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Nightmares and the "white sound"


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I was talking about this with a friend and it got me curious. This "white sound" (that extremely high-pitched noise), where does it come from? When there are enemy attacks, it often happens that this white sound appears. I had one huge attack a few years ago where the white sound was so loud that it enveloped everything, and I thought my soul was gonna get ripped out of my body.

Does anyone know what happens spiritually/astrally and also physically, when this white sound occurs? I feel like there should be a way to explain where this comes from, and what exactly happens to one's body both on the spiritual and material level when the sound is produced.

I always thought I was the only one who had this, but apparently this is not the case. If any of the HPs know more about this (and the knowledge can be safely shared) then I think a sermon on the topic would be awesome. :)
I didn't think much about this but I've heard this sound sometimes(very rarely nowadays)during meditation or generally while I'm doing something.
Shael said:
I was talking about this with a friend and it got me curious. This "white sound" (that extremely high-pitched noise), where does it come from? When there are enemy attacks, it often happens that this white sound appears. I had one huge attack a few years ago where the white sound was so loud that it enveloped everything, and I thought my soul was gonna get ripped out of my body.

Does anyone know what happens spiritually/astrally and also physically, when this white sound occurs? I feel like there should be a way to explain where this comes from, and what exactly happens to one's body both on the spiritual and material level when the sound is produced.

I always thought I was the only one who had this, but apparently this is not the case. If any of the HPs know more about this (and the knowledge can be safely shared) then I think a sermon on the topic would be awesome. :)

Do you mean that high pitched screeching sound some people sometimes hear in one ear?

That's always bugged me too, and it's happened more often recently than I would like.
Poweredbythesun said:
Do you mean that high pitched screeching sound some people sometimes hear in one ear?

That's always bugged me too, and it's happened more often recently than I would like.
Yeah, that's the sound I mean. There is this really loud one, and then there is a very very silent one that is more linked to electronic devices. Some people can hear this low-pitched sound when they focus on it, me included. Your average modern-day doctor would call it tinitus, but it's not. It varies wildly in intensity and frequency based on the electronics in your proximity. When I have my PC plugged in, due to the high voltage that goes into just one single outlet, I can hear a rather loud and very obnoxious frequency of this sound. It of course disappears once the PC has been plugged out. Anyone who'd write this off as tinitus is just retarded. I even once had a complete electricity blackout while I was at work (all electronic devices in few km radius were off simultaneously), and this low-pitched sound was completely gone. It felt extremely blissful.
When reptilians and enemy nordics attack me sometimes I hear that sound. Attack can feel pretty much physical, like they are trying to rip my soul out of my body and to suffocate me. Some energy just lands on me and is heavy, I can hear and feel it landing suddenly on me and on my bed (usually attacks like that happen when I'm trying to sleep) and then that sound follows.... Idk how many others had it similar
Shael said:
I was talking about this with a friend and it got me curious. This "white sound" (that extremely high-pitched noise), where does it come from? When there are enemy attacks, it often happens that this white sound appears. I had one huge attack a few years ago where the white sound was so loud that it enveloped everything, and I thought my soul was gonna get ripped out of my body.

Does anyone know what happens spiritually/astrally and also physically, when this white sound occurs? I feel like there should be a way to explain where this comes from, and what exactly happens to one's body both on the spiritual and material level when the sound is produced.

I always thought I was the only one who had this, but apparently this is not the case. If any of the HPs know more about this (and the knowledge can be safely shared) then I think a sermon on the topic would be awesome. :)

Well, the "white noise" is not an attack of the enemy, it is the sound, noise that your brain emits all the time, but that can only be heard when you are in a state of deep relaxation, this is usually at dawn or when you are in a state of deep trance, usually when you do not have knowledge of these natural processes of the body people get scared, the same happens with sleep paralysis, it is a natural process with scientific explanation. Both "white noise" and sleep paralysis are processes that occur in states of deep relaxation and when a state of "body asleep-mind awakens" is reached. Both sleep paralysis and white noise are opportunities to successfully get to the astral. At first when you do not have knowledge of this it can cause fear but it is only ignorance about the issue that causes that fear.
If your sources are telling you these are attacks then I'd accept it.

