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New here, I come in peace


New member
Oct 24, 2020

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?
warlock said:
Is this forum for me?

Definitely yes. What you described above about negative aspects, it's not real Satanism but other type of "satanism" made by enemy to confuse and make the approach more difficult, there are basically three types of Satanism:
1 Acid Satanism is that you described above (killing, blood and so on), based on the enemy's narrative from their text about Satanism
2 Satanism based on the cult of lave, based on enemy and don't regonize Satan as real being, but an archetype (extreme summary)
3 Spiritual Satanism, is this here and based on JoS website. We consider Satan and Gods/Demons as real beings, the true fathers of humanity (Gentiles) and we are the only one that expose jew, the true enemy of humanity.

I advice you to read the entire site (https://www.satanisgod.org) and the entire Library, there is too "much" material but they explain the whole puzzle perfectly, and you will understand better what we are, what purposes and goals we have towards world.

Good reading

Please study the www.satanisgod.org it'll help explain all things for you.

To put it to short, the things you described "statanists" doing is nothing but jewish propaganda.
We do not push our beliefs, however we do hope people will study the truth links and learn the truth about the REAL enemy. The Jews.

The website will explain everything in full detail.
Good luck!

Hail Satan!
warlock said:
I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?
You discovered JoyOfSatan website but you didn't read any of it. Yet all these answers can be found in there.

We don't condone anything you said; it's all just a smear campaign against us. A huge conspiracy of epic proportions far greater conspiracy than you can possibly believe. If you believe that is what Satanism is all about then obviously it sounds to me like this isn't your organization to be. But if your willing to learn and understand that all of that is done by judeo-bolsheviks i.e. xtians then you'll understand. In other words everything THEY do is what they state WE do which is incorrect. It's kinda like current political landscape Trump is bad and Biden is good. But if that were the case why aren't right-wingers en mass fighting with leftist because that isn't what right wing is about.

We are a National Socialist and Spiritual Satanic organization. So I hope the NS part doesn't bother you, most people find our site interesting until they discover our political side which is NatSoc. So I hope the fact we adhere to Hitler and NS principles isn't shocking or surprising or negative to you.

Here's some videos that used to be hosted on youtube before the shoahs that occurred in removing so-called evil things.

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/SajDEf33UJd3/ Also be sure to check out Magenta666's videos on bitchute and especially if your willing the 11+ hour documentary Europa the Last Battle: https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/. There is also member DSB's videos as well some redpill videos on Hitler.

The main goal of Spiritual Satanism is meditation and returning back to our ancient ways of the path of immortalization and Godhood. While not everyone is cut out to be a Satanist and not everyone is gonna be a Spiritualist we do adhere to the principle of National Socialism and expect people who have no religious, spiritual desires to at least be National Socialist or fall in line with us so we can help nations World wide.

Obviously the most important thing in current times is performing Spiritual Warfare performing F-RTR or Reverse Torah Rituals. We have the evilgoy.com war-room to synchronize spiritual warfare. Be assured that people World wide know our website and your return is no coincidence but in my opinion something left behind in your head to return maybe originally you should have joined our organization and become a member.

Either way wistful thinking aside just study all of our website and videos and you'll understand.

Generally like I said the political NatSoc attribute shocks people more than the Spiritual Satanism. Like one person said "JoS is anti-simetic" yeah purposefully misspelled and Lydia replied just study our website it's not a bad thing.

So I hope that isn't shocking to you. The fact we are against jews should not be a problem especially with information gathered about them and learned hell even their own people state stuff that makes everyone go "No wonder people hate jews".

warlock said:
Do you force your beliefs on people?

We cannot force our beliefs on you, you must study. We acknowledge not everyone wants a spirituality but do expect people to study and not be ignorant on matters particularly if they don't care about the spiritual to at least understand National Socialism. In reality it's not even just those two things spiritual and political but everything really. Everything needs to be studied even racial bigotry, you know stereotypical negative racism, is to be studied as information and misinformation can be discovered and understood in ways to debate.

So either way no we cannot put a gun to your head and force your decision is your education on said subjects.

In the end your decision to study is your own education. And believe me your not alone especially with covid-19 people are on the internet a lot and finding our site. Who knows how many people have joined or glanced at our sites.
warlock said:

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?

The JoS page answers all your question and more. Before posting more stuff here, you should read the whole JoS. You will learn many things and obtain much knowledge.

All the stuff which is on the JoS is from Satan, our Gods and our High Priests / High Priestess for our Satanic community - it is for Satanists.

You should respect that and only use this spiritual knowledge after you have become a Satanist yourself.
It is really just for your own good, there are entities that would harass or even harm you, if you would use this knowledge, when you are without.
When we come to Satan and dedicate our Souls to him, he takes us into his loving family and protection. We are free to develop the powers of the mind and soul freely, without restrictions, as far as we want to develop them.

