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Oct 15, 2008
Exposing The Mossad

The Function of the Mossad.
The mossad was formed on December 13, 1949 as the Central Institute for Coordination. There headquarters is located in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Mossad being a government controlled facility is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, counter terrorism, and protecting Jewish Communities of the world. They may also be referred to as "kidon" which means bayonet in Hebrew. They are also in charge of bringing all of their jewish brethren to the holy land that was talked about in the Jewish Scriptures. The Mossad acts as a international Aliyah agency. Since Jewish government is ran on the principles of Zionism, there is technically no difference between their religion and their political agenda. There are three main proponents of the Jewish government. They have the Aman (military intelligence), The Shin Bet ( Government agency for civilians), and the Mossad (foreign Intelligence Agency).The Mossad has a custom of secrecy regarding the identity of intelligence officers that are not the Director of the Mossad. Tamir Pardo, a Mossad Director, was only known as T for his career as a Mossad Agent.

The Mossad has used murder and propaganda to provide safety, justification, and power for the Zionist cause. The Mossad can use whatever they deem necessary to ensure the development of Israel. Zionists within the MOssad have bigger plans than just expanding Israel's borders from the Euphrates to the Nile. Thinking that they want to control all of the nations of the world and think that they are naive for thinking that they have a right to all this land is anti-semetic. The Mossad has proved time and time again that it can and will influence and terrorize the arab world with no interference from other countries. The Jewish people have gotten away with murder far before they were apart of a nation. THere was punishment for these actions but they were never fully stopped They have a national institution that incorporates murder and they can still get away with it! This is unacceptable. The Mossad needs to be held accountable for their acts of terrorism. The same charges that they use to justify murder!

The Zionist Mind State.
Zionists are Jewish people who have a racial and religous pride.
The Difference between the Jewish soul and the soul of all gentiles is greater
and deeper than the difference between the soul of a man and the soul of an animal
. ---- Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook (1865-1935)

Judaism is based on the belief that the Jewish race are God's chosen people and that the Jewish God delivered Jews into the chosen land by allowing the Jews to murder GEntile Societies. Jewish Zionists also believe that they have a right to all land between the Nile and the Euphrates because their Jewish god gave the land to them. Yet the main argument for ISrael's brutal actions against the local people of the ME is that Israel wants Arab states to recognize their right to exist. On one side they play as the Victim and on the other side they PLay the bully. This is a common Jewish tactic and is amazingly successful in fooling the masses.

Zionists are extremely racist. Jews of the past had no problem moving into and corrupting other societies. Now that the Zionist movement has accomplished one of there most sought after goals, they feel inclined to make sure there are no other ethnicities in Israel except for Jews. Yet The Germans are accused of Anti-semitism for the same but opposite act. I say opposite because Germans had a logical reason. WHen Germany freed itself from the clutches of Jewish control they were hated by the world for this. GErmany was considered racist and there hasn't been a second thought about the reason behind their actions since. Jews are the ultimate racist people, yet they accuse others of being racist against Jewish people. The reason behind this is because Jewish people have a sense of being above everybody else. This Zionist Mindset is clearly seen in the ramblings of the Talmud and in the lie of God which took place in the Scriptures of Genocide. Jewish people can celebrate the deception and mass murder of the gentiles but when a gentile points this out he is considered a anti-semetic person! How gentiles have fallen slave to the Jewish god is beyond comprehension! Jews have ruined everything and if you look into how Judaism has effected societies you will see this too. Jews should be treated as racists and not like a holy people.
"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-jews are not humans. They are beasts."
Baba Mezia, 114b

"Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless, is doing the same as making a sacrifice to god"

Since Jews think that they are not a race, THough for some reason a Jew is not considered a Jew unless they are born of a Jewish Mother. Their sociology is controlled by their religion/race and their deep seeded Jewish pride. The Jewish religion is inspired by such works as the Talmud and the Torah. These are doctrines of murder and hate. THere are JEws who claim they do not follow Zionist beliefs, yet Zionists beliefs are the same principles that udaism is based upon. They are using the same tactic which entails playing both sides. Zionism and Judaism are founded upon the same principles. The actions and beliefs of JEws and Zionists cannot be used to differentiate them. The difference between what influences the actions of a Taoist and a Buddhist are the philosiphies that they follow. Turns out that racial superiority and hate inspire Judaism and Zionism. Judaism and Zionism are one and the same.

UNderstanding the belief system that makes up the Jew will allow you to see them for what they really are. They are nothing but manipulaters who prey on the unintelligent. They can make people believe that if someone were to think Jews were bad in any way it is the worst thing you could possibly do. Yet Jewish people know what they are and what they do. This is what makes them think they are superior. Jews have a ego and it gives them strength. Jews and Zionists think they are better than every other race, but Zionists try to make people conform to the idea that everyone is and should be equal. Putting this mindset into a people will destroy a culture and will make it easy for a undivided culture to sweep in and take control. Communism is an example of this. Zionism's main goal is to make everyone equal and have the Jews standing above all other races. In communism the social caste would resemble the pyramid on the back of the American dollar bill. This is zionism's goal as well. Zionists look upon us as cattle. If Jewish people were in control of the world you better believe the farmer Zionists/Jews would treat us like animals. Everyday the fantasy of Jews running the world influences Zionists into doing the terrible things Zionists do.

Poeple obviously do not realize this because groups like the Mossad are able to murder and influence cultures from all around the world. Zionism must be stopped!

Leaders of The Mossad

1. Reuven Shiloah. 1949-52
Reuven Shiloah was active in the Mossad from 1949 to 1952. Reuven Shiloah was the first director of the Mossad. He was born in the Ottoman Empire in 1909. (Birthday?) He was born as Reuven Zaslanski. He later shortened his last name to Zaslani. He then used Shiloah, a supposed codeword, as his last name. Reuven Shiloah was born into a Orthodox Jewish Family. His father was also a Rabbi. He married Betty Borden of New York and they were married in 1936. Shiloah played a role in Isreali political and defensive matters. Since a young age Shiloah had involvement with covert Yishuv Affairs? Shiloah also managed to steal invasion plans from the Arab League, Through this he was able to build relationships with other intelligence agencies. The most powerfull Intelligence agency being the CIA in the West. Under Shiloah's influence Prime Minister Ben-Gurion created the Central Institution for Coordination in December of 1949. Just 1 year after the setting up of the bandit state israel. On April 1, 1951 the Mossad became operational under Shiloah. Beraucratic fighting had delayed Ben-Gurion's initial order to have the Mossad directed by Shiloah. After Reuven Shiloah gained a place in the Isreali Embassy in Washington DC and continued to serve as an advisor to the Mossad while he was serving in Washington DC.

