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Nuremberg Laws, Half Jews, "White Jews"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
HauptSturm said:
Gotta be careful of the people who say they are 1/4 or 1/8th Jewish as well. I've known people who say this and they turn out to be full blooded Jews at heart and soul. Probably physically too. They all lie. The Nuremberg Laws were just a short-term compromise for a long-term solution. Those laws should not be adhered to. Anyone who brings that up is just making excuses for Jews....

The situation is many jews have attacked the jews for centuries, defiled the "Kabbalah" of theirs, destroyed and exposed jewish culture, and done all sorts of kamikaze shit against their own people, but they remain jews. They just cannot change. This is all part of a process of them feeling their inner dirt and trying to change, only to just maintain into the midst of their enemies what they are in the first place.

The jews are "here" too and they have been everywhere, trying to ruin what will eventually ruin them. They patiently work themselves into a position, and when they feel comfortable enough, they push "Civic Nationalism", "Compassion for the poor racially destroying people in Europe" for one's civilization, "Equality", "Democratization", archetypal Communism by new branding, and the general blueprint of the jewish soul. Whatever destroys your enemy and saves the jew is good "enough". They just can't do otherwise, as their dross has to be dictated from a position where the jew is beyond 'questioning'. They thrive on these things as a fish thrives for oxygen even if it lives within the pond. It needs that oxygen.

If the world turns into the paradigm of the "White Soul", the jew is collapsing. So the jew finds confusing solutions always to make you into a Communist or what benefits for his survival, all while naming it as you would like it to be named. This is what presently we call "Social Conditioning".

The jew needs the above environment to survive, as in an environment when things are 'discriminated', he is going to either be driven out, or die. If one sits down and examines them, they are fucked.

The jew thinks we cannot see them, but we can, and so can Satan, the Gods, Astaroth, Sorath, and many others can, they just like to believe this self imposed lie in order to be safe, as they have been doing a lot of corrosion for a very long time, but they assume they are not seen. Hitler and others seen them, nowadays, many others do, and their numbers are rising. What will they do?

Pretend nothing happened and keep jewing. On one hand jewing to the fullest, on the other, saying the usual that jews are unjustly persecuted and did nothing wrong. What jew can do? It's not like jews have many choices, they do not.

A jew plucking out the eyes of another jew is of no consequence, nor it invites the "Love of the Gods" in anyway. Likewise is in the political arena. If jews want to kill jews, then be my guest, but don't expect us to give you a feast over it. What larvae have to deal on themselves is their own matter.

They are patient, deliberate. They speak a lot. In reality, they know nothing. To fish that know how to swim, they will see how these fish swim strangely, to young fish in the pond, they can idolize them and think even that they are good fish.

The Nuremberg laws, are basically a death sentence on the jews on a legal form. It's a law only created to criminalize, impose, and catch out the dirt of a civilization. Consider this a honey pot law. It is supposed to catch and to expose, for further dealing of said situations.

To cite one example, if you knew you can get fucked over by legal consensus for marrying a jew, would anyone do this? Of course not. If you were educated on it on a consistent basis of the jew's work, would they look like valid marriage material? Of course not. If all of the above happened and you still wanted to be with jews, then something is really wrong overall.

This is the same situation with the Nuremberg laws, which, with all the media control and everything else, would only have a very marginal percent running back to race mix or mix with jews. These people that did this naturally would be after a generation or two, citizen exempt, and those who were already mixed were citizen exempt. The Nuremberg laws were laws of control, profiling, and to have information on who does what, for further actions in the future. This way, the perpetrators of these actions with jews can be dealt with accordingly. But first, one has to know. You cannot deal with a problem you have no knowledge about.

For example, this gives the legal basis to indict jews over lying about their jewishness. It had to be an exact figure. If the state discovered they were half jews, and claimed to be 1/8th, they indicted them and they were fucked. This is only one way this could work.

To use the "Nuremberg laws" as an excuse is clearly retarded and revolves around the same reasons the people always excuse things like Jesus Christ, who is an obvious jew, to keep the jewish spiritual stranglehold on our midst. This is just simple common sense. We have people even here and in every other movement who have tried to create bridges while pretending to burn them, back into this thing. Their arch Nemesis is Satan, and he will take them down.

Below my reply on someone who asked if a "Jew" can do "SATANAMA" as a mantra, which also includes the Nuremberg laws in reply.

They can vibrate it, as for a 'good' experience, no, Satanic things will not be able to stick on them in anyway. They will, sooner or later, turn as Gentiles who do jewish shit, which is in the trash can.

Jew is both from the mother and from the father, grandpa and grandma, and there are no divisions here. The whole "Cohen only from the mother" is a fallacy, as the jews from the father are still jews, just rejected from their tribe due to reasons of racial hygiene and occultistic reasons. This doesn't invalidate the jewishness of jews from the father as many idiots and even "NS" erroneously claim, because indeed, they are totally jewish, but they consider them spiritually unfit, and that's all about them.

They do not want them to Israel as they consider them polluted. They are however used abroad in jew operations all the same in Gentile countries, as such hybrid has another use, and not to live in Israel. They are also jewish, as much as the other jew. There is no 'jew from the mother' only jew. This is a huge fallacy.

There is no set amount of generations it takes to cleanse 'jewishness' as it cannot be cleansed or removed out of a bloodline.

Below is a reply I gave on the subject a few weeks ago:

The Nuremberg are also sometimes cited, as laws said at least 4 generations, but the situation here, is that this number was given for pseudo-political processes, as in reality, one is always jewish, and the removal of these stains was systematic. No reasonable person in Germany would ever engage in this cleansing by intermarrying them either, due to education on the fact, which leaves us with one logical outcome: the half jews and many others would perish on their own accord within a maximum of 2 generations, or way sooner.

So to all who say the "only the mommy is jew" things, or the lie that "they can be cleaned", we do not need to 'clean' them, as they cannot be by default.

Innocents do not have to be used as breeding waste material to clean the Chosen people of their Choseness and be put to death in the process of assimilation to the inferior jews, because some jews need 'saving'.

None of our own race has to also engage into this destructive and ruining reality also, to purify the living alien sewer which is the jew.

On a final note:

The Nuremberg laws are basically a death sentence for jews, within the spectrum of a few generations, same as Judeophiles.

There are no half, quarter, 8th, 16th jews. There are only jews. Excuse nobody. This is not a matter of behavior or excuses. One can be a serial killer and 'behave' in an appropriate environment. Behaving as a group, and pretending to be part of them, is nothing hard for some people.

1/8th jewish simply means one of the 8 great grandparents of a person was a Rabbi or something. This, genetically speaking, is not small at all, and of course, 1/8th jewish behave like total jews themselves. It is no small percent. 1% jewish by genetic standards or the 1/16th of mathematical standards, means materially that 1 out of the 16 great great great grandparents of someone being a full blown jew. Again, the jew element is there. If this is looked by genetic standards what is considered 'trace amount' can actually even constitute more than one fourth of the person's DNA. Genes do not work in "Solid percents". Jewishness does not fade by percent.

