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New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Progressively, meditations who have been discovered by the JoS with the help of the Gods, are going to be shared in increments.

For more information about this, refer to this post: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=61422

These will be from numerous levels, all the way from beginner to intermediate, to advanced, to very advanced. This meditation below is advanced, and one has to at least have some experience with invoking Aether.

However, this meditation is safe, and if one wants to try it, it will not cause any unpleasant effects. The only necessity for those who want to experiment, is that the 6th chakra opening meditation and some empowerment has been done prior to this.

The meditation is below.


Due to the nature of this meditation, doing this in a lightless room with the least amount of lights, would be beneficial. The best time to do this meditation is at night, but not when one is too sleepy to lack alertness, but a pleasant focus and very low light should be present. This helps the Pineal Gland activate itself better.

1. Relax before this meditation and focus on your pineal gland, broadly in the center of your head.

2. Inhale the Aether [Aether is optional and makes this meditation more acute, you can use energy in the color of the 6th chakra] into the 6th chakra for 3-4 breaths, accumulating it inside the Pineal Gland. You must try to center this energy inside the Pineal Gland as you breathe this.

3. On a low tone of voice [not loud vibrating in this case] start vibrating softly "PTAH".

Audio for this meditation: https://icedrive.net/0/fbQ8G3ShYT

4. How this is vibrated is as following: P as in Plan, T as in Turn, A should be vibrated as in Andras, and H is not to be vibrated, but exhaled. All these vibrations, will be felt into the head.

5. The H, is to be exhaled in a specific way for this meditation. During the exhale, the focus must be on the Pineal Gland. The H is to be done in a breath that is felt on the top of the palate of the mouth.

6. Make sure, that every letter is felt distinctively, one by one.

7. The more awareness one already has with meditation, the more the effects of this meditation will be felt.

8. Repeat the above anywhere from 5 to 20 times.

9. Meditate on the energy inside the Pineal Gland, and envision the 6th chakra growing in power.

Now, most conditions and understandings of meditations in this place have been only partial. An example, is how many people consider that only a buzz is a certification of a positive meditation. It generally, is a very good indicator.

The reality is, many advanced meditations, can be subtler, and their "electric" effects, can be felt only if one is more focused.

The above meditation and it's deeper effects will be felt for those already having worked on the Pineal Gland. The lower the level of spiritual openess, means one understands these less [but will understand them more later as spiritual sensitivity grows with meditation and opening the mind].

This meditation will work specific segments and abilities of the Pineal Gland/6th Chakra. Due to the complex nature of this chakra, this meditation can compensate and be done also with other meditations, completing more general empowerement of the 6th Chakra.
Is it normal or abnormal to experience a jolting sensation from this meditation? Like a strong surge of energy, that almost shakes the body. In the pineal area, and spine?
serpentwalker666 said:
Is it normal or abnormal to experience a jolting sensation from this meditation? Like a strong surge of energy, that almost shakes the body. In the pineal area, and spine?

It is perfectly normal. An expansion of the head [and the mind] may also be experienced.

The activated Pineal Gland, will definitely send a "volt" down to the other chakras. This relates to the power of the mantra PTAH. After this meditation is done for sometime, your general sensitivity to meditation should also increase, in a positive way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Is it normal or abnormal to experience a jolting sensation from this meditation? Like a strong surge of energy, that almost shakes the body. In the pineal area, and spine?

It is perfectly normal. An expansion of the head [and the mind] may also be experienced.

The activated Pineal Gland, will definitely send a "volt" down to the other chakras. This relates to the power of the mantra PTAH. After this meditation is done for sometime, your general sensitivity to meditation should also increase, in a positive way.

If PTAH mantra is so strong, can we use it on another meditation or chakra parts? Or should it be done only in pineal gland meditation?
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Is it normal or abnormal to experience a jolting sensation from this meditation? Like a strong surge of energy, that almost shakes the body. In the pineal area, and spine?

It is perfectly normal. An expansion of the head [and the mind] may also be experienced.

The activated Pineal Gland, will definitely send a "volt" down to the other chakras. This relates to the power of the mantra PTAH. After this meditation is done for sometime, your general sensitivity to meditation should also increase, in a positive way.

If PTAH mantra is so strong, can we use it on another meditation or chakra parts? Or should it be done only in pineal gland meditation?