2.Isser Harel. 1953-63
Isser Harel was born as Isser Halperin 1912. His place of birth was Vitebsk, Russia. Isser was born apart of a large, wealthy, and JEWISH family.His birth date was lost in the book of Gemara, which his birthday was reorded in, was lost in the migrations of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and World War I. Isser's family had a vinegar factory in Vitebsk. IT was from his maternal Grandfather who made vinegar for large parts of Tsarist Russia.In 1922 his family emigrated to Dvinsk in Latvia because of the problems caused by jewish communism in Russia. Isser began his formal and religious studies, completed primary school, and started secondary school in Dvinsk. As Isser grew up he found a sense of Racial Pride and joined a zionist Youth Organization. Isser had a passion to form a kibbutz which is just a fancy word for a zionist controlled agricultural program. Isser also began preperations to immigrate to The British Mandate for Palestine. In the beginning of 1930 he immigrated to what would soon be Israel. Isser founded the Shin Bet, or the defender that shall not be seen, which was in control of Law Enforcement and civilian agencies. He later took over the position of the Mossad Director. He was chief of two of israel's intelligence agencies and he was in a high position in israels first 15 years.

3.Meir Amit. 1963-68
Meir Amit was born on March 17 1921. He was born in Tiberias as Me-here Slutsky during the Mandate Era. He later adopted the name Amit. In hebrew it means friend of everybody. Amit joined a kibbutz at a young age. He fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. He remained in the military after the war and rose in rank until he was recognized as a major general. He also studied at the Columbia Business School in New York earning a MBA degree.When he returned to Israel Amit entered the Israeli Intelligence community as a Major General. He was the Head IDF Intelligence. He became the Mossad Director in 1963. He was the only figure to hold Israels' history to hold the position of chief of foreign intelligence and chief of military intelligence at the same time. During his time as the Director of the Mossad he led the Mossad to some of their greatest successes. (operation Diamond)

4.Zvi Zamir. 1968-73
Zvi Zamir was born as Zvicka Zarzevsky. Zamir was a Major General in the Irael Defense Forces and the Director of the MOssad from 1968 to 1974. Zamir was supposedly born in Polan. Zamir immgirated with his family to the then British Mandate of Palestine when he was seven months old. At the age of 18 Zamir bagan his military career, first as a soldier in the Haganah's Palmach. (A close-quarters regime of an elite fighting force and an underground army of the Jewish community of the British Mandate of Palestine.) In 1948 Zamir fought in the Arab-Isreali War. During this time he fought for the Israel Defense Forces. After the War he was promoted to the Commander of the Southern Command. Bofore Zamir was put as the head of the Mossad, he was posted in London. Zamir helped carry out Operation Wrath of God. Zamir is now living in Zahala, Israel north of Tel Aviv.

5.Yitzhak Hofi. 1973-82
Yitzhak Hofi was born January 25, 1927. He was a general, memmber of the Palmach, and the head of the Israeli Northern Command. He was later the direector of the Mossad. Hofi was born in Tel Aviv. He joined the Haganh in 1944 and commanded a company in the Arab Israeli war in 1948. He continued to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces in a variety of command, staff, and training posts. Hofi was head of the Northern Command of the Israeli Defense Forces during the Yok Kippur War in 1973. He was The Acting Chief of Staff for a brief period in 1974. He then retired from the military and took the post as the director of the mossad.
Reference: Black, Ian. Morris, Benny. Israels Secret Wars: A History of Israel's Intelligence Services.
New York: GRove Press 1991 ISBN 0-8021-1159-9, 322 p.

6.Nahum Admoni. 1982-89
Nahum Admoni was born November 29, 1929. Admoni was born in Jerusalem to immigrants from Poland. Admoni fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. He fought in the SHAI. ([Sherut Yediot]A military agency based on intelligence and counter-espionage. It was apart of the Haganah.) He later fought in the young Israeli Defense Force Intelligence. AFter the war he went to United States and studied at the University of California, Berkeley. Admoni returned to ISrael in 1954. When he returned to Israel he rejoined the ISraeli Intelligence Community. HE worked his way up the chain of command to be Mossad Director Yitzhak Hofi's deputy. He served as the director of the Mossad from 1982 to 1989.

7.Shabtai Shavit. 1989-96
Shavit served in the Sayeret Matkal for the Israel Defense Forces. (Sayeret Matkal is the General Staff of Reconnnaissance Unit. It is the special forces for the IDF. It is also a subordinate to the intelligence directorate Aman, The directorate of Military Intelligence) From 1958 to 1959 he was the military governor of the Southern Command. Shavit joined the Mossad in 1964. After Shavit retired from the Mossad he spent five years working as the CEO of the Maccabi HEalth Services Group. He was also a chairman of the Institute fro Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel. Shavit was also an advisor to the ISraeli National Security Council. Shavit served as an advisor to Knesset Committee on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sub-Committee on Intelligence. Shavit also was a member of the N.Y.F.D Task Force fror Future PReparedness Against Terrorism.

8.Danny Yatom. 1996-98
Danny Yatom was born on March 15, 1945. Danny Yatom is a former ISraeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Labour. Before that he was a director of the Mossad security Service. Yatom studied Mathematics, physics, and computer science at the hebrew UNiversity of Jerusalem, earning a BA. He served in the ISraeli Defense DEfense Forces from 1963 to 1996 and worked for the Sayeret Matkal. HE rose in rank to the position of deputy commander. He then moved to the Armor Corps and became the head of the Israeli Central Command. While he was serving thr SIraeli Central Command he ranked as a MAjor General. HE served as the Director of the Mossad from 1996 to 1998. He resigned after the assassination of Khaled Mashal. Yatom served as the the Prime Minister Ehud Barak's Chief of Staff and Security advisor. Yatom then became a Knesset member and served in the 16th and 17th knesset from 2003 to 2008.
*A knesset is the legislative branch of the ISraeli Government. The Knesset passes all laws, elects the President and Prime Minister. The PResident and PRime Minister also decide who makes up the Knesset. The knesset also approves the cabinet and supervises the work of the government.

9.Efraim Halevy. 1998-2002
Efraim HAlevy was born in 1934. Halevy was a lawyer and an Israeli Intelligence Expert. Halevy was born in London to an ORthodox Jewish Family. He emigrated to Israel in 1948. He attended Ma'aleh and later graduated in law from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Halevy was an editor of the Journal Monthly Survey published by the chief Education Officer. Halevy began his work for the mossad in 1961. Halevy was selected to serve in the Chief BRanches Forum in 1967. Halevy remained in the Mossad for the next 28 years. Halevy headed three different branches. Halevy served as the deputy director and head of of the headquarters branch under the directorship of Shabtai Shavit. In 1996 Halevy became the Israeli ambassador to the European Union in Brussels. He became the director of the Mossad after the resignation of Danny Yatom in mArch 1998.
Hlevy served as an envoy and confidant of five prime ministers. He served under Ytzhk Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, and Ariel Sharon. He plyed a role in the forging of the Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace. On October 2002 he was placed as the second head of the NAtional Security Council and an advisor to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Halevy resigned from his position after Dov Weisglas, the bureau chief of prime minister Ariel Sharon, "isolated and Neutralized him."
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon did not accept any of Halevy's recomendations on many issues after this. Halevy then went to teach at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He authored the book "The Role of the Intelligence Community In THE Age of Strategic Alternatives For Israel" halevy also published "Man In THe Shadows."