Anyone who uses the "Nuremberg laws" as an excuse to accept jews, is a retard, or a jew. These laws are beyond simple interpretation and should be looked with the eye of the state rather than the eye of the dumb mass, which makes dumb excuses to accept jews in non-jewish movements because they are mentally, morally, and racially weak.

The above stated it's of no question the White Race is still suppressed and downtrodden by the jews, but this situation is changing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
One major reason for the Nuremberg Laws was to stop the spread of Jewish genetic diseases. Hitler would have put a stop to all kinds of genetic diseases through ending Jewish interbreeding with Gentiles, in just 2 generations. Also with eugenics.

The Jew incessantly promotes and thrives on illnesses, ailments, diseases and related. The medical profession often does not treat or end the cause. Expensive and addictive drugs are pushed just to mask the symptoms.

Jewish controlled media constantly airs pharmaceutical commercials with the intent of using subliminal messages to make the audiences sick. They also control the pharmaceutical industry.

Hitler had laws passed that prohibited Jewish physicians from treating Gentiles. Jewish physicians were only permitted to treat their own Jews.

This is not to claim all drugs are bad. Many lives are saved with antibiotics and more. But what the Jews are doing in the health professions is glaringly obvious. Profits above wellbeing and health. And Jewish greed knows no end.

The Jew has an alien soul (from out there). They have alien genetics. Nearly every single Jew has serious health issues, both mental and physical. Hideous rare diseases. These are spread to Gentiles with interbreeding.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Dr.Goebbels in his time stated the Party during the years of struggle had special Gentile medical doctors who where loyal to the cause of the Party. They would use to treat their SA men who where injured as the Jewish doctors would attempt to kill any of their men in the hospitals. There was a case where a badly wounded SA man was taken to a hospital by ambulance that was known for Jewish doctors. Goebbels personally got in a car with his best men and they sped to that place and took the guy right out on the spot and got him to one of their Party doctors. It saved his life. Julius Streicher warned the population in his own works not to go to Jewish doctors they are dangerous.

The jews even pray on their own in Israeli hospitals a jew goes in for something simple they just die and after the family fights to get the body returned its missing vital organs. Because the organ trade is big money and the American medical organization that consults the government and media on this subject put Israel at the top of the organ trafficking trade.
We are told the soul is the whole of the being with many layers which include the physical, astral, mental etc.

That the DNA is the physical blueprint of the soul on the physical level.

That vibration can change the DNA.

So what my question boils down to is; if a jew is a jew no matter what infinitesimal portion they retain from either paternal or maternal inheritance, do they just decide at some point they agree with jewishness and refuse to use our system of Sanatana Dharma with all of it's alchemical processes which includes the vibration?

I'm having trouble making sense that there would be no way to non physically alter or render the issue bound with a certain height of knowledge in alchemy, this seems to be a bit too fixed which coming from a scientific standpoint there are many ways the universe can go, but in many cases knowledge is just lost and we're left with the next best speculation.

If it would just kill the entire soul, mind and all not just the impulse of the jew, then I don't see why any species would self destruct so willingly, parasite or not, that it would be viable to apply the energy of foreign being.

Understand I've actually been a lot more assertive about our battle against the parasite, and I'm well enough informed and applied on the mechanisms of the RTR which reinforces phrases the jew inverted to bind us, so I understand how the cure is found in this.

It's just that I'm the kind of person who advocates prevention before needing the cure, and so I'm wondering if there is a way to undo the jew intrinsically to it's behavior, or if that attempt just exacts it's kill switch so to speak.

I don't how any good would come to a jew for using say, SA TA NA MA, but do know it could be a matter of time before the tolerance threshold is passed and what it is to be a jew is destroyed.

Also, if this comes off as controversial, I'd like to email you or HP Mageson about something underlying this concern, I won't blab about it in detail here because it's a matter of privacy as well as worrying people.
I would bet that a 100% Jewish "soul" would pick out a 1/16th Jewish body to inhabit if that was its only option - if there were no Cohens to puppet around and everyone else was a disgustingly healthy and unmixed Goy, oy vey - but it's hard to picture that literally every person on the planet with even a single Jew in their millions of paternal and maternal ancestors is a Jew on the soul level. Ideally, we'd want to get every scrap of Jewish ancestry out of our collective bloodline for the sake of our own health, pride and long-term well-being - but I really can't picture that there are literally billions of people on the planet right now who are every bit as evil as the local Talmudist.
RoyBatty91 said:
I would bet that a 100% Jewish "soul" would pick out a 1/16th Jewish body to inhabit if that was its only option - if there were no Cohens to puppet around and everyone else was a disgustingly healthy and unmixed Goy, oy vey - but it's hard to picture that literally every person on the planet with even a single Jew in their millions of paternal and maternal ancestors is a Jew on the soul level. Ideally, we'd want to get every scrap of Jewish ancestry out of our collective bloodline for the sake of our own health, pride and long-term well-being - but I really can't picture that there are literally billions of people on the planet right now who are every bit as evil as the local Talmudist.

You are projecting lies and mental trickery to support a point that you are trying to make. You are projecting numerous lies onto this which is typical of the Alt-Right and many other kikes are doing. For one, Whites are for the most part, genetically unadultered, or have traces of others, but especially in Europe, this is not as much the case.

Even when jews converted to Goyim Slave religions, they in all occassions, went to mate on with their own species. This is unconscious, as if they keep thinning and thinning their bloodline, they will also go extinct.

There are no "millions" of "paternal" and "maternal" ancestors, at least for Whites, in a sense of relating this theory to jews. You just seem to have this idea that all Gentiles at some point were marrying or wanting to marry these ghouls but this is not the case. For one, the jew is extremely ugly, for two, the jew rather go with jews, and that is also his unconscious processing. Jewishness is a serious phenomenon and is not limited merely on 'behavior', or strange theories about "Jewish Souls choosing this or that". This happens naturally.

This is the same with race as is the same with a cellar. If there is a hole, then rats will go in. Likewise is with the blood.

Jews have not mixed into Whites to the extent many people believe, it's far more marginal. Unlike of some Whites who open their legs to anything that remotely resembles humanoids and prides themselves over it, the jew has been way more 'selective'. To this day, most jews are even related at the blood family range, many marrying their own third cousins, and only finding about it later.

Strains can be 'corrected', but your mindset is that if people piss into the sea and it's not evident, then the sea is not made out of piss. In the case of White gene pool, every jew and every other who delivers their piss and feces, the lake will after a point turn into a brown hooknosed color.

It would take at least 9 generations for jewishness to START to fade. Not to fade completely, but to start fading. And even then, if circumstances fell in place, the genes could come back forth. In other words, serious cleansing is required, beyond anyone's worthless feelings of the subject.