Here's my .02 cents though. When I was a kid I use to have attacks where I had extreme vertigo, like what you guy's are experiencing. It's almost is like your soul is being pulled around every which way, like floating in space but at extreme speed. Or what I think floating in space feels like lol.

Now here's my idea it may not be attacks, as I originally thought too. When we work the front, backs and middles of our chakras there are muscle spasms. At least I do. What I'm proposing is that these aren't attacks, but your middle ear, various balance mechanisms, and ears having muscle spasms.

Like I said this is just my $.02 and they may well be attacks.
Gaal zuh said:
I highly doubt this, as it does not logically add up in any way whatsoever. This noise almost always comes connected to extremely bad dreams, aka enemy attacks. These things are blatantly obvious, as the dream will literally have the central objective of killing you, in a terrorizing and scary way if possible.

The attack I was talking about in my case, I was having a dream like this and it felt like I literally, physically, was dying (or had died, when the dream ended). This noise is exclusively related to situations like these, so writing them off as a "natural sound produced by the brain" seems very wrong to me. I have also heard before that this sound occurs sometimes when there is a big head-injury, and/or when someone is just about to die, but for obvious reasons I cannot personally confirm or test that.

In the meantime I've actually had another theory about this pop up in my head. What if this noise we hear is produced when an enemy entity tries breaching through our aura? This would explain why it is always related to enemy attacks, and why it can be heard so loudly. It could be produced through the friction and resistance of an enemy entity's energies attacking our aura and our aura deflecting this away. Just a theory, but logically speaking it'd make sense to me.
So, do electronic devices keep you in a trance-like state to make you more susceptible to enemy programming? There must be a reason why the sound for some people disappears during blackouts. The enemy design of electronic device ought to produce an electronic magnetic fields that affects people inside it.

Wi-Fi modem/routers are one such device. With it on, it's difficult for me to fall asleep. If I turn it off at home or there's no WiFi in my range like in the dorm room, I can easily fall asleep at night.
Stormblood said:
So, do electronic devices keep you in a trance-like state to make you more susceptible to enemy programming? There must be a reason why the sound for some people disappears during blackouts. The enemy design of electronic device ought to produce an electronic magnetic fields that affects people inside it.
Yeah, I was considering that as a possibility. I think we as SS are protected from this for the most part by our AoP, but either way it definitely puts some pressure on things nonetheless and is annoying.
In my opinion it's entirely possible that the enemy has globally tweaked electronic decices in such a way that they emit harmful frequencies that further their agenda.

Stormblood said:
Wi-Fi modem/routers are one such device. With it on, it's difficult for me to fall asleep. If I turn it off at home or there's no WiFi in my range like in the dorm room, I can easily fall asleep at night.
Personally, Wi-Fi itself never bothered me much. I dont hear any sound coming from it specifically. It's mainly general electronics. Also, the higher the voltage the more loud and obnoxious the sound becomes for me. For example my bedlight has such low voltage that I do not hear any sound from it at all.
I do still have the wifi set to turn off during the night though, just in case it would have a bad effect.
Shael said:
Gaal zuh said:
I highly doubt this, as it does not logically add up in any way whatsoever. This noise almost always comes connected to extremely bad dreams, aka enemy attacks. These things are blatantly obvious, as the dream will literally have the central objective of killing you, in a terrorizing and scary way if possible.

The attack I was talking about in my case, I was having a dream like this and it felt like I literally, physically, was dying (or had died, when the dream ended). This noise is exclusively related to situations like these, so writing them off as a "natural sound produced by the brain" seems very wrong to me. I have also heard before that this sound occurs sometimes when there is a big head-injury, and/or when someone is just about to die, but for obvious reasons I cannot personally confirm or test that.