If someone who is without would tries this... well chances are this will end up in disaster for you.

And besides that, it would be very inappropriate to use this knowledge, when you are a not a Satanist. Because all this knowledge is FOR SATANIST FROM SATAN.

The media lies all the time about many things, that do not fit their agenda of mass manipulation. Read the JoS.

warlock said:

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?

The part about sacrificing. It's actually Judaism and then the jews blame Satan/Satanism so we get the bad rep while they do the bad shit. Jewish Torah is full of human and animal sacrifice. It's sickening. It has been like that for well over two thousand years. We are, of course, against it.

You can read what we are about on joyofsatan.org

We do not force our views on people. This is not a cult. If you are into dabbling, then I would point at the door since dabblers will not do well in the long run. You might as well go role play with the wiccans. Someone else might not be so strict, but I am. We are fighting spiritual warfare and advancing our souls so I don't look too kindly at someone who wants to cherry pick some sweets and not contribute to the cause. On top of that it can be and most likely will be psychically dangerous (getting attacked by hostile entities) to do such things without the protection of Gods (because one has not performed the dedication ritual and is not contributing to the cause). Basically you give some you get some. No free lunches.

This forum can be for you regardless. There is a lot of info you can find with search function and we are welcoming new members. It's just like what I said before. If you don't contribute you are not to be taken very seriously by some of us.
warlock said:

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?

Welcome to the forums. Please ensure you read the rules and enjoy your stay.

All of these FAQs are on the homepage of the Joy of Satan website.

We are law-abiding, we do not sacrifice goats, kids, virgins, whatever. This originates in the bible.

Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

Also, we do not proselytize or preach towards those uninterested. We answer curiosities, and accept members who are led here through curiosity or other means.

In other words, yes, you're in the right place. Welcome.
warlock said:

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?

Please do one thing, if nothing else, and read through the links found within this page: https://www.satanisgod.org/

This is necessary to get a full description of Satanism beyond what can be summarized by anyone in this post.

None of those allegations are true and they are completely condemned, not just by us, but by Satan himself. Satan wants us, his people, to be free, happy, and powerful, as he intended. This is accomplished through the use of spiritual powers and power meditation upon the soul. There are entities in the universe who do not want this, as they would rather be a parasite upon us and other races. These are the entities that seek to turn you away from Satanism and keep you blinded from the astral forever, so they can use it against you and keep you powerless.

Try to practice the magic you wish and in the past you would've been burned alive for that. Even now, you would be psychically assaulted into submission, without the protection of Satan, were you to try to advance to any meaningful level. This is because our racial enemies cannot let the secret of witchcraft and soul empowerment come out, lest the entirety of their clownworld illusion fall apart.

This is not a cult, and we fight every day through rituals to keep ourselves alive and well in this spiritual war. I know you don't know, but it is funny you ask us if we are the ones forcing our beliefs on others, while in reality we are the ones that would be strangled to death if we stopped fighting. Keep in mind, you, like all Gentiles, have been a part of this conflict, whether you know it or not. You are not as a God right now because the enemy has worked to prevent your advancement.

It is the Jews and their offshoot religions that converted people by the sword and massacred all the others without blinking an eye, yet somehow Satan gets all the blame. In reality, him and his family, the Pagan Gods, have worked tirelessly to keep humanity alive on earth whilst simultaneously fighting the enemy entities across the universe, outnumbered. Look at how the Abrahamic god behaves: Like a belligerent drunkard. What kind of supreme being would boil you for eternity because you made a mistake? Is that truly the most advanced being in the universe, or is it rather a false entity acting as a slave master?

It should be clear to you, and it will become more clear in the future, how the Pagan Gods, who we are descended from, have only wished the absolute best for us, and have done everything in their power to protect us, even when we act foolishly. This is because they are the true supreme version of a human: extremely powerful, yet incredibly understanding of our plight. They offer us their love even almost unconditionally, like a parent would. The only time they don't help us is when we are fully capable of doing the task in question on our own.

I could keep ranting on and on. Please, simply read all the articles on the link above, as it answers all the questions you may have.
first and foremost if you are of jewish descent leave


a newbie??

you're not of Satan so how are you new.

I can speculate what your intentions are about. if you want a free pass to dabble, never going to happen.

but what you say is quite sad, in the terms of how ignorant you are.

you're brainwashed by the standard jewish hollywood stereotype of long hair Black metal, face makeup, death horror ect. this is all UNRELATED to Satanism, the jews have done everything in there power to keep the Gentiles from advancing spiritually.

Spiritual Satanism is the only True Satanism & is NOT about evil-anything in anyway.