If one has studies genetics they see the issue is far from a "GENERATIONAL" issue. The truth is reverse: generations only make the chances thinner for re-emergence, but re-emergence can happen. In other words, the racial pool has to be managed, or becomes a sewer. Even "1/16th" jewish DNA can make a perfect jew, circumstantially.

Whites are not as jew stained as some idiots like to claim to cover for their "half jewish" friend, or whatever other jew they have in mind. It's just that all the jews that lead the Alt-Right, are jews and they are making excuses of the fact of the jewishness running rampant into their midst.

In reality, jewish blood is quite a marginal matter, compared to the hundreds of millions of Whites existing.
Ya the Nuremberg Laws were good and all but when anyone brings that up to excuse someone of partial Jewishness, don't fall for it. For example, Muh Lauren Southernstein is only 15% Jewish therefore she's technically not a Jew according to the Nazis. Ya no...
HauptSturm said:
Ya the Nuremberg Laws were good and all but when anyone brings that up to excuse someone of partial Jewishness, don't fall for it. For example, Muh Lauren Southernstein is only 15% Jewish therefore she's technically not a Jew according to the Nazis. Ya no...

Quoting above:

Anyone who uses the "Nuremberg laws" as an excuse to accept jews, is a retard, or a jew. These laws are beyond simple interpretation and should be looked with the eye of the state rather than the eye of the dumb mass, which makes dumb excuses to accept jews in non-jewish movements because they are mentally, morally, and racially weak.
ASQV13886662080 said:

Shroud the word play as you want, but what I see is this simple meme bullshit question: Can one clean jewish elements through meditation?

Being jew is a state of being and one IS a jew, it's not a question of a jewish 'element' within somebody.

Despite of the complicated way of saying the usual pseduspiritual shittery, no, you can't. If you are a jew, then you are a jew.

Sorry mate the situation is it can only alter the DNA you already have. If you are a jew, then you are a jew, you can't do SATANAMA to change this, you can't do "Alchemy" to clean jewish genes one is a jew, and that's it.

Many are refusing reality about gender, race, whatever you have. It is still there. It is irrefutable.

I wonder why people keep making up excuses about this subject. You do not have to worry about this as non jews, but you seem for whatever reason, believe that jews can be 'cleaned'. This belief would be a necessity only to jews, who try to cover for their own asses.

The thing that was said that "SATANAMA" is only a "Gentile" thing is incorrect. Another one of these big fucking lies. You see jews chanting this in Yoga DVD's all the time. Maybe they will fall apart after a point, but all of these speculations are lies and absurdities. They clearly are using "Gentile" things, including Sanskrit, and many other things. They take a toll on them, but they do not die the next day.

In the same way a Gentile can practice Kabbalistic magick and get fucked later and with subtler ways, but does not really change to become a full jew in their totality, so do the jews who dabble with "Paganism" can get up to a point, but eventually nowhere in the end. As a Gentile cannot become a Cohen, so is a jew incapable of going to the end of this path.

Any malforming or change that occurs from "Changing religions", is only superficial, and if one is a jew, or if one is a Gentile, even imposing a different system to them, can only alter them, and not change them. One does not fundamentally change.

So no, not everyone that sounds "SATANAMA", despite of what anyone says, is a Gentile, let alone this is a free pass for anyone to claim they are a Gentile.

Sorry guys, jews CAN Larp as Pagans, and also they can LARP as meditators, and also "priests" and "chilren of the Gods". You will know them only by learning to spot them, and not by trying to see how they appear. They can't Larp forever, but they can do anything insofar to deceive the Goyim to accept them and ruin them from within. They cannot however fool the Gods.

Asking if a jew can change by spirituality is as asking if you put fragrance in a dirty toilet it's going to transform it from being a toilet.

Things in this world are as they are, and at their core are unchangeable. Here is some actual spiritual law for you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ASQV13886662080 said:

Shroud the word play as you want, but what I see is this simple meme bullshit question: Can one clean jewish elements through meditation?

Being jew is a state of being and one IS a jew, it's not a question of a jewish 'element' within somebody.

Despite of the complicated way of saying the usual pseduspiritual shittery, no, you can't. If you are a jew, then you are a jew.

Sorry mate the situation is it can only alter the DNA you already have. If you are a jew, then you are a jew, you can't do SATANAMA to change this, you can't do "Alchemy" to clean jewish genes one is a jew, and that's it.

Many are refusing reality about gender, race, whatever you have. It is still there. It is irrefutable.

I wonder why people keep making up excuses about this subject. You do not have to worry about this as non jews, but you seem for whatever reason, believe that jews can be 'cleaned'. This belief would be a necessity only to jews, who try to cover for their own asses.

The thing that was said that "SATANAMA" is only a "Gentile" thing is incorrect. Another one of these big fucking lies. You see jews chanting this in Yoga DVD's all the time. Maybe they will fall apart after a point, but all of these speculations are lies and absurdities. They clearly are using "Gentile" things, including Sanskrit, and many other things. They take a toll on them, but they do not die the next day.

In the same way a Gentile can practice Kabbalistic magick and get fucked later and with subtler ways, but does not really change to become a full jew in their totality, so do the jews who dabble with "Paganism" can get up to a point, but eventually nowhere in the end. As a Gentile cannot become a Cohen, so is a jew incapable of going to the end of this path.

Any malforming or change that occurs from "Changing religions", is only superficial, and if one is a jew, or if one is a Gentile, even imposing a different system to them, can only alter them, and not change them. One does not fundamentally change.

So no, not everyone that sounds "SATANAMA", despite of what anyone says, is a Gentile, let alone this is a free pass for anyone to claim they are a Gentile.

Sorry guys, jews CAN Larp as Pagans, and also they can LARP as meditators, and also "priests" and "chilren of the Gods". You will know them only by learning to spot them, and not by trying to see how they appear. They can't Larp forever, but they can do anything insofar to deceive the Goyim to accept them and ruin them from within. They cannot however fool the Gods.

Asking if a jew can change by spirituality is as asking if you put fragrance in a dirty toilet it's going to transform it from being a toilet.

Things in this world are as they are, and at their core are unchangeable. Here is some actual spiritual law for you.

I can see if It seemed mislead, but I'm not sure where the meme exaggeration came from.

What I asked wasn't supposed to garbed or shrouded, it's just how I talk, and it was a pretty direct question, which you answered promptly so I can appreciate that.

I can feel where you're coming from, but can't shake the impression my point was steam rolled over without much detail that directly corresponded to what I was asking, that of the alchemical part.

I never spoke about religion or a kike playing pretend, I hope that was a supplementary point on your point to emphasize the rest.

In any case, I'd still like to email either you or Mageson about an underlying issue if that's possible?
Btw, forgot to include this part.

I figure based on your (Hooded Cobra) response a jew just knows it is one and the "larping" means it knows it's pretending.

If such is the case, a portion of this answers what I speculated was the case, a sort of intrinsic survival instinct of the identity in the soul which refuses to be overtaken by a foreign being.

