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Occult History Of Kerala

The history of the Jews within India officially start in AD 72. They entered Kerala after Judah was destroyed by the Romans in the Judeo-Roman war. The Jewish population in Kerala once numbered in the tens of thousands and has only gone down with the migration of most of them to modern Israel. There is large copper plates in the synagogues of Kerala from AD 379 granting the Jews large tracts of land. The Jews were powerful merchants in Kerala.

Here one can detect a pattern and how the enemy works:

"Kerala, a lush topical state, gained prominence some fifteen years ago when it produced the first democratically elected Communist government in the world. Many of the people are Syrian Catholics, or members of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Kerala, a church founded by very early Christian missionaries, even before the formation of the Roman Catholic church. Kerala is often known as a Marxist-Catholic state."

Kerala has the largest Christian community in India. And is the historic base of Christianity in India.

The Nestorian [Syrian Church] in Kerala is ancient and goes back to the first Jewish sects spreading this ideology across the Gentile world. Its founding legend in Kerala is thus:

Thomas arrived in India in Kerala:.

As he [ Saint Thomas] travelled alone by foot along the inland coastal routes, Thomas began working to make converts for Christianity. Besides giving informal sermons to the natives, Thomas oversaw the construction of Christian churches within which he could regularly preach the new faith. Then, during the next twenty years he succeeded in conquering much of Kerala in the name of his Jewish Master."

The Jews arrive by the thousands in Hindu India in the first century and built a powerful base community in a Gentile host nation. Then they proceed with decades of their Jewish ritual magic of the Torah and curses against the population and start to amass wealth and political power as the synagogue edicts from Kings in Kerala, show. They are made above the laws of commoners in many cases even not having to pay certain taxes. The Jews were very involved with their money and occult influence in Kerala political affairs.

The Jews of the west create Christianity in Alexandria and start to spread this across the Roman Empire and thought out Persia, India and the general East. Naturally following the trade routes of their merchant scheme enterprises.

The Jewish community in Kerala uses their affluence to established Christianity in Kerala, along with building Christian churches. And having their brethren spread the Jewish program to the Kerala Goyim like with the Roman Empire. The Jews have spent decades generating the psychic energy martix in Kerala for this to be successful. Which is why Christianity then spread everywhere like a psychic pandemic in Kerala in rapid succession of this program arriving but was rejected elsewhere in ancient India. As the statement mentions the Jews literally "conquered" Kerala with their program of Christianity in twenty years.

Centuries of the Jewish influence of Christianity and the Jewish race and their energy martix in Kerala. What happens Kerala becomes a Judeo-Marxist state because its already a Judeo-Christian state. The energies all connect into the same Jewtrix. This is microcosm example of the global picture of how the Jewish race has been taking over the Gentile world for centuries.

[1] Lost Cities Of China, Central Asia And India, David Hatcher Childress
[2]The Truth Behind The Christ Myth, Mark Pinkham
This makes sense to how Italy is so unlucky and other xians countries. You can even see how bad things manifest on xian that prays every day. It's really awful.
This makes sense to how Italy is so unlucky and other xians countries. You can even see how bad things manifest on xian that prays every day. It's really awful.
Most who are without never get this things always start in the occult that's why Jewish programs like Xianity work to externalise the awareness of the masses were people just function with the 5 senses as a result cannot always detect falsehood falling of Satan's snake power caused this...
I have read about this before. St Thomas never came to India,this was just a hoax of colonialism.

In 1927, Sylvain Levi, the renowned French Indologist and scholar, wrote to T.K. Joseph: “You are right in denying any historical value to local legends which have nothing to bring to their support. What is known from early books points only to Northwest India, and no other place, for St. Thomas’s apostolic activity and martyrdom. This is, of course, mere tradition, not real history”. Likewise, in 1952, Prof. K.S. Latourette, the Yale University church historian, and author of A History of the Expansion of Christianity, wrote to T.K. Joseph and said: “The evidence against St. Thomas in South India is very convincing.” The same view was repeated in 1953 by Father H. Heras, SJ, the then Director of the Historical Research Institute, St. Xavier’s College, Bombay, when he wrote to T.K. Joseph: “I am fully convinced that the tomb of St. Thomas has never been in Mylapore. I have said that many times.”
Another interesting tale is of Jesus studying under Yogis of India. Coincidentally Hindu Nationalists have been trying to appropriate Jesus into a Hindu using this hoax to convert people back to Hinduism which isn't working too well.