Spiritual Satanism is for the Strong, the Free, the Brave, Thruthseekers and the alike. True Satanism is Only for Gentiles.

personally i find it extremely rude for you to come here, and act like we are evil without even reading anything.

go back and read everything on JoyofSatan.org / Exposingchristianity.com / Satanisgod.org

everything you asked is answered on our sites, but however I will say this.

We are NOT a Cult.

I've never met anyone here in person. No one here has ever met in person. We do NOT condone anyone to meet, Here is the ONLY Place we communicate.

We Force NO one, everyone here is out of there own free will.

WE DO NOT condone any mentoring of any kind. responsibility to the responsible. help a larva out of a cocoon and you will kill the butterfly.

All of our knowledge on our Sites is from Satan and our Demons, you may NOT Dabble, without consequence. its DISRESPECTFUL to use the Knowledge of the Gods, but treat them like they don't exist. advice given but lightly. the website and our relationship to our Guardian Demon gives us everything we need to advance into Godhead.

IF what you say is true, you would have done yourself a favor of common sense, and read the site.

also i find it suspicous that you came here after not reading anything but you remember the site from 20 years ago.

IF you read the very first page of Joy of Satan, you would KNOW. every question you asked here.

Here it is anyways.

Spiritual Satanism is the only REAL Satanism,
the rest of the world's Satanism, such as church of Satan, or laveyan, or otherwise, are all extreme CORRUPTIONS.
Satan does not condone these groups. these groups exist, to KEEP the PUBLIC away from the TRUTH. they are a SCAPEGOAT, to make Satanism LOOK evil.

True Satanism is about the betterment of yourself, and the universe.

"The Meaning to life is to better Yourself, and the Universe. -Satan


"There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

Satanism is not about "evil."

Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity."

Satanism is not about death.

True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention.

We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being.

We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity.

We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies. This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control.

We are law abiding.

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity. We have done our research. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.

Christianity was a reaction to the original Pagan religions, labeled as "Satanism" meaning "enemy/adversary" in Hebrew. If you read through the information contained within this website, we prove this.

Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.

The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.

Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought.

Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state. Satanists do not push Satanism or prosyletize.

Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation. We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries.

We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves. Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body. The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the firey kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability. This is the true meaning of "Raising the Devil." The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life.

We work directly with Satan. We believe each and every person who is willing and respectful can have a personal relationship with Satan. There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism; the Ministry is here only for guidance and support.

We take our tenets and practices directly from Satan himself. For far too long, enemies of Satan such as the Christian churches have been at liberty to dictate lies concerning Satan and Satanism. These lies have been the foundation of occult crimes and other heinous acts that they indirectly promote. True Satanism has been actively and zealously suppressed for centuries and many out of ignorance believe lies about Satan and react accordingly.

Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion. Satan accepts us as we are, but guides us to advance ourselves to where we evolve to a higher level. Spiritual Satanists are free to live their lives as they choose- responsibility to the responsible. We live by natural law and encourage everyone to develop themselves to their fullest extent.

We know we "save" our own souls as opposed to claims of the Nazarene saving anyone. Satanism is based upon the true transformation of the soul through power meditation. The Nazarene is a fictitious entity, whose identity was stolen form some 18+ crucified Pagan Gods, such as Odin, who hung from a tree and is nothing more than a tool to keep humanity under the control of a chosen few. The Nazarene has been used in Christian masses and services as a substitute for a human living blood sacrifice, revealing their true purpose.

The Judeo/Christian religion is a vicious hoax on humanity of catastrophic proportions. For a hoax to succeed there has to be a lack of knowledge on the part of the victim. The Christian religion and its cohorts actively suppress knowledge and free thought, encourage people to be slaves, and never advocate or teach anything for the betterment or advancement of humanity. As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls.

Through empowering ourselves, we have confidence, self-respect and achieve spiritual advancement and independence.

Spiritual Satanism places no limits on developing the powers of the mind- known as "witchcraft" or "magick." We believe in justice and just as martial artists are versed in the uses of Dim Mak and other aspects of physical combat, Spiritual Satanists are versed in the Black Arts of "magick" should they ever need them. People who are unaware of these powers are defenseless against them, and the powers that be know this all too well. Satan does not tolerate injustice.

Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.

Spiritual Satanism advocates individuality, liberty, and independence.

It is obvious that Satan is not the "deceiver of humanity." His followers have been few in number and he doesn't need copious amounts of wealth, power and control to keep his followers."
But to answer your question, in its Fullest.

No we don't accept anyone who is not of Satan.

if you are without the Gods we don't accept you.

this site is for the children of Satan. dabbling, and those who are without are not welcome.

you are welcome to read the site, educate yourself, instead of leading a blind life. and if you change your mind, cool. but I truly don't care what you do.