I can see that now.
Thinking that a jew can do Satanama and be be cleaned of jewishness and no longer be a jew, is like saying a tree can meditate, have it's bark and leaves removed, and be transformed into a horse.

Also, research history. Jews are created to destroy Gentiles. No matter what they tell you, if they try to say they're "one of the good guys" and not dangerous... they are patiently waiting for the time they can stab us in the back, destroy our culture and civilization, mongrelize us, and enslave us. This has happened time and time again. Thanks to the Internet (awareness, spreading of info and knowledge) and the RTR's, we will finally be free from the disgusting alien parasites.
ASQV13886662080 said:
Btw, forgot to include this part.

I figure based on your (Hooded Cobra) response a jew just knows it is one and the "larping" means it knows it's pretending.

If such is the case, a portion of this answers what I speculated was the case, a sort of intrinsic survival instinct of the identity in the soul which refuses to be overtaken by a foreign being.

I can see that now.

Not all jews are 'self aware', but many are way more self aware than many Gentiles out there. They do have way more self awareness.

I answered your questions and other questions that have rose as concerns, and also, put dis-info in it's place, because it all has to be done in one sweep.
As Rabbi Shitterstein was sitting in his chair he decided to wrap a towel around his head and chant "Sa Ta Na Ma" to see if he would turn Goy. After this task with sweating pouring from him and feeling the triggers of a thousand sholomo's run thought him. He looked into the mirror and was still an ugly kike and as he lustfully gazed at the shekel sitting on his table he had the overwhelming desire to charge usury on this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
ASQV13886662080 said:
Btw, forgot to include this part.

I figure based on your (Hooded Cobra) response a jew just knows it is one and the "larping" means it knows it's pretending.

If such is the case, a portion of this answers what I speculated was the case, a sort of intrinsic survival instinct of the identity in the soul which refuses to be overtaken by a foreign being.

I can see that now.

Not all jews are 'self aware', but many are way more self aware than many Gentiles out there. They do have way more self awareness.

I answered your questions and other questions that have rose as concerns, and also, put dis-info in it's place, because it all has to be done in one sweep.

I fully understand, I know you've been a lot more hammering on the bullshit and to be honest it's very relatable, I've been a lot more assertive lately myself with relative matters.

I have to turn my nose up at all of the corruption I'm reading in yogic sites and other wishy washy Pisces age "gurus".

Just sick of it and want real results and answers.

Going to just admit this (pretty sure I have kikes who've been tracking me or had in the past because I saw them comment on this on some site I'm involved with), that I couldn't take the build of of anger, paranoia, and loneliness feeling like everything I say is just stupid and sounds inexperienced despite how long I've been in SS.

It's like I'm rediscovering old bad habits with the meditation and one of those was the "am I a jew" paranoia.

There are certain things in my chart that reflect identifying too vividly with others issues, and though no one's ever said anything about kikes in my family, there is a lot of bad karma, christianity and insanity, aside from my family being scattered and my own household being pretty agnostic.

I still feel that insanity and it's driving me at my wit's end..

I have to let this out here it's kind of a cry for help because I've been struggling to hold up and feel connected to all of this but I feel useless and like my place should just be the dirt..

IDK anymore.
When I worked in London jews in the work place were open and just came out with the fact that they're jews. But here in Scotland I'm finding jews in the workplace are keeping their jewishness secret.

There's this krypto joo at work and he's so ambitious at climbing up the ladder, as they do.

It's hard for me not to be able to come out and expose it for what it is. But people have been saying this guy is sneaky.

He talks a great talk and starts a job but then gets someone else to do it. So the management think the sun shines out of his butt because it looks like he's doing all of this work.

People working with him say they think he's actually scared of doing any work. But is so cunning he always pulls off his trick of taking some work to do and getting someone else to do it for his credit. Sly and sneaky.

I'm sorry to say but I've been getting a bit paranoid. I know Gentiles can have big noses too. But I feel with the Scottish I've got to be on my guard.

In London I was open about my Joy Of Satan Spirituality and told everyone what's wrong with the world and called out the joos. No one reported me or threatened me but some said I'm crazy and to not talk to them.

But at work here I see the Scottish trying to bite and stab the knife in someone's back at any opportunity.

The Scottish don't have that cringy jewish repulsive feel. But seeing their huge big noses I get paranoid because you just can't trust a Scotsman.

I have queried the Scots about their big noses and jewishness but the feedback was that the Scottish are Celtic and Celts have big noses.

Anyway you've always got to keep yourself right with money so best to fly under the radar at work. I like to be together at work but also separate.

Loose lips can sink ships
Excellent sermon.

One thing I've always wanted to ask, there are certainly j*w souls, is there such thing as a White soul, or Black soul, or a Chinese soul, etc?
Will I be White again in my next life? Does that mean my soul will always remain of Aryan descent or is my soul just of gentile nature and I can be reincarnated as any non-j*w race?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I wonder why people keep making up excuses about this subject. You do not have to worry about this as non jews, but you seem for whatever reason, believe that jews can be 'cleaned'. This belief would be a necessity only to jews, who try to cover for their own asses.
Back when I was dealing with the "Am I Jewish" attack, I thought a lot about this, too. It made me paranoid to think about what the hell I would do if I was a jew. And if there was any way to "turn gentile" somehow if that was the case.

I think many people who are coming up with these theories right now, and trying to make excuses, are doing so because they themselves are currently facing the "Am I Jewish" attack. It's their way of trying to "cope" with it somehow.
People need to realize that regardless of what the hell you may be, doing work for our cause here will never do you bad. For us Satanists, doing this work is an amazing thing as we help to build a better world and free them of the jewish menace. And so even if, potentially, you were a jew, you wouldn't have anything to lose anyway. You'd get obliterated in the end regardless, so why not hasten the extinction of your own filthy race?
That was my personal conclusion which, in combination with some reassurance from the Gods, has helped me rid myself of the "Am I Jewish" attack once and for all.
I think a good example of the "jew against jews" is Ben Shapiro. He is constantly defending free speech and the constitution as well as hating on pedophilia but then defends Israel no matter what, thinks the lives of animals are worthless, and shouts antisemitism at every opportunity. It feels like the standard jewish tactic that is heavily used in the bible. Throw in some real truths coupled with tons of lies so people feel like it is all true because a little of it is.
Just wanted to comment about my last post (whether or not it gets accepted). Feel free to tell me when I am wrong and how because I'd much prefer that than being censored. Also a lot of times I might ask stupid questions like I did in the past (are all jews evil?) even if I believe they are 99% because I want more information not because I am some infiltrator or jew hugger. I've known quite a few of them growing up as "friends" or bosses and it doesn't matter how much they sweet talk you or pretend they are on your side they eventually ALWAYS betray you.