According to legend, Jesus, the great Jewish sage, spent his “lost years,” from between the ages of around 12 to 28 or 30, in India, where, per another tradition, he also escaped after surviving the crucifixion. The Jesus-was-a-guru tale was popularized over a century ago by the Russian traveler Nicolas Notovitch. Notovitch asserted that in 1887, while at the secluded Hemis or Himis monastery in Ladakh/Tibet, he was shown a manuscript which discussed the “unknown life” of Jesus, or “Issa,” as he was supposedly called in the East. This “Issa” text, translated for Notovitch from Tibetan by a monk/lama, alleged that during his “lost years” Jesus was educated by yogis in India, Nepal and “the Himalaya Mountains.”

Stating that he felt the manuscript to be “true and genuine,” Notovich maintained its contents were written “immediately after the Resurrection,” while the manuscript itself purportedly dated from the third century of the Common Era. Notovitch related that the “two manuscripts” he was shown at Himis were “compiled from diverse copies written in the Thibetan tongue, translated from rolls belonging to the Lassa library and brought from India, Nepal, and Maghada 200 years after Christ.” (Notovitch, 44)

It subsequently says of Jewish missionaries traveling all the way to Tibet through India.(possibly into China then.)

In 1922, Indian scholar and swami Abhedananda eventually determined for himself by visiting Himis, gaining the confidence of the lamas and having the manuscript revealed to him. Other visitors to Himis, such as mystic Nicholas Roerich, verified the same story. Aspects of Notovitch’s story checked out, and he apparently did indeed stay at Himis and was shown a manuscript relating to “Issa.”

Notovitch claimed that Indian merchants brought the account of “Jesus” to Himis, and that they had actually witnessed the crucifixion. Indeed, the text begins with “This is what is related on this subject by the merchants who come from Israel,” reflecting not that “Jesus” lived in India but that the Jesus tradition was brought to India and Tibet. (Notovitch, 32) Notovitch’s text also did not state that Jesus was specifically at Himis: In fact, the lama stated that the Issa scrolls “were brought from India to Nepal, and from Nepal to Thibet.” Yet, upon returning to Himis through later visitors, the story eventually became morphed into “Your Jesus was here,” meaning at Himis itself. The “one book” or “two manuscripts” became “three books,” which were displayed for the later visitors, with the implication that there was more to the tale.

While Notovitch claimed the Issa story dated to shortly after “the Resurrection,” in it there is no mention of the resurrection, and the tale ends with Issa’s death. In this regard, the text depicts the “Jews,” whom it calls “Israelites,” in a favorable light, and is “the only [manuscript] ever to charge the Romans [“Pagans”] solely for Jesus’ execution.” Unlike others, this account does not have Jesus being resuscitated and then returning to India, to father children and live a long life.

This hoax further becomes absolutely livid as Buddhists claim , THEY were the ones who created Christianity,

Although some of the writings appear to be of Hindu origin, the attack by “Issa” on the Vedas and Brahmans, as in the Notovitch text, represents Buddhist propaganda. It appears that Buddhists were trying to demonstrate that Jesus, the great wise man of the West, was influenced by Buddhism, even having been taught by “Buddha,” an eternal disincarnate entity. In this regard, the Notovitch text states, “Six years later, Issa, whom the Buddha had chosen to spread his holy word, could perfectly explain the sacred rolls.” (Notovitch, 35) In this way, Buddha usurps Jesus, becoming the Jewish teacher’s guru.

That the text has been used as propaganda to raise Buddha and Buddhism over Christ and Christianity is further validated by Notovitch’s foreword, in which he related that the lama told him, “The only error of the Christians is that after adopting the great doctrine of Buddha, they, at the very outset, completed separated themselves from him and created another Dalai Lama….” This “Dalai Lama,” the monk subsequently informed the Russian, is the Pope. Concerning Christ, the lama continued, “Buddha did, indeed, incarnate himself with his intelligence in the sacred person of Issa, who, without the aid of fire and sword, went forth to propagate our great and true religion through the entire world.” (Notovitch, 20) Hence, Eastern traditions regarding Jesus are designed to show that Jesus is Buddha and that Christianity is an offshoot of ancient Eastern wisdom.

Nevertheless, the Notovitch text itself may have been composed originally by proselytizing Christians who attempted to use the natives’ belief in Buddha in order to increase Christ’s stature. These missionaries may have been appealing to women to follow “Issa,” as the text puts great emphasis on women, whose status in India and elsewhere has been abysmally low. The text would also appeal to the shudras or pariahs, since it has Issa preaching on their behalf. These groups are targeted to this day by Christian missionaries in India.