I only care for my own.

Ironic as you claim to be a free soul, the best slave is a slave that doesn't know they are a slave.

so many people brainwashed, and when they find what they have been searching for their whole life, turn away from it because of what someone else told them.

a joke really.

if you wish to stay ignorant, and only dabble. Take yourself elsewhere.

if you wish to gain knowledge, and advance spiritually. safely.

then read the website and make a decision to Dedicate yourself to Satan. but that decision is up to you. and clearly you're scared. so do yourself a favor a read, it will help if you know the facts.

I will state this for your own well being, do not disrespect the Gods by dabbling, they are real, and they are friends to humanity but they will not take disrespect lightly.
I will also state if you do dedicate, you can advance freely without worry of the enemy, and you can use all the information on our sites, but you may only dedicate if you are a Gentile, and if its truly what you want.

don't do it out of greed to get information or bullshit like that, the Gods will know it has to be of the heart, and the only way to do this is erase this ridiculousness mindset that you have of the Demons being some type of monster, and Satan being evil. because this is the furthest from the truth. They are the most beautiful beings in the entire universe.
Satan the Shining one! HAIL SATAN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we are about the truth, and this is the only place on the entire planet that has the answers.

I'm going to end this right here, i've said enough.
warlock said:

I am a newbie and this is my first post. I found this site through the old angelfire site back in the 2000s and found out it’s still online all these years later. I’ve heard lots of bad things about Satanism in the media about sacrificing goats, kids, virgins, raping kids, drinking blood, killing babies etc. Do you condone this behavior or are you against it?

Do you force your beliefs on people? Is this a cult? If I’m not into the whole Satanism thing but am more interested in just divination and magic is this an appropriate forum for that or should I look elsewhere? I’m just a free spirit and I like listening to black metal from time to time. I am a good person, I don’t wish evil upon anyone. Is this forum for me?

Jos is against ritualistic sacrifices of any kind and such things are of the enemy judaic religions.

As shown on the front page of the Joyofsatan website
We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

Also on the welcome page: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Welcome.html
There are some other sects of Satanists, or people who call themselves Satanists, that conform to Christian lies of what they believe Satanism to be.
The jewish media will only cover those sects that conform to their agenda and rarely show anything otherwise in a positive/neutral light.

We don't force our beliefs on anyone as Satanism is not for everyone. You can come here to inquire more knowledge about divination methods, just don't push your beliefs here, but imo it would be better to find a suitable forum that you'd be more comfortable in.

I've studied a bit on cults and read about them in many books in my psychology class, particularly heaven's gate, seekers etc..., for me although the Joyofsatan may fit many traits of what's defined as a typical "cult" , and can be mistaken as one, it's not exactly one and promotes otherwise. Quite a lot of information has been updated and gone through changes in the Joyofsatan and we've been taught the importance of thinking and trying things for ourselves and not to rely solely on one source or individual and to not regard them as the "absolute" truth as no one is perfect. We're encouraged to find things out for ourselves and those who do are revered as the ideal Satanists.

I'll take this website as a format and answer accordingly, many questions can be answered the same so just refer to it.

It's true it's a group of shared spiritual, philosophical, religious and even political interests committed to certain causes in a legal and ethical manner, but the main interest being ones own personal advancement and well being. Spiritual satanism isn't about worshiping the high priests but we come to respect them and acknowledge as advisors in the path but we don't necessarily have to. Same can be said about Satan and the gods. Even though it says mind altering practices are promoted, including meditation, it doesn't necessarily make one involved in a cult.

What one does in their personal life is their business only and should not be determined solely on what anyone says here, although one can welcome suggestions if they're in need of help making decisions, no one should tell you what you can or can't do as it's entirely up to you in the end.

Unfortunately it's been quite common for many people to regard themselves as "elite" and superior in Satanism and many have made this mistake, but spiritual satanism is about working to better yourself and not to immediately assume a higher status than anyone, and ones affiliation to the organization should not be used to prove anything and is in fact discouraged for safety and ethical purposes.

Ones personal life and matters are the priority here, no one is told they have to abandoned their responsibilities/duties for anything. In certain group rituals for example no one is forced to do them but we're encouraged to do so and at our best suitable times or certain preferred times only if possible. In the end it's ones own personal choice.

How one lives their life is entirely up to them, and one doesn't have to accommodate Satanic beliefs in it. Again your personal life is your own business.

We don't owe anything to anyone and again Satanism is not for everyone, whether you choose to be a part of the JoyofSatan or not no one really cares, or should care at all.