The PTAH mantra is the name of the Egyptian God Ptah, who rules over the Pineal Gland, basically. A reason why this seemingly simple meditation is important, is that with the properly empowered pineal gland, all the rest of the soul will be elevated to a more powerful level. It is supposed to empower the 6th chakra in a considerable extent.

The mantra is safe and one can experiment with it, but bear the above in mind.
i tried this meditation. i feel like smarter? difficult to describe.

smarter. more aware. is this normal?
siatris666 said:
i tried this meditation. i feel like smarter? difficult to describe.

smarter. more aware. is this normal?

Yes, that is intended and normal.
Should the energy be programmed at the end of the meditation?


Nice! Good to see a collab with Maxine. Big up the HPS! Danke Cobra for the nice boost!
I can't wait to do this, and I look forward to the rest!

New spiritual knowledge always makes for a great post ritual schedule reward!

The more elevated we are, the more effective we'll be. Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for this exciting new information.

I have a question of clarification to ask you on, behalf of a friend:

In regards to the pronunciation of the A sound, the sound itself should sound like the English "AH" syllable, correct? There is some confusion based on the example of Andras's name given. Perhaps another example can be used: The pronunciation should be like that found in "father", but NOT like that found in "hat"?

Saved to hard drive! I'm excited to try this.

Oh I am looking forward to starting this tonight! I've been feeling for some time that I need something drastically different than everything else mentioned for the pineal, and this is it! Just reading your post and I felt the sacredness of it. Thank you (and HPS Maxine) so much!

Now to read your other post on new meditations!

Hail Satan!
:mrgreen:) feed me more!
I was thinking the pineal was situated in right, slightly below the middle of the head.
There's a vibration, between the pineal and the two front teeth, that initially is starting on a more brutal force up and down then progressively refines and switches to the sides, so refined and powerful teeth can become dust.

I believe it has to do with the Serpentine energy attuning the pineal? A lot of questions on this one.

Another subtle energy is the spherical field born from the pineal and 6th, that if expanded, can interfere with anything, and you can read minds , electronics, see past solid objects. This is however in deep meditation and by the cold airy river falling down the face.
Thanks for the meditation HP.

Some months ago i had a somewhat similar meditation idea but i didn't used it because it might have had some problems i didn't see at the time.

Is it appropriate to combine chakra meditations and element invocations? For an example:

1-Breath in Water element to Crown chakra.

2- Vibrate VAUM×4

Would it be more efficient or just pointless risk taking?
Dark Blue Eye said:
Some ideas of affirmations after this meditation?

"My 6th chakra/Pineal gland is empowered, activated and powerful now and permanently. This is happening in a positive way and healthy way for me."
Shadowcat said:
Thank you HP! I am curious to try this one after KY tonight right before bed :D

Let us know of effects. However, you must pay attention. Some of it may be immediate, but other effects may be prolonged. A minimum of a few days is to get the prolonged effects.
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
Thanks for the meditation HP.

Some months ago i had a somewhat similar meditation idea but i didn't used it because it might have had some problems i didn't see at the time.

Is it appropriate to combine chakra meditations and element invocations? For an example:

1-Breath in Water element to Crown chakra.

2- Vibrate VAUM×4

Would it be more efficient or just pointless risk taking?

The traditional elements, like Fire Water Earth Air, are not the same as Aether. Aether is generally safer to work with, because it does not upset internal balances.

I see nothing negative in this meditation, unless you inhale too much water to the point this messes up a balance.
Im not entirely show exactly how to do this mantra. Is it drawn out like AHHHHH-UUUUUU-MMMMM or quicker, like simply speaking the word? I'm unsure how to vibrate the P and T. Do we basically just say it as very short syllables or try to drag it out?

This is what I have done (and I did notice a pleasurable effect in the head)
I have tried it for a total of 3 reps, and I have had sensations in the third chakra, like a drop coming down or in general I feel it without concentrating. it will be because I do this breathing every day:
Which would be the best way to combine the PTAH mantra, with the Inanna astral senses working from VoiceofEnki?

Just doing it afterwards as a additional working with the affirmation provided from HPHC:

"My 6th chakra/Pineal gland is empowered, activated and powerful now and permanently. This is happening in a positive way and healthy way for me." x 8 reps


included in the step here: Fill the pineal gland with white golden light. -> invoce akasha vibrate PTAH 5-20 times...