I remember having two jewish friends (brothers) when I was very young and we were great friends until one day they took a trip to Israel and came back hating me. I didn't get it at the time but later learned that most jews go to Israel at some point for gentile hating lessons. I've also had jewish roomates that completely vanished when rent was due and left me screwed. When I was 16 and a fool obsessed with weed my friends and I were out looking for some all day. Later when we finally gave up and were heading back to our complex a cop stopped and searched us all. Well the jew with us had weed in his pocket even though were were out looking all day and was the only one arrested. This is the same moron that would always tell me fuck satan but "no offense". I got to punch him in the face eventually when a few friends bought boxing gloves and he thought to challenge the weakest looking one in our group. One punch and he had a black eye for a few weeks. Of course he blamed me getting the thinner gloves even though he chose which gloves to use. Typical jew.
A jew can't become a gentile any more than a black soul can become a white soul regardless of alchemy. What you are is what you are, the blueprints for your soul are all you can work with. You can clean it, you can perfect it, but you can't change it.

Someone that is 1/9999th jew can do all the damn shit they want, but try as they might that 1 piece of dna cannot be altered or removed because it is one of the bricks holding up the body and soul and therefor is of the soul.

I don't understand why people think it's possible to save the jews from being jews. No matter how many times you breed a dog, it's always going to be a dog and will never turn into a cat. And you can't turn a dog into a 100% pure wolf and you can't turn a wolf into a 100% pure dog no matter how many times you breed the two together. That percentage of one side or the other will only get smaller and smaller but it will always be there, just infinitely getting smaller..... but still ever present.

You can't 'transmute' a jewish soul into a gentile one, even through some god-playing form of soul 'editing' that seems to be what people here think can be done. The soul will only end up being destroyed or who knows what unfathomably unnatural abomination it could potentially turn into as a result of such tampering.

I don't know just what the limitations of our universe is and I'm not sure even our gods know such a thing yet, but everybody seems to forget the whole 'reality' part of this dimension.
Can we say everybody who does the final rtr daily over a longer time then 40 days, has zero jew genes ?
I dealt with the jews from a young age, not to mention the gipsies. They destroyed my life at that time as Christianity or Abrahamic religions in general profoundly influenced me. Unfortunately, I studied it from 9, didn't necessarily believe it but I was dwelling in it to know and understand my creator up until 21 when disappointed, I declared myself an atheist as I didn't recognise and admit this god to be my god. But the indoctrination stayed there even at an unconscious level. Seriously, my life purpose has been since forever to know my creator at the soul level; I was always searching for him.

I come from eastern Europe. My existence has been cursed since its very beginning with those 'people'. My first memory with a gipsy is traumatic, and I was only 7, went to the shop and bought some sweets. Saw a woman with her kid walking by. Stopped them and gave the kid who was my age a bar of sigillated great chocolate. The woman took it and forced me literally to take a bite before handing it to the kid. I did it in total disbelief, MY VERY FIRST EXPERIENCE. Was brutal for that age and hard to understand.

The school was a nightmare, and I had to fight almost every day with a gipsy until one of us had blood on his hands. I had no option, I couldn't (wasn't allowed) to excel at school and had to keep a low, mediocre profile to survive and not drag attention which didn't entirely helped. They, one by one, were coming to challenge me almost every single bloody day, and a refusal would have meant more severe consequences like fighting with three people at once or other crap.

Almost every shitty thing that ever happened to me was because of them. But I was refusing to put them in the same category. I was giving a fair chance to any so-called human being.

Long story short I had a half jew partner at about 18 from(father side), almost for a year to see myself transformed. No exaggeration, I start thinking like them, dress like them out of the blue, people would ask me if I got Jewish ancestry based on whatever they saw and I was proudly saying yes. Seriously I was sure at about 18 that I had a hidden jew family member somewhere, I think the energetic and 'blood exchange' did a great deal in the matter. Inside I was questioning my blood family and denounced them that I was adopted. Sounds like an SF movie but it's real.

My first gynaecologist was a jew. Did everything in his power to make me infertile. Again I am not exaggerating to say that he was prescribing me a lot of shit unrelated to the small issue I had and I want to spare the audience of details as they are monstrous, but later on, I found out about the misfortune to be treated by him. And I was sent by the half-jew partner to this specific Jewish doctor. They were hand in hand and knew; I am sure about it NOW, knew what they were doing.
The half one was very submissive to the doctor in their interactions as far as I remember. Treated like a 'second-hand jew', still, there to serve.

My first boss was a jew, he was a manipulator piece of shit, playing everybody around, making tax evasion, etc. but a charming mother fucker like most psychopaths.

Years to follow I did different businesses and deals with gipsies and half gipsies to be screwed every single time money wise or otherwise; the same tactic, the same attitude, the same hiding of their identity, the very same backstabbing with a simple, sweet look on their face, playing the victims when cached.

I came to West to deal again with them, worked with them, more sophisticated types, the same root.
I recall some years ago before finding out about ss I was dreaming to marry a jew, I had a fascination beyond words towards them and lied to myself years and years this is how far the madness went. I know them so good at this very point in my life as they have been a constant in my life, at Uni, everywhere, met LOTS OF THEM. They and their more failed gipsies type brothers.

It's hard for people to see them for what they are, I recall a lot of generosity, seriously, they know how to 'buy' you, they are perfect liars. They are highly intelligent for the people who don't know about them.

Even later after finding out about them thanks to Jos, I remember trusting and loving a Jewish woman and teacher as a person so much I was bringing her flowers and other crap up until I found out she is a jew only because she confessed; a moment when she saw it all in my eyes. And I am perfected at hiding, but she merely saw it in my eyes. She was staying seven years or something in Tibet, wonder doing what considering how Tibet looks like those days. She was influencing students to smoke weed, drink and shit to unlock their creativity and imposing communist shit on the other hand. At that course from 4 teachers, I was sure 3 to be jews!! Imagine their influence only on this level. Ok, I was reading on Jos this and that but then I was looking around me with big wide eyes to see it for myself! We are in serious trouble if we don't do anything.

They are dangerously smart; I am not that stupid, trust me when I say it, we must not take this matter lightly. They are well cultured as well compared to the average gentiles. I tell you all, learn about them on every aspect as much as possible and stay alert!

When I have read JOS first time, everything came together for me as I had gathered plenty of knowledge in both religion and jews. Pieces and pieces of fragmented info which came together thanks to Jos and I read it once, got it, this is it. Even apparently small info like their obsession for 6 - is something that I knew before without understanding why.

This must end. This continuous shit we fed our mind with that some are not that evil or other crap. The average jew know a lot of shit! Even doing sex with one of them made me feel STRONGLY like one of them, is that SERIOUS. My ex half-jew saw the contradiction from my mind from my research and general behaviour as I was into investigating Abrahamic shit at the time. He also refused to bring me a Tora when I was repeatedly asking him as I wanted to do some more digging and have a better perspective and I never understood why he was so mysterious about it. He seemed sad to live between worlds, not fully accepted by his people but not integrated between us, either - but he couldn't help it either, but BE WHAT HE WAS: A JEW! A pathological liar. I was sensing some sadness in him while relating to me; my art (I was painting) was a hybrid of satanic art with bible quoting incorporated (that sick I was), and he kept on asking me: 'are you trying to do what, make peace between masters?' All of this didn't make any sense at that point. Why I was painting what, etc. it came together later on.