In the meantime I've actually had another theory about this pop up in my head. What if this noise we hear is produced when an enemy entity tries breaching through our aura? This would explain why it is always related to enemy attacks, and why it can be heard so loudly. It could be produced through the friction and resistance of an enemy entity's energies attacking our aura and our aura deflecting this away. Just a theory, but logically speaking it'd make sense to me.


Every time I hear this sound, I know that I will experience something awful. It always starts the same way: sound, pull out of the body and eventually an enemy attack. Personally, I think this sound is not unpleasant or scary, it just does not bode well. I always explained it to myself so that there was an incomplete astral projection, that my astral body was leaving the physical body and I began to receive other astral sounds that required tuning. I never heard that when I was fully aware, hence my opinion. I wonder what it really is?
Shael said:
Stormblood said:
So, do electronic devices keep you in a trance-like state to make you more susceptible to enemy programming? There must be a reason why the sound for some people disappears during blackouts. The enemy design of electronic device ought to produce an electronic magnetic fields that affects people inside it.
Yeah, I was considering that as a possibility. I think we as SS are protected from this for the most part by our AoP, but either way it definitely puts some pressure on things nonetheless and is annoying.
In my opinion it's entirely possible that the enemy has globally tweaked electronic decices in such a way that they emit harmful frequencies that further their agenda.

Stormblood said:
Wi-Fi modem/routers are one such device. With it on, it's difficult for me to fall asleep. If I turn it off at home or there's no WiFi in my range like in the dorm room, I can easily fall asleep at night.
Personally, Wi-Fi itself never bothered me much. I dont hear any sound coming from it specifically. It's mainly general electronics. Also, the higher the voltage the more loud and obnoxious the sound becomes for me. For example my bedlight has such low voltage that I do not hear any sound from it at all.
I do still have the wifi set to turn off during the night though, just in case it would have a bad effect.
What you're hearing is probably coil whine from transformers and inductors. It explains why you don't hear it from basic electrics like your night light, since many household lights and devices either don't use these components or aren't capable of producing the effect, and explains why you do hear it from complex, powerful electronics like your PC. Chargers can also produce coil whine.

I've also heard buzzing & whining from conduits in the walls, and lower pitch buzzing & whining can come from vibrations from poorly dampened fans and other devices.

For me, outside of the cases above, I don't hear a constant whining. Contrary to what has been posted here, I usually hear it when there is no noise or electronics running. My guess is the brain doesn't know how to handle absolute silence and needs a reference point to compare other sounds to so it produces a constant signal to provide a baseline.

Otherwise hearing a sound could be like waking up in total darkness then having a flashlight shined in your face. It'd be sensory overload.

Or setting your volume really high for a quiet video then forgetting to turn it back down.

But it seems that's just me.
I usually get hit with it in my weakest states, for example my sleep schedule was fucked and had an episode where there was this intense white noise and a feeling of dread panic and was doing everything I could to wake up
Shael said:
Gaal zuh said:
I highly doubt this, as it does not logically add up in any way whatsoever. This noise almost always comes connected to extremely bad dreams, aka enemy attacks. These things are blatantly obvious, as the dream will literally have the central objective of killing you, in a terrorizing and scary way if possible.

The attack I was talking about in my case, I was having a dream like this and it felt like I literally, physically, was dying (or had died, when the dream ended). This noise is exclusively related to situations like these, so writing them off as a "natural sound produced by the brain" seems very wrong to me. I have also heard before that this sound occurs sometimes when there is a big head-injury, and/or when someone is just about to die, but for obvious reasons I cannot personally confirm or test that.