The JoyofSatan never demanded money, the choice to donate and how much is our own free will, and the information and knowledge on the website has remained free while other sects almost always make such knowledge at a price, such as selling books at unreasonable prices and almost always has nothing of value. Then there's a lardo who charges $2 for short lectures that you most likely you can find on the internet for free, I would probably learn more spending that $2 on a slot machine honestly.

You're free to leave, no one is compelling you to stay and be careful about imitators who pretend to be members. We don't condone fear tactics and aren't desperate for members to resort to such, the JoyofSatan will grow through honest and genuine means.

Hopefully you find this answer useful.

There have been many misconceptions exaggerated by many individuals against the JoS because of how controversial it is, but often times these individuals are proven hypocrites who fabricate lies and slander. I encourage you to try not to take everything one sided as shown you've obviously not read the site entirely, but the fact that you've come here clarification shows you've got a good open mind and are willing to find things out for yourself.
Gear88 said:

your return is no coincidence but in my opinion something left behind in your head to return maybe originally you should have joined our organization and become a member.

You’re right my return is no coincidence. Like everyone else born into a Christian family but I am among the few that doubt everything. The Angelfire website I visited was still on the Internet as an archive. Little did I know that the website was actually live, I thought Joy of Satan disappeared. Regarding the Jews, I can’t stand them. I’ve had multiple instances where Jews have succeeded in hurting me, and for that I hate them back 10 times worse.

To be continued... my phone is about to go flat.
Could someone send me a link for a “being your own God”/atheistic website where I can “roleplay with Wiccans”, wear black skirts and witches hats and mess around with divination? Thanks. I am not interested in selling my soul to Satan nor I am I interested in becoming a Satanist, whatever that is supposed to mean, apparently just belief isn’t enough to “be” a Satanist, I have to do a blood ritual, make a pact, get 5 olympic gold medals and be able to lick my elbow. :lol: I imagined that Satanists would be the least judgemental but I was wrong. So apparently if I do white magick without acknowledging above Gods and demons, I will be skinned alive and killed in a heartbeat, that’s the impression I get, because the millions and millions of magicians in history were all Satanists, heck I suppose even Merlin was a Satanist right? :roll:
warlock said:
Could someone send me a link for a “being your own God”/atheistic website where I can “roleplay with Wiccans”, wear black skirts and witches hats and mess around with divination? Thanks. I am not interested in selling my soul to Satan nor I am I interested in becoming a Satanist, whatever that is supposed to mean, apparently just belief isn’t enough to “be” a Satanist, I have to do a blood ritual, make a pact, get 5 olympic gold medals and be able to lick my elbow. :lol: I imagined that Satanists would be the least judgemental but I was wrong. So apparently if I do white magick without acknowledging above Gods and demons, I will be skinned alive and killed in a heartbeat, that’s the impression I get, because the millions and millions of magicians in history were all Satanists, heck I suppose even Merlin was a Satanist right? :roll:
We don't sell our souls to Satan, that is mainstream bullshit. You can look for other corrupted sources on your own, there are plenty.

Satanism is serious business, but you do not understand that.
Henu the Great said:
warlock said:
Could someone send me a link for a “being your own God”/atheistic website where I can “roleplay with Wiccans”, wear black skirts and witches hats and mess around with divination? Thanks. I am not interested in selling my soul to Satan nor I am I interested in becoming a Satanist, whatever that is supposed to mean, apparently just belief isn’t enough to “be” a Satanist, I have to do a blood ritual, make a pact, get 5 olympic gold medals and be able to lick my elbow. :lol: I imagined that Satanists would be the least judgemental but I was wrong. So apparently if I do white magick without acknowledging above Gods and demons, I will be skinned alive and killed in a heartbeat, that’s the impression I get, because the millions and millions of magicians in history were all Satanists, heck I suppose even Merlin was a Satanist right? :roll:
We don't sell our souls to Satan, that is mainstream bullshit. You can look for other corrupted sources on your own, there are plenty.

Satanism is serious business, but you do not understand that.

If you say so. Everything that isn’t Joy of Satan is corrupted according to you, so there’s no point in even talking to someone so closed minded, as everyone that’s not in the cult is seen as inferior. My advice to you is look for another cult *cough* religion to join, but you can look for that own your own, there are plenty. :lol:
Serious business, according to whom? There’s no fun in this cult allowed, well that’s too bad. :D
warlock said:
If you say so. Everything that isn’t Joy of Satan is corrupted according to you, so there’s no point in even talking to someone so closed minded, as everyone that’s not in the cult is seen as inferior. My advice to you is look for another cult *cough* religion to join, but you can look for that own your own, there are plenty. :lol:
Serious business, according to whom? There’s no fun in this cult allowed, well that’s too bad. :D
Here is some reading for you: Dabbling in Satanism

You call me closed minded, but you do not know what I have gone through before finding JoS. I've done christianity, new age, drugs combined with meditation and yoga. All of them were somehow more or less influenced by the jew, so all I got was a bad headache and lots of problems. Since I've dedicated my soul to Satan and done daily meditation, lots of yoga, rituals etc. not to forget I ditched drugs I've gained many times more in mere half a year in comparison to what I achieved during rest of my life combined. So take this in account when you start bashing. You simply do not know what you are talking about and have a loud mouth. That's fine, you know better, I can dig that since Satanism is not about pushing your belfiefs to others you can choose to eat heap of shit and I only warn that hey maybe that's not so good of an idea instead try this. Then again, maybe you need to eat shit before you realize it's shit.