We must learn to separate them from the rest and protect ourselves and the innocents. I have more stories related to them, but enough said, I am concern about the doctors who are still destroying young gentiles lives, legally!! as I lived this myself, indeed a horrible past to carry. I have been unfortunate to deal with those people, most probably cursed, but all of this helped me to understand first hand.

I am glad that it is not too late for me to understand and heal. I am grateful; Satan came at the right moment before me doing something irreversible. I am not sure that I would have believed Satan side of the story without me experimenting stuff prior to this. All these horrible past experiences prepared me somehow, no matter how painful to admit.
By "millions of paternal and maternal ancestors," what I mean is that taking a full family lineage back only 20 generations - about 400 years - you wind up with over a million potential ancestors just in that 20th generation. If you're looking at a community that's barely left its Alpine or Norwegian valley for a thousand years, you obviously won't see a bunch of random, different people in every one of those million "slots." But with larger and more interconnected population centers, there's more people coming from and going to everywhere else - the entire thing with Jews is that they always take up residence in the major cities, and there are always at least a few of them whose job it is to schmooze their way into Gentile society. If the concept is if even a single Jewish ancestor is present out of a thousand total in nine generations, this will completely override the Gentile body and soul and produce a complete Jew, then I am certain that with all the uncertain marriages and bastard children in even pre-modern cities, followed by the spread of urban populations out into the New World and the countryside, you would have "complete Jews" making up an absolutely huge portion of Europe and America's population (plus the population of any other continent they've inhabited).
And I'm not just talking about the "This Kushner fellow is a bit slimier than normal, but we need his money and Ivanka doesn't seem to mind"-type marriages, I'm talking about how even people on the lookout for Jews are totally shocked if you tell them certain people are half-Jews. Harrison Ford is a good example - you could have somebody like that in a major city with nobody having any idea he was a Jew, and any children he had and any children they had would be "complete Jews" for the next 7-8 generations. So I personally can't trust the idea that only a miniscule percentage of Gentiles have even a single Jewish ancestor going back nine or twenty or forty generations, and given that, I have to doubt that a 1/512 Jewish body is all it takes to instantly and completely corrupt a Gentile soul and/or force it to let a Jewish soul take that place. Again, for the sake of spiritual health and mental well-being, I agree with you that drastic programs will have to go up to replace tainted Gentile lineages with pure ones. But if an "enemy Jew" is someone with as little as .002% Jewish lineage, and "mischling" only starts below that, then we're talking about an unbelievable number of blood enemies among us.
HauptSturm said:
Ya the Nuremberg Laws were good and all but when anyone brings that up to excuse someone of partial Jewishness, don't fall for it. For example, Muh Lauren Southernstein is only 15% Jewish therefore she's technically not a Jew according to the Nazis. Ya no...

I don't care if she's 0.0000001% jewish, she's still a dirty rotten vile disgusting piece of reptilian shit that has absolutely no reason to exist in living form except to drain from others like the parasites they all are.
I thought about the ''helping to clean a half jew'' thing when I was new to Satanism for a very long time; as I grew up with a lot of jews around me. And I realized, why in the world would I spend even less than a nano-second on a kind of people whos culture involves SACRIFICING CHILDREN. A kind of mentality that cant tolerates anyone's success other than its own? Can you really call someone a ''friend'' if they are just waiting for an opening to undermine you just so they can feel better about them selfs?

There are hundreds of thousands of Gentiles who can use our help, and we are going to waste our precious time on some jew?

I know it is difficult to hear this for some people, but all Jewishness must be completely and permanently eradicated if we want to get anywhere as 1-Race 2-Nation 3 As Satans creations.

There isn't anything ''blind'' about this hate. The real blindness is not hating the jew for stealing our potential from us
Shael said:
Back when I was dealing with the "Am I Jewish" attack, I thought a lot about this, too. It made me paranoid to think about what the hell I would do if I was a jew. And if there was any way to "turn gentile" somehow if that was the case.

I think many people who are coming up with these theories right now, and trying to make excuses, are doing so because they themselves are currently facing the "Am I Jewish" attack. It's their way of trying to "cope" with it somehow.
People need to realize that regardless of what the hell you may be, doing work for our cause here will never do you bad. For us Satanists, doing this work is an amazing thing as we help to build a better world and free them of the jewish menace. And so even if, potentially, you were a jew, you wouldn't have anything to lose anyway. You'd get obliterated in the end regardless, so why not hasten the extinction of your own filthy race?

I've suffered the same psychological attack, it's a very common tactic. But my reaction to it was so extreme that I've considered committing suicide if I turned out even the slightest bit jewish.
MayIAsk said:
Can we say everybody who does the final rtr daily over a longer time then 40 days, has zero jew genes ?

Why do you make rules like that to it? There is no point.

Actual Satanists despite the whole memetic attacks of the enemy, they know on the inside they are not jews. This also will be able to validated externally, by physical features. There is not strange here, nothing spacey, nothing spiritual.

If one goes to the mirror and they look like Freddie Krueger, then know you are a jew.
Vx36 said:
Just wanted to comment about my last post (whether or not it gets accepted). Feel free to tell me when I am wrong and how because I'd much prefer that than being censored. Also a lot of times I might ask stupid questions like I did in the past (are all jews evil?) even if I believe they are 99% because I want more information not because I am some infiltrator or jew hugger. I've known quite a few of them growing up as "friends" or bosses and it doesn't matter how much they sweet talk you or pretend they are on your side they eventually ALWAYS betray you.

I remember having two jewish friends (brothers) when I was very young and we were great friends until one day they took a trip to Israel and came back hating me. I didn't get it at the time but later learned that most jews go to Israel at some point for gentile hating lessons. I've also had jewish roomates that completely vanished when rent was due and left me screwed. When I was 16 and a fool obsessed with weed my friends and I were out looking for some all day. Later when we finally gave up and were heading back to our complex a cop stopped and searched us all. Well the jew with us had weed in his pocket even though were were out looking all day and was the only one arrested. This is the same moron that would always tell me fuck satan but "no offense". I got to punch him in the face eventually when a few friends bought boxing gloves and he thought to challenge the weakest looking one in our group. One punch and he had a black eye for a few weeks. Of course he blamed me getting the thinner gloves even though he chose which gloves to use. Typical jew.

Are the jews evil? When they are sleeping, maybe they are not yet woke up to their racial tenets.

When they go back to the mothership, their vibe will instantly connect.

