it does grow, at the expense of everything.

The 15 billions of mouths that will arise soon, and then the 20, and then the 30, will all need food today. Not when people 'wealth' will be farted from the Aether.

I am also wondering how much influence things like Star Trek have had on people.
Easiest way to deal with overpopulation is to stop the food and medicine aid White countries are giving to overpopulated African and Asian countries.

Ben Klassen made an accurate statement about Whites helping the Third World (A very common Christian theme); "Expanding and Proliferating the Misery."

Where there were some 10,000 starving, dying of disease, etc, now with White aid, support, medicine and so forth, now their populations have exploded to where there are now 80,000+ starving, diseased and of course a ready supply of disposable slaves for the Jews who use them to invade Europe, rob them of their body organs to sell on the black market, as they own little or nothing. The Jew is a genius at abuse and exploitation.

Third world people in spite of the billions and billions in charity and aid from the White man, ever progress. This is NOT "racism" it is a FACT!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
We will reach Godhood, achieving the Magnum Opus and we will move off-world onto other Planets in our Solar System or further abroad. For a while, I'd hope that there would be space stations, as well, but I don't think that that importance is pressing.

For the time being, people will learn about Magick and they will use this to be able to feed themselves and each other. There will be a greater need for more high-rise housing and creating artificial islands in the seas/oceans for a while. All things which are needed, such as food, will be free; all things which are wanted, such as jewelry, will be bartered for. Palestine will be restored; "israel" will be a little-remembered memory; except, perhaps, for reference and historical learning in libraries.

Yes, all these 30 billions of people that will exist, all will be put on exo-planets, created by spaceships that can hold in let's say 1 billion, stacked in boxes. Then the 30 billion will become 90, and then the 90, will become 160 billion. All of these will be fed for free, and everything will be utopian.

No wait, everyone will be their own God, Humpty Dumpty will descend from the heavens, and at the Whitey expense, so that we can further uselessness on the general universe as well, and teach our values of 60 genders and other prolific knowledge.

Whitey will also have to create artificial islands, flying wheelchairs for the overweight, DNA engineer everyone to Godhead (even fat feminists), give everyone free money or whatever currency exists or wealth that exists (it will be farted out of the ether), and we will also hang one Whitey on a cross every week for everyone to feast on the planet, since, we must elevate this planet no matter what, eventhough people literally bring it straight away into destruction by prolific work of their genitals.

The only line that will happen here is that Israel is going to disappear. As for the other hoax dreams, let's be realistic and see what we have in front of us today.

Overpopulation is like cancer, the more it grows, the more it does grow, at the expense of everything.

The 15 billions of mouths that will arise soon, and then the 20, and then the 30, will all need food today. Not when people 'wealth' will be farted from the Aether.

I am also wondering how much influence things like Star Trek have had on people.
Well, of course someone would mention space stations. Space is big and planets are not, and oceans are big and land masses are not. Also of course it does seem likely that Whites would build things and re-build things, and also teach non-Whites to do things. I was trying to think positively, instead of saying "we'll run out of resources within 100 years" I chose to say "it will be fixed". The question was "in the future" - it wasn't specified how far into the future.

Let's just edit my reply and change it to say "Nature will balance everything and Man will sit by and do nothing", 'K?
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
We will reach Godhood, achieving the Magnum Opus and we will move off-world onto other Planets in our Solar System or further abroad. For a while, I'd hope that there would be space stations, as well, but I don't think that that importance is pressing.

For the time being, people will learn about Magick and they will use this to be able to feed themselves and each other. There will be a greater need for more high-rise housing and creating artificial islands in the seas/oceans for a while. All things which are needed, such as food, will be free; all things which are wanted, such as jewelry, will be bartered for. Palestine will be restored; "israel" will be a little-remembered memory; except, perhaps, for reference and historical learning in libraries.

Yes, all these 30 billions of people that will exist, all will be put on exo-planets, created by spaceships that can hold in let's say 1 billion, stacked in boxes. Then the 30 billion will become 90, and then the 90, will become 160 billion. All of these will be fed for free, and everything will be utopian.