I would say that destroying jewish influence on this world and building a better future is pretty serious. It's fun too. Better than drugs.
I just had the feeling this guy was a troll, don't even bother, he's probably a kike behind it all
Henu the Great said:
warlock said:
If you say so. Everything that isn’t Joy of Satan is corrupted according to you, so there’s no point in even talking to someone so closed minded, as everyone that’s not in the cult is seen as inferior. My advice to you is look for another cult *cough* religion to join, but you can look for that own your own, there are plenty. :lol:
Serious business, according to whom? There’s no fun in this cult allowed, well that’s too bad. :D
Here is some reading for you: Dabbling in Satanism

You call me closed minded, but you do not know what I have gone through before finding JoS. I've done christianity, new age, drugs combined with meditation and yoga. All of them were somehow more or less influenced by the jew, so all I got was a bad headache and lots of problems. Since I've dedicated my soul to Satan and done daily meditation, lots of yoga, rituals etc. not to forget I ditched drugs I've gained many times more in mere half a year in comparison to what I achieved during rest of my life combined. So take this in account when you start bashing. You simply do not know what you are talking about and have a loud mouth. That's fine, you know better, I can dig that since Satanism is not about pushing your belfiefs to others you can choose to eat heap of shit and I only warn that hey maybe that's not so good of an idea instead try this. Then again, maybe you need to eat shit before you realize it's shit.

I would say that destroying jewish influence on this world and building a better future is pretty serious. It's fun too. Better than drugs.

You sound like a very angry and confused person. You should get help bro. Telling people to eat shit is not a good way to make friends. They look for people like you here, lost, angry at the world, afraid, only to brainwash them with propaganda and initiate them into this cult to fulfil a role of spreading hatred against their “enemies”. I hope you get the help you need.
warlock said:
You sound like a very angry and confused person. You should get help bro. Telling people to eat shit is not a good way to make friends. They look for people like you here, lost, angry at the world, afraid, only to brainwash them with propaganda and initiate them into this cult to fulfil a role of spreading hatred against their “enemies”. I hope you get the help you need.
Nice try schlomo, twisting my words. You do not need to call me bro.
warlock said:
Henu the Great said:
warlock said:
Could someone send me a link for a “being your own God”/atheistic website where I can “roleplay with Wiccans”, wear black skirts and witches hats and mess around with divination? Thanks. I am not interested in selling my soul to Satan nor I am I interested in becoming a Satanist, whatever that is supposed to mean, apparently just belief isn’t enough to “be” a Satanist, I have to do a blood ritual, make a pact, get 5 olympic gold medals and be able to lick my elbow. :lol: I imagined that Satanists would be the least judgemental but I was wrong. So apparently if I do white magick without acknowledging above Gods and demons, I will be skinned alive and killed in a heartbeat, that’s the impression I get, because the millions and millions of magicians in history were all Satanists, heck I suppose even Merlin was a Satanist right? :roll:
We don't sell our souls to Satan, that is mainstream bullshit. You can look for other corrupted sources on your own, there are plenty.

Satanism is serious business, but you do not understand that.

If you say so. Everything that isn’t Joy of Satan is corrupted according to you, so there’s no point in even talking to someone so closed minded, as everyone that’s not in the cult is seen as inferior. My advice to you is look for another cult *cough* religion to join, but you can look for that own your own, there are plenty. :lol:
Serious business, according to whom? There’s no fun in this cult allowed, well that’s too bad. :D
This is the absolute state of adult western individuals and what liberalism and democracy has wrought upon society (every society it has touched). This is a prime example of the kind of people that currently inhabit this society and the desolate situation we people face.

This is an adult male looking for a little "fun".
This is the Cultural climate created by the people who run our media ,entertainment and culture. They want the adult males to "just have fun".
For those of you who don't know. Having fun is synonymous with but not limited to
1)Being stuck at a developmental state not greater than a teenage high schooler.
2)The purpose of your life is to get the next dopamine high and search the next interesting thing to do.
3)Taking things seriously is "uncool". Being a worthless piece of shit and never committing to anything in life is "hip".
4)Learning about your ancestral religion and ideas about spiritually and actually meditating like your ancestors did is boring and too serious. Instead taking LSD and marijuana is "Spiritual".