As to why you hang around with jews, when you share prison time with them, tell me if they are good. The jew will harm you even without intending it. It's just hardwired.
RoyBatty91 said:
By "millions of paternal and maternal ancestors," what I mean is that taking a full family lineage back only 20 generations - about 400 years - you wind up with over a million potential ancestors just in that 20th generation. If you're looking at a community that's barely left its Alpine or Norwegian valley for a thousand years, you obviously won't see a bunch of random, different people in every one of those million "slots." But with larger and more interconnected population centers, there's more people coming from and going to everywhere else - the entire thing with Jews is that they always take up residence in the major cities, and there are always at least a few of them whose job it is to schmooze their way into Gentile society. If the concept is if even a single Jewish ancestor is present out of a thousand total in nine generations, this will completely override the Gentile body and soul and produce a complete Jew, then I am certain that with all the uncertain marriages and bastard children in even pre-modern cities, followed by the spread of urban populations out into the New World and the countryside, you would have "complete Jews" making up an absolutely huge portion of Europe and America's population (plus the population of any other continent they've inhabited).

And I'm not just talking about the "This Kushner fellow is a bit slimier than normal, but we need his money and Ivanka doesn't seem to mind"-type marriages, I'm talking about how even people on the lookout for Jews are totally shocked if you tell them certain people are half-Jews. Harrison Ford is a good example - you could have somebody like that in a major city with nobody having any idea he was a Jew, and any children he had and any children they had would be "complete Jews" for the next 7-8 generations. So I personally can't trust the idea that only a miniscule percentage of Gentiles have even a single Jewish ancestor going back nine or twenty or forty generations, and given that, I have to doubt that a 1/512 Jewish body is all it takes to instantly and completely corrupt a Gentile soul and/or force it to let a Jewish soul take that place. Again, for the sake of spiritual health and mental well-being, I agree with you that drastic programs will have to go up to replace tainted Gentile lineages with pure ones. But if an "enemy Jew" is someone with as little as .002% Jewish lineage, and "mischling" only starts below that, then we're talking about an unbelievable number of blood enemies among us.

The fallacious issue here is that this issue is not mathematical, as if one keeps dividing generations to prove "jewish percentage" in this way, one goes to a state of generations like you do, which is dumb, as after a point, one needs trillions of ancestors to keep straw men argument like the "1/512 jewish" going, which is a gross extreme exaggeration, and also impossible by living numbers of the planet, granted, people arise from GENERATIONS of WAY FEWER people, having progeny, which then keeps recreating.

You are taking wrong math to support your point here.

12 generations back one has 4,096 ancestors in your paradigm, but that is the case ONLY all of them were single, from other tribes, or other places, that the percent of jewishness would be 1/4096, if in theory there was "One" Black ancestor.

The dumb numbers you speak here are only true insofar every ancestor has had one child, and drawn to the logical extreme, 100 generations back the population of the earth would be 50912842193129 people or something, therefore, all you say is self collapsing.

I answered you on the sermon, as this paradigm of BS seems to be the Alt-rights flag into accepting every kike into their midst, just by chaning the 'acceptable percent'. That is way besides the point.
666Esoteric666 said:
One thing I've always wanted to ask, there are certainly j*w souls, is there such thing as a White soul, or Black soul, or a Chinese soul, etc?
Will I be White again in my next life? Does that mean my soul will always remain of Aryan descent or is my soul just of gentile nature and I can be reincarnated as any non-j*w race?

The reason why we have different races, is because we have different souls. This is why race mixing will be banned in the future, it destroys and degenerates souls. People need to breed within their own race. Keep your bloodline pure.

If you're White, you will only be White in a future incarnation... unless you race mix in this life, create mixed soul/race descendants, and then you can end up as mixed race/soul in your future life. This is why the jews are doing everything they can to mongrelize the White race, to destroy Satan's bloodline.

The multicultural idiots who are pro-race mixing, do not understand that race is in the soul. It's not just skin deep, we have completely different souls that the non-whites, and these differences extend outwardly but I'm not going write a giant reply on this here.

You might want to look into sermons by HP Hooded Cobra and HP Jake Carlson, they've written a lot on race. Also look in Satan's Library on JoS, there are recommended books there for Whites to read. Just use the Crtl+f function, type in "race" or something relevant, and search through the sermons. http://www.satanslibrary.org/Pdf_Library.html

Remember... knowledge is power. Putting in the time each day to learn, will go a long way in your advancement :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Are the jews evil? When they are sleeping, maybe they are not yet woke up to their racial tenets.

When they go back to the mothership, their vibe will instantly connect.

As to why you hang around with jews, when you share prison time with them, tell me if they are good. The jew will harm you even without intending it. It's just hardwired.

Yeah as if admitting anything about the past is evidence you are the same person today. From my examples it's clear every interaction with them has been negative and this was before I was barely an adult. I used to dislike the rituals with "exterminate all" when I couldn't possibly have all the information although that eventually didn't stop me. I understand your mocking of them because they don't care about any compassion we might have and would gladly use it against us. Learning about the jews felt like leaving the matrix and entering a nightmare that never ends. It's like our existence is antithesis to theirs and only one can remain.
Vx36 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Are the jews evil? When they are sleeping, maybe they are not yet woke up to their racial tenets.

When they go back to the mothership, their vibe will instantly connect.

As to why you hang around with jews, when you share prison time with them, tell me if they are good. The jew will harm you even without intending it. It's just hardwired.

Yeah as if admitting anything about the past is evidence you are the same person today. From my examples it's clear every interaction with them has been negative and this was before I was barely an adult. I used to dislike the rituals with "exterminate all" when I couldn't possibly have all the information although that eventually didn't stop me. I understand your mocking of them because they don't care about any compassion we might have and would gladly use it against us. Learning about the jews felt like leaving the matrix and entering a nightmare that never ends. It's like our existence is antithesis to theirs and only one can remain.

One has to be proud for having the power to wake up, not beat themselves over it. My reply was meant only to illustrate that you did the right thing. There is nothing embarrassing here.

Your life, descendants, and your whole existence will thank you for it.

You did what many others can't do because they are weak. I am bashing them because they are dumb, and they will bring disaster on top of themselves.

Contrary to these dumbasses, you walked with your head up high and learned from the mistake of the jew.

Many people, for generations, do not like learning.
Vx36 said:
Just wanted to comment about my last post (whether or not it gets accepted). Feel free to tell me when I am wrong and how because I'd much prefer that than being censored. Also a lot of times I might ask stupid questions like I did in the past (are all jews evil?) even if I believe they are 99% because I want more information not because I am some infiltrator or jew hugger. I've known quite a few of them growing up as "friends" or bosses and it doesn't matter how much they sweet talk you or pretend they are on your side they eventually ALWAYS betray you.