No wait, everyone will be their own God, Humpty Dumpty will descend from the heavens, and at the Whitey expense, so that we can further uselessness on the general universe as well, and teach our values of 60 genders and other prolific knowledge.

Whitey will also have to create artificial islands, flying wheelchairs for the overweight, DNA engineer everyone to Godhead (even fat feminists), give everyone free money or whatever currency exists or wealth that exists (it will be farted out of the ether), and we will also hang one Whitey on a cross every week for everyone to feast on the planet, since, we must elevate this planet no matter what, eventhough people literally bring it straight away into destruction by prolific work of their genitals.

The only line that will happen here is that Israel is going to disappear. As for the other hoax dreams, let's be realistic and see what we have in front of us today.

Overpopulation is like cancer, the more it grows, the more it does grow, at the expense of everything.

The 15 billions of mouths that will arise soon, and then the 20, and then the 30, will all need food today. Not when people 'wealth' will be farted from the Aether.

I am also wondering how much influence things like Star Trek have had on people.

Well, of course someone would mention space stations. Space is big and planets are not, and oceans are big and land masses are not. Also of course it does seem likely that Whites would build things and re-build things, and also teach non-Whites to do things. I was trying to think positively, instead of saying "we'll run out of resources within 100 years" I chose to say "it will be fixed". The question was "in the future" - it wasn't specified how far into the future.

Let's just edit my reply and change it to say "Nature will balance everything and Man will sit by and do nothing", 'K?

I didn't quite mean for you to take it at heart, more like devils advocacy here.

It is just bizarre however how we have to imagine a future, that is without influenced by the present.

It seems like our future is so "painted" by all of this Star Trek stuff, that imagination of the future is also limited.

Also, its always a question to me on why nobody takes the present in consideration.

We have like a huge planet, beautiful, and healthy. Yet here we go with everyone thinking somehow the positive future is a future where we leave it.

Consider also, that fixing, does not lie solely in space.

It's like space exploration became so new age that it is such a stupid solution in the end. Rather repopulate Mars and keep bullshitting people eternally, rather than let's say hmm...Fix population and live on the planet properly.

Running from our mess and pretending we are on the state of universal exploration is so retarded. This reminds me when I read that the first crystal diamond which will be indestructible was made into a data mine. In this mine, they put two books. One was the bible the other the declaration of human rights.

So yea, if anyone finds and decodes this, they will read the torah and bullshit jewish manuscripts. Yay for White scientist again. Congrats.

Advancing a cancer aside one's self and evolving it, only looks to me like a curse, not a positive future.
Without the enemy gone first, everything else is to be taken with a grain of salt. In the 1920's we have had some great advancements behind the corner. Rife, Tesla and many others.

However, our side did not finish the job back then. Eventually, progress also stopped.

While this is from the jews, we also have to always ask ourselves, what our enemies would do with a Tesla death ray, or how happy the jews would be for Whitey to invent them a super rife machine so they can live a life disease free.

This whole "For humanity" thing is just outdated. As it appears today, all shared advances given us hatred, enmity, and essentially expanded the jewish ability to torture people. Life became better, too, it is true.

So it also looks like things are being halted until the enemy goes further down. And that is totally sensible.

Except if some of you think it would be so great and beautiful to live with bio engineered reptilian offspring here, and be abused by it.

Whites are treated like cattle. Developing for shitty ideas, and going extinct from our enemies using our own inventions. This is just madness.

But pardon me at least we will uhm, go to space.

Invent the axe, give it to an oraguntang, pray it doesn't kill you with it. At least we are inventive and hopeful, right?

Hephaistos on the leash creating weapons for Ephialtes because people believe it is moral conclusion of a futuristic positive life "for all" doesn't give a very good vibe to me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, all these 30 billions of people that will exist, all will be put on exo-planets, created by spaceships that can hold in let's say 1 billion, stacked in boxes. Then the 30 billion will become 90, and then the 90, will become 160 billion. All of these will be fed for free, and everything will be utopian.