10.Meir Dagan. 2002-2011
Meir Dagan was born on January 30, 1945. Meir Huberman (Dagan) was born to parents from Novosibirisk on a train in 1945, while they were being deported to a "Nazi Death Camp" in Poland. Ber Erlich Sloshny, his grandfather, was supposedly murdered in the "Holocaust." There is a picture of his grandfather kneeling next to two german soldiers made public by Yedioth Ahronoth, A Hebrew Daily Newspaper. THe assumption that he was shot has no evidence to back this up. But Meir and his parents survived the Holocaust. In 1950 his family made Aliyah to ISrael and settled in Bat Yam.
Dagan served as an officer in the Six-Day War in 1967. During his time in service he was apart of the Paratroopers Brigade. He also commanded an ad hoc undercover commando unit known as Sayeret Rimon. The Sayeret Rimon were made to main control over the violence in the Palestinians territories. These violences were caused by the Jews. The jewish people were in a land that was not their's. He recieved a Medal of Honor fro disarming a Islamic Freedom Fighter in 1971. Dagan also Fought in the Yom Kippur War and served as an armored brigade in the 1982 Lebanon War. Dagan also ser ved as a counterterrorism adviser to the Israeli Government. He originally served as a National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon appointed him Director-General of Mossad in August 2002. Meir was excessively aggressive in ordering assassinations of enemies of Israel. Dagan had been reconfirmed as the Director of the Mossad for doing such a good job of protecting the Zionist State from its Enemies. IF you read the Talmud you will see who Zionism's real enemies are. He was re-appointed in 2008 and 2009. Tamir Pardo was his replacement in 2010.
Dagan now serves as the Director of the Israel Port Authority

11.Tamir Pardo. 2011-present
Tamir Pardo was born in 1953. Pardo served in the Israel Defense Forces as a Communication officer in the elite special forces unit Sayeret Matkal. He was a member of the unit under the command of Yonatan Netanyahu. Pardo participated in Operation Entebbe. The older brother of Benjamin Netanyahu was killed during Operation Entebbe. Pardo joined the Mossad after he served for the Israeli Defense Forces. While he served the mossad he served in entry-level technical positions. He rose through the ranks became the head of the Keshet department. Pardo thought that after Dagan was let go from the Mossad he would be offered the job. After Dagan had his term extended Pardo left the Mossad. Pardo then went into a private business with israeli Internet gambling entrepeneur Noam Lanir.

Known Operations that the Mossad has committed.

