North Node as well as South One is of fate. What I mean is regarding prediction, when you see some transitting or any other predictive planet, especially transit / Solar / Lunar, in conjunction to your NN, it will mean fated event, less than Sounth Node but still it is stronger than if no planet was connected to any Node.
I saw such for example when Solar Uranus conjuncted Natal NN as well as transitting Uranus since they are the same, and person had a sign of new career, Uranus transitting 10h. Result was career was somehow strongly conneted to knowledge of the computer, technologies, new program installation, a lot of studies in this regard, also it brought a lot of freedom issues and fight for freedom.
If Natal planet is connected to the Node you have to look at the nature of the planet, it might bring fame and success to life especially if it is Sun, because NN is also connected to future, talents, while SN is thought to be connected to fate and the past. I think both are connected to it, because talents are fated as well as issues.