Considering that many missionaries, travelers and scholars have been keenly aware of the numerous and profound similarities between the Tibetan and Catholic religions, it would not be surprising if this Issa fable were created in order to show that the Tibetan religion is merely a foreign derivative of the “true universal religion,” i.e., Catholicism. The resemblances between various Indian sects and Christianity likewise led to tales about the Christian missionaries Thomas, Bartholomew and Pantaenus also proselytizing in India. Like the Jesus-in-India myth, there are other explanations for the resemblances, which are addressed in detail in my book Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled. In short, the major explanation is that the “Christian” religion and savior were already in India long before the alleged advent of Jesus.

Jews Steal "Issa" From "Ishwara/Shiva(Satan)"

By calling Issa “Jesus” or “Christ,” modern writers have cemented in the readers’ minds that the correlation is absolute, an erroneous conclusion. In reality, the name “Issa,” “Isa” or “Isha” is a title and simply means “lord,” “god” or “master,” often referring to the Indian god Lord Shiva: “‘Isha’ or ‘the Lord’ is another name of Siva…” (Prajnanananda, 19) Furthermore, Prof. Nunos de Santos says, “… a god variously named Issa, Isha, Ichtos, Iesus, Ieshuah, Joshuah, Jesus, etc., is indisputably originally from India.” He also states, “Ishvara (Ishwar) is widely worshipped in the Far East, being also called Isha (or Ishana) in India, Issara in Pali, Isuan in Thai, Jizu (or Jizai) in Japanese, and so on.”

“Isa” is likewise another name for Chandra, the Indian moon god, as well as for Shiva’s Egyptian counterpart, the soli-lunar god Osiris, also called Iswara in India:

“Iswara, or Isa, and Isani, or Isisi, are … unquestionably the Osiris and Isis of Egypt. Iswara, Siva, or Hara (for these are his names among nearly a thousand more) united with Isi, represent the secondary causes, whatever they may be, of natural phenomena; and principally those of temporary destruction and regeneration.” (Moor, 151)

Numerous ancient legends, recorded for example in the writings of Diodorus Siculus during the first century BCE, depict Osiris as traveling all over the East, as well as the rest of the world, during the millennia when he reigned as Egypt’s favorite deity. Osiris, or Isa, it should be noted, was put to death and resurrected, among many other correspondences to the Christ myth. Osiris/Isa too had a number of tombs in various places, especially in Egypt but likely also in India. However, Osiris was not a “real person” but a fertility and sun god. What mythologists recognize is that it was not a “historical Osiris” but his myth that made it to India and diverse places. As in the case of Osiris, the same phenomenon occurred regarding “Jesus,” who is, in the end, a remake of Osiris, among others.

The title “Isa” or “Issa” could apply to others, and is a common name even today. Indeed, some part of these Jesus-in-India tales may revolve around the famed Greek sage Apollonius of Tyana. Note a few persons over the centuries have noted the similarities between the lives of Apollonius and Christ, and even in ancient times Christians were accused of plagiarizing the Apollonius legend.

Decades and centuries prior to the Christian era, there was much intercourse between India and the West, including the famous journey by Pythagoras and the Alexandrian incursion. As another pertinent example, one of the seats of Mandeanism, a Christian baptist sect, was Maisan, a Mesopotamian city colonized by Indians. As Dr. Rudolph Otto relates:

“… Indian caravans passed through Maisan and likewise Nabatea. Indian merchants, wherever they went, were importers and missionaries of Indian ideas. There need be no surprise therefore if direct Indian imports are found in the syncretistic medley of Mandean Gnosis”. (Prajnanananda, 41)

Space does not permit us to recount the numerous authorities who are in agreement as to the westward spread of Indian and Buddhist concepts centuries before and into the Christian era. A number of them may be found in Prajnanananda’s book, including a “Mr. Cust,” who evinced that trade between India and Yemen “was established not later than 1000 B.C.” Yemen is very close to Israel, and by the first century CE there were plenty of Indians in the Roman Empire.

Despite the popularity of the Jesus-in-India tale, the claim is not accepted by mainstream authorities, either Christian or secular. The tale’s proponents assert that scholars reject Jesus in India because of Western imperialism and the inability to accept that Christ could have been influenced by Buddhism. In the case of mythicists, however, the reason Jesus is denied as having gone to India is because he is a Pagan sun god remade into a Jewish “human” messiah. Thus, it is not a question of a “historical Jesus” being in India and the East but of a variety of solar cults that worshipped a similar deity with similar rituals, doctrines and myths.