Operation in Argentina.
In 1960 the Mossad Discovered that the nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was in Argentina.
At the end of World War II, adolf Eichmann was arrested by American Forces along with Rudolf Janisch. THey were placed In a PoW camp at Weiden in the Upper Palinate. While Eichmann was in a PoW camp he changed his identity. He was then arrested as Luftwaffe Corporal Bart. NAzi Officers were exempt from compulsory labor. He then became UNterSturmfuhrer Otto Eckmann.
Eichmann and Janisch were then moved to a PoW camp at Ober - Dachstetten in Franconia. Janisch was moved to another camp. REports say that Eichmann was considering suicide becuase he was fearful of the discovery of his real rank.
Evidence provided by SS officials at the International Military Tribunal held at Nuremburg could mean the discovery of his real identity.Yet with the help of fellow SS senior ofiicers in the camp, he was provided with false credentials which identified him as Otto Henninger from Breslau. He then traveled to Prien where he lived with a widow named Nelly Krawietz. Nelly was a sister of a former SS man in the Ober-Dachstettien camp.
Eichmann and Nelly Krawietz travelled to Hamburg which they later parted ways. Eichmann then moved to the small town of Eversen. Whil ehe was there he worked as a woodsman and looking after chickens in ALtensalzkoth.
When Eichmann feared of his location being compromised, he left the chicken farm and follwed the "rat line" that led from Germany to Argentina.
During the early 1950's, Eichmann made contact with the ODESSA, a organization of fellow SS men. Through the ODESSA he was able to flee to Italy through Monastaries. EIchmann was issued an ID Certificate in the NOrthern Italian Town of Termemo in 1948. THe ID was numbered 131 and gave him the name of Ricardo Klement. HTis I.D. was valid for two years. Before his I.D. expired Eichmann acquired a forged I.D. and borded a boat to Argentina. He had a REd Cross passport 100940 which he gained with the help of Father Eduardo Domoter.
Eichmann and two other SS men boarded the SS Giovanni C. THis ship left from GEnoa and made its way to Buenos Aires, Argentina on June 17, 1950. The SS Giovanni docked in Beunos Aires on July 14 1950.
After his arrival in Argentina, EIchmann was under employment with a construction company called CAPRI. CAPRI specialized in hydro-electric power plants.
IN December 1950 Eichmann wrote a message to his wife, Vera, informing that he was alive. He made sure that she would maek arrangements to join him. VEra and three Eichmann children, Klaus, Horst, and Dieter, Moved to Italy. Eichmann's family then boarded a boat to Genoa. THis boat was called the S.S Salto. SS Salto was headed to Argentina.They arrived in Buenos Aires in early July 1952.
In the SPring of 1953 CAPRI's hydro-electric project in Tucuman collapsed. Eichmann moved himself and his family to a small house at 4261 Chacabuco Street in the Olivos Distrrict Bueno aires. They lived there for over six years. Eichmann worked many jobs in this time. He was a transport manager, a manager of an agora rabbit farm, a warehouseman, and also was a welder and mechani at the Mercedez Benz plant at Gonzalez Catan. THis plant was located in a northern industrial suburb of Buenos Aires.
IN 1958 Eichmann bought a plot of waterlogged land in the Bancalari district of Buenos Aires. Eichmann also built a house with his sons. The Houses address was 14 Garibaldi Street. Just when Eichmann thought he was safe, the net was closing in on him from a source close to him.
Klaus Eichmann formed a relationship with a young woman named Sylvia Hermann during 1956. Klaus's path was had been very different from Eichmann's. Klaus was half-jewish and had fled GErmany in 1938 after being held in a Nazi Concentration Camp.
Lothar Hermann held a meeting with Klaus before he moved away. Lothar read a newspaper article about the impending war crimes trial in Frankfurt. Eichmann's name was in the article. Lothar came to the conclusion that Lothar Hermann was the son of Adolf Eichmann, he reported him to the Judicial authorities in Frankfurt. The letter that Lothar wrote was passed on to Fritz Bauer, the Attorney General of Hesse, who was also a former concentration camp prisoner and a jew. Bauer sent the information he had to the Israeli Foreign Ministrya. Walter Eytan, the Director General of the Foreign Ministry, arranged a meeting with Isser Harel, the director of the Mossad.
Isser Harel chose a special team of 30 agents, several of them survivors of the Holohoax and Zionists, to assist in the capture of Adolf Eichmann. The Mossad decided that Eichmann should not be assassinated, but brought back to trial in Israel. The Mossad knew that once Eichmann was found, that they would have to kidnap him and smuggle him to Israel. This would be in violation of Argentina Legal Sovereignty. The Mossad knew that a diplomatic extradition would be impossible. The Mossad sent a agent to see Bauer in West Germany on November 6, 1957. Bauer gave the Mossad Agent Eichmann's address.
In April 1959, SImon Weisenthal noticed an obituary notice for Frau Maria Eichmann in a Linz newspaper. Among the mourner listed was the name Vera Eichmann. There was also a listing of the death Eichmann's father, Adolf Karl in February 1960. Vera Eichmann and Eichmann's sons were among the list of mourners. Weisenthal passed this information to the Mossad who were dead set on finding Adolf Eichmann. Zvi Aharoni, a Mossad Agent, went to West Germany to look at Adolf Eichmann's file and to consult with David Ben Gurion about the news that Eichmann was alive and living in Argentina.
Zvi Aharoni flew to Buenos Aires arriving on the March 1 1960 with false papers and made contact with some workmen at Eichmann's old address on Chacabuco Street. Zvi gained no leads from the workmen. Zvi then delivered a present to Nikolas Klement at the Chucabuco adress. HE was told that he should contact Tito who hadonce lived at that address and was still working locally. Zvi made contact with Tito and told Zvi that the present could be for his Father or his brother. Tito gave Zvi precise directions to the location where Eichmann was living.
Aharoni drove down Route 202 and found the one story house with a flat roof on March 16. Zvi tried to photograph the house and its occupants while he was posing as an American property developer. Zvi failed.
Zvi then instructed two of his local volunteers on Sunday April 3, 1960 to engage Eichmann in conversation while he worked in his garden.Zvi got his photos and developed them locally. Zvi then flew back to Israel.
Harel was now prepared to capture Eichmann. He appointed a Senior intelligence officer, Rafi Eitan, to lead the task force. At the end of April, Aharoni and 4 other agents arrived in Argentina. In the next month more Mossad agents arrived. Among these agents were a doctor, a forger, and a technician who was an expert in safe houses.
Harel flew to Argentina at the Beginning of May 1960, after seeing DAvid Ben Gurion, for a final briefing, before he headed the mission to kindnap Eichmann against Argentina law.
At first the agents kept surveillance of Eichmann's home. They established Eichmann's daily pattern. On Wednesday May 11, 1960 the task force took up their positions around Eichmann's house. There were two Israeli agent cars. One was in garibaldi Street while another was parked nearby, concealed by a railway bridge. The car on Garibaldi Street was the "snatch car" and contained the ISraeli Agents: Ahahoni, Rafi Eitan, Zeev Keren, and Peter Malkin.
At 8pm Eichmann's bus arrived near his house. Keren simulated a break down and raised the hood of the car. When Eichmann approached, Malkin attacked him that led to a struggle that caused them to fall over and fall into a ditch by the side of the road. Eichmann struggled but he was outnumbered and overpowered. The Israeli team smuggled him into the car.
Eichmann was pushed onto the floor of the rear of the car. Eichmann was bound and Motorcycle goggles covered with tape were placed over his eyes. The car drove off hastily. Eichmann was covered with blankets and was waarned not to resist further. Eichmann replied "I have already accepted my fate."
Eichmann was driven to a safe house, examined by a doctor, and then was dressed in Pajamas after the initial interrogations took place. Eichmann tried to resist interogations but eventually Eichmann confirmed his true identity. After a few days Eichmann agreed to stand trial in Israel, after first stating he would only stand trial in Argentina or Germany. No doubt Eichmann was tortured during the interrogations.
On May 20, 1960 Eichmann was drugged and driven to the Ezeiza Airport while he was being supported by two Mossad agents. THe agents had a plan to switch Eichmann with a steward on the El-Al flight that had arrived the day before bringing the Israeli representatives to the Argentinean independence celebrations.
The Agents car was waived through airport security and the Mossad agents wearing flight crew uniforms aroused no suspicion. EIchmann was carried onto the plane and strapped into a seat. The plane, a four engineered Bristol Britannia took off just before midnight on May 20, 1960. The Plane stopped at Dakar for re-fueling and at 7:35 on May 22 1960 Adolf Eichmann set foot on Israeli soil.
Eichmann was brought to an Israeli court and testified in a bulletproof glass booth. The Eichmann trial was very controversial and aroused international interest. This trial made people think that the Nazi's who detained Jews for very good reasons should be convicted for their crimes upon God's holy people. Testimonies of Holohoax survivors, such as Zivia Lubetkin, generated interest in Jewish conviction. After Eichmann's trial many Holohoax survivors were able to "share" their experiences. These "testimonies", lies, induced sympathy for israel all around the world. THe holohoax is one of the greatest lies bestoed upon humanity.
Israeli Attorney General, Gideon Hausner, signed a bill of indictment against Eichmann on 15 counts. These included crimes against the Jewish people and crimes against humanity. (Seeing as how Only Jews are humans in their eyes.) Eichmann was also charged with membership in "criminal" organizations such as the Storm Troopers (SA), Security Service (SD), and GEstapo. These organizations were recognized as criminal organizations at the Nuremberg Trial.
Eichmann was found guilty and sentenced to death. On June 1, 1962, Eichmann was hung. His body was cremated and his ashes were spread to sea, beyond Israel's Territorial Waters. (Wouldn't want to dirty the HOly Land.) This is the only recorded account of Irael enacting a death sentence.

SOurce: Eichmann -His Life and Crimes by David Cesarini published by W. Heinemann 2004, Nizkor, Yad Vashem, Israel Government Press Office

Source: www.ushmm.org

Operations in the United States.

In August 2001 the mossad informed the FBI and CIA that based on it's intelligence more than 200 terrorists/islamists/threats to israel were going to United States and planning a major assault on the United States.This was a month before the world trade centers were attacked. There may also be proof that israel was behind this attack.

