Gear88 said:
There are two types of SATANAS. I believe it was Lydia who mentioned this years ago or at least she prominently spoke about it.
L-SATANAS = Long-SATANAS i.e. letter per breath
S-SATANAS = Short-SATANAS i.e. SATANAS in one breath.
ONE is more powerful obviously L-S but one is more repetitions S-S. SO if you can fire off many short SATANAS like when doing M-RTR(and performing SATANAS on the affirmation) then you might just build up more energy than L-S.
Yeah quality > quantity. Your right VoE but I've often had the mindset and maybe other people can chime in who have similar. That to accomplish something REQUIRES HIGH repetitions, some have said smaller even as little as 7-9 reps can do something.
But I figure there is always gonna be that oddball such as myself who believes ONLY by high reps can you accomplish something.
I know one can further extend Satanas to do one letter per breath, but that is generally unnecessary. The way I do Satanas is to vibrate all letters in one exhale, but I do it slowly and nicely drawn out, so each letter can act and release energy properly.
The exhale of that single breath while vibrating Satanas with one breath like that lasts on average 17-18 seconds for me. So inhale, vibrate Satanas on exhale slowly one letter at a time (17-18 seconds for me), and repeat.
Also to vibrate Satanas correctly requires one to hiss the S’s, which cannot be done when vibrating it as a short word, or at least when I tried it, it didn’t work since the letters don’t flow well.
Again, quality over quantity. Do. Not. Rush. Vibrations. <— this and the above is for anyone reading this, not specifically you Gear88
Try for yourself how it feels to do for example aura cleaning with Surya, and take time to really focus on vibrating each vibration, focus intensely on the energy, inhale, vibrate Surya for 6-8 seconds on the exhale, repeat. (The numerology isn’t important, just the fact the word is vibrated with intent and not rushed).
Let your mind detach from any other thoughts and enter a trance state while doing so. Count either with your fingers or with a Satanic rosary, do this 50 times.
Then compare how that feels to a quick 100 reps of Surya, doing the vibration quickly with less intensity, rather than a drawn out and intense vibration, just 2-3 seconds per vibration.
If you do it right, the former is twice as powerful even though it only has half the reps.
Also note, it takes just as long, if not a little longer to do the former, while only being half the reps. This makes each rep far more powerful, which is exponential rather than just a linear increase. Of course there is a thing as slowing down too much, where the vibration loses cohesion and intensity, so the balance must be struck between intensity and duration.
I knew a Satanist who always did quick and short vibrations. I would start meditating at the same time as them, and they would be done in a few minutes with all their chakra vibrations, while I was still on my second chakra. They did 100 reps in each sometimes, yet they would finish 100 reps faster than I finished 30.
I told them to change this, because it is useless to rush things, they didn’t listen. They are now gone, because they sucked as SS and didn’t manage to build any power.
They left the path because they slipped away, again, because they never build any power, only trying to rush repetitions and feel so cool about doing 100 of them while I did my slow 88 vibrations.
One time I asked them to meditate together with me, back when I was still friends with them (We were both SS for a year and a half or something). They agreed, and I set the pace that time. Told them to follow along with me. Reluctantly they agreed.
After 20 repetitions they were grumbling, because it was too much for them. They already lost focus, the energy was too much. I kept going, while they eventually shut up and just listened to me work.
6 minutes later I finished with 88 reps into my root chakra and asked them what the problem was? They didn’t answer, and well I already knew what the problem was, they were too weak to even follow along because they always rush their vibrations and aren’t used to any power.
They were somewhat of an extreme example of spiritual ineptitude as a Satanist, but this still stands.
You need to find your own rhythm, but never rush. Once you get used to vibrating words of power, you can get into a nice flow when doing a larger amount of reps, and you speed up a bit naturally as your mind enters a light trance, this is a result of really connecting to the energy raised by the vibration and focusing deeply on the energy as well as where you are directing it.
If you have less time, best do less reps but make sure each one counts, rather than rush out those reps for the sake of hitting that desired big number.
For Satanas specifically, this word of power is not meant to be done in huge repetitions anyway, it is best used as a primer to quickly raise lots of energy in a short time.
Just doing 4 rounds of it before an RTR for example can quickly raise your energy. Especially useful when you are short on time.
It is a vibration meant to be vibrated slowly but intensely so the energy can raise maximally from that one vibration.
On the question of high reps, how many do you do for things? What is high?
To me anything over 100 for anything else but cleaning feels unnecessary, and my throat can’t really handle more since altogether I’d be vibrating 700 times for all chakra’s, then 100 for aura cleaning, 200 for AoP, then the RTR’s, then any ongoing workings, that is enough already. It ends up at about 2-3 hours of using my voice to vibrate on the daily, more than that my throat doesn’t appreciate.
Sometimes I go for 216 times Surya for cleaning, but generally this doesn’t always feel necessary so most of the time I go for 88-100 depending on how I feel.
More is not always better. Consistency is far more important.