No wait, everyone will be their own God, Humpty Dumpty will descend from the heavens, and at the Whitey expense, so that we can further uselessness on the general universe as well, and teach our values of 60 genders and other prolific knowledge.

Whitey will also have to create artificial islands, flying wheelchairs for the overweight, DNA engineer everyone to Godhead (even fat feminists), give everyone free money or whatever currency exists or wealth that exists (it will be farted out of the ether), and we will also hang one Whitey on a cross every week for everyone to feast on the planet, since, we must elevate this planet no matter what, eventhough people literally bring it straight away into destruction by prolific work of their genitals.

The only line that will happen here is that Israel is going to disappear. As for the other hoax dreams, let's be realistic and see what we have in front of us today.

Overpopulation is like cancer, the more it grows, the more it does grow, at the expense of everything.

The 15 billions of mouths that will arise soon, and then the 20, and then the 30, will all need food today. Not when people 'wealth' will be farted from the Aether.

I am also wondering how much influence things like Star Trek have had on people.

Well, of course someone would mention space stations. Space is big and planets are not, and oceans are big and land masses are not. Also of course it does seem likely that Whites would build things and re-build things, and also teach non-Whites to do things. I was trying to think positively, instead of saying "we'll run out of resources within 100 years" I chose to say "it will be fixed". The question was "in the future" - it wasn't specified how far into the future.

Let's just edit my reply and change it to say "Nature will balance everything and Man will sit by and do nothing", 'K?

I didn't quite mean for you to take it at heart, more like devils advocacy here.

It is just bizarre however how we have to imagine a future, that is without influenced by the present.

It seems like our future is so "painted" by all of this Star Trek stuff, that imagination of the future is also limited.

Also, its always a question to me on why nobody takes the present in consideration.

We have like a huge planet, beautiful, and healthy. Yet here we go with everyone thinking somehow the positive future is a future where we leave it.

Consider also, that fixing, does not lie solely in space.

It's like space exploration became so new age that it is such a stupid solution in the end. Rather repopulate Mars and keep bullshitting people eternally, rather than let's say hmm...Fix population and live on the planet properly.

Running from our mess and pretending we are on the state of universal exploration is so retarded. This reminds me when I read that the first crystal diamond which will be indestructible was made into a data mine. In this mine, they put two books. One was the bible the other the declaration of human rights.

So yea, if anyone finds and decodes this, they will read the torah and bullshit jewish manuscripts. Yay for White scientist again. Congrats.

Advancing a cancer aside one's self and evolving it, only looks to me like a curse, not a positive future.
No, I apologise. Please don't change! I do appreciate honesty, and your honesty, including if it might be hard to hear/read. I have just been shook-up with this thing, and I still have to work through it yet. I'll read what you said again and think with my brain instead of my emotions (something I have advised others to do quite a bit! Take my own advice...).

Actually... Your reply here (not your previous one) is an attitude I have had - people want to leave this town/city/country because of the crime, because of how shit it has become, because of the corruption, because of Brexit, because of whatever. My attitude is Stay here! Make it better! You live here, so improve it. It's your town/city/country. Don't run away! If your house was in disrepair, would you abandon it? Then why your country?! The same with abandoning ourself to help others, foreign aid (which doesn't go to help them...), etc. Apparently, one item of Americanisation hasn't contaminated here yet - patriotism. The morale and pride is low... Number one (oneself) is and should be first, before helping others.

I need to take a deep breath, and do some things, such as some Earth element invoking. I've been quite shook-up. Sorry, HC.

Damn. I hate devil's advocacy! I do appreciate it, though, genuinely. Thanks, HC. I'll expect more, maybe from you, in the future, lol.
The question is is the world really over populated,or is it just because the Jews said so,to bring about their reduction of population for their new world order.majority of people live in jampacked cities which. Make it feel like the world is overpopulated
shinninglight said:
The question is is the world really over populated,or is it just because the Jews said so,to bring about their reduction of population for their new world order.majority of people live in jampacked cities which. Make it feel like the world is overpopulated

At this rate of production we have already wasted and polluted the majority of rivers and water sources of the earth. China due to this is already going to have water problems in 2030.