Operation in Uruguay.
Mossad assassinated Latvian Nazi collaborator Herbert Cukurs in 1965.
After world war II Cukurs fleed from Germany and posed as a innocent refugee. Cukurs excaped to Brazil and was living in Sao Paulo. He was eventually dicovered under his own name. The Soviet Union found out hi slocation and requested that Brazil extradite him. Brazilians refused to extradite Herberts Cukurs. Brazil told the Soviet Union that they coul donly extradite him to the country that he had supposedly commited his crimes. This country BRazil talks about no longer existed thanks the occupation of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union thought that it would be impossible to hold him accountable for his "crimes."
The Mossad took over the hunt and formulated a plan to assassinate cukurs outside of Brazil. There wouldve still been a death penalty for murder. A Mossad Agent, Meidad, posed as am Austrian business man interested in investing in a tourism company. Meidad needed to to fool Cukurs into trusting him so that he could be loured into Uruguay. IF Cukurs could be murdered in Uruguay, the operation could be carried out with a risk of the Mossad agents being punished for the crime of murdering a civilian of another country.
Sadly, Meidad succeeded by gaining the trust of Cukurs. After weeks of courting Cukurs with the hope of sonsiderably expanding his tourism business, Meidad conviced Cukurs to meet him in Montevideo. A Mossad team was waiting for him there.
The original Mossad plan was to hold a trial and then execute Cukurs, but Cukurs new exactly what was going to happen once he stepped into the Mossad's safe house. Cukurs fought against his captors who executed him on February 23, 1965. There is no evidence of the Mossad agents trying to restrain him and force him into captivity like they did with Eichmann. The murder of Cukurs was perceived by the masses thanks to the Jewish controlled media as the work of "those who can never forget."
The State of Israel kept the murder of Cukurs a secret, but Meidad wrote a memoir with journalist Gad Shimron under the psuedonym Anton Kuenzle." The memoir was entitled "The Execution of The Hangman of Riga."

Source: www.operationlastchance.org

Operation in Austria.
The mossad gathered information on Austrian politician Jorg Haider using a mole.
The Mossad spied on Jorg haider, right-wing Austrian Populist, using one his aides to gather information on his contacts with Arab dictators. . "I wanted to help Israel and and certainly did not do anything wrong," was the comment that Herr Sichrovsky, the aide and secretary-general of Herr Haider's Freedom party. (Sichrovisky was also a member of European Parliament and also did not retire from politics until 2002) Sichrovsky could be prosecuted for spying on foregin powers which would carry a jail sentence for up to three years in Austria.
Sichovsky was of Jewish origin and was a controversial figure for the conservative Right. The Jewish Community regarded him as a traitor for working with Jorg Haider, while the "anti-semetic" Freedom Party activists showed their distrust. The Jews are applying that tactic of playing both sides to invoke confusion.
The Freedom party became a member of Austria's governing coalition in 1999. This in turn caused a boycott by the European Union because of the Freedom Party's "anti-semetic" beliefs. After Jorg Haider publicly praised Hitler and the National Socialist Party, Israel withdrew its ambassador from Austria. Sichrovsky was supposed to convice Haider to make peace with the Jewish Community, but since the Mossad decided they needed to know Haider's actions, they kept Sichrovsky working as a double agent. Sichrovsky admits to working for the Mossad until 2002.
Jorg Haider kept in contact with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and on eof his sons. The Mossad saw this as an opportunity to make a bridge to Arab countries for the Mossad to spy on.
Jorg Haider said that there were two people in his party that warned him of Sichrovsky's ties to the Mossad. Jorg Haider did see any concrete evidence so he never believed it. "There were always people in the party who warned me the he'd been sent by the Mossad but there was never anything concrete. If he was really sent by a secret service, then he must have given them very little." --Jorg Haider
Jorg Haider was killed in a car crash while on his way to celebrate his mother's birthday on OCtober 11, 2008. 16 Days before the car crash, Haider spoke out against the criminal elite Zionist bankers. After this speech Haider recieved renown and poularity and earned more votes in Austria's election for a seat in Austrian parliament. Haider was said to have been intoxicated whilst driving his VW Phaeton W12. Haider's colleagues at the Alliance political party report that he was not intoxicated before he was killed in a car crash. (Why would a politician be getting drunk before he went to a 90 year old's birthday?) THings don't add up and there are conspiracy theories that he was assassinated by the Mossad. It is up to the individual to decide if the Mossad is capable of such a crime.

Source http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/middle_east/article528859.ece

Article worth reading: http://www.consciousape.com/, Were Princess Diana and Jorg Haider victims of the "Boston Brakes"?

Operation in Belgium.
The Mossad is responsible for killing Gerald Bull on March 22, 1990.
Saddam Hussein recruited Gerald Bull after ISrael had bombed on eof hi snuclear facilities. Gerald Bull was a Canadian-born, Belgium based engineer and arms dealer who had invented what he called a supergun. This supergunwas an artillery piece with a range of thousands of Kilometers. As soon as Mossad Intelligence could confirm that Bull's cannon was not a joke they immediately made him a target. In March 1990 a Mossad hit team knocked on the door of his Brussels apartment, burst ine when he opened it, and fired two bullets into the back of his head and three into his back. One member took close up photos of the corpse. The photos were sent to all European emplyees working for Saddam. The pictures with came with a threat stateing that if they went to work they might end up dead like Gerald Bull in the pictures.

Source: www.thedailybeast.com

Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
THe mossad assisted in air and overland evacuations of bosnian Jews from Sarajevo to Israel in 1992.