You are also expected to "RESPECT " these people in life because according to the MEDIA this is NORMAL and EXPECTED behavior for an adult Male.

If you already didn't know,
1)Developing a skill that you enjoy, doing work that makes you content, committing to a woman and raising kids together is "uncool". Partying and fucking hundreds of people over the course of your lifetime is better. Being a little wagecuck for a multinational company that treats you like shit, is awesome. Living in a small one bedroom apartment is hip and the bachelor life. HAHA MONEY ??? I COKED IT UP BRO.
2)Nationalism is for pussbois. My History teacher told me NAZIS WERE BAD lol, didn't you know.
3)GOD DOESN'T EXIST ,I know this because Nietzsche told me. I'm real edgy you see. I quote Nietzsche and I dress up in a wiccan costume and claim " I AM GOD." I'm an ATHEIST you see. I'm a real bad boy who doesn't believe in GOD. I'm an anti establishment BAD BOY you see.
4)Race ? Lol wtf is that. Didn't you know we were all equal, you bigot. Lol old fashioned bigot. Race mixing Is hip lol.

You exist in this civilization. If you found anything more depressing than the absolute lack of self awareness of these fucking stupid NPCs man you'd actually have an aneurysm.

Sometimes you just hate these people for being stupider than fucking actual NPC bots. This is why you cant let these people in a democracy and have criminal elites disseminating self genocidal paradigms of thought to the populace. Little kids are being raised listening to songs by ariana grande's about Oral Sex, Adult Males who should be forming heavily armed paramilitary organizations to take back their countries are instead looking for "a fun time" on internet forums. If you thought about an apocalypse, I wouldn't view it as a nuclear apocalypse. This culture and this world we are living in ,IS THE APOCALYPSE.
SATchives said:
I just had the feeling this guy was a troll, don't even bother, he's probably a kike behind it all

Me, a kike? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
How about actually contributing something useful to this discussion, but it looks like you’re incapable of that or reading, otherwise you’d know that I can’t stand Jews? :lol:
you warlock dude,since you don't understand it the nice way,i'll explain the situation as bluntly direct as possible:
we live in an universe which is INFINITE in time AND space,which means there are LOTS of self-conscious civilizations,some productive,others parasitic
as they expand their teritories,there will always be wars and conflicts of interests
we will always have MORE allies and MORE enemies as we go farther
right now,we are at a 10000 years old WAR with the reptilians and their grey and jewish slaves
these beings thrive on slavery and nuke to oblivion ANY species they can't subdue so as to not have any opposition
if you want to get microchipped and to obey the reptilians,it's YOUR choice,but don't try to force it upon US;it just wouldn't work.the universe is no hippie rainbow unicorn zone;it's a place of eternal struggle for survival and thriving;peace can only come after war,and even then it is only temporary,as again and again wars after wars will follow;if you don't like it,don't expect to have a big lifespan.
we spiritual satanists struggle to have power and to become immortal so we can have the lives we desire;if you don't have ambition,then this isn't the place for you;just join or create a community that suits your fantasies or something.
that's all i have to say.bye
warlock said:
If you say so. Everything that isn’t Joy of Satan is corrupted according to you, so there’s no point in even talking to someone so closed minded, as everyone that’s not in the cult is seen as inferior. My advice to you is look for another cult *cough* religion to join, but you can look for that own your own, there are plenty. :lol:
Serious business, according to whom? There’s no fun in this cult allowed, well that’s too bad. :D