Overpopulation in a fact. It is not only a mistake of overpopulation that pollution is happening, but it is the strongest factor.

There was about 500 to 600 millions of people worldwide in the 20th century. Now, this amount if 8 billion. Shortly, the estimates reach up to 18 billion, and this only increases.
Overpopulation is a curse on Earth.

Millions and billions of humans who are doing nothing good on the planet and polluting it not only environmentally but spiritually also.

This has to STOP and it will STOP.

My opinion is that overpopulation is one of the many weapons of the enemy in our days.
Overpopulation is the cause of all the madness in the food industry.

Earth needs only the Perfect (Άριστοι) to live and thrive.
Our planet needs the empire of Satan, the righteous Lord of Earth.
Something ive never considered until literally this moment... Everyones obsession with animalistic instincts. Well what about Human instincts, we were biologically enginereed by Satan and his Wife....
Human instinct has become so corrupted that we are forced to look at animals to derive a natural order of things. This is why we have retarded vegans running around...

The RTRs are affecting every single gentile, they are not bound from their Human Instincts, Human Instincts are from Satan!
Anyways, when the jew is removed, people will not be so stupid to have 10 children while living in a small home, this will not breed healthy individuals. It will be understood that a being requires space to exist, even a domestic cat will defend its territory, how much more intelligent can a human be?
Bravera said:
It will be understood that a being requires space to exist, even a domestic cat will defend its territory, how much more intelligent can a human be?
Are we, Humans, not the only species of Animal or Being which has to have others build our homes for us and which we have to pay them repeatedly? If I'm not mistaken, then every other species of Animal and Being builds their own home and doesn't pay the Lion, King of the Jungle a single penny...not to mention that they can and do defend their home without any pathetic, bullshit, retarded "law" which states that you may not defend yourself because if you do then you will be in trouble, ignoring the fact that someone else came into your home il"legal"ly. "Legal" is bullshit.

Furthermore, you have to pay the jew more and more and again and again to buy nice things for your home. Then to live in it, paying for a thing which covers about 71% of the Earth which has been poisoned. Oh, the privilege of having to pay for a poisoned natural resource which we need to be able to live...but be poisoned by at the same time... I have noticed a common theme among the dirty jew - it tends to either not put the heating on, or it does only when it becomes very cold. Heating costs a lot, and living pays the jew many, many pennies. Why does the jew have a big nose? Because air is free.

Birds find their own twigs and shiny things. If a predator comes and tries stealing/eating Babies, the Birds will try and stop them, causing them harm/injury, if necessary. It's just p00j00 shit and red tape. I'm sure there must be a relationship with the Base Chakra (red) and the red tape both being used to damn us... Maybe it's just a cohen-cidence.

As for the retardation of veganism/vegetarianism, for example - Animals eat Animals and they need to do so so that they can not become un-living (I'm trying to say it in a stupid way, on their level of understanding). Animals eat Animals so they do not become dead, so that their life does not become stopped. If a vegetarian or vegan has a problem, then they should go to the Lion, King of the Jungle and petition him to complain about Nature being...Natural... As has been stated - veganism is about weakening people. Let's all buy tickets to the premier event of World Strongvegan Competition!

There is actually a world's strongest vegan man, who became a vegetarian then a vegan a few years before he won. I'd like to see a vegan from scratch, not one becoming one before the end, winning in a competition. That will...at least try to be done now. Think how many Blacks are vegetarians/vegans - and see how fit and healthy they are at winning sports competitions!
A quick google search shows there are over 18 million vacant homes in the US, how many are livable?

Source: NMHC tabulations of 2017 American Community Survey microdata. Updated 10/2018. Note: Does not include non-housing units.
People in rental Housing: 108,510,453

Supply and demand says this is fucking outrageous! Theres no reason we should be struggling to pay rent every month.