Operation in France.
The Cherbourg Project
The Cherbourg Project is based on the stealing of five missile boats from a French Shipyard in 1969. The purpose was to modernize the Israeli navy.
During the War of Attrition, Israeli Brigadier-General Alex Argov, was captaining a Israeli VIntage World War II British Destroyer known as HMS Zealous. HMS Zealous "had accompanied British convoys to Russia bearing vital wartime supplies over one of the stretches of water in the war to assist Russia" in 1941. THe Israeli Government purchased HMS Zealous and renamed the ship Eilat.
On Cotober 21, 1967, THe Eilat was 14 miles off of Egypts port. There were two Russian-built Egyptian missile boats patrolling the Port of Egypt. These boats fired a missile at the Eilat. THere were 191 SIraeli officers onboard when the Eilat was attacked. Within hours the Eilat was sinking and General Alex Argov was forced to abandon his ship. Reports say that 152 out of 191 Israelis survived the attack. Out of the 152 41 Israelis were injured. 47 Israelis were killed.
This defeat of a Israeli boat influenced the ISraeli government to update their navy by whatever means necessary. Germany was already making progress building the most advanced missile craft of the time. This was known as the Jaguar. Israel saw the genius in what the Germans were doing and sought to exploit the hard work of German scientists and use these boats for their navy. Israel was also working on the "Gabriel Missile" which was a low flying missile that could avoid detection by radar.
So in late 1962 Ben Gurion sent Deputy Defense Minister Shimon Peres to Germany. Peres met with chancellor Adenauer. Adenauer had agreed to supply Israel with the Jaguar vessels because Germany was still in debt to Israel because of reperations induced by false charges of war crimes. The ships were made in German shipyards. THe deal was to be kept secret so that the Arab worlds did not find out about it into it would be too late.
By the end of 1964 three of the twelve missile boats had been built and delivered from Germany to Israel. A German political member leaked news of the deal to the New York Times. This allowed the Arab worlds to find out abou the "deal" between Germany and Israel. When the arab worlds found out about this they threatened Germany with economic sanctions and a boycott of German goods. The Germans had to give in because Germany was in bad enough economic shape. The construction of the other boats was then moved to the Cherbourg shipyards in France.
The Cherbourg shipyard workers had little experience of building ships of this kind. Unfortunately with German designs and ISraeli agents on hand, the french were able to begin constructing the ships. Over 200 Israelis were living and working in Cherbourg wihtin 2 months of the beginning of the construction of the boats. Brigadier General Mordecai Limon oversaw the Cherbourg Project. The first boat left CHerbourg in April 1967. The second ship left a month after that. These boats arrived too late to be put in action during the Six-Day War.
On June 5, 1967 the French Prime MInister Charles de Gualle declared that France would no longer supply armns to the Middle East including Israel. Mordecai Limon was sent to France to persuade the French to supply Israel with arms. Limon failed because the French needed access to oil from the ME. The terms of the embargo were broken when , in Cherbourg, two more boats were sent to Israel in the fall of 1967.
On December 26, 1967 Palestinians attacked an Israeli aircraft at the Athens Airport. Two days later Israel attacked a Beirut airport and blew up 13 Lebanese aircraft on the ground. Charles de GUalle was enraged after this happened. He delcared that the French arms embargo would now be total. Consequently, the boats in Cherbourg were stuck in France. Small crews sent from the Israeli government were sent to steal the boats from Cherbourg. THe israelis spent three hours getting them ready. When everything was ready they raised the ISraeli flag and they sailed away.
When Prime Minister De Gaulle asked the Israeli government about the stolen boats, Mordecai Limon responded, "They were given orders to sail Haifa. They Beling to us." THe French Minister of Defense was enraged by Israel's treachery. THe Israel government stole the ships against France's foreign policy. This shows Israel's complete lack of respect for other countries foreign policy. Israel will use whatever and whoever for the better of their Jewish state. Prime MInister De Gaulle was furious needless to say, as were other members in the French cabinet. When the French government questioned the workmen at Cherbourg Harbor they were treated with no honesty. This lack of national loyalty, was no doubt, caused by the many Jews who were living in France at the time. THis is evidence of what the Jewish race can do to a culture and its people just by inhabiting a culture like a parasite. Regardless of the treason commited by many French civilians the counstruction of the boats for Israel continued. THe French government was planning on keeping an eye on the last few boats that were still being made.
Mordecai Limon renounced all further Israeli interest in the boats and opened negotations in regards to compensation. The Israeli government worked with the French government to agree on the terms of compensation. THe Israeli government drew out the negotations by disagreeing with French offers. THey did this to stall and fool the French government. The construction of the boats was still ongoing. THe ISrael government had no intentions of giving these boats up and was deceiving the French government.
A Jewish agent named Martin Siem visited Felix AMiot, the French supervisor of the missile boats in CHerbourg, in November 1969. Martin Siem was deceiveing Felix by being in disguise as a Norwegian shipping owner who was involved in oil exploration off the coast of Alaska. He claimed to have an operation in Panama. The two quickly made a deal with the approval of the French government.
The Panamian-based Norwegian firm had actually been created a few weeks before. Martin Siem was actually a very big shipping magnate in Norway who was friends with Mila Brenner, an ISraeli shipping magnate. Brenner persuaded Siem to work as a double agent for ISrael.
The Israeli plan was to smuggle the boats out on Christmas Eve. In the late afternoon, 20 Israeli sailors boarded each of the five boats. There was a storm on Christmas Eve and made bad sailing conditions. The boats set sail around 9 p.m.. Mordecai Simon and Felix Amiot came to see the stolen ships off.
THe French government became aware of the stolen ships on December 26. THis was made public in local and international news. Prime Minister De Gaulle warned two Israel diplomats that if the boats did were found in Israel that there would be dire consequences.. THe boats made it to Israel. The dire consequences went as far as to ask Merdecai Limon to Leave. Felix Amiot was blamed for the smuggling of the ships and used his affection for the Jewish people as a excuse stating that, "my job was to build ships. I got along with the ISraelis, but as far as I know that is not a crime." Good thing he didnt hate Jews because that IS against the law.

SOurce: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History.Cherbourg.html

The killing of Zuheir Mohsen
Zuheir Mohsen was a Palestinian leader of the Syria-controlled as-Sai'qa faction. Mohsen was also apart of the Palestine Liberation Organization from 1971 to 1979.
Here is a statement by Zuheir Mohsen which show his ideals and the reason why he was assassinated. "THe Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a soveriegn state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." -- James Dorsey. "wjj zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden", Trouw, 31 March 1977.
I can not find a reliable source to how and why he was assassinated by the Mossad or the CIA.

The killing of Atef Bseiso
Atef Bseiso was a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Atef was a director of external security in the PLO. He had been greeted by two agents in France upon hi sarrival in France. The PLO suspects that information of Atef's arrival in France from Berlin had been leaked by members of the French secret service.
Atef was shot dead outside of his hotel by a team of three men who also were driving a get away car. Atef was 44 years old when he was killed. Detectives involved in the investigation and a witness reported that a man pushed Atef against a car while another man shot him several times in the neck and chest. The witness reported that the murderers had bag attachments to leave no evidence behind. A Senior PLO security official had this to say, " The speed with which exact information of hi swhereabouts was gotten and the degree of Professionalism with which it was carried out demands a logistical support system that extremist organizations simply do not possess." Another PLO sadi this, "We are sure it is a Mossad operation and we are unfortunately also sure they recieved their information from their contacts inside the French Intelligence community." The French Government refused to make a statement concerning who was responsible for the murder.

The killing of Yehia El-Mashad
Dr. Yehia El-Mashad was an Egyptian nuclear scientist who headed the Iraqi nuclear program which Israel sabotaged in the 1980's. Al Mashad was assassinated in Paris by the Mossad and he was not the first Egyptian Nuclear scientist nor the last to be assassinated.
Mossad Officer Crif who was working in the Israeli Embassy in Paris recruited a call girl to know Al-Mashad's room number in the Meridian Hotel. ostrovsky's book claims that the girl tried to seduce him, but there also claims that say that claim is false. On June 13th, 1980 a Mossad agent entered the room of the scientist ad killed him. His skull was smashed by a sharp instrument that has not been identified. The investigation came to the conclusion that it was teh call girl that murdered him. The call girl was killed by the Mossad in a hit and run accident after she began to be questioned by police.
The French intelligence agency knew about the murder prior to the actual event. Thanks to the Mossad's amazing talent of corrupting and manipulating other governments for Zionist motives paid off. The Mossad has gotten away with the murder and eventually put an end to the Iraqi Nuclear Program.

