Reckoned666 said:
It's just cleaning which is essential in freeing the Soul and preparing for raising your Kundalini. If Chakra isn't 100% clean it'll bring the bad related to that Chakra it can be anything related to it.
That's why the Clergy is saying do FINAL RTR and CLEAN and do AoP (at least) twice.
Because it's the key to having a balanced Life and removing yourself from hang-ups and such.
I didn't mean to critique you, Lydia, by all means no. Just wanted to elaborate on the subject.
Cleaning is imperative, but what I meant was, when people say "working on chakras", they mean doing mantras that empower. It kind of seems like some people think all they have to do is clean them and that will open and advance them, which is why I chimed in. I'm not talking about you of course
, but from other SS's posts I've seen over the years. They do minimal work on their chakras and then complain they don't advance.
absolute13 said:
Working on all chakras daily takes long.
It really does. But after years of being SS and steadily advancing, you will experience changes in your life that will prioritize advancement. Some people spend a few hours a day watching TV sitcoms, some people put that time to chakra work.
Poweredbythesun said:
For now I'm just going to add the workings for the full chakra meditations ( the ones where you do one chakra on it's day) as it seems to be working. Thank you all for your replies
If something is working for you, then stick with it until you feel the need for change
When I was newer, I did minimal reps on the chakra of the day, and only breathing in of the color energy for each chakra daily, plus the single and twin serpent meditations (I'm just talking about my chakra work here, not yoga and other things I did). This wasn't much, but it was fine for me at the time.