You come here, ask us for more information about this organization and then you turn around and call us a cult. Entertain yourself elsewhere. This shit isn't difficult to comprehend, and unlike a cult you can leave here anytime. Most of us however, don't, simply because we belong here. You really think this is a Satanic version of Heaven's Gate? Sorry to disappoint, but there's no Kool Aid.
satanama666 said:
you warlock dude,since you don't understand it the nice way,i'll explain the situation as bluntly direct as possible:
we live in an universe which is INFINITE in time AND space,which means there are LOTS of self-conscious civilizations,some productive,others parasitic
as they expand their teritories,there will always be wars and conflicts of interests
we will always have MORE allies and MORE enemies as we go farther
right now,we are at a 10000 years old WAR with the reptilians and their grey and jewish slaves
these beings thrive on slavery and nuke to oblivion ANY species they can't subdue so as to not have any opposition
if you want to get microchipped and to obey the reptilians,it's YOUR choice,but don't try to force it upon US;it just wouldn't work.the universe is no hippie rainbow unicorn zone;it's a place of eternal struggle for survival and thriving;peace can only come after war,and even then it is only temporary,as again and again wars after wars will follow;if you don't like it,don't expect to have a big lifespan.
we spiritual satanists struggle to have power and to become immortal so we can have the lives we desire;if you don't have ambition,then this isn't the place for you;just join or create a community that suits your fantasies or something.
that's all i have to say.bye
If you could learn to punctuate your sentences, that would be great
satanama666 said:
you warlock dude,since you don't understand it the nice way,i'll explain the situation as bluntly direct as possible:
we live in an universe which is INFINITE in time AND space,which means there are LOTS of self-conscious civilizations,some productive,others parasitic
as they expand their teritories,there will always be wars and conflicts of interests
we will always have MORE allies and MORE enemies as we go farther
right now,we are at a 10000 years old WAR with the reptilians and their grey and jewish slaves
these beings thrive on slavery and nuke to oblivion ANY species they can't subdue so as to not have any opposition
if you want to get microchipped and to obey the reptilians,it's YOUR choice,but don't try to force it upon US;it just wouldn't work.the universe is no hippie rainbow unicorn zone;it's a place of eternal struggle for survival and thriving;peace can only come after war,and even then it is only temporary,as again and again wars after wars will follow;if you don't like it,don't expect to have a big lifespan.
we spiritual satanists struggle to have power and to become immortal so we can have the lives we desire;if you don't have ambition,then this isn't the place for you;just join or create a community that suits your fantasies or something.
that's all i have to say.bye
If you could learn to punctuate your sentences, that would be great.
Blackdragon666 said:
satanama666 said:
you warlock dude,since you don't understand it the nice way,i'll explain the situation as bluntly direct as possible:
we live in an universe which is INFINITE in time AND space,which means there are LOTS of self-conscious civilizations,some productive,others parasitic
as they expand their teritories,there will always be wars and conflicts of interests
we will always have MORE allies and MORE enemies as we go farther
right now,we are at a 10000 years old WAR with the reptilians and their grey and jewish slaves
these beings thrive on slavery and nuke to oblivion ANY species they can't subdue so as to not have any opposition
if you want to get microchipped and to obey the reptilians,it's YOUR choice,but don't try to force it upon US;it just wouldn't work.the universe is no hippie rainbow unicorn zone;it's a place of eternal struggle for survival and thriving;peace can only come after war,and even then it is only temporary,as again and again wars after wars will follow;if you don't like it,don't expect to have a big lifespan.
we spiritual satanists struggle to have power and to become immortal so we can have the lives we desire;if you don't have ambition,then this isn't the place for you;just join or create a community that suits your fantasies or something.
that's all i have to say.bye
If you could learn to punctuate your sentences, that would be great.
i only use the point either when absolutely necessary to separate the sentences or for aesthetic purposes
i don't capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence when it's not the case
so,as you can see,i DO know how to write correctly,i'm just using my own style intentionally
SATchives said:
I just had the feeling this guy was a troll, don't even bother, he's probably a kike behind it all

First post.


6th post, were a cult....

That took long.
satanama666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
satanama666 said:
you warlock dude,since you don't understand it the nice way,i'll explain the situation as bluntly direct as possible:
we live in an universe which is INFINITE in time AND space,which means there are LOTS of self-conscious civilizations,some productive,others parasitic
as they expand their teritories,there will always be wars and conflicts of interests
we will always have MORE allies and MORE enemies as we go farther
right now,we are at a 10000 years old WAR with the reptilians and their grey and jewish slaves
these beings thrive on slavery and nuke to oblivion ANY species they can't subdue so as to not have any opposition
if you want to get microchipped and to obey the reptilians,it's YOUR choice,but don't try to force it upon US;it just wouldn't work.the universe is no hippie rainbow unicorn zone;it's a place of eternal struggle for survival and thriving;peace can only come after war,and even then it is only temporary,as again and again wars after wars will follow;if you don't like it,don't expect to have a big lifespan.
we spiritual satanists struggle to have power and to become immortal so we can have the lives we desire;if you don't have ambition,then this isn't the place for you;just join or create a community that suits your fantasies or something.
that's all i have to say.bye
If you could learn to punctuate your sentences, that would be great.
i only use the point either when absolutely necessary to separate the sentences or for aesthetic purposes
i don't capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence when it's not the case
so,as you can see,i DO know how to write correctly,i'm just using my own style intentionally

Oh ok. STOP IT.

Because its shit....and horrendous...lol
i need help.For dedication i have done everything true except completely burning the paper. I was doing ritual at closed area and i was afraid of fire.I put the burning paper to ground and i stepped on it.But after i finished ritual by burning nonburned pieces and saying ritual's last sentences.I guess i rushed for doing ritual because i didn't think about the dangers that could happen indoors.Because of this situation,i am curious about if my ritual is valid or not. :(

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