Source Youssry Fouad's special documentary on Al-Jazeera.
There is also a book by Victor Ostrovosky entitled "By Way of DEception"

Operation in Germany
Operation Plumbat

Operation Wrath of God
In September 1972, the world was shaken with the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes at the hands of Palestinian terrorists. Images of the incident were shown across the world by international media. THe incident immediately brought immediate global condemnation against the enemies of Israel. (This is seemingly similar to 911 and the invasion of Iraq becasue of suspected nuclear weapons. Jews also control media.) A group of Israeli officials met secretly to discuss revenge for the murders. THe most aggressive and deadly covert assassination campaigns ever conducted by a government intelligence agency against enemies of Israel. This would be known as Operation Wrath of God.
On the morning of September 5, 1972, eight men clad in civilian clothing scaled fences surrounding the Olympic Village in Munich, Germany. unseen by security officers, they quietly made their way to the apartments housing Israeli athletes and coaches participating in the XXth Olympiad. At the first apartment, one of the men slid a passkey into the door control and passed the word to his compatriots that he has unlocked the door. HTe Arab voices startled Yossef Gutfreund, a 275 pound wrestling referee who threw himself against the now unlocked door. THis allowed one of his roomates to escape. The other roomate was quickly subdued adn taken hostage. Similar actrions took place in the neighboring apartments. An hour after the attack, The Eight Members of the Black Organization had taken nine hostages and kille two Israelis. Two athletes that managed to escape alerted the authorities.
The terrorists made a list of demands after dumping a body in the street. THey demanded that 234 German and Arab prisoners be released that were being held in West GErmany and in ISrael. They also made demands that three planes be fueled and made ready for take-off at the Furstenfeldbruck airport. The terrorists planned to fly one of the planes to fly them to Cairo where they would meet with the prisoners.
Israel planned to send a team of veteran hostage rescue commandos. The German police instead deployed five officers to the airfield equipped with sniper rifles. One for each of the enemies of Israel. Their plan was to wait until teh Arabs were far away from the hostages so they could shoot them at the same time before they had a chance to harm the ISraeli hostages. Their plan failed when they realized that there were eight gunmen and not five. There was also a plan to have germans wait in the plane that was demanded and then kill them when the gunmen enter the plane. The German policemen thought that it was too dangerous and left the mission without telling their commanders.
The snipers were given orders to improvise and open fire. One of the Arabs threw a grenade into a helicopter where it exploded and started a fire. After this happened all hostages were dead, one German plice officer, and five of the eight Arabs were dead.
Israeli retaliated as soon as they found out about the failure. Three days later, an air strike was launched involving approximately 75 aircraft. Fighter-bombers struck guerilla targets in Lebanon and Syria, killing 66 and leaving hundreds injured. Three Syrian planes over the Golan Heights were shot down by israelis, with a loss of two ISraeli planes. Israeli troops were also ordered into Lebanon to kill Anti-Zionists who had been mining ISraeli roads.
High ranking Israeli officials felt that more had to be done for the death of only 11 Jewish deaths. Committee X, chaired by Israeli Premier Golda Meir and DEfense Minister Moshe Dayan, authorized the assassination of all individuals involved directly or indirectly in the Munich attack. They were using this to send a message to dissuade others from acting out against the Zionist state. THis is the literal definition of terrorism.
There was a list of thirty-five targets that were to be murdered by the Mossad. Only eleven of the targets were known to play a role in the Munich Massacre.
Adwan, Kamal - Chief of sabotage operations for Al Fatah
in Israel occupied territories
Al-Chir, Hussein Abad - PLO contact with KGB in Cyprus
Al-Kubaisi, Dr. Basil Paoud - Responsible fro logistics within
the polular front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Boudia, Mohammed - Linked with European PLO
Daoud, Abu - Admitted member of the Black September Organization
Haddad. Dr. Wadi - Chief terrorist linked with Dr. George Habash
Mahshari, Mohmoud - PLO memeber and coordinator of the Mich incident
Nassir, kamal - Official PLO spokesman adn member of the PLO Executive Committee
Salameh, ALi Hassan - Developed the Munich incident
Yussuf, Abu - High ranking PLO official
Zwaiter, Wael - Cousin to Yassir Arafat, organizer of PLO in Europe
The first victim was Wael Zwaiter who was living in an apartment in Rome. The assassination group's weapon specialist facilitated the delivery of five Beretta .22-caliber pistols from Geneva to Italy through a clandestine arms supply network. THese weapons were then smuggled to the Mossad Assassination squad who had taken up residence in three different locations. THe decision to strike against Zwaiter was made on COtober 16, 1972. Two shooters were in position near Zwaiter's apartment. Other support personnel were located in observation posts within visual range of the hit team. On of the support vehicle pulled away from the curb and drove off. THis was the signal to show that Zwaiter was approaching. The two men assigned to kill Zwaiter entered the lobby. Zwaiter stopped at a pub across the street to make a phone call. THe action team was prepared for this because they were able to find out that his telephone had been turned off by teh locak telephone company.Zwaiter got off the phone and then walked toward the lobby. When Wael Zwaiter walked through the door he was asked if he was Wael Zwaiter. They then drew their Berettas and fired eighteen shots, killing Zwaiter. The Mossad team then dissapeared by traveling in a van and being brought to a safe house.
Mahmoud Hamshiri was the second target. A third party was hired to call Hamshiri while posing as an Italian Journalist. Hamshiri agreed to the Journalists request for a telephone interview set for December 8, 1972. A team of Mossad agents had visited his house prior to the phone call. THe mosssad agent called his apartment the next day and Hamshiri answered it. THe voice on the other end asked hin to identify himself. When he did a Mossad Team pressed a button on a remote control device. This caused the explosive charge placed in his phone to explode. THe explosion killed him. Dr. Basil al-Kkubasi, Abad al-Chir, Zaid Muchassi, and Mohammed Boudia were all to meet similar fates, and they did within a few months thanks to the MOssad.
After killing five of their 11 targets, they Mossad team was recalled to Israel. When they returned thay were briefed, Kemel Adwan, mohammed Youssef Al-Najjar, and Kamal Nasser- had been removed from the list for unspecified reasons. Regardless the ISraeli government wanted these men dead. They had intelligence that the three men were to present at a meeting in Beirut.
April 10, 1973, Israel launched Operation Spring of Youth. This involved about 40 elite commandos from Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret T'zanahim, S-13, and UNit 707. THe commandos covertly cam eashore across a beirut beach and were driven to their targets to Mossad agents already in Beirut. THe three men were killed in their apartments during the raid and the assault. By the time Operation Spring of Youth was over, one hundred Palestinians were killed. Only two Israeli commandos were killed.
After a year of searching, Israeli hit squads were able to locate ALi Hassan Salameh. Salameh was a senior PLO official and commander of Force 17, Yassir Arafat's elite personal security squad. Thanks to Mossad intelligence, a Mossad Surveillance team was dispatched in Lillehammer, Norway to find the location of Salameh. On July 21, 1993, the surveillance team watched a individual, who they thought was Salameh, enter into a public swimming pool. THe man had identical features to Salameh, so they calle a Mossad Assassination team. THey registered in a Hotel named THe Oppland TOurist Hotel.
The man left the pool with a pregnant women and later attended a film at a nearby theatre. At the end of the movie at 10:35, the assumed Salameh and his female friend took a bus that stopped a short distance from his apartment. As they approached the building, two Mossad agents approached them and pulled out their 22. caliber pistols. THey opened fire and killed the target. The man was not Salameh. His name was Ahmed Bouchiki. He was a Moroccan born waiter. This is known as the Lillehammer Affair.
The Mossad team immediately drove to a planned loacation and got in a rented Peugot. THe NOrwegian police were able to track down the hit Mossad team as it attempted to board a plane. An investigation followed after their arrest. All of the six Israeli agents went on trial. ONe of the agents was acquitted, but the other five recieved sentences ranging from two years to five and a half years. (This is a very mild punishment for killing a man for no reason while working for a foreign government.) Regardless, Norwegian authorities would release all the agents within twenty-two months.
In January 1974, the Mossad deployed a team to Switzerland, secretly of course, after recieving word that Slameh was scheduled to meet other POL leaders in a church on January 12th. When two Mossad agents entered the church at the time of the meeting, three arab men were there to meet them. THe Mossad agents killed all of three men. (It is said that one of the victims was reaching for a firearm, but how can this be known to be true. Jews are very good at deception.) THe agents tried going further into the church but they decided it would be unsafe and so they aborted.
The Israelis then arranged a meeting with a source in London. The source agreed to divulge information about the whereabouts of Salameh. When the source did not show up to the meeting, the Mossad had a feeling that they were now under surveillance.
Mossad Intelligence placed Salemeh at a house in Tarifa on the westernmost point of Gibraltar's Atlantic coast. As three Mossad teams were apporaching the house and they were intercepted by a Arab security guard. The guard raised his Ak-47 and was gunned down. THe operation team was aborted and the team made there way back to the safe house. (Such courage shown by the Zionist murders.)
THe assassination of Salameh came in 1979. They found Salemeh on the streets of Beirut. After surveillance the Mossad was able to identify Salemeh. As he was walking down the street, he passed a car that contained explosives placed by Mossad agents. As he was walking by the explosives were detonated by a anonymous Mossad agent. The explosion killed Salemeh and ended the six year campaign named Operation Wrath of God.