We won't forgive these jews for culturally appropriating our True King.
Excellent post and excellent reply, very powerful for the arsenal of knowledge.
This is true but this is occult history. I am aware of the claims around St. Thomas, the book "Sons of God" goes into this in detail. However this tradition of St. Thomas is not a hoax of colonialism its an ancient belief from the early sect of Christians in India.

This is the occult history St. Thomas is a type of thought form of "Folk Christianity" that was designed for people in India by the enemy. This is designed to connect into cultural archetypes and them supplant them by synthesis of the enemy thought form.

This was done in Ireland with St. Patrick the Christians came into Ireland and literally rewrote the history of the Irish into a Christian narrative while destroying actual Irish culture. They created the mythical history of St. Patrick the same way they created St. Thomas and for the same reason. This is how occult history works it creates psychic impressions in the Akashic fields that take on a life of their own and allow the process of conquest to move onwards.

The situation is the Jews in Kerala put all this into motion to conqueror the Hindu's. Its my belief that the St.Thomas archetype was designed for the purpose of attacking Skanda as this ties into the myth. That would show that in ancient India Skanda, Sanat Kumara was the most popular deity. The Christians and Muslim golems have tried to take the sacred Mountain to Skanda for themselves as "Adam's Peak".

Jack said:
I have read about this before. St Thomas never came to India,this was just a hoax of colonialism.

In 1927, Sylvain Levi, the renowned French Indologist and scholar, wrote to T.K. Joseph: “You are right in denying any historical value to local legends which have nothing to bring to their support. What is known from early books points only to Northwest India, and no other place, for St. Thomas’s apostolic activity and martyrdom. This is, of course, mere tradition, not real history”. Likewise, in 1952, Prof. K.S. Latourette, the Yale University church historian, and author of A History of the Expansion of Christianity, wrote to T.K. Joseph and said: “The evidence against St. Thomas in South India is very convincing.” The same view was repeated in 1953 by Father H. Heras, SJ, the then Director of the Historical Research Institute, St. Xavier’s College, Bombay, when he wrote to T.K. Joseph: “I am fully convinced that the tomb of St. Thomas has never been in Mylapore. I have said that many times.”
D.M. Murdock did an article about this on her site it might still be around. This Russian, Notovich was actually a racial Jew. He was just making up tales of Jewish supremacy as India and Tibet became the center of European, western fascination during this time. Anything to keep the Jewsus spell going. The full tale of the wanderings of Jewsus is he actually went from Greece, Egypt, India and on teaching the lowly Goyim. Just putting the Jewish supremacy into the Gentile world thought.

Essa is as you mentioned in the article. Jewsus's name was Yeshua Ben Joseph not Essa. Its a bad idea to put Jewsus into Hindu Nationalism it connects people into the curses of the Jews against Gentiles and Gentile Paganism.

Jack said:
Another interesting tale is of Jesus studying under Yogis of India. Coincidentally Hindu Nationalists have been trying to appropriate Jesus into a Hindu using this hoax to convert people back to Hinduism which isn't working too well....
Islam started in Medina the major base of Jewish and Jewish Catholic power. There is evidence that shows the original armies that conquered Arabia for Islam were mainly paid mercenaries. Mohammed in the tale of Islam claimed to be the Jewish Messiah and he was a racial Jew in Islamic history. One cardinal admitted the Vatican archives show the Catholic church was behind creating and funding Islam. And the Jewish elites have always run the Vatican and top positions of the Catholic church. They are nicknamed "The Black" meaning hidden nobility in history.

Wotanwarrior said:
The Islam was also created in the 7th century by the same jews who led the Catholic Church in the Middle East when they saw that could not Christianize the Arab polytheistic peoples.
HP Mageson666 said:
Islam started in Medina the major base of Jewish and Jewish Catholic power. There is evidence that shows the original armies that conquered Arabia for Islam were mainly paid mercenaries. Mohammed in the tale of Islam claimed to be the Jewish Messiah and he was a racial Jew in Islamic history. One cardinal admitted the Vatican archives show the Catholic church was behind creating and funding Islam. And the Jewish elites have always run the Vatican and top positions of the Catholic church. They are nicknamed "The Black" meaning hidden nobility in history.

Wotanwarrior said:
The Islam was also created in the 7th century by the same jews who led the Catholic Church in the Middle East when they saw that could not Christianize the Arab polytheistic peoples.

That makes a lot of sense, I've always thought that Islam is just the continuation of Christianity.
I also believe that the Umayyad dynasty that ruled Damascus until the 8th century were actually pagans and have linked them to the fictional jew Mohammed to hide it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