I remember having two jewish friends (brothers) when I was very young and we were great friends until one day they took a trip to Israel and came back hating me. I didn't get it at the time but later learned that most jews go to Israel at some point for gentile hating lessons. I've also had jewish roomates that completely vanished when rent was due and left me screwed. When I was 16 and a fool obsessed with weed my friends and I were out looking for some all day. Later when we finally gave up and were heading back to our complex a cop stopped and searched us all. Well the jew with us had weed in his pocket even though were were out looking all day and was the only one arrested. This is the same moron that would always tell me fuck satan but "no offense". I got to punch him in the face eventually when a few friends bought boxing gloves and he thought to challenge the weakest looking one in our group. One punch and he had a black eye for a few weeks. Of course he blamed me getting the thinner gloves even though he chose which gloves to use. Typical jew.

It's true I experienced the same thing with a woman I was friends with at work. We were like each other's little circle always hanging together and always chatting away happily. This is before my knowledge of The Joy Of Satan.

So possibly a jewess but I don't know for sure but quite likely.

Anyway this woman I was so friendly with said she was going for two weeks to Israel with another female friend on holiday.

Don't know what happened but when she came back she was cold and non engaging with me.

It was the weirdest thing how she changed so much. People change, but she had like a hatred vibe after her Israel holiday.

So she must have gone to some lecture or took some of those Gentile hating lessons in Israel. Each time I looked at her she would look away and I'd see her 'streak of steel,' in her eyes.

Good riddance I was lucky to be spared hanging around with a rotten joo.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MayIAsk said:
Can we say everybody who does the final rtr daily over a longer time then 40 days, has zero jew genes ?

Why do you make rules like that to it? There is no point.

Actual Satanists despite the whole memetic attacks of the enemy, they know on the inside they are not jews. This also will be able to validated externally, by physical features. There is not strange here, nothing spacey, nothing spiritual.

If one goes to the mirror and they look like Freddie Krueger, then know you are a jew.

if somebody is 1/516 jew( i did read your post about mathematics) he may not look like a jew but is also one.
if a 1/516 jew couldn´t or wouldn´t do the final rtr over a longer time this would be a hard test.
MayIAsk said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
MayIAsk said:
Can we say everybody who does the final rtr daily over a longer time then 40 days, has zero jew genes ?

Why do you make rules like that to it? There is no point.

Actual Satanists despite the whole memetic attacks of the enemy, they know on the inside they are not jews. This also will be able to validated externally, by physical features. There is not strange here, nothing spacey, nothing spiritual.

If one goes to the mirror and they look like Freddie Krueger, then know you are a jew.

if somebody is 1/516 jew( i did read your post about mathematics) he may not look like a jew but is also one.
if a 1/516 jew couldn´t or wouldn´t do the final rtr over a longer time this would be a hard test.

I took it down to rectify it a little bit, so that I didn't confuse anyone with the figures. I wanted it to be clearer.

Genetics and life do not really correspond to cold calculating math.
sunrise said:
It's hard for people to see them for what they are, I recall a lot of generosity, seriously, they know how to 'buy' you, they are perfect liars. They are highly intelligent for the people who don't know about them.
They are dangerously smart; I am not that stupid, trust me when I say it, we must not take this matter lightly. They are well cultured as well compared to the average gentiles. I tell you all, learn about them on every aspect as much as possible and stay alert!

The wisdom lies to learn from this learning curve, and prevent others from going down to it. Everyone can relate to at least one example of what you write here, and it is really the case.

Indeed, this is a question of literally defending innocents. I am one to brush away all this stuff of "Innocents", but indeed, the majority of Gentiles are like naked helpless sheep going in front of capable murderous hyenas, which are the jews. Without a herdsman or others who are aware, they will be consumed.

Protection through education is required for our people, or they will go down from them. And they don't stand a chance. People unfortunately only after they go in learning curves and tremendously bad situations, they finally "get it" in regards of the enemy.

The sooner one gets it, really, all the better for them.
No matter how nice or friendly a jew will come off as or how 'innocent' they seem with all their 'woe is me's and their 'I'm so pitiful, feel bad for me's it's practically inborn for them to be parasitic assholes. The unawakened jew that lives in the household program I am also in does act nice and does nice things for everybody in the house but in the past he admitted he was a heartless bully.

And in the present day I can see when his jewishness comes out and he's being sadistic and cruel out of nowhere, especially to me despite not instigating anything or being generally 'chill'. He wants to hurt people and gets excited when the opportunity arises. It's disgusting. He also forces lots of acts of kindness upon me without my consent just so I owe him one, then owe him 2, then owe him 6, and I always practically tell him to fuck off every time.

Even his jew buddy that was temporarily here as his roommate tried asking me to cover a very exhausting task for him one day, saying he would do one of my tasks the next day in return. Told him straight up no and he managed to get some other housemate to do it for him likely offering them the same thing. The fucker moved out that same day and never did his side of the deal for that person obviously.

It's not even a discussion when it comes to dealing with the jews. We destroy them, we curse them, we ruin them and we get them off this planet and out of our lives, end of story.
how can one person be completely sure, that no where in the blood line. Even hundreds or thousands of years ago. Fucked a jew and mixed the races. it is 2019 the chances of a 100%pure white bloodline existing are very slim. is there a way to be 100% sure? also are you telling me that if over thousands of years someone fucked one jew and had a child that that blood line is completely ruined. I am a Satanist and have been for a couple years now, and if you saw a picture of me you would say there is no jew in me. however I still find it hard to belive that in my entire bloodline and the bloodlines existence, Some jew kike, fucked a pretty white woman and had a kid. just seems like impossible math with how many kikes there are out there. so I guess my question is. If that happened are you saying a man like me that is Aryan and white as fuck. cant be a spiritual Satanist?
onemage619 said:
how can one person be completely sure, that no where in the blood line. Even hundreds or thousands of years ago. Fucked a jew and mixed the races. it is 2019 the chances of a 100%pure white bloodline existing are very slim. is there a way to be 100% sure? also are you telling me that if over thousands of years someone fucked one jew and had a child that that blood line is completely ruined. I am a Satanist and have been for a couple years now, and if you saw a picture of me you would say there is no jew in me. however I still find it hard to belive that in my entire bloodline and the bloodlines existence, Some jew kike, fucked a pretty white woman and had a kid. just seems like impossible math with how many kikes there are out there. so I guess my question is. If that happened are you saying a man like me that is Aryan and white as fuck. cant be a spiritual Satanist?

The amount of jews that are today on the planet are for the most part generated in the last two or three centuries. They were never as numerous as today, and never as 'freely moving' and 'marrying' as they are today. And still, they are very selective in where they put their genitals, as they stay on their own. Do not see millions of jews and be 'worried', they are not 'everywhere'.

So one does not need to be paranoid. Since this is the case, within the last two to three centuries, it's the only red alert for most people to have 'jewish blood'.

If you are Aryan and White as Fuck then you have your own answer to if you are jewish or not. Why do you even ask?

If your traits in mind, soul, and material body are White, and you follow our path, I wonder where is the question? It's just paranoid fear.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