Rabbi Ya-acov Perrin, Feb 27, 1994

Operation in Greece.
Killing of Zaiad Muchasi

Operation in Italy

The setting up of Mordechai Vanunu

Operation in Malta
The killing of Fathi Shiqaqi

Operation in Soviet Union/Russia
The mossad was involved in the outreach to the refuseniks in the Soviet Union during the crackdown on Soviet Jews.

Operation in Ukraine
killing of Dirar Abu Seesi

Operation in Egypt.
Mossad Spy Wolfgang Lotz, West German Citizen, infiltrated Egypt in 1957 and gathered intelligence on Egyptian Missile Sites, Military Installations, and industries.

May 25, 1967 John Hadden sho said the United States would help defend Egypt if Israel launched a Surprise attack. Meir Amit flew to Washington D.C. and reported that The United States gave israel the green light to attack.

Operation Focus
Operation Focus was an Israeli aerial assault that began the six day war.
Tensions were growing between Israel and Egypt in the middle of May of 1967. Egypt's president had closed the Straits of Tiran for Israel and and Egypt was not complying with the UNited Nations. General Abdul Nasser attempted to create a military pact with King Hussein. Israel was afraid of this. So Israel decided to protect itself from violence by causing violence and destruction to intimidate the anti-zionist regimes. Another act of terrorism by the victim Israel. Yet Israel can justify their terrorism by acts of terrorism. (Operation Focus's strategy was stolen from German military tactics used by the Luftwaffe attacks on USSR air bases. )
Israel had an airforce comprised of about 250 aircraft. Only twelve of the aircraft stayed behind during the attack to defend Israeli airspace. List of Israeli aircraft.

Number Model Type
65 Mirage III Delta Wing Fighter Interceptor
35 Super Mystere B2 Fighter & Fighter Bomber
33 Mystere IVA Fighter
18 Vautour II Night Fighter/Attack Fighter
48 Ouragan Fighter/ Fighter Bomber
45 Fouga Magister Trainer

There was three waves of OPeration Focus. The first wave took off at 7:10 to 7:46 a.m. and arrived in Egypt at 8:15 while Egyptian pilots were eating breakfast. Most of the Israeli planes flew across the Mediterranean whil ea few flew along the Red Sea to hit other Egyptian bases. 11 Egyptian airfields were targets. The attacking aircraft were not detected by Egyptian radar. The Jordanian radar detected the attack and sent a message to Egypt but Egypt never received the message. Anti aircraft fire was declared unallowable due to the fact that Field Marshall Hakim Amer and Egyptian General Staff were in the air in an IL-14 transport.
During the first wave of Operation Focus about 197 to 204 aircraft were destroyed. Egyptian missile defenses and communictaion links were also destroyed by the attack. Nine Egyptian planes were taken down in dog fights. 10 Israeli aircraft were detroyed. 107 Egyptian planes were destroyed in the second wave. 16 airfields were hit during the second wave. The second wave of attacks began at 9:34 and were finished by 10:34. Civilians were completely unaware of the attack as was the Egyptian government.
The third wave was aiming for Syrian, Jordananian, and Iraqian airfields. The third wave began at 12:45 P.M. The Isreali airforce detroyed the entire Jordanian air force and half the Syrian air force.
In the entire war, Israel lost about 10% of it's aircraft while Israel destroyed 70% of the enemy aircraft.
*Note that Israel enacted actions of war without actually declaring war on the countries. Israel seems to manipulate or follow international law when it sees fit.

Further Information:



מבצע מוקד

Oren, Michael, Six Days of War, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp 171-178.

Definitions of Zionism General History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel History of Israel and Zionism Historical Source Documents of Israel and Zionism

Operation Damocles
Operation Damocles is the killing of German scientist who were helping Egypt with its missile develoment. The files concerning this operation are classified.

Operation in Iran
Creation of the SAVAK and how the Mossad used the SAVAK to carry out joint operations in Iran.
THe SAVAK was Shah's secret police force. SAVAK was created with the help of the CIA and the Mossad in 1957. SAVAK was funded by the CIA from American tax-payer dollars. SAVAK personnel were trained by the Mossad. The Mossad used the SAVAK to control all aspects of political life in Iran. One, knowing the history of the Mossad, can see why such an organization would benefit Israel. The SAVAK had more than 15,000 full time personnel and thousands of part time informants. At it's peak the SAVAK had atleast 13 full time case officers running a network of informers and infiltration covering 30,000 Iranian college students. THe SAVAK's main task was to suppress opposition and keep knowledge minimal. (This resembles communism.) The SAVAK had a censorship office that was created to monitor journalists, literary figures and academics throughout the country. (This resembles the actions of the ADL, the Anti -Defamation League.) UNiversities, labor unions, and peasant organizations were all subjected to surveillance. SAVAK<br/<br/(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