Median monthly gross residential rent in the United States was $1,012 in 2017 according to the Census ACS survey.Average gross rent was $1,082 in 2017.

1,000*100,000,000= 100 Billion a month!?
Americans are paying 100 BILLION A MONTH JUST TO LIVE IN A HOME!?
Here is a great article I found just now discussing our Constitutional unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Hapiness. Our paying billions in rent needs to stop!
"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", straight from the Declaration of Independence!
Bravera said:
A quick google search shows there are over 18 million vacant homes in the US, how many are livable?

Source: NMHC tabulations of 2017 American Community Survey microdata. Updated 10/2018. Note: Does not include non-housing units.
People in rental Housing: 108,510,453

Supply and demand says this is fucking outrageous! Theres no reason we should be struggling to pay rent every month.

Median monthly gross residential rent in the United States was $1,012 in 2017 according to the Census ACS survey.Average gross rent was $1,082 in 2017.

1,000*100,000,000= 100 Billion a month!?
Americans are paying 100 BILLION A MONTH JUST TO LIVE IN A HOME!?
Here is a great article I found just now discussing our Constitutional unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Hapiness. Our paying billions in rent needs to stop!
"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", straight from the Declaration of Independence!
There are millions of homes in China that are not occupied and they are very expensive,just to live in a small bed room flat cost thausands of dollars a year,let people live outside when there are so many vacant homes that can be given for affordable price,because the Jews wants to make shekels off peoples living.
Bravera said:
A quick google search shows there are over 18 million vacant homes in the US, how many are livable?

Source: NMHC tabulations of 2017 American Community Survey microdata. Updated 10/2018. Note: Does not include non-housing units.
People in rental Housing: 108,510,453

Supply and demand says this is fucking outrageous! Theres no reason we should be struggling to pay rent every month.

Median monthly gross residential rent in the United States was $1,012 in 2017 according to the Census ACS survey.Average gross rent was $1,082 in 2017.

1,000*100,000,000= 100 Billion a month!?
Americans are paying 100 BILLION A MONTH JUST TO LIVE IN A HOME!?
Here is a great article I found just now discussing our Constitutional unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Hapiness. Our paying billions in rent needs to stop!
"The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", straight from the Declaration of Independence!
I did a quick search online and saw where it said how many Americans own their own home, and of course it specified "millenials" in a separate category. What I searched for, actually, was how many Americans have built their own homes. I think that is more common by Americans than people here. I wonder how many have.

As for over here, though - non-White, foreigner people seem to be getting free, or cheap, housing. I know that is happening in Canada, and I posted about a White family in Sweden who were evicted forcefully, with the reason being "to make way for foreigners". I'm sure someone somewhere in something thinks that that is fair. It has also happened in Germany.

mudslime migrants/"refugees" (rapefugees)

German woman

An elderly person I know kept saying that muslims/Browns are bringing their "sisters", who are their other wives, actually, here, and they and other foreigners are coming here just to use the free "health service". Now look at that and all of the strain with all of the over-population, running out of beds and having to keep patients in corridors.
Look, all of these debts and shit do exist, but only if you are White American.

If you are not, let me show you to your new house for free, my oppressed minion.

With jews, you lose, goy.
For starters we can throw communism and capitalism in the trash bin once and for all. And for finishers we can put the lid on it for good. If we don't then I'm afraid we won't have much of a population to speak of.
The situation is resources this Malthusian critical window always predicted is avoided by advancing technologies that generate higher production of needed supplies and resources for the population. However there is going to have to be better management of the planet.

With green houses you can build automated stacked buildings of numerous levels that can grow enough food to feed the planet year around. This can end the ecological devastation of big jew farming operations. There are other ways to deal with water that can be found with technology.

Societies also need to be rebuilt upon natural systems that are based on human ecological systems. That don't create waste and self sustain themselves. Most of the pollution can be cleaned up and prevented right now with existing technologies and organizations.

With advancement with technology we can also develop other planets and settle them for our Peoples as well. However the situation is resource management this is also human management and this can be dealt with now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