Affirmation stays the same after Inanna vibratet 88 times :

"My astral senses are fully empowered.

My upper chakra’s are fully empowered.

My temple chakra’s are fully empowered.

All my minor chakra’s governing clairaudience and clairvoyance are fully empowered.

I can freely communicate with our Gods, the Gods of Hell without any obstacles whatsoever.

I can freely enter and traverse the astral consciously, without any obstacles whatsoever.

I am once again reconnected to the astral, my astral body and my higher self fully, without any obstacles whatsoever, in a positive way for me now and forever."

Much thanks HP Hoodedcobra666 and HPS Maxine for the new knowledge.

" Meditation to empower the astral senses
Post by VoiceofEnki » Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:38 pm

Today, on Samhain I've started this working to further improve my astral senses and reconnect to a greater extend to my astral body and soul.

First of all I want to apologize for not managing to write this down earlier, since for most people on the eastern hemisphere (including europe and such) cannot start this working anymore today on Samhain, since there is currently a Void of Course moon for the rest of the night.

All people on the western hemisphere can still start this working today if they want to and now is an excellent time to start working on the astral senses.

That said, you can start this working any time there is a good day to start workings on your astral senses. Samhain is one of the best days for this, so once again I apologize for not finding this earlier... I only managed to recieve this from my GD (Lady Astarte) today just in time to start the working myself before the VoC began..

The working is not for beginners, so if you are new to Satanism I suggest you wait before starting this, but any intermediate SS can definitly start this working I believe. Always pay attention how you feel after doing a working or meditation, if something feels off in any way it is best to stop the working and restart it on a later date or make adjustments yourself to suit your time, personal preverence and etc better.

Without further ado, here is the working:

Working to improve astral sense from Lady Astarte.

Fill the crown chakra with white golden light.
Fill the third eye with white golden light.
Fill the temple chakra’s with white golden light.
Fill the sixth chakra with white golden light.
Fill the minor chakra’s governing clairaudience and clairvoyance with white golden light.

Fill the pineal gland with white golden light.

This preliminary exercise should be done in breaths of 6 for maximum effectiveness. Breath in through the nose for 6 while you fill the chakra, hold for 6 and condense the light, making it glow brighter like a miniature sun, then exhale for 6 through the nose again and expand the light further on the exhale.

Afterwards move on to the next chakra until you have gone through all of the above at least once.

You can add more breaths for each chakra for greater effectiveness, as this on its own is very powerful and can be a great way to empower your astral senses if you are low on time.

Next is the meditation itself:

Vibrate Inanna into all the above chakra’s and the pineal gland at once 88 times.

Affirm 8 times:

My astral senses are fully empowered.

My upper chakra’s are fully empowered.

My temple chakra’s are fully empowered.

All my minor chakra’s governing clairaudience and clairvoyance are fully empowered.

I can freely communicate with our Gods, the Gods of Hell without any obstacles whatsoever.

I can freely enter and traverse the astral consciously, without any obstacles whatsoever.

I am once again reconnected to the astral, my astral body and my higher self fully, without any obstacles whatsoever, in a positive way for me now and forever.

Vibrate AUM to close the ritual.

Afterwards, meditate on the energy and condense it into the pineal gland, there fill up the pineal gland with powerful golden energy and feel the bliss release from your pineal gland, let it release the ambrosia, the female elixir of immortality of the soul and let this wonderful energy flow through your entire being.

If you cannot yet manage to let the pineal gland release the ambrosia, just focus on the energy of your pineal gland and visualize drops of dense golden liquid drip out of it slowly, this will get you used to the dripping sensation when the pineal gland begins to excrete the ambrosia and can give you a feel for it, activate your pineal gland further and eventually it will start releasing the ambrosia every time you meditate on your pineal gland.

That is all, the working itself is quite fast, only took me about 15 minutes for the working itself (did the preliminary breathing exercise only one round) and another 15 or so minutes of meditation afterwards to settle the energies and work on the pineal.

Always note, when you work on then pineal and you activate it fully the intense bliss you recieve from your pineal can easily give you a natural meditation high (for a lack of a better word) that lasts several hours, so make sure you have extra time free in case you manage to fully activate your pineal with this meditation.