In the meantime I've actually had another theory about this pop up in my head. What if this noise we hear is produced when an enemy entity tries breaching through our aura? This would explain why it is always related to enemy attacks, and why it can be heard so loudly. It could be produced through the friction and resistance of an enemy entity's energies attacking our aura and our aura deflecting this away. Just a theory, but logically speaking it'd make sense to me.
Are bad dreams always enemy attack? I sometimes have bad dreams. But the bad dream yesterdays was so sick.
homeraee said:
Are bad dreams always enemy attack? I sometimes have bad dreams. But the bad dream yesterdays was so sick.
Sometimes a bad dream can be symbolical, a warning of sorts. Enemy attacks always manifest just in purely terrorizing kinds of dreams, that have no value behind them whatsoever. They are just intended to harm and scare you.
Shael said:
homeraee said:
Are bad dreams always enemy attack? I sometimes have bad dreams. But the bad dream yesterdays was so sick.
Sometimes a bad dream can be symbolical, a warning of sorts. Enemy attacks always manifest just in purely terrorizing kinds of dreams, that have no value behind them whatsoever. They are just intended to harm and scare you.
I’ve had nightmares without enemy influence, and nightmares with enemy influence. I can always tell when they’re from the enemy by that static/high pitched screeching noise. Sometimes It’s accompanied by mild sleep paralysis.

I remember trying to visualize blue satanic flames burning an enemy doing this to me and I heard the ugliest and creepiest screech/scream ever come form it.
Kieith666 said:
Shael said:
homeraee said:
Are bad dreams always enemy attack? I sometimes have bad dreams. But the bad dream yesterdays was so sick.
Sometimes a bad dream can be symbolical, a warning of sorts. Enemy attacks always manifest just in purely terrorizing kinds of dreams, that have no value behind them whatsoever. They are just intended to harm and scare you.
I’ve had nightmares without enemy influence, and nightmares with enemy influence. I can always tell when they’re from the enemy by that static/high pitched screeching noise. Sometimes It’s accompanied by mild sleep paralysis.

I remember trying to visualize blue satanic flames burning an enemy doing this to me and I heard the ugliest and creepiest screech/scream ever come form it.
Now I see. but How do you get conscious in the dream, the act of visualizing blue satanic flames ? I cant control my dream, only sometimes wake up with memories.
Shael said:
In my opinion it's entirely possible that the enemy has globally tweaked electronic decices in such a way that they emit harmful frequencies that further their agenda.
Just my .02 cents.

I wouldn't doubt that. I have read that, after murdering Tesla, in every branch of every industry, they deliberately choose frequencies that are in total disharmony with everything natural. Even the note frequencies of music were at one time changed to be unnatural. Don't get me started on the frequencies of electrical grid, radio (police etc.) and GSM communications. Jewish number games at work, yet again.

I have encountered this white sound for years. Right before falling asleep, I sometimes get strong surges in this static/white noise. I feel them inside my ears. Feels like voltage spikes within brain.

Lately, one night right before falling asleep, I had one small surge and after that I felt like I was rotating inside my body very fast for a second, accompanied by stronger white noise and electrical sensations in my brain and while rotating, I saw some 'footage' with closed eyes, pretty similar to the scenery rushing by if you rotate yourself in the real world with open eyes. This may be related to the working on the 6th Chakra but I can't be sure. Has never happened before.
Apprentice said:
Shael said:
In my opinion it's entirely possible that the enemy has globally tweaked electronic decices in such a way that they emit harmful frequencies that further their agenda.
Just my .02 cents.

I wouldn't doubt that. I have read that, after murdering Tesla, in every branch of every industry, they deliberately choose frequencies that are in total disharmony with everything natural. Even the note frequencies of music were at one time changed to be unnatural. Don't get me started on the frequencies of electrical grid, radio (police etc.) and GSM communications. Jewish number games at work, yet again.
Thank you for sharing this. It's great to hear that there is actual evidence behind this hunch I had.
I think i have also expirenced this, twice.

Both times it was right before i fell asleep and the first time the high pitched sound slowly faded in and a painting like picture of a reptilian faded in my face and i pulled myself out of my sleep.

The second time it happend i again was about ti fall asleep and out of nowhere a reptilian came at me so fast i tried to imagine blue flames around me but he was too quick and it looked like he went inside my body/soul so i freaked out and did some cleaning, i felt totally fine though.
Its like that point when you fall asleep and you connect to the astral or whatever.

Since then i always do AOP before bed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