People who have activated their Pineal before will know what I'm talking about. This meditation can definitly do this for you as well, especially if you do multiple rounds of the breathing exercise, which is based on the same principle of the pineal breathing meditation in this link:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html

It is good to practice and become adept at this meditation first as the breathing exercise is based on the same principle and should be performed the same way as the breathing exercise is explained here (I linked this meditation because HPS Maxine Dietrich explained far better than I on how to perform this breathing technique).

You can omit the breathing exerice and simply vibrate Inanna into all those chakra's, followed with the affirmation, however the effectiveness is far greater when combining the two.

These various techniques of meditation are based around the 8 fold path, which Astarte rules over:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... SHTAR.html

Combining each of the 8 paths together, or multiples at least, in a single working will significantly empower the working much more so than when simply performing one of the paths.

My apologies once again for my mediocre explanation, I'm certain there are people among us who can do a much better job at explaining this than myself.. However I hope it helps my brothers and sisters in Satan, even somewhat at least.

Happy Samhain to you all!

Hail Satan Forever!"

Fuchs said:
Hail Satan Forever!"


I would also like to do the meditation posted by VoE but I don't understand if we have to vibrate INANA 88 times only in the 6th chakra or INANA 88 times in the 6th chakra, INANA 88 times in the third eye and so on?
Out of curiosity, I tried it out in broad daylight, surprisingly, at least in my case it worked quite intensely, not only 6th chakra/pineal gland responded, but all of it's extensions as well.

I will do it again before sleep in complete darkness, to see how much difference it will make.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Thank you HP! I am curious to try this one after KY tonight right before bed :D

Let us know of effects. However, you must pay attention. Some of it may be immediate, but other effects may be prolonged. A minimum of a few days is to get the prolonged effects.
How should we use this meditation, a 40 days cicle? Or its better to add it to our everyday routine as it seems very important? Thank you, Maxine and the Gods for the new meditations!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
focus on your pineal gland, broadly in the center of your head.

HP. HoodedCobra the Position of the Pineal Gland is https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html defined to be @ the lower right of the 6th chakra as described in the King and queen meditation was this information altered or which information is correct??

Hail Satan.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
focus on your pineal gland, broadly in the center of your head.

HP. HoodedCobra the Position of the Pineal Gland is https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html defined to be @ the lower right of the 6th chakra as described in the King and queen meditation was this information altered or which information is correct??

Hail Satan.

Because it can be difficult to find this [it takes practice] I say broadly here, which means "In the general region" approximately on the center of the head.
Donovandal said:
Out of curiosity, I tried it out in broad daylight, surprisingly, at least in my case it worked quite intensely, not only 6th chakra/pineal gland responded, but all of it's extensions as well.

I will do it again before sleep in complete darkness, to see how much difference it will make.

It will definitely work any time of the day, but the best time, would be at night. Looking forward to what differences you will see.
Huge thanks to you and HPS Maxine! And to the Gods!

I did not notice such thing as "more subtle" or "less powerful" vibe or less electricity though. It is extremely head shaking. I experienced a bomb in head even reading the title of a page (but I often experience this from other meditations and words of power also or even from thinking of Pineal Gland, so it might be unique).

Also people relate about FRTR that it is more subtle than older RTR. I never noticed this. Instead I feel it as an exceptional bomb freeing effect, especially with tetra. The last has the effect of no describe, freeing and healing that nothing else has in this world. I feel them both having more effect than any other RTR.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
2. Inhale the Aether [Aether is optional and makes this meditation more acute, you can use energy in the color of the 6th chakra] into the 6th chakra for 3-4 breaths, accumulating it inside the Pineal Gland. You must try to center this energy inside the Pineal Gland as you breathe this.
How do you create aether is it the same as ether or ectoplasm.. I cannot find the meditations for aether on the forums or in satanisgod.org .
So it's ptah
Pt-like put minus the u so (p t)
Ah-the rest is ah (ah I know now)

I've heard this name Pronounced correctly before but never thought anything of it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

know a few Greek Gods names an how they pronounced them quite interesting in my opinion
If interested
Kind of like.hair roll r
Kind of like. got but would be more like gahhht with ah
kind of like.t in English or tea

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
